diff options
-rw-r--r--src/Common/Helper.v (renamed from src/CoqUp/Helper.v)0
-rw-r--r--src/Common/Show.v (renamed from src/CoqUp/Show.v)0
-rw-r--r--src/Common/Tactics.v (renamed from src/CoqUp/Tactics.v)0
-rw-r--r--src/Driver/CompCert.v (renamed from src/CoqUp/CompCert.v)0
21 files changed, 336 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index eff7f35..415f6ee 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ COMPCERTRECDIRS=lib common $(ARCHDIRS) backend cfrontend driver flocq exportclig
COMPCERTCOQINCLUDES=$(foreach d, $(RECDIRS), -R lib/CompCert/$(d) compcert.$(d))
+COQINCLUDES=-R src/Common CoqUp.Common -R src/Verilog CoqUp.Verilog -R src/Driver CoqUp.Driver -R src/Extraction CoqUp.Extraction $(COMPCERTCOQINCLUDES)
COQEXEC=$(COQBIN)coqtop $(COQINCLUDES) -batch -load-vernac-source
@@ -24,17 +24,17 @@ install:
coq: Makefile.coq
$(MAKE) -f Makefile.coq
-extraction: extraction/STAMP
+extraction: src/Extraction/STAMP
-compile: extraction/STAMP
+compile: src/Extraction/STAMP
@echo "OCaml bin/coqup"
@mkdir -p bin
- @dune build extraction/main.exe
- @cp _build/default/extraction/main.exe bin/coqup
+ @dune build src/Extraction/Driver.exe
+ @cp _build/default/src/Extraction/Driver.exe bin/coqup
- @echo "COQEXEC ./extraction/Extraction.v"
- @$(COQEXEC) ./extraction/Extraction.v
+ @echo "COQEXEC ./src/Extraction/Extraction.v"
+ @$(COQEXEC) ./src/Extraction/Extraction.v
@touch $@
diff --git a/_CoqProject b/_CoqProject
index 3d5dae3..54ff493 100644
--- a/_CoqProject
+++ b/_CoqProject
@@ -1,2 +1,16 @@
--R src/CoqUp CoqUp -R lib/CompCert/lib compcert.lib -R lib/CompCert/common compcert.common -R lib/CompCert/x86 compcert.x86 -R lib/CompCert/backend compcert.backend -R lib/CompCert/cfrontend compcert.cfrontend -R lib/CompCert/driver compcert.driver -R lib/CompCert/flocq compcert.flocq -R lib/CompCert/exportclight compcert.exportclight -R lib/CompCert/cparser compcert.cparser -R lib/CompCert/MenhirLib compcert.MenhirLib
+-R src/Common CoqUp.Common
+-R src/Verilog CoqUp.Verilog
+-R src/Driver CoqUp.Driver
+-R src/Extraction CoqUp.Extraction
+-R lib/CompCert/lib compcert.lib
+-R lib/CompCert/common compcert.common
+-R lib/CompCert/x86 compcert.x86
+-R lib/CompCert/backend compcert.backend
+-R lib/CompCert/cfrontend compcert.cfrontend
+-R lib/CompCert/driver compcert.driver
+-R lib/CompCert/flocq compcert.flocq
+-R lib/CompCert/exportclight compcert.exportclight
+-R lib/CompCert/cparser compcert.cparser
+-R lib/CompCert/MenhirLib compcert.MenhirLib
-R lib/CompCert/x86_64 compcert.x86_64
diff --git a/extraction/Extraction.v b/extraction/Extraction.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c5f034..0000000
--- a/extraction/Extraction.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-From CoqUp Require Import Verilog.
-Cd "extraction".
