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diff --git a/src/bourdoncle/ptset.ml b/src/bourdoncle/ptset.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c94691b
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+++ b/src/bourdoncle/ptset.ml
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+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Jean-Christophe Filliatre
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Laurent Hubert (CNRS)
+ *
+ * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 2.1, with the special exception on linking described in file
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *)
+(*s Sets of integers implemented as Patricia trees, following Chris
+ Okasaki and Andrew Gill's paper {\em Fast Mergeable Integer Maps}
+ ({\tt\small http://www.cs.columbia.edu/\~{}cdo/papers.html\#ml98maps}).
+ Patricia trees provide faster operations than standard library's
+ module [Set], and especially very fast [union], [subset], [inter]
+ and [diff] operations. *)
+(*s The idea behind Patricia trees is to build a {\em trie} on the
+ binary digits of the elements, and to compact the representation
+ by branching only one the relevant bits (i.e. the ones for which
+ there is at least on element in each subtree). We implement here
+ {\em little-endian} Patricia trees: bits are processed from
+ least-significant to most-significant. The trie is implemented by
+ the following type [t]. [Empty] stands for the empty trie, and
+ [Leaf k] for the singleton [k]. (Note that [k] is the actual
+ element.) [Branch (m,p,l,r)] represents a branching, where [p] is
+ the prefix (from the root of the trie) and [m] is the branching
+ bit (a power of 2). [l] and [r] contain the subsets for which the
+ branching bit is respectively 0 and 1. Invariant: the trees [l]
+ and [r] are not empty. *)
+module type S = sig
+ type t
+ type elt = int
+ val empty : t
+ val is_empty : t -> bool
+ val mem : int -> t -> bool
+ val add : int -> t -> t
+ val singleton : int -> t
+ val remove : int -> t -> t
+ val union : t -> t -> t
+ val subset : t -> t -> bool
+ val inter : t -> t -> t
+ val diff : t -> t -> t
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val elements : t -> int list
+ val choose : t -> int
+ val cardinal : t -> int
+ val iter : (int -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ val fold : (int -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+ val for_all : (int -> bool) -> t -> bool
+ val exists : (int -> bool) -> t -> bool
+ val filter : (int -> bool) -> t -> t
+ val partition : (int -> bool) -> t -> t * t
+ val split : int -> t -> t * bool * t
+ val min_elt : t -> int
+ val max_elt : t -> int
+ val intersect : t -> t -> bool
+ val choose_and_remove : t -> int*t
+type elt = int
+type t =
+ | Empty
+ | Leaf of int
+ | Branch of int * int * t * t
+(*s Example: the representation of the set $\{1,4,5\}$ is
+ $$\mathtt{Branch~(0,~1,~Leaf~4,~Branch~(1,~4,~Leaf~1,~Leaf~5))}$$
+ The first branching bit is the bit 0 (and the corresponding prefix
+ is [0b0], not of use here), with $\{4\}$ on the left and $\{1,5\}$ on the
+ right. Then the right subtree branches on bit 2 (and so has a branching
+ value of $2^2 = 4$), with prefix [0b01 = 1]. *)
+(*s Empty set and singletons. *)
+let empty = Empty
+let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false
+let singleton k = Leaf k
+(*s Testing the occurrence of a value is similar to the search in a
+ binary search tree, where the branching bit is used to select the
+ appropriate subtree. *)
+let zero_bit k m = (k land m) == 0
+let rec mem k = function
+ | Empty -> false
+ | Leaf j -> k == j
+ | Branch (_, m, l, r) -> mem k (if zero_bit k m then l else r)
+(*s The following operation [join] will be used in both insertion and
+ union. Given two non-empty trees [t0] and [t1] with longest common
+ prefixes [p0] and [p1] respectively, which are supposed to
+ disagree, it creates the union of [t0] and [t1]. For this, it
+ computes the first bit [m] where [p0] and [p1] disagree and create
