path: root/src/common/Coquplib.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/common/Coquplib.v')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/Coquplib.v b/src/common/Coquplib.v
index 5de1e7c..469eddc 100644
--- a/src/common/Coquplib.v
+++ b/src/common/Coquplib.v
@@ -23,12 +23,37 @@ From Coq Require Export
+Require Import Lia.
From coqup Require Import Show.
(* Depend on CompCert for the basic library, as they declare and prove some
useful theorems. *)
From compcert.lib Require Export Coqlib.
-From compcert Require Integers.
+From compcert Require Import Integers.
+Local Open Scope Z_scope.
+(* This tactic due to Clement Pit-Claudel with some minor additions by JDP to
+ allow the result to be named: https://pit-claudel.fr/clement/MSc/#org96a1b5f *)
+Inductive Learnt {A: Type} (a: A) :=
+ | AlreadyKnown : Learnt a.
+Ltac learn_tac fact name :=
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H: Learnt fact |- _ ] =>
+ fail 0 "fact" fact "has already been learnt"
+ | _ => let type := type of fact in
+ lazymatch goal with
+ | [ H: @Learnt type _ |- _ ] =>
+ fail 0 "fact" fact "of type" type "was already learnt through" H
+ | _ => let learnt := fresh "Learn" in
+ pose proof (AlreadyKnown fact) as learnt; pose proof fact as name
+ end
+ end.
+Tactic Notation "learn" constr(fact) := let name := fresh "H" in learn_tac fact name.
+Tactic Notation "learn" constr(fact) "as" simple_intropattern(name) := learn_tac fact name.
Ltac unfold_rec c := unfold c; fold c.
@@ -44,13 +69,24 @@ Ltac solve_by_invert := solve_by_inverts 1.
Ltac invert x := inversion x; subst; clear x.
-Ltac clear_obvious :=
+Ltac destruct_match :=
+ match goal with | [ |- context[match ?x with | _ => _ end ] ] => destruct x end.
+Ltac nicify_hypotheses :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : ex _ |- _ ] => invert H
- | [ H : ?C _ = ?C _ |- _ ] => invert H
+ | [ H : Some _ = Some _ |- _ ] => invert H
+ | [ H : ?x = ?x |- _ ] => clear H
| [ H : _ /\ _ |- _ ] => invert H
+Ltac nicify_goals :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split
+ | [ |- Some _ = Some _ ] => f_equal
+ | [ |- S _ = S _ ] => f_equal
+ end.
Ltac kill_bools :=
repeat match goal with
| [ H : _ && _ = true |- _ ] => apply andb_prop in H
@@ -117,16 +153,38 @@ Ltac unfold_constants :=
-Ltac simplify := unfold_constants; simpl in *;
- repeat (clear_obvious; kill_bools);
- simpl in *; try discriminate.
+Ltac substpp :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ H1 : ?x = Some _, H2 : ?x = Some _ |- _ ] =>
+ let EQ := fresh "EQ" in
+ learn H1 as EQ; rewrite H2 in EQ; invert EQ
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
-Global Opaque Nat.div.
-Global Opaque Z.mul.
+Ltac simplify := intros; unfold_constants; simpl in *;
+ repeat (nicify_hypotheses; nicify_goals; kill_bools; substpp);
+ simpl in *.
Infix "==nat" := eq_nat_dec (no associativity, at level 50).
Infix "==Z" := Z.eq_dec (no associativity, at level 50).
+Ltac liapp :=
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ |- (?x | ?y) ] =>
+ match (eval compute in (Z.rem y x ==Z 0)) with
+ | left _ =>
+ let q := (eval compute in (Z.div y x))
+ in exists q; reflexivity
+ | _ => idtac
+ end
+ | _ => idtac
+ end.
+Ltac crush := simplify; try discriminate; try congruence; try lia; liapp; try assumption.
+Global Opaque Nat.div.
+Global Opaque Z.mul.
(* Definition const (A B : Type) (a : A) (b : B) : A := a.
Definition compose (A B C : Type) (f : B -> C) (g : A -> B) (x : A) : C := f (g x). *)
@@ -177,3 +235,5 @@ Definition debug_show {A B : Type} `{Show A} (a : A) (b : B) : B :=
Definition debug_show_msg {A B : Type} `{Show A} (s : string) (a : A) (b : B) : B :=
let unused := debug_print (s ++ show a) in b.
+Notation "f $ x" := (f x) (at level 60, right associativity, only parsing).