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1 files changed, 44 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/verilog/Verilog.v b/src/verilog/Verilog.v
index deb658d..225d35d 100644
--- a/src/verilog/Verilog.v
+++ b/src/verilog/Verilog.v
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ From bbv Require Word.
From coqup.common Require Import Helper Coquplib Show.
+From compcert Require Integers.
Import ListNotations.
Definition reg : Type := positive.
@@ -40,43 +42,55 @@ Definition posToValue (p : positive) : value :=
let size := Z.to_nat (log_sup p) in
mkvalue size (Word.posToWord size p).
+Definition intToValue (i : Integers.int) : value :=
+ mkvalue 32%nat (Word.natToWord 32%nat (Z.to_nat (Integers.Int.unsigned i))).
Definition state : Type := PositiveMap.t value * PositiveMap.t value.
Inductive binop : Type :=
-| Vconst (v : value)
-| Vmove
-| Vneg
-| Vadd
-| Vsub
-| Vmul
-| Vmulimm (v : value)
-| Vdiv
-| Vdivimm (v : value)
-| Vmod
-| Vlt
-| Vgt
-| Vle
-| Vge
-| Veq
-| Vand
-| Vor
-| Vxor.
-Inductive expr : Type := Op (op : binop) (v : list expr).
+| Vadd : binop (** addition (binary [+]) *)
+| Vsub : binop (** subtraction (binary [-]) *)
+| Vmul : binop (** multiplication (binary [*]) *)
+| Vdiv : binop (** multiplication (binary [*]) *)
+| Vmod : binop (** division ([/]) *)
+| Vlt : binop (** less than ([<]) *)
+| Vgt : binop (** greater than ([>]) *)
+| Vle : binop (** less than or equal ([<=]) *)
+| Vge : binop (** greater than or equal ([>=]) *)
+| Veq : binop (** equal to ([==]) *)
+| Vne : binop (** not equal to ([!=]) *)
+| Vand : binop (** and (binary [&]) *)
+| Vor : binop (** or (binary [|]) *)
+| Vxor : binop (** xor (binary [^|]) *)
+| Vshl : binop (** shift left ([<<]) *)
+| Vshr : binop. (** shift left ([<<]) *)
+Inductive unop : Type :=
+| Vneg : unop. (** negation ([~]) *)
+Inductive expr : Type :=
+| Vlit : value -> expr
+| Vvar : reg -> expr
+| Vbinop : binop -> expr -> expr -> expr
+| Vunop : unop -> expr -> expr
+| Vternary : expr -> expr -> expr -> expr.
+Definition posToExpr (p : positive) : expr :=
+ Vlit (posToValue p).
Inductive stmnt : Type :=
-| Skip
-| Block (s : list stmnt)
-| Cond (c : expr) (st sf : stmnt)
-| Case (c : expr) (b : list (expr * stmnt))
-| Blocking (a b : expr)
-| Nonblocking (a b : expr)
-| Decl (v : reg) (s : nat) (b : expr).
+| Vskip : stmnt
+| Vseq : list stmnt -> stmnt
+| Vcond : expr -> stmnt -> stmnt -> stmnt
+| Vcase : expr -> list (expr * stmnt) -> stmnt
+| Vblock : expr -> expr -> stmnt
+| Vnonblock : expr -> expr -> stmnt
+| Vdecl : reg -> nat -> expr -> stmnt.
Definition posToLit (p : positive) : expr :=
- Lit (posToValue p).
+ Vlit (posToValue p).
Definition verilog : Type := list stmnt.
-Coercion Lit : value >-> expr.
-Coercion Var : reg >-> expr.
+Coercion Vlit : value >-> expr.
+Coercion Vvar : reg >-> expr.