+ a branching node on that bit. Depending on the value of that bit
+ in [p0], [t0] will be the left subtree and [t1] the right one, or
+ the converse. Computing the first branching bit of [p0] and [p1]
+ uses a nice property of twos-complement representation of integers. *)
+let lowest_bit x = x land (-x)
+let branching_bit p0 p1 = lowest_bit (p0 lxor p1)
+let mask p m = p land (m-1)
+let join (p0,t0,p1,t1) =
+ let m = branching_bit p0 p1 in
+ if zero_bit p0 m then
+ Branch (mask p0 m, m, t0, t1)
+ else
+ Branch (mask p0 m, m, t1, t0)
+(*s Then the insertion of value [k] in set [t] is easily implemented
+ using [join]. Insertion in a singleton is just the identity or a
+ call to [join], depending on the value of [k]. When inserting in
+ a branching tree, we first check if the value to insert [k]
+ matches the prefix [p]: if not, [join] will take care of creating
+ the above branching; if so, we just insert [k] in the appropriate
+ subtree, depending of the branching bit. *)
+let match_prefix k p m = (mask k m) == p
+let add k t =
+ let rec ins = function
+ | Empty -> Leaf k
+ | Leaf j as t ->
+ if j == k then t else join (k, Leaf k, j, t)
+ | Branch (p,m,t0,t1) as t ->
+ if match_prefix k p m then
+ if zero_bit k m then
+ Branch (p, m, ins t0, t1)
+ else
+ Branch (p, m, t0, ins t1)
+ else
+ join (k, Leaf k, p, t)
+ in
+ ins t
+(*s The code to remove an element is basically similar to the code of
+ insertion. But since we have to maintain the invariant that both
+ subtrees of a [Branch] node are non-empty, we use here the
+ ``smart constructor'' [branch] instead of [Branch]. *)
+let branch = function
+ | (_,_,Empty,t) -> t
+ | (_,_,t,Empty) -> t
+ | (p,m,t0,t1) -> Branch (p,m,t0,t1)
+let remove k t =
+ let rec rmv = function
+ | Empty -> Empty
+ | Leaf j as t -> if k == j then Empty else t
+ | Branch (p,m,t0,t1) as t ->
+ if match_prefix k p m then
+ if zero_bit k m then
+ branch (p, m, rmv t0, t1)
+ else
+ branch (p, m, t0, rmv t1)
+ else
+ t
+ in
+ rmv t
+let rec choose_and_remove = function
+ | Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Leaf j -> (j,Empty)
+ | Branch (p,m,t0,t1) ->
+ let (j,t0') = choose_and_remove t0
+ in (j, branch (p,m,t0',t1))
+(*s One nice property of Patricia trees is to support a fast union
+ operation (and also fast subset, difference and intersection
+ operations). When merging two branching trees we examine the
+ following four cases: (1) the trees have exactly the same
+ prefix; (2/3) one prefix contains the other one; and (4) the
+ prefixes disagree. In cases (1), (2) and (3) the recursion is
+ immediate; in case (4) the function [join] creates the appropriate
+ branching. *)
+let rec merge = function
+ | t1,t2 when t1==t2 -> t1
+ | Empty, t -> t
+ | t, Empty -> t
+ | Leaf k, t -> add k t
+ | t, Leaf k -> add k t
+ | (Branch (p,m,s0,s1) as s), (Branch (q,n,t0,t1) as t) ->
+ if m == n && match_prefix q p m then
+ (* The trees have the same prefix. Merge the subtrees. *)
+ Branch (p, m, merge (s0,t0), merge (s1,t1))
+ else if m < n && match_prefix q p m then
+ (* [q] contains [p]. Merge [t] with a subtree of [s]. *)
+ if zero_bit q m then
+ Branch (p, m, merge (s0,t), s1)
+ else
+ Branch (p, m, s0, merge (s1,t))
+ else if m > n && match_prefix p q n then
+ (* [p] contains [q]. Merge [s] with a subtree of [t]. *)
+ if zero_bit p n then
+ Branch (q, n, merge (s,t0), t1)
+ else
+ Branch (q, n, t0, merge (s,t1))
+ else
+ (* The prefixes disagree. *)
+ join (p, s, q, t)
+let union s t = merge (s,t)
+(*s When checking if [s1] is a subset of [s2] only two of the above
+ four cases are relevant: when the prefixes are the same and when the
+ prefix of [s1] contains the one of [s2], and then the recursion is
+ obvious. In the other two cases, the result is [false]. *)
+let rec subset s1 s2 = match (s1,s2) with
+ | Empty, _ -> true
+ | _, Empty -> false
+ | Leaf k1, _ -> mem k1 s2
+ | Branch _, Leaf _ -> false
+ | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) ->
+ if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then
