path: root/src/SoftwarePipelining/SPMVE.ml
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-12-17 10:02:23 +0000
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-12-17 10:02:23 +0000
commit51e3a17d2e65b095861c243807f4e8d76c60ea0e (patch)
treee4870fc714b872835d3e04d10954cb4f74d42cac /src/SoftwarePipelining/SPMVE.ml
parent4f67aaa8ba8b2b51716896d9be896af385652bc9 (diff)
Add Software pipelining stage by tristan et al.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/SoftwarePipelining/SPMVE.ml')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/SoftwarePipelining/SPMVE.ml b/src/SoftwarePipelining/SPMVE.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4efb49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/SoftwarePipelining/SPMVE.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+(* *)
+(* Compcert Extensions *)
+(* *)
+(* Jean-Baptiste Tristan *)
+(* *)
+(* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms *)
+(* described in file ../../LICENSE. *)
+(* *)
+open Basic
+open IMS
+module Mult = Map.Make (struct type t = reg let compare = compare end)
+let size_of_map1 m =
+ NI.fold (fun key v size -> size + 1) m 0
+let size_of_map2 m =
+ Mult.fold (fun key v size -> size + 1) m 0
+let sched_max_time sched =
+ NI.fold (fun node time max ->
+ if time > max then time else max
+ ) sched 0
+let print_table t s =
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "%s : \n" s;
+ let string_of_node_ev node =
+ match node with
+ | Some node -> string_of_node node
+ | None -> "_"
+ in
+ Array.iteri (fun i node -> Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "%i :: %s \n" i (string_of_node_ev node)) t
+let durations ddg sched ii =
+ G.fold_vertex (fun node mult ->
+ match written node with
+ | None -> mult
+ | Some r ->
+ let raw_succs = get_succs_raw ddg node in
+ let durations = List.map (fun succ ->
+ let d = NI.find succ sched - NI.find node sched in
+ if d >= 0 then d
+ else ((sched_max_time sched - NI.find node sched) + NI.find succ sched)
+ ) raw_succs in
+ let duration = List.fold_left (fun max e -> if max > e then max else e) 0 durations in
+ Mult.add r ((duration / ii) + 1) mult (* cette division est surement fdausse*)
+ ) ddg Mult.empty
+let minimizer qi ur =
+ let rec fill n =
+ if n <= ur then n :: fill (n + 1) else []
+ in
+ let l = fill qi in
+ let l = List.map (fun e -> (e,ur mod e)) l in
+ let l = List.filter (fun e -> snd e = 0) l in
+ let l = List.map fst l in
+ List.fold_left (fun min e -> if min < e then min else e) ur l
+let multiplicity ddg sched ii =
+ let qs = durations ddg sched ii in
+(* Printf.printf "Quantite de variables necessaires : \n"; *)
+(* Mult.iter (fun key mu -> print_reg key ; Printf.printf " |-> %i\n" mu) qs; *)
+ let unroll = Mult.fold (fun reg mult max ->
+ if mult > max then mult else max
+ ) qs 0 in
+ let mult = Mult.fold (fun reg mult mult ->
+ Mult.add reg (minimizer (Mult.find reg qs) unroll) mult
+ ) qs Mult.empty
+ in
+ (mult,unroll)
+let mve_kernel t ddg sched ii mult unroll =
+ let regs = Array.make ii (fresh_regs 0) in
+ for i = 0 to (ii - 1) do
+ let fregs = fresh_regs unroll in
+ Array.iter print_reg fregs;
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "\n";
+ Array.set regs i fregs
+ done;
+ let used_regs = ref [] in
+ let index r i = Mult.find r mult - ( ((i / ii) + 1) mod Mult.find r mult) in
+(* let pos i node inst = *)
+(* let separation = *)
+(* let b= NI.find node sched - NI.find inst sched in *)
+(* if b >= 0 then b *)
+(* else ((sched_max_time sched - NI.find inst sched) + NI.find node sched) *)
+(* in *)
+(* (i + separation) mod (ii * unroll) in *)
