path: root/src/bourdoncle
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bourdoncle')
4 files changed, 304 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bourdoncle/Bourdoncle.v b/src/bourdoncle/Bourdoncle.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d470b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bourdoncle/Bourdoncle.v
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+(** Type of a Bourdoncle component. *)
+Require Import List.
+Require Import BinPos.
+Notation node := positive.
+Inductive bourdoncle :=
+| I : node -> bourdoncle
+| L : node -> list bourdoncle -> bourdoncle.
diff --git a/src/bourdoncle/BourdoncleAux.ml b/src/bourdoncle/BourdoncleAux.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c7fd58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bourdoncle/BourdoncleAux.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+(* Note: this file is used by SliceToString, so it must not include it *)
+open Camlcoq
+open BinNums
+open BinPos
+open Maps
+open RTL
+open BourdoncleIterator
+module B = Bourdoncle
+type node = P.t
+let int_of_positive p =
+ let i = P.to_int p in
+ i - 1
+let positive_of_int n = P.of_int (n+1)
+(* Functions copied from SliceToString to avoid mutual inclusion *)
+let nodeToString (p : P.t) : string =
+ Int.to_string (P.to_int p)
+let rec cleanListToString' (aToString: 'a -> string) (l : 'a list) =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> ""
+ | e :: r -> " " ^ (aToString e) ^ (cleanListToString' aToString r)
+let cleanListToString (aToString: 'a -> string) (l : 'a list) =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> "[]"
+ | [e] -> "(" ^ (aToString e) ^ ")"
+ | e :: r -> "(" ^ (aToString e) ^ (cleanListToString' aToString r) ^ ")"
+let rec bourdoncleToString (b : B.bourdoncle) : string =
+ match b with
+ | B.I n -> (nodeToString n)
+ | B.L (h, lb) -> cleanListToString bourdoncleToString ((B.I h) :: lb)
+let bourdoncleListToString (l : B.bourdoncle list) : string =
+ cleanListToString bourdoncleToString l
+(* Dummy type to avoid redefining existing functions *)
+type instr = | Inop
+let build_cfg f =
+ let entry = int_of_positive f.fn_entrypoint in
+ let max = PTree.fold (fun m n _ -> max m (int_of_positive n)) f.fn_code 0 in
+ (* nodes are between 1 and max+1 *)
+ let succ = Array.make (max+1) [] in
+ let _ = PTree.fold (fun () n ins ->
+ succ.(int_of_positive n) <-
+ let inop : instr = Inop in
+ match ins with
+ | RTL.Inop j -> [(int_of_positive j, inop)]
+ | RTL.Iop (op,args,dst,j) -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop)]
+ | RTL.Iload (_,_,_,dst,j) -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop)]
+ | RTL.Istore (_,_,_,_,j) -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop)]
+ | RTL.Icall (_,_,_,dst,j) -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop)]
+ | RTL.Itailcall _ -> []
+ | RTL.Ibuiltin (_,_,dst,j) -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop)]
+ | RTL.Icond (c,args,j,k) -> [(int_of_positive j, Inop);(int_of_positive k, Inop)]
+ | RTL.Ijumptable (_,tbl) -> List.map (fun j -> (int_of_positive j, inop)) tbl
+ | RTL.Ireturn _ -> []) f.fn_code () in
+ { entry = entry; succ = succ }
+let rec build_bourdoncle' (bl : bourdoncle list) : B.bourdoncle list =
+ match bl with
+ | [] -> []
+ | (I i) :: r -> B.I (positive_of_int i) :: (build_bourdoncle' r)
+ | (L ((I h) :: l, _)) :: r -> B.L (positive_of_int h, build_bourdoncle' l) :: (build_bourdoncle' r)
+ | _ -> failwith "Assertion error: invalid bourdoncle ist"
+let build_bourdoncle'' (f : coq_function) : B.bourdoncle =
+ let cfg = build_cfg f in
+ match build_bourdoncle' (get_bourdoncle cfg) with
+ | [] -> failwith "assertion error: empty bourdoncle"
+ | l ->
+ begin
+ match l with
+ | B.I h :: r -> B.L (h, r)
+ | B.L (_, _) :: _ ->
+ begin
+ Printf.printf "ASSERTION ERROR: invalid program structure (too many bourdoncles)\n";
+ Printf.printf "Head should be an element, but it is a list\n";
+ Printf.printf "Failed at: %s\n" (bourdoncleListToString l);
+ failwith "assertion error"
+ end
+ | _ -> failwith "assertion error : ???"
