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4 files changed, 868 insertions, 599 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/AbstrSemIdent.v b/src/hls/AbstrSemIdent.v
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index 0000000..0cc8e9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hls/AbstrSemIdent.v
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+Require Import compcert.backend.Registers.
+Require Import compcert.common.AST.
+Require Import compcert.common.Errors.
+Require Import compcert.common.Linking.
+Require Import compcert.common.Globalenvs.
+Require Import compcert.common.Memory.
+Require Import compcert.common.Values.
+Require Import compcert.lib.Maps.
+Require Import vericert.common.Vericertlib.
+Require Import vericert.hls.GibleSeq.
+Require Import vericert.hls.GiblePar.
+Require Import vericert.hls.Gible.
+Require Import vericert.hls.GiblePargenproofEquiv.
+Require Import vericert.hls.GiblePargen.
+Require Import vericert.hls.Predicate.
+Require Import vericert.hls.Abstr.
+Require Import vericert.common.Monad.
+Module Import OptionExtra := MonadExtra(Option).
+#[local] Open Scope positive.
+#[local] Open Scope forest.
+#[local] Open Scope pred_op.
+#[local] Opaque simplify.
+#[local] Opaque deep_simplify.
+#[local] Ltac destr := destruct_match; try discriminate; [].
+Inductive sem_ident {B A: Type} (c: @Abstr.ctx B) (a: A): A -> Prop :=
+| sem_ident_intro : sem_ident c a a.
+Section PROOF.
+Context (A B G: Type).
+Context (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G).
+Context (a_sem: @Abstr.ctx G -> A -> B -> Prop).
+Lemma eval_predf_negate :
+ forall ps p,
+ eval_predf ps (negate p) = negb (eval_predf ps p).
+ unfold eval_predf; intros. rewrite negate_correct. auto.
+Lemma is_truthy_negate :
+ forall ps p pred,
+ truthy ps p ->
+ falsy ps (combine_pred (Some (negate (Option.default T p))) pred).
+ inversion 1; subst; simplify.
+ - destruct pred; constructor; auto.
+ - destruct pred; constructor.
+ rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite eval_predf_negate. rewrite H0. auto.
+ rewrite eval_predf_negate. rewrite H0. auto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_NEapp :
+ forall f_p a b v,
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx a v ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx (NE.app a b) v.
+ induction a; crush.
+ - inv H. constructor; auto.
+ - inv H. constructor; eauto.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_app_predicated_false :
+ forall f_p y x v p ps,
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx y v ->
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) (ps !! x)) ->
+ eval_predf ps p = false ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx (app_predicated p y x) v.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_prune_predicated :
+ forall f_p y x v,
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx x v ->
+ prune_predicated x = Some y ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx y v.
+ intros * SEM PRUNE. unfold prune_predicated in *.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_prune_predicated2 :
+ forall f_p y x v,
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx y v ->
+ prune_predicated x = Some y ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx x v.
+ intros * SEM PRUNE. unfold prune_predicated in *.
+ Admitted.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_app_predicated_false2 :
+ forall f_p y x v p ps,
+ sem_pred_expr f_p sem ctx (app_predicated p y x) v ->
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) (ps !! x)) ->
+ eval_predf ps p = false ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p sem ctx y v.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_pred_ret :
+ forall (i: A) ps,
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (pred_ret i) i.
+Proof. intros; constructor; constructor. Qed.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_ident_det :
+ forall A ps x (v v2: A),
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx x v ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx x v2 ->
+ v = v2.
+ intros.
+ exploit (@sem_pred_expr_det G G).
+ apply similar_refl.
+ 2: { instantiate (4 := (fun x => @sem_ident x A0)).
+ cbn. eauto. }
+ intros. inv H1. inv H2. auto.
+ apply H. auto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_NEapp2 :
+ forall f_p a b v ps,
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) (ps !! x)) ->
+ (forall x, NE.In x a -> eval_predf ps (fst x) = false) ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx b v ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx (NE.app a b) v.
+ induction a; crush.
+ - assert (IN: NE.In a (NE.singleton a)) by constructor.
+ specialize (H0 _ IN). destruct a.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto. cbn [fst] in *.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto.
+ - assert (NE.In a (NE.cons a a0)) by (constructor; tauto).
+ apply H0 in H2.
+ destruct a. cbn [fst] in *.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto. eapply IHa; eauto.
+ intros. eapply H0. constructor; tauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_NEapp3 :
+ forall f_p ctx a b v,
+ (forall x, NE.In x a -> sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op f_p (fst x)) false) ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx b v ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx (NE.app a b) v.
+ induction a; crush.
+ - assert (IN: NE.In a (NE.singleton a)) by constructor.