+ let new_t = Array.copy t in
+ for i = 0 to (Array.length t - 1) do
+ (* print_table new_t "Nouvelle table"; *)
+ match t.(i),new_t.(i) with
+ | Some insti, Some insti_mod ->
+ begin
+ match written insti with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some r ->
+ begin
+ let new_reg =
+ if Mult.find r mult = 0 then r
+ else regs.(i mod ii).(index r i - 1) in
+ if (not (List.mem (r,new_reg) !used_regs)) then used_regs := (r,new_reg) :: !used_regs;
+ let inst = reforge_writes insti_mod new_reg in
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "Reecriture : %s --> %s \n" (string_of_node insti) (string_of_node inst);
+ Array.set new_t i (Some inst);
+ let succs = get_succs_raw ddg insti in
+ List.iter (fun node ->
+ (* let lifetime = *)
+(* let d = NI.find node sched - NI.find insti sched in *)
+(* if d >= 0 then d *)
+(* else ((sched_max_time sched - NI.find insti sched) + 1 + NI.find node sched) *)
+(* in *)
+ (* ___Version 1___ *)
+ (* let lifetime = lifetime / ii in *)
+(* let schedtime = *)
+(* ((NI.find node sched) mod ii) (\* Position dans le premier bloc *\) *)
+(* + (ii * (i / ii)) (\* Commencement du bloc ou on travail *\) *)
+(* + (ii * lifetime ) (\* Decalage (Mult.find r mult - 1) *\) *)
+(* + ((if (NI.find node sched mod ii) < (NI.find insti sched mod ii) then 0 else 0) * ii) *)
+(* in *)
+ (* Printf.printf "seed = %i - bloc = %i - slide = %i - corr = %i - id = %i \n" *)
+(* ((NI.find node sched) mod ii) *)
+(* (ii * (i / ii)) (ii * lifetime) *)
+(* ((if (NI.find node sched mod ii) < (NI.find insti sched mod ii) then 1 else 0 ) * ii) *)
+(* id; *)
+(* Printf.printf "Successeur a traiter : %s ooo %i ooo\n" (string_of_node node) (Mult.find r mult); *)
+ (* ___Version 2___ *)
+ let schedtime =
+ if (NI.find node sched > NI.find insti sched)
+ then i + (NI.find node sched - NI.find insti sched)
+ else i - NI.find insti sched + ii + NI.find node sched
+ (* let delta = NI.find insti sched - NI.find node sched in *)
+(* (i - delta) + (((delta / ii) + 1) * ii) (\* (i - delta) + ii*\) *)
+ in
+ (* then *)
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "i = %i - def = %i - use = %i - time = %i \n"
+ i (NI.find insti sched) (NI.find node sched) schedtime;
+ (* let id = pos i node insti in *)
+ let id = schedtime mod (unroll * ii) (* le tout modulo la tabl *) in
+ let id = (id + (unroll * ii)) mod (unroll * ii) in
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "Positions to treat : %i \n" id;
+ let insttt = match new_t.(id) with
+ | Some inst -> inst
+ | None -> failwith "There should be an instruction"
+ in
+ let inst = reforge_reads insttt r new_reg in
+ Array.set new_t id (Some inst)
+ ) succs
+ end
+ end
+ | None, _ -> ()
+ | _, None -> failwith "MVE : qqch mal compris"
+ done;
+ new_t,!used_regs
+let crunch_and_unroll sched ii ur =
+ let steady_s = Array.make ii None in
+ NI.iter (fun inst time ->
+ Array.set steady_s (time mod ii) (Some inst)
+ ) sched;
+ (* Printf.printf "Etat stable : \n"; *)
+(* let string_of_node_ev node = *)
+(* match node with *)
+(* | Some node -> string_of_node node *)
+(* | None -> "_" *)
+(* in *)
+(* Array.iteri (fun i node -> Printf.printf "%i :: %s \n" i (string_of_node_ev node)) steady_s; *)
+ let steady = Array.make (ii * ur) None in
+ for i = 0 to (ur - 1) do
+ for time = 0 to (ii - 1) do
+ Array.set steady (time + i * ii) (steady_s.(time))
+ done
+ done;
+ steady
+let compute_iteration_table sched ii =
+ let t = Array.make ii None in
+ NI.iter (fun node time ->
+ Array.set t (NI.find node sched mod ii) (Some ((NI.find node sched / ii) + 1))
+ ) sched;
+ t
+let compute_prolog steady min ii unroll schedule it =
