path: root/src/verilog/Verilog.v
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authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-04-15 17:28:52 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-04-15 17:28:52 +0100
commit540bb4bf897ea632417c6452bb0c811d3a7d4dbd (patch)
treec540f3f0627de006e60ae47cd0e1e86745095c51 /src/verilog/Verilog.v
parent18a888d24e5bfcc75122a682b690ec4788584dd2 (diff)
Add Verilog semantics with new Verilog module
Diffstat (limited to 'src/verilog/Verilog.v')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/src/verilog/Verilog.v b/src/verilog/Verilog.v
index b9200b7..0315cb7 100644
--- a/src/verilog/Verilog.v
+++ b/src/verilog/Verilog.v
@@ -21,38 +21,44 @@ From Coq Require Import
- ZArith.
+ ZArith
+ Lists.List
+ Program.
-From bbv Require Word.
+Import ListNotations.
-From coqup.common Require Import Coquplib Show.
+From coqup Require Import common.Coquplib common.Show verilog.Value.
From compcert Require Integers.
+From compcert Require Import Errors.
-Import ListNotations.
+Notation "a ! b" := (PositiveMap.find b a) (at level 1).
Definition reg : Type := positive.
+Definition node : Type := positive.
Definition szreg : Type := reg * nat.
-Record value : Type := mkvalue {
- vsize : nat;
- vword : Word.word vsize
+Definition assoclist : Type := PositiveMap.t value.
+(** * Verilog AST
+The Verilog AST is defined here, which is the target language of the
-Definition posToValue (p : positive) : value :=
- let size := Z.to_nat (Z.succ (log_inf p)) in
- mkvalue size (Word.posToWord size p).
+** Value
-Definition ZToValue (s : nat) (z : Z) : value :=
- mkvalue s (Word.ZToWord s z).
+The Verilog [value] is a bitvector containg a size and the actual bitvector. In
+this case, the [Word.word] type is used as many theorems about that bitvector
+have already been proven. *)
-Definition intToValue (i : Integers.int) : value :=
- mkvalue 32%nat (Word.ZToWord 32%nat (Integers.Int.unsigned i)).
+Definition estate : Type := assoclist * assoclist.
-Definition valueToZ (v : value) : Z :=
- Word.uwordToZ v.(vword).
+(** ** Binary Operators
-Definition state : Type := PositiveMap.t value * PositiveMap.t value.
+These are the binary operations that can be represented in Verilog. Ideally,
+multiplication and division would be done by custom modules which could al so be
+scheduled properly. However, for now every Verilog operator is assumed to take
+one clock cycle. *)
Inductive binop : Type :=
| Vadd : binop (** addition (binary [+]) *)
@@ -61,7 +67,7 @@ Inductive binop : Type :=
| Vdiv : binop (** division (binary [/]) *)
| Vdivu : binop (** division unsigned (binary [/]) *)
| Vmod : binop (** remainder ([%]) *)
-| Vmodu : binop (** remainder unsigned ([/]) *)
+| Vmodu : binop (** remainder unsigned ([%]) *)
| Vlt : binop (** less than ([<]) *)
| Vltu : binop (** less than unsigned ([<]) *)
| Vgt : binop (** greater than ([>]) *)
@@ -76,12 +82,16 @@ Inductive binop : Type :=
| Vor : binop (** or (binary [|]) *)
| Vxor : binop (** xor (binary [^|]) *)
| Vshl : binop (** shift left ([<<]) *)
-| Vshr : binop. (** shift left ([<<]) *)
+| Vshr : binop. (** shift right ([>>]) *)
+(** ** Unary Operators *)
Inductive unop : Type :=
| Vneg (** negation ([~]) *)
| Vnot. (** not operation [!] *)
+(** ** Expressions *)
Inductive expr : Type :=
| Vlit : value -> expr
| Vvar : reg -> expr
@@ -90,35 +100,54 @@ Inductive expr : Type :=
| Vternary : expr -> expr -> expr -> expr.
Definition posToExpr (p : positive) : expr :=
- Vlit (posToValue p).
+ Vlit (posToValueAuto p).