+ subset l1 l2 && subset r1 r2
+ else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then
+ if zero_bit p1 m2 then
+ subset l1 l2 && subset r1 l2
+ else
+ subset l1 r2 && subset r1 r2
+ else
+ false
+(*s To compute the intersection and the difference of two sets, we
+ still examine the same four cases as in [merge]. The recursion is
+ then obvious. *)
+let rec inter s1 s2 = match (s1,s2) with
+ | t1, t2 when t1==t2 -> t1
+ | Empty, _ -> Empty
+ | _, Empty -> Empty
+ | Leaf k1, _ -> if mem k1 s2 then s1 else Empty
+ | _, Leaf k2 -> if mem k2 s1 then s2 else Empty
+ | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) ->
+ if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then
+ merge (inter l1 l2, inter r1 r2)
+ else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p2 p1 m1 then
+ inter (if zero_bit p2 m1 then l1 else r1) s2
+ else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then
+ inter s1 (if zero_bit p1 m2 then l2 else r2)
+ else
+ Empty
+let rec diff s1 s2 = match (s1,s2) with
+ | Empty, _ -> Empty
+ | _, Empty -> s1
+ | Leaf k1, _ -> if mem k1 s2 then Empty else s1
+ | _, Leaf k2 -> remove k2 s1
+ | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) ->
+ if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then
+ merge (diff l1 l2, diff r1 r2)
+ else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p2 p1 m1 then
+ if zero_bit p2 m1 then
+ merge (diff l1 s2, r1)
+ else
+ merge (l1, diff r1 s2)
+ else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then
+ if zero_bit p1 m2 then diff s1 l2 else diff s1 r2
+ else
+ s1
+(*s All the following operations ([cardinal], [iter], [fold], [for_all],
+ [exists], [filter], [partition], [choose], [elements]) are
+ implemented as for any other kind of binary trees. *)
+let rec cardinal = function
+ | Empty -> 0
+ | Leaf _ -> 1
+ | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> cardinal t0 + cardinal t1
+let rec iter f = function
+ | Empty -> ()
+ | Leaf k -> f k
+ | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> iter f t0; iter f t1
+let rec fold f s accu = match s with
+ | Empty -> accu
+ | Leaf k -> f k accu
+ | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> fold f t0 (fold f t1 accu)
+let rec for_all p = function
+ | Empty -> true
+ | Leaf k -> p k
+ | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> for_all p t0 && for_all p t1
+let rec exists p = function
+ | Empty -> false
+ | Leaf k -> p k
+ | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> exists p t0 || exists p t1
+let rec filter pr = function
+ | Empty -> Empty
+ | Leaf k as t -> if pr k then t else Empty
+ | Branch (p,m,t0,t1) -> branch (p, m, filter pr t0, filter pr t1)
+let partition p s =
+ let rec part (t,f as acc) = function
+ | Empty -> acc
+ | Leaf k -> if p k then (add k t, f) else (t, add k f)
+ | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> part (part acc t0) t1
+ in
+ part (Empty, Empty) s
+let rec choose = function
+ | Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Leaf k -> k
+ | Branch (_, _,t0,_) -> choose t0 (* we know that [t0] is non-empty *)
+let elements s =
+ let rec elements_aux acc = function
+ | Empty -> acc
+ | Leaf k -> k :: acc
+ | Branch (_,_,l,r) -> elements_aux (elements_aux acc l) r
+ in
+ (* unfortunately there is no easy way to get the elements in ascending
+ order with little-endian Patricia trees *)
+ List.sort Stdlib.compare (elements_aux [] s)
+let split x s =
+ let coll k (l, b, r) =
+ if k < x then add k l, b, r
+ else if k > x then l, b, add k r
+ else l, true, r
+ in
+ fold coll s (Empty, false, Empty)
+(*s There is no way to give an efficient implementation of [min_elt]
+ and [max_elt], as with binary search trees. The following
+ implementation is a traversal of all elements, barely more
+ efficient than [fold min t (choose t)] (resp. [fold max t (choose
+ t)]). Note that we use the fact that there is no constructor
+ [Empty] under [Branch] and therefore always a minimal
+ (resp. maximal) element there. *)
+let rec min_elt = function
+ | Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Leaf k -> k
+ | Branch (_,_,s,t) -> min (min_elt s) (min_elt t)
+let rec max_elt = function
+ | Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Leaf k -> k
+ | Branch (_,_,s,t) -> max (max_elt s) (max_elt t)
+(*s Another nice property of Patricia trees is to be independent of the
+ order of insertion. As a consequence, two Patricia trees have the
+ same elements if and only if they are structurally equal. *)
+let equal v1 v2 = 0 == (compare v1 v2)
+let compare = compare
+(* let make l = List.fold_right add l empty *)
+(*s Additional functions w.r.t to [Set.S]. *)
+let rec intersect s1 s2 = match (s1,s2) with
+ | Empty, _ -> false
+ | _, Empty -> false
+ | Leaf k1, _ -> mem k1 s2
+ | _, Leaf k2 -> mem k2 s1
+ | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) ->
+ if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then
+ intersect l1 l2 || intersect r1 r2
+ else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p2 p1 m1 then
+ intersect (if zero_bit p2 m1 then l1 else r1) s2
+ else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then
+ intersect s1 (if zero_bit p1 m2 then l2 else r2)
+ else
+ false
+(*s Big-endian Patricia trees *)
+module Big = struct
+ type elt = int
+ type t_ = t
+ type t = t_
+ let empty = Empty
+ let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false
+ let singleton k = Leaf k
+ let zero_bit k m = (k land m) == 0
+ let rec mem k = function
+ | Empty -> false
+ | Leaf j -> k == j
+ | Branch (_, m, l, r) -> mem k (if zero_bit k m then l else r)
+ let mask k m = (k lor (m-1)) land (lnot m)
+ (* we first write a naive implementation of [highest_bit]
+ only has to work for bytes *)
+ let naive_highest_bit x =
+ assert (x < 256);
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = 0 then 1 else if x lsr i = 1 then 1 lsl i else loop (i-1)
+ in
+ loop 7
+ (* then we build a table giving the highest bit for bytes *)
+ let hbit = Array.init 256 naive_highest_bit
+ (* to determine the highest bit of [x] we split it into bytes *)
+ let highest_bit_32 x =
+ let n = x lsr 24 in if n != 0 then hbit.(n) lsl 24
+ else let n = x lsr 16 in if n != 0 then hbit.(n) lsl 16
+ else let n = x lsr 8 in if n != 0 then hbit.(n) lsl 8
+ else hbit.(x)
+ let highest_bit_64 x =
+ let n = x lsr 32 in if n != 0 then (highest_bit_32 n) lsl 32
+ else highest_bit_32 x
+ let highest_bit = match Sys.word_size with
+ | 32 -> highest_bit_32
+ | 64 -> highest_bit_64
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let branching_bit p0 p1 = highest_bit (p0 lxor p1)
+ let join (p0,t0,p1,t1) =
+ (*i let m = function Branch (_,m,_,_) -> m | _ -> 0 in i*)
+ let m = branching_bit p0 p1 (*EXP (m t0) (m t1) *) in
+ if zero_bit p0 m then
+ Branch (mask p0 m, m, t0, t1)
+ else
+ Branch (mask p0 m, m, t1, t0)
+ let match_prefix k p m = (mask k m) == p
+ let add k t =
+ let rec ins = function
+ | Empty -> Leaf k
+ | Leaf j as t ->
+ if j == k then t else join (k, Leaf k, j, t)
+ | Branch (p,m,t0,t1) as t ->
+ if match_prefix k p m then
+ if zero_bit k m then
+ Branch (p, m, ins t0, t1)
+ else
+ Branch (p, m, t0, ins t1)
+ else
+ join (k, Leaf k, p, t)
+ in
+ ins t
+ let remove k t =
+ let rec rmv = function
+ | Empty -> Empty
+ | Leaf j as t -> if k == j then Empty else t
+ | Branch (p,m,t0,t1) as t ->
+ if match_prefix k p m then
+ if zero_bit k m then
+ branch (p, m, rmv t0, t1)
+ else
+ branch (p, m, t0, rmv t1)
+ else
+ t
+ in
+ rmv t
+ let rec merge = function
+ | Empty, t -> t
+ | t, Empty -> t
+ | Leaf k, t -> add k t
+ | t, Leaf k -> add k t
+ | (Branch (p,m,s0,s1) as s), (Branch (q,n,t0,t1) as t) ->
+ if m == n && match_prefix q p m then
+ (* The trees have the same prefix. Merge the subtrees. *)
+ Branch (p, m, merge (s0,t0), merge (s1,t1))
+ else if m > n && match_prefix q p m then
+ (* [q] contains [p]. Merge [t] with a subtree of [s]. *)
+ if zero_bit q m then
+ Branch (p, m, merge (s0,t), s1)
+ else
+ Branch (p, m, s0, merge (s1,t))
+ else if m < n && match_prefix p q n then
+ (* [p] contains [q]. Merge [s] with a subtree of [t]. *)
