path: root/src/hls
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authorMichalis Pardalos <m.pardalos@gmail.com>2021-05-08 17:43:35 +0100
committerMichalis Pardalos <m.pardalos@gmail.com>2021-05-08 17:43:45 +0100
commit12a8b9d3cf31b35dcaff13b9e7c2d38fbf432403 (patch)
tree6ebb952af2b3af4a64bf1882ae007bc46365a56c /src/hls
parent8fa89c3e400fff4e9a4ec28eba6393cdca48362b (diff)
Progress on tr_module proof
Diffstat (limited to 'src/hls')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 52 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/HTLgenspec.v b/src/hls/HTLgenspec.v
index 1f20c35..1ccd69a 100644
--- a/src/hls/HTLgenspec.v
+++ b/src/hls/HTLgenspec.v
@@ -145,9 +145,8 @@ Ltac intro_step :=
Ltac trans_step s1 s2 :=
match goal with
- | [ INCR : st_prop s1 s2 |- _ ] => destruct INCR
+ | [ INCR : st_prop s1 s2 |- _ ] => try solve [inversion INCR; crush]; destruct INCR
- try solve [ crush ];
solve [
match goal with
| [ MAP_INCR : HTLgen.map_incr ?map _ _ |- (?map _) ! ?idx = _ ] =>
@@ -337,13 +336,13 @@ Inductive tr_module (f : RTL.function) : module -> Prop :=
stk_len = Z.to_nat (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) / 4) ->
Z.modulo (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) 4 = 0 ->
0 <= f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) < Integers.Ptrofs.modulus ->
- st = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 1)%positive ->
- fin = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 2)%positive ->
- rtrn = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 3)%positive ->
- stk = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 4)%positive ->
- start = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 5)%positive ->
- rst = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 6)%positive ->
- clk = ((RTL.max_reg_function f) + 7)%positive ->
+ (st > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (fin > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (rtrn > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (stk > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (start > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (rst > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (clk > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
tr_module f m.
Hint Constructors tr_module : htlspec.
@@ -430,7 +429,7 @@ Proof.
auto_apply create_reg_controllogic_trans.
inv EQ; auto.
-Hint Resolve map_externctrl_datapath_trans : htlspec.
+Hint Resolve map_externctrl_controllogic_trans : htlspec.
Lemma declare_reg_datapath_trans :
forall sz s s' x i iop r,
@@ -582,9 +581,9 @@ Ltac inv_incr :=
Lemma collect_controllogic_trans :
- forall A f l cs cs' ci,
+ forall A f l cs cs' ci x,
(forall s s' x i y, f y s = OK x s' i -> s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic)) ->
- @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK tt cs' ci -> cs.(st_controllogic) = cs'.(st_controllogic).
+ @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK x cs' ci -> cs.(st_controllogic) = cs'.(st_controllogic).
induction l; intros; monadInv H0.
- trivial.
@@ -592,9 +591,9 @@ Proof.
Lemma collect_datapath_trans :
- forall A f l cs cs' ci,
+ forall A f l cs cs' ci x,
(forall s s' x i y, f y s = OK x s' i -> s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath)) ->
- @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK tt cs' ci -> cs.(st_datapath) = cs'.(st_datapath).
+ @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK x cs' ci -> cs.(st_datapath) = cs'.(st_datapath).
induction l; intros; monadInv H0.
- trivial.
@@ -602,9 +601,9 @@ Proof.
Lemma collect_freshreg_trans :
- forall A f l cs cs' ci,
+ forall A f l cs cs' ci x,
(forall s s' x i y, f y s = OK x s' i -> s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg)) ->
- @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK tt cs' ci -> cs.(st_freshreg) = cs'.(st_freshreg).
+ @HTLMonadExtra.collectlist A f l cs = OK x cs' ci -> cs.(st_freshreg) = cs'.(st_freshreg).
induction l; intros; monadInv H0.
- trivial.
@@ -612,26 +611,28 @@ Proof.
Lemma collect_declare_controllogic_trans :
- forall io n l s s' i,
- HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK tt s' i ->
+ forall io n l s s' i x,
+ HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK x s' i ->
s.(st_controllogic) = s'.(st_controllogic).
intros. eapply collect_controllogic_trans; try eassumption.
intros. eapply declare_reg_controllogic_trans. simpl in H0. eassumption.
+Hint Resolve collect_declare_controllogic_trans : htlspec.
Lemma collect_declare_datapath_trans :
- forall io n l s s' i,
- HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK tt s' i ->
+ forall io n l s s' i x,
+ HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK x s' i ->
s.(st_datapath) = s'.(st_datapath).
intros. eapply collect_datapath_trans; try eassumption.
intros. eapply declare_reg_datapath_trans. simpl in H0. eassumption.
+Hint Resolve collect_declare_datapath_trans : htlspec.