+(** ** Statements *)
Inductive stmnt : Type :=
| Vskip : stmnt
-| Vseq : list stmnt -> stmnt
+| Vseq : stmnt -> stmnt -> stmnt
| Vcond : expr -> stmnt -> stmnt -> stmnt
-| Vcase : expr -> list (expr * stmnt) -> stmnt
+| Vcase : expr -> list (expr * stmnt) -> option stmnt -> stmnt
| Vblock : expr -> expr -> stmnt
| Vnonblock : expr -> expr -> stmnt.
-(** [edge] is not part of [stmnt] in this formalisation because is closer to the
- semantics that are used. *)
+(** ** Edges
+These define when an always block should be triggered, for example if the always
+block should be triggered synchronously at the clock edge, or asynchronously for
+combinational logic.
+[edge] is not part of [stmnt] in this formalisation because is closer to the
+semantics that are used. *)
Inductive edge : Type :=
| Vposedge : reg -> edge
| Vnegedge : reg -> edge
| Valledge : edge
| Voredge : edge -> edge -> edge.
+(** ** Module Items
+Module items can either be declarations ([Vdecl]) or always blocks ([Valways]).
+The declarations are always register declarations as combinational logic can be
+done using combinational always block instead of continuous assignments. *)
Inductive module_item : Type :=
| Vdecl : reg -> nat -> module_item
| Valways : edge -> stmnt -> module_item.
-(** [mod_start] If set, starts the computations in the module. *)
-(** [mod_reset] If set, reset the state in the module. *)
-(** [mod_clk] The clock that controls the computation in the module. *)
-(** [mod_args] The arguments to the module. *)
-(** [mod_finish] Bit that is set if the result is ready. *)
-(** [mod_return] The return value that was computed. *)
-(** [mod_body] The body of the module, including the state machine. *)
+(** The main module type containing all the important control signals
+- [mod_start] If set, starts the computations in the module.
+- [mod_reset] If set, reset the state in the module.
+- [mod_clk] The clock that controls the computation in the module.
+- [mod_args] The arguments to the module.
+- [mod_finish] Bit that is set if the result is ready.
+- [mod_return] The return value that was computed.
+- [mod_body] The body of the module, including the state machine.
Record module : Type := mkmodule {
mod_start : szreg;
mod_reset : szreg;
@@ -132,7 +161,271 @@ Record module : Type := mkmodule {
(** Convert a [positive] to an expression directly, setting it to the right
size. *)
Definition posToLit (p : positive) : expr :=
- Vlit (posToValue p).
+ Vlit (posToValueAuto p).
Coercion Vlit : value >-> expr.
Coercion Vvar : reg >-> expr.
+Inductive state: Type :=
+| State:
+ forall (assoc: assoclist)
+ (nbassoc: assoclist),
+ state
+| Callstate: state
+| Returnstate: state.
+Definition binop_run (op : binop) : forall v1 v2 : value, vsize v1 = vsize v2 -> value :=
+ match op with
+ | Vadd => vplus
+ | Vsub => vminus
+ | Vmul => vmul
+ | Vdiv => vdivs
+ | Vdivu => vdiv
+ | Vmod => vmods
+ | Vmodu => vmod
+ | Vlt => vlts
+ | Vltu => vlt
+ | Vgt => vgts
+ | Vgtu => vgt
+ | Vle => vles
+ | Vleu => vle
+ | Vge => vges
+ | Vgeu => vge
+ | Veq => veq
+ | Vne => vne
+ | Vand => vand
+ | Vor => vor
+ | Vxor => vxor
+ | Vshl => vshl
+ | Vshr => vshr
+ end.
+Definition unop_run (op : unop) : value -> value :=
+ match op with
+ | Vneg => vnot
+ | Vnot => vbitneg
+ end.
+Inductive expr_runp : assoclist -> expr -> value -> Prop :=
+ | erun_Vlit :
+ forall a v,
+ expr_runp a (Vlit v) v
+ | erun_Vvar :
+ forall assoc v r,
+ assoc!r = Some v ->
+ expr_runp assoc (Vvar r) v
+ | erun_Vbinop :
+ forall a op l r lv rv oper EQ,
+ expr_runp a l lv ->
+ expr_runp a r rv ->
+ oper = binop_run op ->
+ expr_runp a (Vbinop op l r) (oper lv rv EQ)
+ | erun_Vunop :
+ forall a u vu op oper,
+ expr_runp a u vu ->
+ oper = unop_run op ->
+ expr_runp a (Vunop op u) (oper vu)
+ | erun_Vternary_true :
+ forall a c t f vc vt,
+ expr_runp a c vc ->
+ expr_runp a t vt ->
+ valueToBool vc = true ->
+ expr_runp a (Vternary c t f) vt
+ | erun_Vternary_false :
+ forall a c t f vc vf,
+ expr_runp a c vc ->
+ expr_runp a f vf ->
+ valueToBool vc = false ->
+ expr_runp a (Vternary c t f) vf.
