path: root/src/hls/Gible.v
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authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2022-05-25 18:26:20 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2022-05-25 18:26:20 +0100
commit81618c8d08bd70effcbe3ec087f69106e3cedf95 (patch)
tree5265bc6bf311c5e744cc52640327cdfb06dad2f2 /src/hls/Gible.v
parentb3e2078df318a2d5e54de0b09963f37d63327f0a (diff)
Translate the base languages
Diffstat (limited to 'src/hls/Gible.v')
1 files changed, 595 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/Gible.v b/src/hls/Gible.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22d25f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hls/Gible.v
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+ Vericert: Verified high-level synthesis.
+ Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Yann Herklotz <yann@yannherklotz.com>
+ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+These instructions are used for ``RTLBlock`` and ``RTLPar``, so that they have
+consistent instructions, which greatly simplifies the proofs, as they will by
+default have the same instruction syntax and semantics. The only changes are
+therefore at the top-level of the instructions.
+.. coq:: none
+Require Import compcert.backend.Registers.
+Require Import compcert.common.AST.
+Require Import compcert.common.Events.
+Require Import compcert.common.Globalenvs.
+Require Import compcert.common.Memory.
+Require Import compcert.common.Values.
+Require Import compcert.lib.Integers.
+Require Import compcert.common.Smallstep.
+Require Import compcert.lib.Maps.
+Require Import compcert.verilog.Op.
+Require Import Predicate.
+Require Import Vericertlib.
+Definition node := positive.
+.. index::
+ triple: definition; RTLBlockInstr; instruction
+Instruction Definition
+First, we define the instructions that can be placed into a basic block, meaning
+they won't branch. The main changes to how instructions are defined in ``RTL``,
+is that these instructions don't have a next node, as they will be in a basic
+block, and they also have an optional predicate (``pred_op``).
+.. index::
+ triple: definition; RTLBlockInstr; control-flow instruction
+Control-Flow Instruction Definition
+These are the instructions that count as control-flow, and will be placed at the
+end of the basic blocks.
+Inductive cf_instr : Type :=
+| RBcall : signature -> reg + ident -> list reg -> reg -> node -> cf_instr
+| RBtailcall : signature -> reg + ident -> list reg -> cf_instr
+| RBbuiltin : external_function -> list (builtin_arg reg) ->
+ builtin_res reg -> node -> cf_instr
+| RBcond : condition -> list reg -> node -> node -> cf_instr
+| RBjumptable : reg -> list node -> cf_instr
+| RBreturn : option reg -> cf_instr
+| RBgoto : node -> cf_instr
+| RBpred_cf : pred_op -> cf_instr -> cf_instr -> cf_instr.
+Inductive instr : Type :=
+| RBnop : instr
+| RBop :
+ option pred_op -> operation -> list reg -> reg -> instr
+| RBload :
+ option pred_op -> memory_chunk -> addressing -> list reg -> reg -> instr
+| RBstore :
+ option pred_op -> memory_chunk -> addressing -> list reg -> reg -> instr
+| RBsetpred :
+ option pred_op -> condition -> list reg -> predicate -> instr
+| RBexit : option pred_op -> cf_instr -> instr.
+Helper Functions
+Fixpoint successors_instr (i : cf_instr) : list node :=
+ match i with
+ | RBcall sig ros args res s => s :: nil
+ | RBtailcall sig ros args => nil
+ | RBbuiltin ef args res s => s :: nil
+ | RBcond cond args ifso ifnot => ifso :: ifnot :: nil
+ | RBjumptable arg tbl => tbl
+ | RBreturn optarg => nil
+ | RBgoto n => n :: nil
+ | RBpred_cf p c1 c2 =>
+ concat (successors_instr c1 :: successors_instr c2 :: nil)
+ end.
+Fixpoint max_reg_cfi (m : positive) (i : cf_instr) :=
+ match i with
+ | RBcall sig (inl r) args res s =>
+ fold_left Pos.max args (Pos.max r (Pos.max res m))
+ | RBcall sig (inr id) args res s =>
+ fold_left Pos.max args (Pos.max res m)
+ | RBtailcall sig (inl r) args =>
+ fold_left Pos.max args (Pos.max r m)
+ | RBtailcall sig (inr id) args =>
+ fold_left Pos.max args m
+ | RBbuiltin ef args res s =>
+ fold_left Pos.max (params_of_builtin_args args)
+ (fold_left Pos.max (params_of_builtin_res res) m)
+ | RBcond cond args ifso ifnot => fold_left Pos.max args m
+ | RBjumptable arg tbl => Pos.max arg m
+ | RBreturn None => m
+ | RBreturn (Some arg) => Pos.max arg m
+ | RBgoto n => m
+ | RBpred_cf p c1 c2 => Pos.max (max_reg_cfi m c1) (max_reg_cfi m c2)
+ end.
