path: root/src/common
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authorMichalis Pardalos <m.pardalos@gmail.com>2021-09-19 13:40:50 +0100
committerMichalis Pardalos <m.pardalos@gmail.com>2021-09-19 13:40:50 +0100
commit997ba674288edc2fae4d9612a6722a317e53a3cc (patch)
tree23918296f90a1a5f56781c0c31f037e656418d69 /src/common
parent1e9f6a752895ca6cae09cb0a966a044a73c308af (diff)
[WIP] Progress on Icall proof
Diffstat (limited to 'src/common')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/Vericertlib.v b/src/common/Vericertlib.v
index 84c272b..e9e058d 100644
--- a/src/common/Vericertlib.v
+++ b/src/common/Vericertlib.v
@@ -236,6 +236,41 @@ Ltac maybe t := t + idtac.
Global Opaque Nat.div.
Global Opaque Z.mul.
+Inductive Ascending : list positive -> Prop :=
+ | Ascending_nil : Ascending nil
+ | Ascending_single : forall x, Ascending (x::nil)
+ | Ascending_cons : forall x y l, (x < y)%positive -> Ascending (y::l) -> Ascending (x::y::l).
+Lemma map_fst_split : forall A B (l : list (A * B)), List.map fst l = fst (List.split l).
+ induction l; crush.
+ destruct a; destruct (split l).
+ crush.
+Lemma Ascending_Forall : forall l x, Ascending (x :: l) -> Forall (fun y => x < y)%positive l.
+ induction l; crush.
+ inv H.
+ specialize (IHl _ H4).
+ apply Forall_cons.
+ - crush.
+ - apply Forall_impl with (P:=(fun y : positive => (a < y)%positive)); crush.
+Lemma Ascending_NoDup : forall l, Ascending l -> NoDup l.
+ induction 1; simplify.
+ - constructor.
+ - constructor. crush. constructor.
+ - constructor; auto.
+ intro contra. inv contra; crush.
+ auto_apply Ascending_Forall.
+ rewrite Forall_forall in *.
+ specialize (H2 x ltac:(auto)).
+ lia.
(* Definition const (A B : Type) (a : A) (b : B) : A := a.
Definition compose (A B C : Type) (f : B -> C) (g : A -> B) (x : A) : C := f (g x). *)