+ end
+(* Auxiliary function for build_order *)
+let rec linearize (b : B.bourdoncle) : node list =
+ match b with
+ | B.I n -> [n]
+ | B.L (h, l) -> List.fold_left (fun l0 b' -> l0 @ (linearize b')) [h] l
+let succ_pos = function
+ | N0 -> Npos Coq_xH
+ | Npos p -> Npos (Pos.succ p)
+let rec build_order' (l : node list) (count : coq_N) : coq_N PTree.t =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> PTree.empty
+ | n :: r -> PTree.set n count (build_order' r (succ_pos count))
+let build_order (b : B.bourdoncle) : coq_N PMap.t =
+ let bo = build_order' (linearize b) (succ_pos N0) in
+ (succ_pos N0, bo)
+let build_bourdoncle (f : coq_function) : (B.bourdoncle * coq_N PMap.t) =
+ let b = build_bourdoncle'' f in
+ let bo = build_order b in
+ (b, bo)
diff --git a/src/bourdoncle/README.md b/src/bourdoncle/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e1d02b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bourdoncle/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Bourdoncle implementation
+This code was taken from WCET analysis in CompCert, which can be found [here](http://www.irisa.fr/celtique/ext/loopbound/).
diff --git a/src/bourdoncle/bourdoncleIterator.ml b/src/bourdoncle/bourdoncleIterator.ml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cf0c78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bourdoncle/bourdoncleIterator.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+type ('ab, 'instr) adom = {
+ order: 'ab -> 'ab -> bool;
+ join: 'ab -> 'ab -> 'ab;
+ widen: 'ab -> 'ab -> 'ab;
+ top: unit -> 'ab;
+ bot: unit -> 'ab;
+ transfer: 'instr -> 'ab -> 'ab;
+ to_string: 'ab -> string
+type 'instr cfg = {
+ entry: int;
+ succ: (int * 'instr) list array;
+(* Utilities *)
+let rec print_list_sep_rec sep pp = function
+ | [] -> ""
+ | x::q -> sep^(pp x)^(print_list_sep_rec sep pp q)
+let rec print_list_sep_list_rec sep pp = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | x::q -> (sep^(pp x))::(print_list_sep_list_rec sep pp q)
+let print_list_sep sep pp = function
+ | [] -> ""
+ | x::q -> (pp x)^(print_list_sep_rec sep pp q)
+let dot_cfg cfg filename =
+ let f = open_out filename in
+ Printf.fprintf f "digraph {\n";
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i l ->
+ List.iter (fun (j,_) -> Printf.fprintf f " n%d -> n%d\n" i j) l)
+ cfg.succ;
+ Printf.fprintf f "}\n";
+ close_out f
+(* Bourdoncle *)
+type bourdoncle = L of (bourdoncle list) * Ptset.t | I of int
+let rec string_of_bourdoncle_list l =
+ print_list_sep " " string_of_bourdoncle l
+and string_of_bourdoncle = function
+ | L (l,_) -> "("^(string_of_bourdoncle_list l)^")"
+ | I i -> string_of_int i
+(* For efficiency we pre-compute the set of nodes in a cfc *)
+let add_component =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun s b ->
+ match b with
+ | I i -> Ptset.add i s
+ | L (_,s') -> Ptset.union s s')
+ Ptset.empty
+(* Bourdoncle strategy computation *)
+let get_bourdoncle cfg =
+ let date = ref 0 in
+ let debut = Array.map (fun _ -> 0) cfg.succ in
+ let stack = Stack.create () in
+ let rec component i =
+ let partition = ref [] in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (j,_) ->
