path: root/src/hls/HTL.v
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/hls/HTL.v')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 32 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/HTL.v b/src/hls/HTL.v
index 8cebbfd..f16aef5 100644
--- a/src/hls/HTL.v
+++ b/src/hls/HTL.v
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib.
Require Import vericert.hls.ValueInt.
Require Import vericert.hls.AssocMap.
Require Import vericert.hls.Array.
+Require Import vericert.common.Maps.
Require vericert.hls.Verilog.
Local Open Scope positive.
@@ -45,15 +46,20 @@ Local Open Scope assocmap.
Definition reg := positive.
Definition node := positive.
+Definition ident := positive.
-Definition datapath := PTree.t Verilog.stmnt.
-Definition controllogic := PTree.t Verilog.stmnt.
+Definition datapath_stmnt := Verilog.stmnt.
+Definition datapath := PTree.t datapath_stmnt.
+Definition control_stmnt := Verilog.stmnt.
+Definition controllogic := PTree.t control_stmnt.
Definition map_well_formed {A : Type} (m : PTree.t A) : Prop :=
forall p0 : positive,
In p0 (map fst (Maps.PTree.elements m)) ->
(Z.pos p0 <= Integers.Int.max_unsigned)%Z.
+Definition ram_ordering a b c d e f := a < b < c /\ c < d < e /\ e < f.
Record ram := mk_ram {
ram_size: nat;
ram_mem: reg;
@@ -63,15 +69,26 @@ Record ram := mk_ram {
ram_wr_en: reg;
ram_d_in: reg;
ram_d_out: reg;
- ram_ordering: (ram_addr < ram_en
- /\ ram_en < ram_d_in
- /\ ram_d_in < ram_d_out
- /\ ram_d_out < ram_wr_en
- /\ ram_wr_en < ram_u_en)
+ ram_ordering_wf: ram_ordering ram_addr ram_en ram_d_in ram_d_out ram_wr_en ram_u_en
Definition module_ordering a b c d e f g := a < b < c /\ c < d < e /\ e < f < g.
+Inductive controlsignal : Type :=
+ | ctrl_finish : controlsignal
+ | ctrl_return : controlsignal
+ | ctrl_start : controlsignal
+ | ctrl_reset : controlsignal
+ | ctrl_clk : controlsignal
+ | ctrl_param (idx : nat) : controlsignal.
+Definition controlsignal_sz (s : controlsignal) : nat :=
+ match s with
+ | ctrl_param _ => 32
+ | ctrl_return => 32
+ | _ => 1
+ end.
Record module: Type :=
mkmodule {
mod_params : list reg;
@@ -88,6 +105,9 @@ Record module: Type :=
mod_clk : reg;
mod_scldecls : AssocMap.t (option Verilog.io * Verilog.scl_decl);
mod_arrdecls : AssocMap.t (option Verilog.io * Verilog.arr_decl);
+ (** Map from registers in this module to control registers in other modules.
+ These will be mapped to the same verilog register. *)
+ mod_externctrl : AssocMap.t (ident * controlsignal);
mod_ram : option ram;
mod_wf : map_well_formed mod_controllogic /\ map_well_formed mod_datapath;
mod_ordering_wf : module_ordering mod_st mod_finish mod_return mod_stk mod_start mod_reset mod_clk;
@@ -108,31 +128,59 @@ Fixpoint init_regs (vl : list value) (rl : list reg) {struct rl} :=
Definition empty_stack (m : module) : Verilog.assocmap_arr :=
(AssocMap.set m.(mod_stk) (Array.arr_repeat None m.(mod_stk_len)) (AssocMap.empty Verilog.arr)).
+Definition prog_modmap (p : HTL.program) :=
+ PTree_Properties.of_list (Option.map_option
+ (fun a => match a with
+ | (ident, (AST.Gfun (AST.Internal f))) => Some (ident, f)
+ | _ => None
+ end)
+ (AST.prog_defs p)).
+Lemma max_pc_wf :
+ forall T m, (Z.pos (max_pc_map m) <= Integers.Int.max_unsigned)%Z ->
+ @map_well_formed T m.
+ unfold map_well_formed. intros.
+ exploit list_in_map_inv. eassumption. intros [x [A B]]. destruct x.
+ apply Maps.PTree.elements_complete in B. apply max_pc_map_sound in B.
+ unfold Ple in B. apply Pos2Z.pos_le_pos in B. subst.
+ simplify. transitivity (Z.pos (max_pc_map m)); eauto.