+Definition max_reg_instr (m: positive) (i: instr) :=
+ match i with
+ | RBnop => m
+ | RBop p op args res =>
+ fold_left Pos.max args (Pos.max res m)
+ | RBload p chunk addr args dst =>
+ fold_left Pos.max args (Pos.max dst m)
+ | RBstore p chunk addr args src =>
+ fold_left Pos.max args (Pos.max src m)
+ | RBsetpred p' c args p =>
+ fold_left Pos.max args m
+ | RBexit _ c => max_reg_cfi m c
+ end.
+Definition regset := Regmap.t val.
+Definition predset := PMap.t bool.
+Definition eval_predf (pr: predset) (p: pred_op) :=
+ sat_predicate p (fun x => pr !! (Pos.of_nat x)).
+ Instance eval_predf_Proper : Proper (eq ==> equiv ==> eq) eval_predf.
+ unfold Proper. simplify. unfold "==>".
+ intros.
+ unfold sat_equiv in *. intros. unfold eval_predf. subst. apply H0.
+#[local] Open Scope pred_op.
+Lemma eval_predf_Pand :
+ forall ps p p',
+ eval_predf ps (p ∧ p') = eval_predf ps p && eval_predf ps p'.
+Proof. unfold eval_predf; split; simplify; auto with bool. Qed.
+Lemma eval_predf_Por :
+ forall ps p p',
+ eval_predf ps (p ∨ p') = eval_predf ps p || eval_predf ps p'.
+Proof. unfold eval_predf; split; simplify; auto with bool. Qed.
+Lemma eval_predf_pr_equiv :
+ forall p ps ps',
+ (forall x, ps !! x = ps' !! x) ->
+ eval_predf ps p = eval_predf ps' p.
+ induction p; simplify; auto;
+ try (unfold eval_predf; simplify;
+ repeat (destruct_match; []); inv Heqp0; rewrite <- H; auto);
+ [repeat rewrite eval_predf_Pand|repeat rewrite eval_predf_Por];
+ erewrite IHp1; try eassumption; erewrite IHp2; eauto.
+Fixpoint init_regs (vl: list val) (rl: list reg) {struct rl} : regset :=
+ match rl, vl with
+ | r1 :: rs, v1 :: vs => Regmap.set r1 v1 (init_regs vs rs)
+ | _, _ => Regmap.init Vundef
+ end.
+Instruction State
+Definition of the instruction state, which contains the following:
+:is_rs: This is the current state of the registers.
+:is_ps: This is the current state of the predicate registers, which is in a
+ separate namespace and area compared to the standard registers in [is_rs].
+:is_mem: The current state of the memory.
+Record instr_state := mk_instr_state {
+ is_rs: regset;
+ is_ps: predset;
+ is_mem: mem;
+ }.
+Variant istate : Type :=
+ | Iexec : instr_state -> istate
+ | Iterm : instr_state -> cf_instr -> istate.
+Inductive eval_pred:
+ option pred_op -> instr_state -> instr_state -> instr_state -> Prop :=
+| eval_pred_true:
+ forall i i' p,
+ eval_predf (is_ps i) p = true ->
+ eval_pred (Some p) i i' i'
+| eval_pred_false:
+ forall i i' p,
+ eval_predf (is_ps i) p = false ->
+ eval_pred (Some p) i i' i
+| eval_pred_none:
+ forall i i', eval_pred None i i' i'.
+Section RELABSTR.
+ Context {A B : Type} (ge : Genv.t A B).