+ if debut.(j)=0 then ignore (visite j partition))
+ cfg.succ.(i);
+ (I i) :: !partition
+ and visite i partition =
+ incr date;
+ debut.(i) <- !date;
+ let min = ref !date in
+ let loop = ref false in
+ Stack.push i stack;
+ List.iter
+ (fun (j,_) ->
+ let m = if debut.(j)=0 then visite j partition else debut.(j) in
+ if m <= !min then
+ begin
+ min := m;
+ loop := true
+ end)
+ cfg.succ.(i);
+ if !min=debut.(i) then
+ begin
+ debut.(i) <- max_int;
+ let k = ref (Stack.pop stack) in
+ if !loop then begin
+ while (!k<>i) do
+ debut.(!k) <- 0;
+ k := Stack.pop stack;
+ done;
+ let c = component i in
+ partition := (L (c,add_component c)) :: !partition
+ end
+ else partition := (I i) :: !partition
+ end;
+ !min
+ in
+ let partition = ref [] in
+ (* only one entry in the cfg *)
+ ignore (visite cfg.entry partition);
+ Array.iteri (fun i d -> if d=0 then cfg.succ.(i) <- []) debut;
+ !partition
+(* predecessors *)
+let get_pred cfg =
+ let pred = Array.make (Array.length cfg.succ) [] in
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i succs ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun (j,ins) ->
+ pred.(j) <- (i,ins) :: pred.(j))
+ succs
+ )
+ cfg.succ;
+ pred
+let check_fixpoint adom cfg res =
+ if not (adom.order (adom.top ()) res.(cfg.entry)) then
+ failwith "res.(ENTRY) should be top !\n";
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i succs ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun (j,op) ->
+ if not (adom.order (adom.transfer op res.(i)) res.(j)) then
+ begin
+ dot_cfg cfg "debug_bourdoncle.dot";
+ failwith (Printf.sprintf "res.(%d) should be lower than res.(%d) !\n" i j)
+ end)
+ succs)
+ cfg.succ
+let option_down_iterations = ref 1
+let rec f_list f acc = function
+ [] -> acc
+ | x::q -> f_list f (f acc x) q
+let run_with_bourdoncle adom b cfg =
+ let preds = get_pred cfg in
+ let res = Array.init (Array.length preds) (fun _ -> adom.bot ()) in
+ let join_list = f_list adom.join in
+ let _ = res.(cfg.entry) <- adom.top () in
+ let upd j =
+ if j <> cfg.entry then
+ res.(j) <-
+ join_list (adom.bot ())
+ (List.map (fun (i,op) -> adom.transfer op res.(i)) preds.(j)) in
+ let upd_except_cfc j cfc =
+ if j <> cfg.entry then
+ res.(j) <- join_list res.(j)
+ (List.map (fun (i,op) -> adom.transfer op res.(i))
+ (List.filter (fun (i,op) -> not (Ptset.mem i cfc)) preds.(j)))
+ in
+ let nb_down = !option_down_iterations in
+ let rec iter_component down = function
+ | L (I head::rest,cfc) ->
+ let rec aux down = function
+ [] ->
+ let old_ab = res.(head) in
+ let _ = upd head in
+ let new_ab = res.(head) in
+ if down >= nb_down || (new_ab = old_ab) then ()
+ else if not (adom.order new_ab old_ab) then
+ begin
+ res.(head) <- adom.widen old_ab new_ab;
+ aux (-1) rest
+ end
+ else (upd head; aux (down+1) rest)
+ | b::q -> iter_component down b; aux down q in
+ upd_except_cfc head cfc;
+ aux down rest
+ | I i -> upd i
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ List.iter (iter_component (-1)) b;
+ check_fixpoint adom cfg res;
+ res
+let run adom cfg =
+ let b = get_bourdoncle cfg in
+ run_with_bourdoncle adom b cfg