+ specialize (H _ IN). destruct a.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
+ - assert (NE.In a (NE.cons a a0)) by (constructor; tauto).
+ apply H in H1.
+ destruct a. cbn [fst] in *.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
+ eapply IHa; eauto.
+ intros. eapply H. constructor; tauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_NEapp4 :
+ forall f_p ctx a b v,
+ (forall x, NE.In x a -> sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op f_p (fst x)) false) ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx (NE.app a b) v ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx b v.
+ induction a; crush.
+ - assert (IN: NE.In a (NE.singleton a)) by constructor.
+ specialize (H _ IN). inv H0; auto.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_det in H; eauto; now try apply similar_refl.
+ - assert (NE.In a (NE.cons a a0)) by (constructor; tauto).
+ apply H in H1. inv H0.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_det in H1; eauto; now try apply similar_refl.
+ eapply IHa; eauto. intros. eapply H. apply NE.In_cons; auto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_NEapp5 :
+ forall f_p ctx a b v,
+ (exists x, NE.In x a /\ sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op f_p (fst x)) true) ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx (NE.app a b) v ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx a v.
+ induction a; crush.
+ - inv H. inv H0. constructor; eauto.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_det in H2; eauto; now try apply similar_refl.
+ - inv H. inv H3. inv H0. constructor; auto.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_det in H2; eauto; now try apply similar_refl. inv H0.
+ constructor; auto. apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto. eauto.
+Lemma In_pexpr_eval :
+ forall A f_p ps,
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) (ps !! x)) ->
+ forall (a: predicated A),
+ (exists x, NE.In x a /\ sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op f_p (fst x)) true)
+ \/ (forall x, NE.In x a -> sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op f_p (fst x)) false).
+ induction a; cbn in *.
+ - pose proof (sem_pexpr_evaluable _ _ _ _ H (fst a)); simplify.
+ destruct x.
+ + left. exists a. split; auto. constructor.
+ + right; intros. inv H0; auto.
+ - inv IHa; simplify.
+ + left. exists x. split; auto. apply NE.In_cons; auto.
+ + pose proof (sem_pexpr_evaluable _ _ _ _ H (fst a)); simplify.
+ destruct x.
+ * left. exists a; split; auto. constructor; auto.
+ * right; intros. inv H1. inv H4; auto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_map_not :
+ forall A p ps y x0,
+ eval_predf ps p = false ->
+ NE.In x0 (NE.map (fun x => (p ∧ fst x, snd x)) y) ->
+ eval_predf ps (@fst _ A x0) = false.
+ induction y; crush.
+ - inv H0. simplify. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite H. auto.
+ - inv H0. inv H2. cbn -[eval_predf]. rewrite eval_predf_Pand.
+ rewrite H. auto. eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_map_Pand :
+ forall f_p ps x v p,
+ (forall x : positive, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) ps !! x) ->
+ eval_predf ps p = true ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx x v ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx
+ (NE.map (fun x0 => (p ∧ fst x0, snd x0)) x) v.
+ induction x; crush.
+ inv H1. simplify. constructor; eauto.
+ simplify. replace true with (true && true) by auto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto.
+ inv H1. simplify. constructor; eauto.
+ simplify. replace true with (true && true) by auto.
+ constructor; auto.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false. cbn.
+ replace false with (true && false) by auto. apply sem_pexpr_Pand; auto.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto. eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_app_predicated :
+ forall f_p y x v p ps,
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx x v ->
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) (ps !! x)) ->
+ eval_predf ps p = true ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx (app_predicated p y x) v.
+ intros * SEM PS EVAL. unfold app_predicated.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_NEapp2; eauto.
+ intros. eapply sem_pred_expr_map_not; eauto.
+ rewrite eval_predf_negate. rewrite EVAL. auto.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_map_Pand; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_app_predicated2 :
+ forall f_p y x v p ps,
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx (app_predicated p y x) v ->
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) (ps !! x)) ->
+ eval_predf ps p = true ->
+ sem_pred_expr f_p a_sem ctx x v.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_ident :
+ forall ps l l_,
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_ ->
+ forall (v: B),
+ a_sem ctx l_ v ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps a_sem ctx l v.
+ induction 1.
+ - intros. constructor; auto. inv H0. auto.
+ - intros. apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
+ - intros. inv H0. constructor; auto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_ident2 :
+ forall ps l v,
+ sem_pred_expr ps a_sem ctx l v ->
+ exists l_, sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_ /\ a_sem ctx l_ v.
+ induction 1.
+ - exists e; split; auto. constructor; auto. constructor.
+ - inversion_clear IHsem_pred_expr as [x IH].
+ inversion_clear IH as [SEM EVALS].
+ exists x; split; auto. apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
+ - exists e; split; auto; constructor; auto; constructor.