-Separate Extraction Verilog.nat_to_value Verilog.value_to_nat.
diff --git a/extraction/driver.ml b/extraction/driver.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index eb14d45..0000000
--- a/extraction/driver.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-open Compcert
-let parse_c_file sourcename ifile =
- (* Simplification options *)
- let simplifs =
- "b" (* blocks: mandatory *)
- ^ (if false then "s" else "")
- ^ (if false then "f" else "")
- ^ (if false then "p" else "")
- in
- (* Parsing and production of a simplified C AST *)
- let ast = Parse.preprocessed_file simplifs sourcename ifile in
- (* Conversion to Csyntax *)
- let csyntax = Timing.time "CompCert C generation" C2C.convertProgram ast in
- (* Save CompCert C AST if requested *)
- PrintCsyntax.print_if csyntax;
- csyntax
-let compile_c_file sourcename ifile ofile =
- (* Parse the ast *)
- let csyntax = parse_c_file sourcename ifile in
- (* Convert to Asm *)
- let rtl =
- match Compiler.apply_partial
- (CoqUp.transf_frontend csyntax) with
- | Errors.OK rtl ->
- rtl
- | Errors.Error msg ->
- let loc = file_loc sourcename in
- fatal_error loc "%a" print_error msg in
- (* Print Asm in text form *)
- let oc = open_out ofile in
- PrintAsm.print_program oc asm;
- close_out oc
-let compile_i_file sourcename preproname =
- if !option_interp then begin
- Machine.config := Machine.compcert_interpreter !Machine.config;
- let csyntax = parse_c_file sourcename preproname in
- Interp.execute csyntax;
- ""
- end else if !option_S then begin
- compile_c_file sourcename preproname
- (output_filename ~final:true sourcename ".c" ".s");
- ""
- end else begin
- let asmname =
- if !option_dasm
- then output_filename sourcename ".c" ".s"
- else tmp_file ".s" in
- compile_c_file sourcename preproname asmname;
- let objname = object_filename sourcename ".c" in
- assemble asmname objname;
- objname
- end
-(* Processing of a .c file *)
-let process_c_file sourcename =
- ensure_inputfile_exists sourcename;
- if !option_E then begin
- preprocess sourcename (output_filename_default "-");
- ""
- end else begin
- let preproname = if !option_dprepro then
- output_filename sourcename ".c" ".i"
- else
- tmp_file ".i" in
- preprocess sourcename preproname;
- compile_i_file sourcename preproname
- end
-let _ = print_endline "Hello world"
diff --git a/extraction/dune b/extraction/dune
deleted file mode 100644
index 12a6b8d..0000000
--- a/extraction/dune
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- (flags (:standard -warn-error -A))
- (names driver)
- (libraries compcert))
- (section bin)
- (files (driver.exe as coqup)))
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/Helper.v b/src/Common/Helper.v
index 292d011..292d011 100644
--- a/src/CoqUp/Helper.v
+++ b/src/Common/Helper.v
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/Show.v b/src/Common/Show.v
index 83ec5bc..83ec5bc 100644
--- a/src/CoqUp/Show.v
+++ b/src/Common/Show.v
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/Tactics.v b/src/Common/Tactics.v
index 5978d49..5978d49 100644
--- a/src/CoqUp/Tactics.v
+++ b/src/Common/Tactics.v
diff --git a/src/Common/dune b/src/Common/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de481e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Common/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ (name Common)
+ (public_name coqup.common))
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/CoqUp.v b/src/CoqUp/CoqUp.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d71ee..0000000
--- a/src/CoqUp/CoqUp.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-Set Implicit Arguments.
-Require Import Bool List String.
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/Verilog.v b/src/CoqUp/Verilog.v
deleted file mode 100644
index 314c95e..0000000
--- a/src/CoqUp/Verilog.v
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,234 +0,0 @@
-From Coq Require Import Lists.List Strings.String.
-From Coq Require Import
-From CoqUp Require Import Helper Tactics Show.
-Import ListNotations.
-Module Verilog.
- Module Map := FMapList.Make String_as_OT.
- Inductive value : Type :=
- | VBool (b : bool)
- | VArray (l : list value).