+ if zero_bit p n then
+ Branch (q, n, merge (s,t0), t1)
+ else
+ Branch (q, n, t0, merge (s,t1))
+ else
+ (* The prefixes disagree. *)
+ join (p, s, q, t)
+ let union s t = merge (s,t)
+ let rec subset s1 s2 = match (s1,s2) with
+ | Empty, _ -> true
+ | _, Empty -> false
+ | Leaf k1, _ -> mem k1 s2
+ | Branch _, Leaf _ -> false
+ | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) ->
+ if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then
+ subset l1 l2 && subset r1 r2
+ else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then
+ if zero_bit p1 m2 then
+ subset l1 l2 && subset r1 l2
+ else
+ subset l1 r2 && subset r1 r2
+ else
+ false
+ let rec inter s1 s2 = match (s1,s2) with
+ | Empty, _ -> Empty
+ | _, Empty -> Empty
+ | Leaf k1, _ -> if mem k1 s2 then s1 else Empty
+ | _, Leaf k2 -> if mem k2 s1 then s2 else Empty
+ | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) ->
+ if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then
+ merge (inter l1 l2, inter r1 r2)
+ else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p2 p1 m1 then
+ inter (if zero_bit p2 m1 then l1 else r1) s2
+ else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then
+ inter s1 (if zero_bit p1 m2 then l2 else r2)
+ else
+ Empty
+ let rec diff s1 s2 = match (s1,s2) with
+ | Empty, _ -> Empty
+ | _, Empty -> s1
+ | Leaf k1, _ -> if mem k1 s2 then Empty else s1
+ | _, Leaf k2 -> remove k2 s1
+ | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) ->
+ if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then
+ merge (diff l1 l2, diff r1 r2)
+ else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p2 p1 m1 then
+ if zero_bit p2 m1 then
+ merge (diff l1 s2, r1)
+ else
+ merge (l1, diff r1 s2)
+ else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then
+ if zero_bit p1 m2 then diff s1 l2 else diff s1 r2
+ else
+ s1
+ (* same implementation as for little-endian Patricia trees *)
+ let cardinal = cardinal
+ let iter = iter
+ let fold = fold
+ let for_all = for_all
+ let exists = exists
+ let filter = filter
+ let partition p s =
+ let rec part (t,f as acc) = function
+ | Empty -> acc
+ | Leaf k -> if p k then (add k t, f) else (t, add k f)
+ | Branch (_,_,t0,t1) -> part (part acc t0) t1
+ in
+ part (Empty, Empty) s
+ let choose = choose
+ let choose_and_remove = choose_and_remove
+ let elements s =
+ let rec elements_aux acc = function
+ | Empty -> acc
+ | Leaf k -> k :: acc
+ | Branch (_,_,l,r) -> elements_aux (elements_aux acc r) l
+ in
+ (* we still have to sort because of possible negative elements *)
+ List.sort Stdlib.compare (elements_aux [] s)
+ let split x s =
+ let coll k (l, b, r) =
+ if k < x then add k l, b, r
+ else if k > x then l, b, add k r
+ else l, true, r
+ in
+ fold coll s (Empty, false, Empty)
+ (* could be slightly improved (when we now that a branch contains only
+ positive or only negative integers) *)
+ let min_elt = min_elt
+ let max_elt = max_elt
+ let equal = (=)
+ let compare = compare
+ (* let make l = List.fold_right add l empty *)
+ let rec intersect s1 s2 = match (s1,s2) with
+ | Empty, _ -> false
+ | _, Empty -> false
+ | Leaf k1, _ -> mem k1 s2
+ | _, Leaf k2 -> mem k2 s1
+ | Branch (p1,m1,l1,r1), Branch (p2,m2,l2,r2) ->
+ if m1 == m2 && p1 == p2 then
+ intersect l1 l2 || intersect r1 r2
+ else if m1 > m2 && match_prefix p2 p1 m1 then
+ intersect (if zero_bit p2 m1 then l1 else r1) s2
+ else if m1 < m2 && match_prefix p1 p2 m2 then
+ intersect s1 (if zero_bit p1 m2 then l2 else r2)
+ else
+ false
+(*s Big-endian Patricia trees with non-negative elements only *)
+module BigPos = struct
+ include Big
+ let singleton x = if x < 0 then invalid_arg "BigPos.singleton"; singleton x
+ let add x s = if x < 0 then invalid_arg "BigPos.add"; add x s
+ (* Patricia trees are now binary search trees! *)
+ let rec mem k = function
+ | Empty -> false
+ | Leaf j -> k == j
+ | Branch (p, _, l, r) -> if k <= p then mem k l else mem k r
+ let rec min_elt = function
+ | Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Leaf k -> k
