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diff --git a/src/hls/Abstr.v b/src/hls/Abstr.v
index 9ded7fe..8c77636 100644
--- a/src/hls/Abstr.v
+++ b/src/hls/Abstr.v
@@ -1364,35 +1364,88 @@ Proof.
end; discriminate.
-Fixpoint beq2' {A B : Type} (beqA : A -> B -> bool) (m1: PTree.tree' A) (m2: PTree.tree' B) {struct m1} : bool :=
- match m1, m2 with
- | PTree.Node001 r1, PTree.Node001 r2 => beq2' beqA r1 r2
- | PTree.Node010 x1, PTree.Node010 x2 => beqA x1 x2
- | PTree.Node011 x1 r1, PTree.Node011 x2 r2 => beqA x1 x2 && beq2' beqA r1 r2
- | PTree.Node100 l1, PTree.Node100 l2 => beq2' beqA l1 l2
- | PTree.Node101 l1 r1, PTree.Node101 l2 r2 => beq2' beqA l1 l2 && beq2' beqA r1 r2
- | PTree.Node110 l1 x1, PTree.Node110 l2 x2 => beqA x1 x2 && beq2' beqA l1 l2
- | PTree.Node111 l1 x1 r1, PTree.Node111 l2 x2 r2 => beqA x1 x2 && beq2' beqA l1 l2 && beq2' beqA r1 r2
- | _, _ => false
- end.
+ Context {A B: Type}.
+ Context (beqA: A -> B -> bool).
-Definition beq2 {A B : Type} (beqA: A -> B -> bool) (m1: PTree.t A) (m2 : PTree.t B) : bool :=
+ Fixpoint beq2' (m1: PTree.tree' A) (m2: PTree.tree' B) {struct m1} : bool :=
+ match m1, m2 with
+ | PTree.Node001 r1, PTree.Node001 r2 => beq2' r1 r2
+ | PTree.Node010 x1, PTree.Node010 x2 => beqA x1 x2
+ | PTree.Node011 x1 r1, PTree.Node011 x2 r2 => beqA x1 x2 && beq2' r1 r2
+ | PTree.Node100 l1, PTree.Node100 l2 => beq2' l1 l2
+ | PTree.Node101 l1 r1, PTree.Node101 l2 r2 => beq2' l1 l2 && beq2' r1 r2
+ | PTree.Node110 l1 x1, PTree.Node110 l2 x2 => beqA x1 x2 && beq2' l1 l2
+ | PTree.Node111 l1 x1 r1, PTree.Node111 l2 x2 r2 => beqA x1 x2 && beq2' l1 l2 && beq2' r1 r2
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+ Definition beq2 (m1: PTree.t A) (m2 : PTree.t B) : bool :=
match m1, m2 with
| PTree.Empty, PTree.Empty => true
- | PTree.Nodes m1', PTree.Nodes m2' => beq2' beqA m1' m2'
+ | PTree.Nodes m1', PTree.Nodes m2' => beq2' m1' m2'
| _, _ => false
-Lemma beq2_correct:
- forall A B beqA m1 m2,
- @beq2 A B beqA m1 m2 = true <->
- (forall (x: PTree.elt),
- match PTree.get x m1, PTree.get x m2 with
- | None, None => True
- | Some y1, Some y2 => beqA y1 y2 = true
- | _, _ => False
- end).
-Proof. Admitted.
+ Let beq2_optA (o1: option A) (o2: option B) : bool :=
+ match o1, o2 with
+ | None, None => true
+ | Some a1, Some a2 => beqA a1 a2
+ | _, _ => false
+ end.
+ Lemma beq_correct_bool:
+ forall m1 m2,
+ beq2 m1 m2 = true <-> (forall x, beq2_optA (m1 ! x) (m2 ! x) = true).
+ Proof.
+ Local Transparent PTree.Node.
+ assert (beq_NN: forall l1 o1 r1 l2 o2 r2,
+ PTree.not_trivially_empty l1 o1 r1 ->
+ PTree.not_trivially_empty l2 o2 r2 ->
+ beq2 (PTree.Node l1 o1 r1) (PTree.Node l2 o2 r2) =
+ beq2 l1 l2 && beq2_optA o1 o2 && beq2 r1 r2).
+ { intros.
+ destruct l1, o1, r1; try contradiction; destruct l2, o2, r2; try contradiction;
+ simpl; rewrite ? andb_true_r, ? andb_false_r; auto.
+ rewrite andb_comm; auto.
+ f_equal; rewrite andb_comm; auto. }
+ induction m1 using PTree.tree_ind; [|induction m2 using PTree.tree_ind].
+ - intros. simpl; split; intros.
+ + destruct m2; try discriminate. simpl; auto.
+ + replace m2 with (@PTree.Empty B); auto. apply PTree.extensionality; intros x.
+ specialize (H x). destruct (m2 ! x); simpl; easy.
+ - split; intros.
+ + destruct (PTree.Node l o r); try discriminate. simpl; auto.
+ + replace (PTree.Node l o r) with (@PTree.Empty A); auto. apply PTree.extensionality; intros x.
+ specialize (H0 x). destruct ((PTree.Node l o r) ! x); simpl in *; easy.
+ - rewrite beq_NN by auto. split; intros.
+ + InvBooleans. rewrite ! PTree.gNode. destruct x.
+ * apply IHm0; auto.
+ * apply IHm1; auto.
+ * auto.
+ + apply andb_true_intro; split; [apply andb_true_intro; split|].
+ * apply IHm1. intros. specialize (H1 (xO x)); rewrite ! PTree.gNode in H1; auto.
+ * specialize (H1 xH); rewrite ! PTree.gNode in H1; auto.
+ * apply IHm0. intros. specialize (H1 (xI x)); rewrite ! PTree.gNode in H1; auto.
+ Qed.
+ Theorem beq2_correct:
+ forall m1 m2,
+ beq2 m1 m2 = true <->
+ (forall (x: PTree.elt),
+ match m1 ! x, m2 ! x with
+ | None, None => True
+ | Some y1, Some y2 => beqA y1 y2 = true
+ | _, _ => False
+ end).
+ Proof.
+ intros. rewrite beq_correct_bool. unfold beq2_optA. split; intros.
+ - specialize (H x). destruct (m1 ! x), (m2 ! x); intuition congruence.
+ - specialize (H x). destruct (m1 ! x), (m2 ! x); intuition auto.
+ Qed.
Lemma map1:
forall w dst dst',