- Definition cons_value (a b : value) : value :=
- match a, b with
- | VBool _, VArray b' => VArray (a :: b')
- | VArray a', VBool _ => VArray (List.concat [a'; [b]])
- | VArray a', VArray b' => VArray (List.concat [a'; b'])
- | _, _ => VArray [a; b]
- end.
- (** * Conversion to and from value *)
- Fixpoint nat_to_value' (sz n : nat) : value :=
- match sz with
- | 0 => VArray []
- | S sz' =>
- if Nat.even n then
- cons_value (VBool false) (nat_to_value' sz' (Nat.div n 2))
- else
- cons_value (VBool true) (nat_to_value' sz' (Nat.div n 2))
- end.
- Definition nat_to_value (n : nat) : value :=
- nat_to_value' ((Nat.log2 n) + 1) n.
- Definition state : Type := Map.t value * Map.t value.
- Inductive binop : Type :=
- | Plus
- | Minus
- | Times
- | Divide
- | LT
- | GT
- | LE
- | GE
- | Eq
- | And
- | Or
- | Xor.
- Inductive expr : Type :=
- | Lit (n : value)
- | Var (s : string)
- | Neg (a : expr)
- | BinOp (op : binop) (a1 a2 : expr)
- | Ternary (c t f : expr).
- Inductive stmnt : Type :=
- | Skip
- | Block (s : list stmnt)
- | Cond (c : expr) (st sf : stmnt)
- | Case (c : expr) (b : list (expr * stmnt))
- | Blocking (a b : expr)
- | Nonblocking (a b : expr).
- Inductive verilog : Type := Verilog (s : list stmnt).
- Coercion VBool : bool >-> value.
- Coercion Lit : value >-> expr.
- Coercion Var : string >-> expr.
- Definition value_is_bool (v : value) : bool :=
- match v with
- | VBool _ => true
- | VArray _ => false
- end.
- Definition value_is_array : value -> bool := compose negb value_is_bool.
- Definition flat_value (v : value) : bool :=
- match v with
- | VBool _ => true
- | VArray l => forallb value_is_bool l
- end.
- Inductive value_is_boolP : value -> Prop :=
- | ValIsBool : forall b : bool, value_is_boolP (VBool b).
- Inductive value_is_arrayP : value -> Prop :=
- | ValIsArray : forall v : list value, value_is_arrayP (VArray v).
- Inductive flat_valueP : value -> Prop :=
- | FLV0 : forall b : bool, flat_valueP (VBool b)
- | FLVA : forall l : list value,
- Forall (value_is_boolP) l -> flat_valueP (VArray l).
- Lemma value_is_bool_equiv :
- forall v, value_is_boolP v <-> value_is_bool v = true.
- Proof.
- split; intros.
- - inversion H. trivial.
- - destruct v. constructor. unfold value_is_bool in H. discriminate.
- Qed.
- Lemma value_is_array_equiv :
- forall v, value_is_arrayP v <-> value_is_array v = true.
- Proof.
- split; intros.
- - inversion H. trivial.
- - destruct v; try constructor. unfold value_is_array in H.
- unfold compose, value_is_bool, negb in H. discriminate.
- Qed.
- Lemma flat_value_equiv :
- forall v, flat_valueP v <-> flat_value v = true.
- Proof.
- split; intros.
- - unfold flat_value. inversion H. subst. trivial.
- + rewrite Forall_forall in H0. rewrite forallb_forall. intros. subst.
- apply value_is_bool_equiv. apply H0. assumption.
- - destruct v. constructor. constructor. unfold flat_value in H.
- rewrite Forall_forall. rewrite forallb_forall in H. intros. apply value_is_bool_equiv.
- apply H. assumption.
- Qed.
- Fixpoint value_to_nat' (i : nat) (v : value) : option nat :=
- match i, v with
- | _, VBool b => Some (Nat.b2n b)
- | _, VArray [VBool b] => Some (Nat.b2n b)
- | S i', VArray ((VBool b) :: l) =>
- Option.map (compose (Nat.add (Nat.b2n b)) (Mult.tail_mult 2)) (value_to_nat' i' (VArray l))
- | _, _ => None
- end.