+ | Branch (_,_,s,_) -> min_elt s
+ let rec max_elt = function
+ | Empty -> raise Not_found
+ | Leaf k -> k
+ | Branch (_,_,_,t) -> max_elt t
+ (* we do not have to sort anymore *)
+ let elements s =
+ let rec elements_aux acc = function
+ | Empty -> acc
+ | Leaf k -> k :: acc
+ | Branch (_,_,l,r) -> elements_aux (elements_aux acc r) l
+ in
+ elements_aux [] s
diff --git a/src/bourdoncle/ptset.mli b/src/bourdoncle/ptset.mli
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index 0000000..88319ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bourdoncle/ptset.mli
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+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Jean-Christophe Filliatre
+ * Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Laurent Hubert (CNRS)
+ *
+ * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ * version 2.1, with the special exception on linking described in file
+ * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ *)
+(** Sets of integers implemented as Patricia trees.
+ This implementation follows Chris Okasaki and Andrew Gill's paper
+ {e Fast Mergeable Integer Maps}.
+ Patricia trees provide faster operations than standard library's
+ module [Set], and especially very fast [union], [subset], [inter]
+ and [diff] operations. *)
+(** The idea behind Patricia trees is to build a {e trie} on the
+ binary digits of the elements, and to compact the representation
+ by branching only one the relevant bits (i.e. the ones for which
+ there is at least on element in each subtree). We implement here
+ {e little-endian} Patricia trees: bits are processed from
+ least-significant to most-significant. The trie is implemented by
+ the following type [t]. [Empty] stands for the empty trie, and
+ [Leaf k] for the singleton [k]. (Note that [k] is the actual
+ element.) [Branch (m,p,l,r)] represents a branching, where [p] is
+ the prefix (from the root of the trie) and [m] is the branching
+ bit (a power of 2). [l] and [r] contain the subsets for which the
+ branching bit is respectively 0 and 1. Invariant: the trees [l]
+ and [r] are not empty. *)
+(** The docuemntation is given for function that differs from [Set.S
+ with type elt = int]. *)
+module type S = sig
+ type t
+ type elt = int
+ val empty : t
+ val is_empty : t -> bool
+ val mem : int -> t -> bool
+ val add : int -> t -> t
+ val singleton : int -> t
+ val remove : int -> t -> t
+ val union : t -> t -> t
+ val subset : t -> t -> bool
+ val inter : t -> t -> t
+ val diff : t -> t -> t
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val elements : t -> int list
+ val choose : t -> int
+ val cardinal : t -> int
+ val iter : (int -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ val fold : (int -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+ val for_all : (int -> bool) -> t -> bool
+ val exists : (int -> bool) -> t -> bool
+ val filter : (int -> bool) -> t -> t
+ val partition : (int -> bool) -> t -> t * t
+ val split : int -> t -> t * bool * t
+ (** Warning: [min_elt] and [max_elt] are linear w.r.t. the size of the
+ set. In other words, [min_elt t] is barely more efficient than [fold
+ min t (choose t)]. *)
+ val min_elt : t -> int
+ val max_elt : t -> int
+ (** Additional functions not appearing in the signature [Set.S] from
+ ocaml standard library. *)
+ (** [intersect u v] determines if sets [u] and [v] have a non-empty
+ intersection. *)
+ val intersect : t -> t -> bool
+ (** [choose_and_remove t] is equivalent (but more efficient) to
+ [(fun t -> let i = choose t in (i,remove i t)) t]
+ @author Laurent Hubert*)
+ val choose_and_remove : t -> int*t
+include S
+(** Big-endian Patricia trees *)
+module Big : S
+(** Big-endian Patricia trees with non-negative elements. Changes:
+ - [add] and [singleton] raise [Invalid_arg] if a negative element is given
+ - [mem] is slightly faster (the Patricia tree is now a search tree)
+ - [min_elt] and [max_elt] are now O(log(N))
+ - [elements] returns a list with elements in ascending order
+ *)
+module BigPos : S