+.. index::
+ triple: semantics; RTLBlockInstr; instruction
+Step Instruction
+Variant step_instr: val -> istate -> instr -> istate -> Prop :=
+ | exec_RBnop:
+ forall sp ist,
+ step_instr sp ist RBnop ist
+ | exec_RBop:
+ forall op v res args rs m sp p ist pr,
+ eval_operation ge sp op rs##args m = Some v ->
+ eval_pred p (mk_instr_state rs pr m)
+ (mk_instr_state (rs#res <- v) pr m) ist ->
+ step_instr sp (Iexec (mk_instr_state rs pr m)) (RBop p op args res) (Iexec ist)
+ | exec_RBload:
+ forall addr rs args a chunk m v dst sp p pr ist,
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
+ Mem.loadv chunk m a = Some v ->
+ eval_pred p (mk_instr_state rs pr m)
+ (mk_instr_state (rs#dst <- v) pr m) ist ->
+ step_instr sp (Iexec (mk_instr_state rs pr m))
+ (RBload p chunk addr args dst) (Iexec ist)
+ | exec_RBstore:
+ forall addr rs args a chunk m src m' sp p pr ist,
+ eval_addressing ge sp addr rs##args = Some a ->
+ Mem.storev chunk m a rs#src = Some m' ->
+ eval_pred p (mk_instr_state rs pr m)
+ (mk_instr_state rs pr m') ist ->
+ step_instr sp (Iexec (mk_instr_state rs pr m))
+ (RBstore p chunk addr args src) (Iexec ist)
+ | exec_RBsetpred:
+ forall sp rs pr m p c b args p' ist,
+ Op.eval_condition c rs##args m = Some b ->
+ eval_pred p' (mk_instr_state rs pr m)
+ (mk_instr_state rs (pr#p <- b) m) ist ->
+ step_instr sp (Iexec (mk_instr_state rs pr m))
+ (RBsetpred p' c args p) (Iexec ist)
+ | exec_RBexit_Some:
+ forall p c sp b i,
+ eval_predf (is_ps i) p = b ->
+ step_instr sp (Iexec i) (RBexit (Some p) c) (if b then Iterm i c else Iexec i)
+ | exec_RBexit_None:
+ forall c sp i,
+ step_instr sp (Iexec i) (RBexit None c) (Iterm i c)
+A big-step semantics describing the execution of a list of instructions. This
+uses a higher-order function ``step_i``, so that this ``Inductive`` can be
+nested to describe the execution of nested lists.
+Inductive step_list {A} (step_i: val -> istate -> A -> istate -> Prop):
+ val -> istate -> list A -> istate -> Prop :=
+| exec_RBcons:
+ forall state i state' state'' instrs sp,
+ step_i sp state i state' ->
+ step_list step_i sp state' instrs state'' ->
+ step_list step_i sp state (i :: instrs) state''
+| exec_RBnil:
+ forall state sp,
+ step_list step_i sp state nil state.
+Top-Level Type Definitions
+Module Type BlockType.
+ Parameter t: Type.
+ Section STEP.
+ Context {A B : Type}.
+ Parameter step: Genv.t A B -> val -> istate -> t -> istate -> Prop.
+ End STEP.
+ Parameter max_reg : positive -> node -> t -> positive.
+ Parameter length : t -> nat.
+End BlockType.
+Module Gible(B : BlockType).
+ Definition code: Type := PTree.t B.t.
+ Record function: Type := mkfunction {
+ fn_sig: signature;
+ fn_params: list reg;
+ fn_stacksize: Z;
+ fn_code: code;
+ fn_entrypoint: node
+ }.
+ Definition fundef := AST.fundef function.
+ Definition program := AST.program fundef unit.
+ Definition funsig (fd: fundef) :=
+ match fd with
+ | Internal f => fn_sig f
+ | External ef => ef_sig ef
+ end.
+ Inductive stackframe : Type :=
+ | Stackframe:
+ forall (res: reg) (**r where to store the result *)
+ (f: function) (**r calling function *)
+ (sp: val) (**r stack pointer in calling function *)
+ (pc: node) (**r program point in calling function *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state in calling function *)
+ (pr: predset), (**r predicate state of the calling
+ function *)
+ stackframe.
+State Definition
+The definition of ``state`` is normal now, and is directly the same as in other
+intermediate languages. The main difference in the execution of the semantics,
+though is that executing basic blocks uses big-step semantics.