+ let prolog = ref [] in
+ let prolog_piece = ref [] in
+ for i = (min - 1) downto 0 do
+ let index = ((ii * (unroll - (min - i)))) mod (unroll * ii) in
+ prolog_piece := [];
+ for j = 0 to (ii - 1) do (* copie du sous tableau *)
+ (* Printf.printf "i : %i - j : %i - index : %i \n" i j index; *)
+ match steady.(index + j), it.(j) with
+ | Some inst , Some iter ->
+ if iter <= (i + 1) then prolog_piece := inst :: !prolog_piece; (* i + 1 au lieu de i *)
+ | None, _ -> ()
+ | _, _ -> failwith "compute_prolog: quelquechose est mal compris"
+ done;
+ prolog := List.rev (!prolog_piece) @ !prolog
+ done;
+ !prolog
+let compute_epilog steady min ii unroll schedule it =
+ let epilog = ref [] in
+ for i = 0 to (min - 1) do
+ let index = (i mod unroll) * ii in
+ for j = 0 to (ii - 1) do
+ match steady.(index + j), it.(j) with
+ | Some inst , Some iter ->
+ if iter > (i + 1) then epilog := inst :: !epilog;
+ | None, _ -> ()
+ | _, _ -> failwith "compute_prolog: quelquechose est mal compris"
+ done;
+ done;
+ List.rev (!epilog)
+let entrance = List.map (fun (a,b) -> (b,a))
+let way_out prolog epilog used_regs =
+ let l = List.rev (prolog @ epilog) in
+ let rec way_out_rec l wo =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> wo
+ | i :: l ->
+ begin
+ match written i with
+ | Some r ->
+ let mov = List.find (fun (a,b) -> r = b) used_regs in
+ if List.mem mov wo
+ then way_out_rec l wo
+ else way_out_rec l (mov :: wo)
+ | None -> way_out_rec l wo
+ end
+ in
+ way_out_rec l []
+let mve ddg sched ii =
+ assert (size_of_map1 sched = G.nb_vertex ddg);
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "L'intervalle d'initiation est de : %i \n" ii;
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "L'ordonnancement est le suivant : \n";
+ print_schedule sched;
+ let (mult,unroll) = multiplicity ddg sched ii in
+ let unroll = unroll in (* changer pour tester, default doit etre egal a unroll *)
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "Table de multiplicite : \n";
+ Mult.iter (fun key mu -> print_reg key ; Printf.fprintf Debug.dc " |-> %i\n" mu) mult;
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "Taux de deroulement de : %i \n" unroll;
+ let steady_state = crunch_and_unroll sched ii unroll in
+ let (steady_state,used_regs) = mve_kernel steady_state ddg sched ii mult unroll in
+ print_table steady_state "Table finale";
+ let min = ((sched_max_time sched) / ii) + 1 in
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "min : %i \n" min;
+ let iteration_table = compute_iteration_table sched ii in
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "Table d'iteration \n";
+ Array.iteri (fun i elt ->
+ match elt with
+ | Some elt ->
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "%i : %i\n" i elt
+ | None -> Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "%i : _ \n" i
+ ) iteration_table;
+ let prolog = compute_prolog steady_state min ii unroll sched iteration_table in
+ let prolog = List.filter (fun e -> not (is_cond e)) prolog in
+ let epilog = compute_epilog steady_state min ii unroll sched iteration_table in
+ let epilog = List.filter (fun e -> not (is_cond e)) epilog in
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "Prologue: \n";
+ List.iter (fun node -> Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "%s \n" (string_of_node node)) prolog;
+ Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "Epilogue: \n";
+ List.iter (fun node -> Printf.fprintf Debug.dc "%s \n" (string_of_node node)) epilog;
+ let way_out = way_out prolog epilog used_regs in
+ (steady_state,prolog,epilog,min - 1,unroll,entrance used_regs, way_out)