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1 files changed, 70 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/src/translation/Veriloggen.v b/src/translation/Veriloggen.v
index 4cfefa2..dae984d 100644
--- a/src/translation/Veriloggen.v
+++ b/src/translation/Veriloggen.v
@@ -23,10 +23,56 @@ From vericert Require Import Vericertlib AssocMap ValueInt Statemonad.
From vericert Require Import HTL Verilog.
Import ListNotations.
-Record state: Type := mkstate {
- st_freshreg : reg;
- st_regmap : PTree.t reg;
- }.
+Local Open Scope error_monad_scope.
+Record state: Type :=
+ mkstate {
+ st_freshreg : reg;
+ st_regmap : PTree.t reg;
+ }.
+Definition transl_datapath_fun (modmap : PTree.t HTL.module) (a : Verilog.node * HTL.datapath_stmnt) :=
+ let (n, s) := a in
+ let node := Verilog.Vlit (posToValue n) in
+ match s with
+ | HTL.HTLfork mod_name args =>
+ do mod_body <- handle_opt (Errors.msg "module does not exist") (modmap ! mod_name);
+ let reset_mod := Vnonblock (Vvar (HTL.mod_reset mod_body)) (posToLit 1) in
+ let zipped_args := List.combine (HTL.mod_params mod_body) args in
+ let assign_args :=
+ List.fold_left (fun (acc : stmnt) (a : reg * reg) => let (from, to) := a in
+ Vseq acc (Vnonblock (Vvar to) (Vvar from)))
+ zipped_args Vskip in
+ OK (node, Vseq reset_mod assign_args)
+ | HTL.HTLjoin mod_name dst => OK (node, Verilog.Vskip) (* inline_call m args *)
+ | HTL.HTLDataVstmnt s => OK (node, s)
+ end.
+Definition transl_datapath modmap st := Errors.mmap (transl_datapath_fun modmap) st.
+Definition transl_ctrl_fun (modmap : PTree.t HTL.module) (a : Verilog.node * HTL.control_stmnt) : Errors.res (Verilog.expr * Verilog.stmnt):=
+ let (n, s) := a in
+ let node := Verilog.Vlit (posToValue n) in
+ match s with
+ | HTL.HTLwait mod_name status expr =>
+ do mod_body <- handle_opt (Errors.msg "module does not exist") (PTree.get mod_name modmap);
+ let is_done := Vbinop Veq (Vvar (HTL.mod_finish mod_body)) (Vlit (posToValue 1)) in
+ let continue := Vnonblock (Vvar status) expr in
+ Errors.OK (node, Verilog.Vcond is_done continue Vskip)
+ | HTL.HTLCtrlVstmnt s => Errors.OK (node, s)
+ end.
+Definition transl_ctrl modmap st := Errors.mmap (transl_ctrl_fun modmap) st.
+Definition scl_to_Vdecl_fun (a : reg * (option Verilog.io * Verilog.scl_decl)) :=
+ match a with (r, (io, Verilog.VScalar sz)) => (Verilog.Vdecl io r sz) end.
+Definition scl_to_Vdecl scldecl := map scl_to_Vdecl_fun scldecl.
+Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun (a : reg * (option Verilog.io * Verilog.arr_decl)) :=
+ match a with (r, (io, Verilog.VArray sz l)) => (Verilog.Vdeclarr io r sz l) end.
+Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr arrdecl := map arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun arrdecl.
Module VerilogState <: State.
Definition st := state.
@@ -39,47 +85,17 @@ Module VerilogState <: State.
Lemma st_trans : forall s1 s2 s3, st_prop s1 s2 -> st_prop s2 s3 -> st_prop s1 s3.
Proof. constructor. Qed.
End VerilogState.
-Export VerilogState.
Module VerilogMonad := Statemonad(VerilogState).
-Export VerilogMonad.
Module VerilogMonadExtra := Monad.MonadExtra(VerilogMonad).
-Import VerilogMonadExtra.
-Export MonadNotation.
-Definition transl_datapath_fun (a : Verilog.node * HTL.datapath_stmnt) :=
- let (n, s) := a in
- (Verilog.Vlit (posToValue n),
- match s with
- | HTL.HTLfork m args => Verilog.Vskip (* inline_call m args *)
- | HTL.HTLjoin m dst => Verilog.Vskip (* inline_call m args *)
- | HTL.HTLDataVstmnt s => s
- end).