- Definition value_length (v : value) : nat :=
- match v with
- | VBool _ => 1
- | VArray l => Datatypes.length l
- end.
- Definition value_to_nat (v : value) : option nat :=
- value_to_nat' (value_length v) v.
- Lemma empty_is_flat : flat_valueP (VArray []).
- Proof.
- constructor. apply Forall_forall. intros. inversion H.
- Qed.
- Lemma check_5_is_101 :
- value_to_nat (VArray [VBool true; VBool false; VBool true]) = Some 5.
- Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
- Lemma cons_value_flat :
- forall (b : bool) (v : value),
- flat_valueP v -> flat_valueP (cons_value (VBool b) v).
- Proof.
- intros. unfold cons_value. destruct v.
- - constructor. apply Forall_forall. intros.
- inversion H0; subst. constructor.
- inversion H1; subst. constructor.
- inversion H2.
- - intros. inversion H. inversion H1; subst; constructor.
- + apply Forall_forall. intros.
- inversion H0; subst. constructor.
- inversion H2.
- + repeat constructor. assumption. assumption.
- Qed.
- Lemma nat_to_value'_is_flat :
- forall (sz n : nat),
- flat_valueP (nat_to_value' sz n).
- Proof.
- induction sz; intros.
- - subst. apply empty_is_flat.
- - unfold_rec nat_to_value'.
- destruct (Nat.even n); apply cons_value_flat; apply IHsz.
- Qed.
- Lemma nat_to_value_is_flat :
- forall (sz n : nat),
- flat_valueP (nat_to_value n).
- Proof.
- intros. unfold nat_to_value. apply nat_to_value'_is_flat.
- Qed.
- Lemma nat_to_value_idempotent :
- forall (sz n : nat),
- sz > 0 -> (value_to_nat' sz (nat_to_value' sz n)) = Some n.
- Proof.
- induction sz; intros.
- - inversion H.
- - unfold_rec value_to_nat'.
- assert (flat_valueP (nat_to_value' (S sz) n)).
- { apply nat_to_value'_is_flat. }
- destruct (nat_to_value' (S sz) n) eqn:?.
- Admitted.
- Module VerilogEval.
- Definition app (f : nat -> nat -> nat) (a : value) (b : value) : option value :=
- Option.map nat_to_value (Option.liftA2 f (value_to_nat a) (value_to_nat b)).
- Definition state_find (k : string) (s : state) : option value :=
- Map.find k (fst s).
- Definition eval_binop (op : binop) (a1 a2 : value) : option value :=
- match op with
- | Plus => app Nat.add a1 a2
- | Minus => app Nat.sub a1 a2
- | Times => app Mult.tail_mult a1 a2
- | Divide => app Nat.div a1 a2
- | _ => Some a1
- end.
-(* Fixpoint eval_expr (s : state) (e : expr) : option value :=
- match e with
- | Lit n => Some n
- | Var v => state_find v s
- | Neg a => 0 - (eval_expr s a)
- | BinOp op a1 a2 => eval_binop op a1 a2
- | Ternary c t f => if eval_expr s c then eval_expr s t else eval_expr s f
- end.
- End VerilogEval.
-End Verilog.
-Export Verilog.
diff --git a/src/CoqUp/CompCert.v b/src/Driver/CompCert.v
index c984690..c984690 100644
--- a/src/CoqUp/CompCert.v
+++ b/src/Driver/CompCert.v
diff --git a/src/Driver/Driver.ml b/src/Driver/Driver.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47125fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Driver/Driver.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+open Verilog
+open Extraction
+let _ = print_string (PrettyPrint.prettyprint VerilogAST.verilog_example)
diff --git a/src/Driver/dune b/src/Driver/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e295a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Driver/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ (names Driver)
+ (libraries compcert coqup.verilog coqup.extraction))
+ (section bin)
+ (files (Driver.exe as coqup)))
diff --git a/src/Extraction/Extraction.v b/src/Extraction/Extraction.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4248cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Extraction/Extraction.v
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Require CoqUp.Verilog.VerilogAST.