(** * Operational Semantics *)
Definition genv := Globalenvs.Genv.t fundef unit.
+Definition find_func {F V} (ge : Globalenvs.Genv.t F V) (symb : AST.ident) : option F :=
+ match Globalenvs.Genv.find_symbol ge symb with
+ | None => None
+ | Some b => Globalenvs.Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b
+ end.
Inductive stackframe : Type :=
- Stackframe :
- forall (res : reg)
- (m : module)
- (pc : node)
- (reg_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_reg)
- (arr_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_arr),
- stackframe.
+ Stackframe : forall (mid : ident)
+ (m : module)
+ (st : node)
+ (reg_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_reg)
+ (arr_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_arr),
+ stackframe.
Inductive state : Type :=
| State :
forall (stack : list stackframe)
+ (mid : ident)
(m : module)
(st : node)
(reg_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_reg)
(arr_assoc : Verilog.assocmap_arr), state
| Returnstate :
forall (res : list stackframe)
+ (mid : ident) (** Name of the callee *)
(v : value), state
| Callstate :
forall (stack : list stackframe)
+ (mid : ident)
(m : module)
(args : list value), state.
@@ -172,7 +220,7 @@ Inductive exec_ram:
Inductive step : genv -> state -> Events.trace -> state -> Prop :=
| step_module :
- forall g m st sf ctrl data
+ forall g mid m st sf ctrl_stmnt data_stmnt
asr asa
basr1 basa1 nasr1 nasa1
basr2 basa2 nasr2 nasa2
@@ -182,19 +230,19 @@ Inductive step : genv -> state -> Events.trace -> state -> Prop :=
asr!(mod_reset m) = Some (ZToValue 0) ->
asr!(mod_finish m) = Some (ZToValue 0) ->
asr!(m.(mod_st)) = Some (posToValue st) ->
- m.(mod_controllogic)!st = Some ctrl ->
- m.(mod_datapath)!st = Some data ->
+ m.(mod_controllogic)!st = Some ctrl_stmnt ->
+ m.(mod_datapath)!st = Some data_stmnt ->
Verilog.stmnt_runp f
(Verilog.mkassociations asr empty_assocmap)
(Verilog.mkassociations asa (empty_stack m))
- ctrl
+ ctrl_stmnt
(Verilog.mkassociations basr1 nasr1)
(Verilog.mkassociations basa1 nasa1) ->
basr1!(m.(mod_st)) = Some (posToValue st) ->
Verilog.stmnt_runp f
(Verilog.mkassociations basr1 nasr1)
(Verilog.mkassociations basa1 nasa1)
- data
+ data_stmnt
(Verilog.mkassociations basr2 nasr2)
(Verilog.mkassociations basa2 nasa2) ->
@@ -207,26 +255,69 @@ Inductive step : genv -> state -> Events.trace -> state -> Prop :=
asa' = Verilog.merge_arrs nasa3 basa3 ->
asr'!(m.(mod_st)) = Some (posToValue pstval) ->
(Z.pos pstval <= Integers.Int.max_unsigned)%Z ->
- step g (State sf m st asr asa) Events.E0 (State sf m pstval asr' asa')
+ step g
+ (State sf mid m st asr asa) Events.E0
+ (State sf mid m pstval asr' asa')
| step_finish :
- forall g m st asr asa retval sf,
+ forall g m st asr asa retval sf mid,
asr!(m.(mod_finish)) = Some (ZToValue 1) ->
asr!(m.(mod_return)) = Some retval ->
- step g (State sf m st asr asa) Events.E0 (Returnstate sf retval)
+ step g
+ (State sf mid m st asr asa) Events.E0
+ (Returnstate sf mid retval)
+| step_initcall :
+ forall g callerid caller st asr asa sf callee_id callee callee_reset callee_params callee_param_vals,
+ find_func g callee_id = Some (AST.Internal callee) ->
+ caller.(mod_externctrl)!callee_reset = Some (callee_id, ctrl_reset) ->
+ (forall n param, nth_error callee_params n = Some param ->
+ caller.(mod_externctrl)!param = Some (callee_id, ctrl_param n)) ->
+ (* The fact that this is the only condition on the current state to trigger
+ a call introduces non-determinism into the semantics. The semantics
+ permit initiating a call from any state where a reset has been set to 0.