-Definition transl_datapath st := map transl_datapath_fun st.
-Definition transl_ctrl_fun (a : Verilog.node * HTL.control_stmnt) :=
- let (n, s) := a in
- (Verilog.Vlit (posToValue n),
- match s with
- | HTL.HTLwait _ _ _ => Vskip
- | HTL.HTLCtrlVstmnt s => s
- end).
-Definition transl_ctrl st := map transl_ctrl_fun st.
-Definition scl_to_Vdecl_fun (a : reg * (option Verilog.io * Verilog.scl_decl)) :=
- match a with (r, (io, Verilog.VScalar sz)) => (Verilog.Vdecl io r sz) end.
-Definition scl_to_Vdecl scldecl := map scl_to_Vdecl_fun scldecl.
-Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun (a : reg * (option Verilog.io * Verilog.arr_decl)) :=
- match a with (r, (io, Verilog.VArray sz l)) => (Verilog.Vdeclarr io r sz l) end.
-Definition arr_to_Vdeclarr arrdecl := map arr_to_Vdeclarr_fun arrdecl.
+ Export VerilogState.
+ Export VerilogMonad.
+ Import VerilogMonadExtra.
+ Export MonadNotation.
Definition renumber_reg (r : reg) : mon reg :=
do st <- get;
match PTree.get r st.(st_regmap) with
@@ -248,30 +264,35 @@ Section TRANSLATE.
; HTL.mod_clk m
] ++ HTL.mod_params m ++ map fst (PTree.elements (mod_scldecls m)) ++ map fst (PTree.elements (mod_arrdecls m))) 1%positive.
+ Definition prog_modmap (p : HTL.program) :=
+ PTree_Properties.of_list (Option.map_option
+ (fun a => match a with
+ | (ident, (Gfun (Internal f))) => Some (ident, f)
+ | _ => None
+ end)
+ p.(prog_defs)).
(* FIXME Remove the fuel parameter (recursion limit)*)
Fixpoint transf_module (fuel : nat) (program : HTL.program) (m : HTL.module) : Errors.res Verilog.module :=
match fuel with
| O => Errors.Error (Errors.msg "Veriloggen: transl_module ran out of fuel")
| S fuel' =>
- let case_el_ctrl := transl_ctrl (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_controllogic m)) in
- let case_el_data := transl_datapath (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_datapath m)) in
let inline_start_reg := max_reg_module m in
(* Inlining *)
let inline_names := called_functions (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_datapath m)) in
do htl_modules <- Errors.mmap (find_module program) inline_names;
do translated_modules <- Errors.mmap (transf_module fuel' program) htl_modules;
- let (renumbered_modules, _) :=
+ let (renumbered_modules, transl_st) :=
fold_left (fun (acc : list Verilog.module * positive) module =>
let (acc_lst, freshreg) := acc in
- let init_state :=
+ let init_state : state :=
mkstate freshreg
(PTree.set (mod_clk module) (HTL.mod_clk m)
(PTree.empty reg)) in
match renumber_module module init_state with
- | Error _ => (acc_lst, freshreg)
- | OK vmodule (mkstate freshreg' _) _ => (vmodule :: acc_lst, freshreg)
+ | VerilogMonad.Error _ => (acc_lst, freshreg)
+ | VerilogMonad.OK vmodule (mkstate freshreg' _) _ => (vmodule :: acc_lst, freshreg)
translated_modules (nil, inline_start_reg) in
let cleaned_modules :=
@@ -286,6 +307,9 @@ Section TRANSLATE.
| _ => Some a
end))) renumbered_modules in
+ do case_el_ctrl <- transl_ctrl (prog_modmap program) (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_controllogic m));
+ do case_el_data <- transl_datapath (prog_modmap program) (PTree.elements (HTL.mod_datapath m));
let body : list Verilog.module_item:=
Valways (Vposedge (HTL.mod_clk m)) (Vcond (Vbinop Veq (Vvar (HTL.mod_reset m)) (Vlit (ZToValue 1)))
(Vnonblock (Vvar (HTL.mod_st m)) (Vlit (posToValue (HTL.mod_entrypoint m))))