+Require Import ExtrOcamlBasic.
+Require Import ExtrOcamlString.
+Cd "src/Extraction".
+Separate Extraction
+ VerilogAST.nat_to_value VerilogAST.value_to_nat VerilogAST.verilog VerilogAST.verilog_example.
diff --git a/src/Extraction/dune b/src/Extraction/dune
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..731701a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Extraction/dune
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+ (name Extraction)
+ (public_name coqup.extraction)
+ (flags (:standard -warn-error -A)))
diff --git a/src/Verilog/PrettyPrint.ml b/src/Verilog/PrettyPrint.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..786d962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Verilog/PrettyPrint.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+open Extraction.VerilogAST
+let concat = String.concat ""
+let indent i = String.make (2 * i) ' '
+let fold_map f s = List.map f s |> concat
+let rec pprint_value = function
+ | VBool l -> if l then "1" else "0"
+ (* Assume that array is flat if it's a literal, should probably be changed to a nat or int *)
+ | VArray a -> concat [List.length a |> string_of_int; "'b"; fold_map pprint_value a]
+let pprint_binop = function
+ | Plus -> " + "
+ | Minus -> " - "
+ | Times -> " * "
+ | Divide -> " / "
+ | LT -> " < "
+ | GT -> " > "
+ | LE -> " <= "
+ | GE -> " >= "
+ | Eq -> " == "
+ | And -> " & "
+ | Or -> " | "
+ | Xor -> "^"
+let rec pprint_expr = function
+ | Lit l -> pprint_value l
+ | Var s -> List.to_seq s |> String.of_seq
+ | Neg e -> concat ["(-"; pprint_expr e; ")"]
+ | BinOp (op, a, b) -> concat ["("; pprint_expr a; pprint_binop op; pprint_expr b; ")"]
+ | Ternary (c, t, f) -> concat ["("; pprint_expr c; " ? "; pprint_expr t; " : "; pprint_expr f; ")"]
+let rec pprint_stmnt i =
+ let pprint_case (e, s) = concat [indent (i + 1); pprint_expr e; ":\n"; pprint_stmnt (i+2) s]
+ in function
+ | Skip -> concat [indent i; ";\n"]
+ | Block s -> concat [indent i; "begin\n"; fold_map (pprint_stmnt (i+1)) s; indent i; "end\n"]
+ | Cond (e, st, sf) -> concat [indent i; "if ("; pprint_expr e; ")\n";
+ pprint_stmnt (i + 1) st; indent i; "else\n";
+ pprint_stmnt (i + 1) sf]
+ | Case (e, es) -> concat [indent i; "case ("; pprint_expr e; ")\n";
+ fold_map pprint_case es; indent i; "endcase"]
+ | Blocking (a, b) -> concat [indent i; pprint_expr a; " = "; pprint_expr b; ";\n"]
+ | Nonblocking (a, b) -> concat [indent i; pprint_expr a; " <= "; pprint_expr b; ";\n"]
+let prettyprint = fold_map (pprint_stmnt 0)
diff --git a/src/Verilog/PrettyPrint.mli b/src/Verilog/PrettyPrint.mli
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..843feec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Verilog/PrettyPrint.mli
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+val prettyprint : Extraction.VerilogAST.verilog -> string
diff --git a/src/Verilog/VerilogAST.v b/src/Verilog/VerilogAST.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c2b38b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Verilog/VerilogAST.v
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+From Coq Require Import Lists.List Strings.String.
+From Coq Require Import
+From CoqUp.Common Require Import Helper Tactics Show.
+Import ListNotations.
+Module Map := FMapList.Make String_as_OT.
+Inductive value : Type :=
+| VBool (b : bool)
+| VArray (l : list value).