+Definition handle_opt {A : Type} (err : errmsg) (val : option A)
+ : res A :=
+ match val with
+ | Some a => OK a
+ | None => Error err
+ end.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Fixpoint expr_run (assoc : assoclist) (e : expr)
+ {struct e} : res value :=
+ match e with
+ | Vlit v => OK v
+ | Vvar r => handle_opt (msg "Verilog: reg not in assoc map") assoc!r
+ | Vbinop op l r =>
+ let lv := expr_run assoc l in
+ let rv := expr_run assoc r in
+ let oper := binop_run op in
+ do lv' <- lv;
+ do rv' <- rv;
+ handle_opt (msg "Verilog: sizes are not equal")
+ (eq_to_opt lv' rv' (oper lv' rv'))
+ | Vunop op e =>
+ let oper := unop_run op in
+ do ev <- expr_run assoc e;
+ OK (oper ev)
+ | Vternary c t f =>
+ do cv <- expr_run assoc c;
+ if valueToBool cv then expr_run assoc t else expr_run assoc f
+ end.
+(** Return the name of the lhs of an assignment. For now, this function is quite
+simple because only assignment to normal variables is supported and needed. *)
+Definition assign_name (e : expr) : res reg :=
+ match e with
+ | Vvar r => OK r
+ | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: expression not supported on lhs of assignment")
+ end.
+Fixpoint find_case_stmnt (a : assoclist) (v : value) (cl : list (expr * stmnt))
+ {struct cl} : res stmnt :=
+ match cl with
+ | (e, s)::xs =>
+ do v' <- expr_run a e;
+ match eq_to_opt v v' (veq v v') with
+ | Some eq => if valueToBool eq then OK s else find_case_stmnt a v xs
+ | None => Error (msg "Verilog: equality check sizes not equal")
+ end
+ | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: No more statements in case statement")
+ end.
+Fixpoint stmnt_run' (n : nat) (s : state) (st : stmnt) {struct n} : res state :=
+ match n with
+ | S n' =>
+ match st with
+ | Vskip => OK s
+ | Vseq s1 s2 =>
+ do s' <- stmnt_run' n' s s1;
+ stmnt_run' n' s' s2
+ | Vcond c st sf =>
+ match s with
+ | State assoc _ =>
+ do cv <- expr_run assoc c;
+ if valueToBool cv
+ then stmnt_run' n' s st
+ else stmnt_run' n' s sf
+ | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: stmnt execution in wrong state")
+ end
+ | Vcase e cl defst =>
+ match s with
+ | State a _ =>
+ do v <- expr_run a e;
+ do st' <- find_case_stmnt a v cl;
+ match find_case_stmnt a v cl with
+ | OK st' => stmnt_run' n' s st'
+ | _ =>
+ match option_map (stmnt_run' n' s) defst with
+ | Some s => s
+ | None => Error (msg "Verilog: no case was matched")
+ end
+ end
+ | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: stmnt execution in wrong state")
+ end
+ | Vblock lhs rhs =>
+ match s with
+ | State assoc nbassoc =>
+ do name <- assign_name lhs;
+ do rhse <- expr_run assoc rhs;
+ OK (State (PositiveMap.add name rhse assoc) nbassoc)
+ | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: stmnt exectution in wrong state")
+ end
+ | Vnonblock lhs rhs =>
+ match s with
+ | State assoc nbassoc =>
+ do name <- assign_name lhs;
+ do rhse <- expr_run assoc rhs;
+ OK (State assoc (PositiveMap.add name rhse nbassoc))
+ | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: stmnt execution in wrong state")
+ end
+ end
+ | _ => Error (msg "Verilog: stmnt_run reached bottom")
+ end.