+ Variant state : Type :=
+ | State:
+ forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (f: function) (**r current function *)
+ (sp: val) (**r stack pointer *)
+ (pc: node) (**r current program point in [c] *)
+ (rs: regset) (**r register state *)
+ (pr: predset) (**r predicate register state *)
+ (m: mem), (**r memory state *)
+ state
+ | Callstate:
+ forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (f: fundef) (**r function to call *)
+ (args: list val) (**r arguments to the call *)
+ (m: mem), (**r memory state *)
+ state
+ | Returnstate:
+ forall (stack: list stackframe) (**r call stack *)
+ (v: val) (**r return value for the call *)
+ (m: mem), (**r memory state *)
+ state.
+Old version of state
+The definition of state used to be a bit strange when compared to other state
+definitions in CompCert. The main reason for that is the inclusion of ``list
+bblock_body``, even though theoretically this is not necessary as one can use
+the program counter ``pc`` to index the current function and find the whole
+basic block that needs to be executed.
+However, the state definition needs to be viable for a translation from ``RTL``
+into ``RTLBlock``, as well as larger grained optimisations such as scheduling.
+The proof of semantic correctness of the first translation requires that the
+instructions are executed one after another. As it is not possible to perform
+multiple steps in the input language for one step in the output language,
+without showing that the ``state`` is reduced by some measure, the current basic
+block needs to be present inside of the state.
+The ideal solution to this would be to have two indices, one which finds the
+current basic block to execute, and another which keeps track of the offset.
+This would make the basic block generation proof much simpler, because there is
+a direct correlation between the program counter in ``RTL`` and the program
+counter in addition to the offset in ``RTLBlock``.
+On the other hand, the best solution for proving scheduling correct would be a
+pure big step style semantics for executing the basic block. This would not
+need to include anything relating to the basic block in the state, as it would
+execute each basic block at a time. Referring to each instruction individually
+becomes impossible then, because the state transition skips over it directly.
+Finally, the way the state is actually implemented is using a mixture of the two
+methods above. Instead of having two indices, the internal index is instead a
+list of remaining instructions to executed in the current block. In case of
+transformations that need to reason about each instruction individually, the
+list of instructions will be reduced one instruction at a time. However, in the
+case of transformations that only need to reason about basic blocks at a time
+will only use the fact that one can transform a list of instructions into a next
+state transition (``JumpState``).
+ Section RELSEM.
+ Definition genv := Genv.t fundef unit.
+ Context (ge: genv).
+ Definition find_function
+ (ros: reg + ident) (rs: regset) : option fundef :=
+ match ros with
+ | inl r => Genv.find_funct ge rs#r
+ | inr symb =>
+ match Genv.find_symbol ge symb with
+ | None => None
+ | Some b => Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b
+ end
+ end.
+.. index::
+ triple: semantics; RTLBlockInstr; control-flow instruction
+Step Control-Flow Instruction
+These control-flow instruction semantics are essentially the same as in RTL,
+with the addition of a recursive conditional instruction, which is used to
+support if-conversion.
+ Inductive step_cf_instr: state -> cf_instr -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_RBcall:
+ forall s f sp rs m res fd ros sig args pc pc' pr,
+ find_function ros rs = Some fd ->
+ funsig fd = sig ->
+ step_cf_instr
+ (State s f sp pc rs pr m) (RBcall sig ros args res pc')
+ E0 (Callstate (Stackframe res f sp pc' rs pr :: s) fd rs##args m)
+ | exec_RBtailcall:
+ forall s f stk rs m sig ros args fd m' pc pr,
+ find_function ros rs = Some fd ->
+ funsig fd = sig ->
+ Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ step_cf_instr