+Definition cons_value (a b : value) : value :=
+ match a, b with
+ | VBool _, VArray b' => VArray (a :: b')
+ | VArray a', VBool _ => VArray (List.concat [a'; [b]])
+ | VArray a', VArray b' => VArray (List.concat [a'; b'])
+ | _, _ => VArray [a; b]
+ end.
+(** * Conversion to and from value *)
+Fixpoint nat_to_value' (sz n : nat) : value :=
+ match sz with
+ | 0 => VArray []
+ | S sz' =>
+ if Nat.even n then
+ cons_value (VBool false) (nat_to_value' sz' (Nat.div n 2))
+ else
+ cons_value (VBool true) (nat_to_value' sz' (Nat.div n 2))
+ end.
+Definition nat_to_value (n : nat) : value :=
+ nat_to_value' ((Nat.log2 n) + 1) n.
+Definition state : Type := Map.t value * Map.t value.
+Inductive binop : Type :=
+| Plus
+| Minus
+| Times
+| Divide
+| LT
+| GT
+| LE
+| GE
+| Eq
+| And
+| Or
+| Xor.
+Inductive expr : Type :=
+| Lit (n : value)
+| Var (s : string)
+| Neg (a : expr)
+| BinOp (op : binop) (a1 a2 : expr)
+| Ternary (c t f : expr).
+Inductive stmnt : Type :=
+| Skip
+| Block (s : list stmnt)
+| Cond (c : expr) (st sf : stmnt)
+| Case (c : expr) (b : list (expr * stmnt))
+| Blocking (a b : expr)
+| Nonblocking (a b : expr).
+Inductive verilog : Type := Verilog (s : list stmnt).
+Definition verilog_example := Verilog [Block [Nonblocking (Var "hello") (BinOp Plus (Lit (nat_to_value 40)) (Lit (nat_to_value 20))); Cond (BinOp LE (Lit (nat_to_value 2)) (Lit (nat_to_value 3))) (Blocking (Var "Another") (BinOp Times (Lit (nat_to_value 20)) (Lit (nat_to_value 500)))) Skip]; Block []].
+Coercion VBool : bool >-> value.
+Coercion Lit : value >-> expr.
+Coercion Var : string >-> expr.
+Definition value_is_bool (v : value) : bool :=
+ match v with
+ | VBool _ => true
+ | VArray _ => false
+ end.
+Definition value_is_array : value -> bool := compose negb value_is_bool.
+Definition flat_value (v : value) : bool :=
+ match v with
+ | VBool _ => true
+ | VArray l => forallb value_is_bool l
+ end.
+Inductive value_is_boolP : value -> Prop :=
+| ValIsBool : forall b : bool, value_is_boolP (VBool b).
+Inductive value_is_arrayP : value -> Prop :=
+| ValIsArray : forall v : list value, value_is_arrayP (VArray v).
+Inductive flat_valueP : value -> Prop :=
+| FLV0 : forall b : bool, flat_valueP (VBool b)
+| FLVA : forall l : list value,
+ Forall (value_is_boolP) l -> flat_valueP (VArray l).
+Lemma value_is_bool_equiv :
+ forall v, value_is_boolP v <-> value_is_bool v = true.
+ split; intros.
+ - inversion H. trivial.
+ - destruct v. constructor. unfold value_is_bool in H. discriminate.
+Lemma value_is_array_equiv :
+ forall v, value_is_arrayP v <-> value_is_array v = true.
+ split; intros.
+ - inversion H. trivial.
+ - destruct v; try constructor. unfold value_is_array in H.
+ unfold compose, value_is_bool, negb in H. discriminate.
+Lemma flat_value_equiv :
+ forall v, flat_valueP v <-> flat_value v = true.
+ split; intros.
+ - unfold flat_value. inversion H. subst. trivial.
+ + rewrite Forall_forall in H0. rewrite forallb_forall. intros. subst.
+ apply value_is_bool_equiv. apply H0. assumption.
+ - destruct v. constructor. constructor. unfold flat_value in H.