Lemma collect_declare_freshreg_trans :
- forall io n l s s' i,
- HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK tt s' i ->
+ forall io n l s s' i x,
+ HTLMonadExtra.collectlist (fun r : reg => declare_reg io r n) l s = OK x s' i ->
s.(st_freshreg) = s'.(st_freshreg).
intros. eapply collect_freshreg_trans; try eassumption.
@@ -801,48 +802,75 @@ Proof.
Hint Resolve iter_expand_instr_spec : htlspec.
+Lemma map_incr_some : forall {A} map (s s' : st) idx (x : A),
+ (map s) ! idx = Some x ->
+ map_incr map s s' ->
+ (map s') ! idx = Some x.
+Proof. intros * ? Hincr. destruct Hincr with idx; crush. Qed.
+Hint Resolve map_incr_some : htlspec.
+Lemma tr_code_trans : forall c pc instr fin rtrn stack s s',
+ tr_code c pc instr (st_datapath s) (st_controllogic s) (st_externctrl s) fin rtrn (st_st s) stack ->
+ st_prop s s' ->
+ tr_code c pc instr (st_datapath s') (st_controllogic s') (st_externctrl s') fin rtrn (st_st s') stack.
+ intros * Htr Htrans.
+ destruct Htr.
+ + eapply tr_code_single.
+ * trans_step s s'.
+ * inversion Htrans.
+ destruct H6 with pc. crush.
+ rewrite H11. eauto.
+ * inversion Htrans.
+ destruct H7 with pc. crush.
+ rewrite H11. eauto.
+ * inversion Htrans. crush.
+ + eapply tr_code_call; eauto with htlspec.
+ simplify.
+ inversion Htrans.
+ replace (st_st s').
+ repeat eexists; try (eapply map_incr_some; inversion Htrans; eauto with htlspec); try eauto with htlspec; admit.
+ + eapply tr_code_return; eauto with htlspec.
+ inversion Htrans.
+ simplify. eexists.
+ replace (st_st s').
+ repeat split; eauto with htlspec.
+ Unshelve. eauto.
+Hint Resolve tr_code_trans : htlspec.
+Hint Resolve PTree.elements_complete : htlspec.
Theorem transl_module_correct :
forall i f m,
transl_module i f = Errors.OK m -> tr_module f m.
- intros until m.
- unfold transl_module.
- unfold run_mon.
- destruct (transf_module i f (max_state f)) eqn:?; try discriminate.
- intros. inv H.
+ intros * H.
+ unfold transl_module in *.
+ unfold run_mon in *.
+ unfold_match H.
+ inv H.
inversion s; subst.
unfold transf_module in *.
unfold stack_correct in *.
+ unfold_match Heqr.
destruct (0 <=? RTL.fn_stacksize f) eqn:STACK_BOUND_LOW;
destruct (RTL.fn_stacksize f <? Integers.Ptrofs.modulus) eqn:STACK_BOUND_HIGH;
destruct (RTL.fn_stacksize f mod 4 =? 0) eqn:STACK_ALIGN;
- crush;
- monadInv Heqr.
+ crush.
+ monadInv Heqr.
repeat unfold_match EQ9. monadInv EQ9.
- (* TODO: We should be able to fold this into the automation. *)
- pose proof (create_arr_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ0) as STK_LEN. inv STK_LEN. inv H5.
- pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ) as FIN_VAL. inv FIN_VAL.
- pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ1) as RET_VAL. inv RET_VAL.
- destruct x3. destruct x4.
- pose proof (collect_trans_instr_freshreg_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ2) as TR_INSTR.
- pose proof (collect_declare_freshreg_trans _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ3) as TR_DEC.
- pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ4) as START_VAL. inv START_VAL.
- pose proof (create_reg_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ5) as RESET_VAL. inv RESET_VAL.
- pose proof (map_externctrl_inv _ _ _ _ _ _ EQ6) as CLK_VAL. inv CLK_VAL.
- rewrite H9 in *. rewrite H8 in *. replace (st_freshreg s4) with (st_freshreg s2) in * by congruence.
- rewrite H6 in *. rewrite H7 in *. rewrite H5 in *. simpl in *.
- inv_incr.
- econstructor; simpl; auto; try lia.
- intros.
- assert (EQ3D := EQ3).
- apply collect_declare_datapath_trans in EQ3.
- apply collect_declare_controllogic_trans in EQ3D.
- replace (st_controllogic s10) with (st_controllogic s3) by congruence.
- replace (st_datapath s10) with (st_datapath s3) by congruence.
- replace (st_st s10) with (st_st s3) by congruence.
- eapply iter_expand_instr_spec; eauto with htlspec.
- apply PTree.elements_complete.
+ monadInv EQ7.
+ econstructor; eauto with htlspec.
+ * admit.
+ * admit.
+ * admit.
+ * admit.
+ * admit.
+ * admit.
+ * admit.
+ * admit.