+ (State s f (Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero) pc rs pr m)
+ (RBtailcall sig ros args)
+ E0 (Callstate s fd rs##args m')
+ | exec_RBbuiltin:
+ forall s f sp rs m ef args res pc' vargs t vres m' pc pr,
+ eval_builtin_args ge (fun r => rs#r) sp m args vargs ->
+ external_call ef ge vargs m t vres m' ->
+ step_cf_instr
+ (State s f sp pc rs pr m) (RBbuiltin ef args res pc')
+ t (State s f sp pc' (regmap_setres res vres rs) pr m')
+ | exec_RBcond:
+ forall s f sp rs m cond args ifso ifnot b pc pc' pr,
+ eval_condition cond rs##args m = Some b ->
+ pc' = (if b then ifso else ifnot) ->
+ step_cf_instr
+ (State s f sp pc rs pr m)
+ (RBcond cond args ifso ifnot)
+ E0 (State s f sp pc' rs pr m)
+ | exec_RBjumptable:
+ forall s f sp rs m arg tbl n pc pc' pr,
+ rs#arg = Vint n ->
+ list_nth_z tbl (Int.unsigned n) = Some pc' ->
+ step_cf_instr
+ (State s f sp pc rs pr m)
+ (RBjumptable arg tbl)
+ E0 (State s f sp pc' rs pr m)
+ | exec_RBreturn:
+ forall s f stk rs m or pc m' pr,
+ Mem.free m stk 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = Some m' ->
+ step_cf_instr
+ (State s f (Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero) pc rs pr m)
+ (RBreturn or)
+ E0 (Returnstate s (regmap_optget or Vundef rs) m')
+ | exec_RBgoto:
+ forall s f sp pc rs pr m pc',
+ step_cf_instr (State s f sp pc rs pr m)
+ (RBgoto pc') E0 (State s f sp pc' rs pr m)
+ | exec_RBpred_cf:
+ forall s f sp pc rs pr m cf1 cf2 st' p t,
+ step_cf_instr
+ (State s f sp pc
+ rs pr m) (if eval_predf pr p then cf1 else cf2) t st' ->
+ step_cf_instr
+ (State s f sp pc rs pr m) (RBpred_cf p cf1 cf2)
+ t st'.
+Top-level step
+The step function itself then uses this big step of the list of instructions to
+then show a transition from basic block to basic block. The one particular
+aspect of this is that the basic block is also part of the state, which has to
+be correctly set during the execution of the function. Function calls and
+function returns then also need to set the basic block properly. This means
+that the basic block of the returning function also needs to be stored in the
+stackframe, as that is the only assumption one can make when returning from a
+ Variant step: state -> trace -> state -> Prop :=
+ | exec_bblock:
+ forall s f sp pc rs rs' m m' bb pr pr' t state cf,
+ f.(fn_code) ! pc = Some bb ->
+ B.step ge sp (Iexec (mk_instr_state rs pr m)) bb (Iterm (mk_instr_state rs' pr' m') cf) ->
+ step_cf_instr (State s f sp pc rs' pr' m') cf t state ->
+ step (State s f sp pc rs pr m) t state
+ | exec_function_internal:
+ forall s f args m m' stk,
+ Mem.alloc m 0 f.(fn_stacksize) = (m', stk) ->
+ step (Callstate s (Internal f) args m)
+ E0 (State s f
+ (Vptr stk Ptrofs.zero)
+ f.(fn_entrypoint)
+ (init_regs args f.(fn_params))
+ (PMap.init false)
+ m')
+ | exec_function_external:
+ forall s ef args res t m m',
+ external_call ef ge args m t res m' ->
+ step (Callstate s (External ef) args m)
+ t (Returnstate s res m')
+ | exec_return:
+ forall res f sp pc rs s vres m pr,
+ step (Returnstate (Stackframe res f sp pc rs pr :: s) vres m)
+ E0 (State s f sp pc (rs#res <- vres) pr m).
+ Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
+ | initial_state_intro: forall b f m0,
+ let ge := Genv.globalenv p in
+ Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
+ Genv.find_symbol ge p.(prog_main) = Some b ->
+ Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some f ->
+ funsig f = signature_main ->
+ initial_state p (Callstate nil f nil m0).
+ Inductive final_state: state -> int -> Prop :=
+ | final_state_intro: forall r m,
+ final_state (Returnstate nil (Vint r) m) r.
+We first describe the semantics by assuming a global program environment with
+type ~genv~ which was declared earlier.
+ Definition semantics (p: program) :=
+ Semantics step (initial_state p) final_state (Genv.globalenv p).
+ Definition max_reg_function (f: function) :=
+ Pos.max
+ (PTree.fold B.max_reg f.(fn_code) 1%positive)
+ (fold_left Pos.max f.(fn_params) 1%positive).
+ Definition max_pc_function (f: function) : positive :=
+ PTree.fold
+ (fun m pc i =>
+ (Pos.max m
+ (pc + match Z.of_nat (B.length i)
+ with Z.pos p => p | _ => 1 end))%positive)
+ f.(fn_code) 1%positive.
+End Gible.