path: root/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
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diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
index 946a243..48fe922 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
@@ -273,105 +273,6 @@ all be evaluable.
+ auto.
- Lemma sem_pexpr_not_in :
- forall G (ctx: @ctx G) p0 ps p e b,
- ~ PredIn p p0 ->
- sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op ps p0) b ->
- sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op (PTree.set p e ps) p0) b.
- Proof.
- induction p0; auto; intros.
- - cbn. destruct p. unfold get_forest_p'.
- assert (p0 <> p) by
- (unfold not; intros; apply H; subst; constructor).
- rewrite PTree.gso; auto.
- - cbn in *.
- assert (X: ~ PredIn p p0_1 /\ ~ PredIn p p0_2) by
- (split; unfold not; intros; apply H; constructor; tauto).
- inversion_clear X as [X1 X2].
- inv H0. inv H4.
- specialize (IHp0_1 _ p e _ X1 H0). constructor. tauto.
- specialize (IHp0_2 _ p e _ X2 H0). constructor. tauto.
- constructor; auto.
- - cbn in *.
- assert (X: ~ PredIn p p0_1 /\ ~ PredIn p p0_2) by
- (split; unfold not; intros; apply H; constructor; tauto).
- inversion_clear X as [X1 X2].
- inv H0. inv H4.
- specialize (IHp0_1 _ p e _ X1 H0). constructor. tauto.
- specialize (IHp0_2 _ p e _ X2 H0). constructor. tauto.
- constructor; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_not_in :
- forall A B G (ctx: @ctx G) (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> A -> B -> Prop) l v p e ps,
- sem_pred_expr ps s ctx l v ->
- predicated_not_inP p l ->
- sem_pred_expr (PTree.set p e ps) s ctx l v.
- Proof.
- induction l.
- - intros. unfold predicated_not_inP in H0.
- destruct a. constructor. apply sem_pexpr_not_in.
- eapply H0. econstructor. inv H. auto. inv H. auto.
- - intros. inv H. constructor. unfold predicated_not_inP in H0.
- eapply sem_pexpr_not_in. eapply H0. constructor. left. eauto.
- auto. auto.
- apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false. apply sem_pexpr_not_in. eapply H0.
- constructor. tauto. auto. auto.
- eapply IHl. eauto. eapply predicated_not_inP_cons; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma pred_fold_true' :
- forall A l pred y,
- fold_left (fun a (p : positive * predicated A) => a && predicated_not_in pred (snd p)) l y = true ->
- y = true.
- Proof.
- induction l; crush.
- exploit IHl; try eassumption; intros.
- eapply andb_prop in H0; tauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma pred_fold_true :
- forall A pred l p y,
- fold_left (fun (a : bool) (p : positive * predicated A) => a && predicated_not_in pred (snd p)) l y = true ->
- y = true ->
- list_norepet (map fst l) ->
- In p l ->
- predicated_not_in pred (snd p) = true.
- Proof.
- induction l; crush.
- inv H1. inv H2.
- - cbn in *. now eapply pred_fold_true' in H.
- - cbn in *; eapply IHl; try eassumption.
- eapply pred_fold_true'; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma pred_not_in_forestP :
- forall pred f,
- predicated_not_in_forest pred f = true ->
- forall x, predicated_not_inP pred (f #r x).
- Proof.
- unfold predicated_not_in_forest, predicated_not_in_pred_expr; intros.
- destruct (RTree.get x (forest_regs f)) eqn:?.
- - eapply andb_prop in H. inv H. rewrite PTree.fold_spec in H0.
- unfold RTree.get in Heqo.
- exploit pred_fold_true. eauto. auto. apply PTree.elements_keys_norepet.
- apply PTree.elements_correct; eauto.
- intros. eapply predicated_not_inP_equiv. unfold "#r".
- unfold RTree.get. rewrite Heqo. auto.
- - unfold "#r". rewrite Heqo. unfold predicated_not_inP; intros.
- inv H0. inversion 1.
- Qed.
- Lemma pred_not_in_forest_exitP :
- forall pred f,
- predicated_not_in_forest pred f = true ->
- predicated_not_inP pred (forest_exit f).
- Proof.
- intros.
- eapply predicated_not_inP_equiv. unfold predicated_not_in_forest in H.
- eapply andb_prop in H; tauto.
- Qed.
Lemma sem_update_Isetpred:
forall A (ctx: @ctx A) f pr p0 c args b rs m,
predicated_mutexcl (seq_app (pred_ret (PEsetpred c)) (merge (list_translation args f))) ->