+ *)
+ asr!callee_reset = Some (ZToValue 0) ->
+ callee_param_vals = List.map (fun p => asr#p) callee_params ->
+ step g
+ (State sf callerid caller st asr asa) Events.E0
+ (Callstate (Stackframe callerid caller st asr asa :: sf)
+ callee_id callee callee_param_vals)
| step_call :
- forall g m args res,
- step g (Callstate res m args) Events.E0
- (State res m m.(mod_entrypoint)
+ forall g mid m args res,
+ step g
+ (Callstate res mid m args) Events.E0
+ (State res mid m m.(mod_entrypoint)
(AssocMap.set (mod_reset m) (ZToValue 0)
(AssocMap.set (mod_finish m) (ZToValue 0)
(AssocMap.set (mod_st m) (posToValue m.(mod_entrypoint))
(init_regs args m.(mod_params)))))
(empty_stack m))
| step_return :
- forall g m asr asa i r sf pc mst,
- mst = mod_st m ->
- step g (Returnstate (Stackframe r m pc asr asa :: sf) i) Events.E0
- (State sf m pc ((asr # mst <- (posToValue pc)) # r <- i) asa).
+ forall g callerid caller asr asa callee_id callee_return callee_finish i sf pc mst,
+ mst = mod_st caller ->
+ caller.(mod_externctrl)!callee_return = Some (callee_id, ctrl_return) ->
+ caller.(mod_externctrl)!callee_finish = Some (callee_id, ctrl_finish) ->
+ step g
+ (Returnstate (Stackframe callerid caller pc asr asa :: sf) callee_id i) Events.E0
+ (State sf callerid caller pc
+ (asr # mst <- (posToValue pc) # callee_finish <- (ZToValue 1) # callee_return <- i)
+ asa)
+| step_finish_reset :
+ forall g sf mid mid' m st asr asa fin,
+ asr ! fin = Some (ZToValue 1) ->
+ (mod_externctrl m) ! fin = Some (mid', ctrl_finish) ->
+ step g
+ (State sf mid m st asr asa) Events.E0
+ (State sf mid m st (asr # fin <- (ZToValue 0)) asa).
#[export] Hint Constructors step : htl.
Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
@@ -235,12 +326,12 @@ Inductive initial_state (p: program): state -> Prop :=
Globalenvs.Genv.init_mem p = Some m0 ->
Globalenvs.Genv.find_symbol ge p.(AST.prog_main) = Some b ->
Globalenvs.Genv.find_funct_ptr ge b = Some (AST.Internal m) ->
- initial_state p (Callstate nil m nil).
+ initial_state p (Callstate nil p.(AST.prog_main) m nil).
Inductive final_state : state -> Integers.int -> Prop :=
-| final_state_intro : forall retval retvali,
+| final_state_intro : forall retval mid retvali,
retvali = valueToInt retval ->
- final_state (Returnstate nil retval) retvali.
+ final_state (Returnstate nil mid retval) retvali.
Definition semantics (m : program) :=
Smallstep.Semantics step (initial_state m) final_state
@@ -352,3 +443,39 @@ Definition max_list_dec (l: list reg) (st: reg) : {Forall (Pos.gt st) l} + {True
); auto.
apply max_list_correct. apply Pos.ltb_lt in e. lia.
+Definition decide_order a b c d e f g : {module_ordering a b c d e f g} + {True}.
+ refine (match bool_dec ((a <? b) && (b <? c) && (c <? d)
+ && (d <? e) && (e <? f) && (f <? g))%positive true with
+ | left t => left _
+ | _ => _
+ end); auto.
+ simplify; repeat match goal with
+ | H: context[(_ <? _)%positive] |- _ => apply Pos.ltb_lt in H
+ end; unfold module_ordering; auto.
+Definition decide_ram_ordering a b c d e f : {ram_ordering a b c d e f} + {True}.
+ refine (match bool_dec ((a <? b) && (b <? c) && (c <? d)
+ && (d <? e) && (e <? f))%positive true with
+ | left t => left _
+ | _ => _
+ end); auto.
+ simplify; repeat match goal with
+ | H: context[(_ <? _)%positive] |- _ => apply Pos.ltb_lt in H
+ end; unfold ram_ordering; auto.
+Definition decide_ram_wf (clk : reg) (mr : option HTL.ram) :
+ {forall r' : ram, mr = Some r' -> (clk < ram_addr r')%positive} + {True}.
+ refine (
+ match mr with
+ | Some r =>
+ match (plt clk (ram_addr r)) with
+ | left LE => left _
+ | _ => right I
+ end
+ | None => left _
+ end).
+ all: crush.