+Fixpoint stmnt_height (st : stmnt) {struct st} : nat :=
+ match st with
+ | Vskip => 1
+ | Vseq s1 s2 => stmnt_height s1 + stmnt_height s2
+ | Vcond _ s1 s2 => Nat.max (stmnt_height s1) (stmnt_height s2)
+ | Vcase _ ls (Some st) =>
+ fold_right (fun t acc => Nat.max acc (stmnt_height (snd t))) 0%nat ls
+ | _ => 1
+ end.
+Definition stmnt_run (s : state) (st : stmnt) : res state :=
+ stmnt_run' (stmnt_height st) s st.
+Fixpoint module_step (s : state) (m : list module_item) {struct m} : res state :=
+ match m with
+ | (Valways _ st)::ls =>
+ do s' <- stmnt_run s st;
+ module_step s' ls
+ | (Vdecl _ _)::ls => module_step s ls
+ | nil => OK s
+ end.
+Definition add_assoclist (r : reg) (v : value) (assoc : assoclist) : assoclist :=
+ PositiveMap.add r v assoc.
+Definition merge_assoclist (nbassoc assoc : assoclist) : assoclist :=
+ PositiveMap.fold add_assoclist nbassoc assoc.
+Definition empty_assoclist : assoclist := PositiveMap.empty value.
+Fixpoint module_step_commit (assoc : assoclist) (m : list module_item) : res assoclist :=
+ match module_step (State assoc empty_assoclist) m with
+ | OK (State assoc' nbassoc) =>
+ OK (merge_assoclist nbassoc assoc')
+ | Error msg => Error msg
+ | _ => Error (msg "Returned in the wrong state")
+ end.
+Fixpoint module_run (assoc : assoclist) (m : list module_item) (n : nat)
+ {struct n} : res assoclist :=
+ match n with
+ | S n' =>
+ do assoc' <- module_run assoc m n';
+ module_step_commit assoc' m
+ | O => OK assoc
+ end.
+Local Close Scope error_monad_scope.
+(* Theorem value_eq_size_if_eq:
+ forall lv rv EQ,
+ vsize lv = vsize rv -> value_eq_size lv rv = left EQ.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Theorem expr_run_same:
+ forall assoc e v, expr_run assoc e = OK v <-> expr_runp assoc e v.
+ split; generalize dependent v; generalize dependent assoc.
+ - induction e.
+ + intros. inversion H. constructor.
+ + intros. inversion H. constructor. assumption.
+ + intros. inversion H. destruct (expr_run assoc e1) eqn:?. destruct (expr_run assoc e2) eqn:?.
+ unfold eq_to_opt in H1. destruct (value_eq_size v0 v1) eqn:?. inversion H1.
+ constructor. apply IHe1. assumption. apply IHe2. assumption. reflexivity. discriminate. discriminate.
+ discriminate.
+ + intros. inversion H. destruct (expr_run assoc e) eqn:?. unfold option_map in H1.
+ inversion H1. constructor. apply IHe. assumption. reflexivity. discriminate.
+ + intros. inversion H. destruct (expr_run assoc e1) eqn:?. destruct (valueToBool v0) eqn:?.
+ eapply erun_Vternary_true. apply IHe1. eassumption. apply IHe2. eassumption. assumption.
+ eapply erun_Vternary_false. apply IHe1. eassumption. apply IHe3. eassumption. assumption.
+ discriminate.
+ - induction e.
+ + intros. inversion H. reflexivity.
+ + intros. inversion H. subst. simpl. assumption.
+ + intros. inversion H. subst. simpl. apply IHe1 in H4. rewrite H4.
+ apply IHe2 in H6. rewrite H6. unfold eq_to_opt. assert (vsize lv = vsize rv).
+ apply EQ. apply (value_eq_size_if_eq lv rv EQ) in H0. rewrite H0. reflexivity.
+ + intros. inversion H. subst. simpl. destruct (expr_run assoc e) eqn:?. simpl.
+ apply IHe in H3. rewrite Heqo in H3.
+ inversion H3. subst. reflexivity. apply IHe in H3. rewrite Heqo in H3. discriminate.
+ + intros. inversion H. subst. simpl. apply IHe1 in H4. rewrite H4. rewrite H7.
+ apply IHe2 in H6. rewrite H6. reflexivity.
+ subst. simpl. apply IHe1 in H4. rewrite H4. rewrite H7. apply IHe3.
+ assumption.