+ rewrite Forall_forall. rewrite forallb_forall in H. intros. apply value_is_bool_equiv.
+ apply H. assumption.
+Fixpoint value_to_nat' (i : nat) (v : value) : option nat :=
+ match i, v with
+ | _, VBool b => Some (Nat.b2n b)
+ | _, VArray [VBool b] => Some (Nat.b2n b)
+ | S i', VArray ((VBool b) :: l) =>
+ Option.map (compose (Nat.add (Nat.b2n b)) (Mult.tail_mult 2)) (value_to_nat' i' (VArray l))
+ | _, _ => None
+ end.
+Definition value_length (v : value) : nat :=
+ match v with
+ | VBool _ => 1
+ | VArray l => Datatypes.length l
+ end.
+Definition value_to_nat (v : value) : option nat :=
+ value_to_nat' (value_length v) v.
+Lemma empty_is_flat : flat_valueP (VArray []).
+ constructor. apply Forall_forall. intros. inversion H.
+Lemma check_5_is_101 :
+ value_to_nat (VArray [VBool true; VBool false; VBool true]) = Some 5.
+Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
+Lemma cons_value_flat :
+ forall (b : bool) (v : value),
+ flat_valueP v -> flat_valueP (cons_value (VBool b) v).
+ intros. unfold cons_value. destruct v.
+ - constructor. apply Forall_forall. intros.
+ inversion H0; subst. constructor.
+ inversion H1; subst. constructor.
+ inversion H2.
+ - intros. inversion H. inversion H1; subst; constructor.
+ + apply Forall_forall. intros.
+ inversion H0; subst. constructor.
+ inversion H2.
+ + repeat constructor. assumption. assumption.
+Lemma nat_to_value'_is_flat :
+ forall (sz n : nat),
+ flat_valueP (nat_to_value' sz n).
+ induction sz; intros.
+ - subst. apply empty_is_flat.
+ - unfold_rec nat_to_value'.
+ destruct (Nat.even n); apply cons_value_flat; apply IHsz.
+Lemma nat_to_value_is_flat :
+ forall (sz n : nat),
+ flat_valueP (nat_to_value n).
+ intros. unfold nat_to_value. apply nat_to_value'_is_flat.
+Lemma nat_to_value_idempotent :
+ forall (sz n : nat),
+ sz > 0 -> (value_to_nat' sz (nat_to_value' sz n)) = Some n.
+ induction sz; intros.
+ - inversion H.
+ - unfold_rec value_to_nat'.
+ assert (flat_valueP (nat_to_value' (S sz) n)).
+ { apply nat_to_value'_is_flat. }
+ destruct (nat_to_value' (S sz) n) eqn:?.
+Module VerilogEval.
+ Definition app (f : nat -> nat -> nat) (a : value) (b : value) : option value :=
+ Option.map nat_to_value (Option.liftA2 f (value_to_nat a) (value_to_nat b)).
+ Definition state_find (k : string) (s : state) : option value :=
+ Map.find k (fst s).
+ Definition eval_binop (op : binop) (a1 a2 : value) : option value :=
+ match op with
+ | Plus => app Nat.add a1 a2
+ | Minus => app Nat.sub a1 a2
+ | Times => app Mult.tail_mult a1 a2
+ | Divide => app Nat.div a1 a2
+ | _ => Some a1
+ end.
+(* Fixpoint eval_expr (s : state) (e : expr) : option value :=
+ match e with
+ | Lit n => Some n
+ | Var v => state_find v s
+ | Neg a => 0 - (eval_expr s a)
+ | BinOp op a1 a2 => eval_binop op a1 a2
+ | Ternary c t f => if eval_expr s c then eval_expr s t else eval_expr s f
+ end.
+ *)
+End VerilogEval.
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+ (name Verilog)
+ (public_name coqup.verilog)
+ (libraries coqup.extraction))
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+++ b/src/dune
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+ (name CoqUp)
+ (public_name coqup))