+Fixpoint of_elist (e: expression_list): list expression :=
+ match e with
+ | Econs a b => a :: of_elist b
+ | Enil => nil
+ end.
+Fixpoint to_elist (e: list expression): expression_list :=
+ match e with
+ | a :: b => Econs a (to_elist b)
+ | nil => Enil
+ end.
+Lemma sem_val_list_elist :
+ forall l j,
+ sem_val_list ctx (to_elist l) j ->
+ Forall2 (sem_value ctx) l j.
+Proof. induction l; intros; cbn in *; inversion H; constructor; eauto. Qed.
+Lemma sem_val_list_elist2 :
+ forall l j,
+ Forall2 (sem_value ctx) l j ->
+ sem_val_list ctx (to_elist l) j.
+Proof. induction l; intros; cbn in *; inversion H; constructor; eauto. Qed.
+Lemma sem_val_list_elist3 :
+ forall l j,
+ sem_val_list ctx l j ->
+ Forall2 (sem_value ctx) (of_elist l) j.
+Proof. induction l; intros; cbn in *; inversion H; constructor; eauto. Qed.
+Lemma sem_val_list_elist4 :
+ forall l j,
+ Forall2 (sem_value ctx) (of_elist l) j ->
+ sem_val_list ctx l j.
+Proof. induction l; intros; cbn in *; inversion H; constructor; eauto. Qed.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_predicated_map :
+ forall pr (f: A -> B) pred pred',
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx pred pred' ->
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx (predicated_map f pred) (f pred').
+ induction pred; unfold predicated_map; intros.
+ - inv H. inv H3. constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ - inv H. inv H5. constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_predicated_map2 :
+ forall pr (f: A -> B) pred x,
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx (predicated_map f pred) x ->
+ exists pred', sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx pred pred' /\ x = f pred'.
+ induction pred; unfold predicated_map; intros.
+ - cbn in *. inv H. inv H5. destruct a. exists a.
+ split; auto. constructor; auto. constructor.
+ - cbn in *. inv H. destruct a. inv H6. cbn [fst snd] in *.
+ exists a; repeat constructor; auto.
+ exploit IHpred; eauto; simplify.
+ exists x0; split; auto.
+ destruct a. apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
+Section PROOF.
+Context (G: Type).
+Context (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G).
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod :
+ forall A B pr (a: predicated A) (b: predicated B) a' b',
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx a a' ->
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx b b' ->
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx (predicated_prod a b) (a', b').
+ induction a; intros.
+ - inv H. inv H4. unfold predicated_prod.
+ generalize dependent b. induction b; intros.
+ + cbn. destruct_match. inv Heqp. inv H0. inv H6.
+ constructor. simplify. replace true with (true && true) by auto.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_Pand; eauto. constructor.
+ + inv H0. inv H6. cbn. constructor; cbn.
+ replace true with (true && true) by auto.
+ constructor; auto. constructor.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto. cbn.
+ replace false with (true && false) by auto.
+ apply sem_pexpr_Pand; auto.
+ - unfold predicated_prod. simplify.
+ rewrite NE.app_NEmap.
+ inv H. eapply sem_pred_expr_NEapp.
+ { induction b; crush.
+ destruct a. inv H0. constructor.
+ replace true with (true && true) by auto.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_Pand; auto. inv H6. inv H7.
+ constructor.
+ destruct a. inv H0. constructor.
+ replace true with (true && true) by auto.
+ constructor; auto. inv H8. inv H6. constructor.
+ specialize (IHb H8). eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
+ replace false with (true && false) by auto.
+ apply sem_pexpr_Pand; auto.
+ }
+ { exploit IHa. eauto. eauto. intros.
+ unfold predicated_prod in *.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_NEapp3; eauto; [].
+ clear H. clear H0.
+ induction b.
+ { intros. inv H. destruct a. simpl.
+ constructor; tauto. }
+ { intros. inv H. inv H1. destruct a. simpl.
+ constructor; tauto. eauto. } }
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod2 :
+ forall A B f ps (a: predicated A) (b: predicated B) x,
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f) (ps !! x)) ->
+ sem_pred_expr f sem_ident ctx (predicated_prod a b) x ->
+ sem_pred_expr f sem_ident ctx a (fst x)
+ /\ sem_pred_expr f sem_ident ctx b (snd x).
+ induction a; intros.
+ - generalize dependent x. generalize dependent b. induction b; intros.
+ + cbn in *; repeat destr; destruct a, a0. inv Heqp. inv Heqp0.
+ inv H0. inv H6; split.
+ * constructor. inv H4. tauto. constructor.
+ * cbn in *. inv H4. constructor. tauto. constructor.
+ + destruct x; cbn in *. repeat destr. inv Heqp0. inv H0.
+ * inv H6. inv H7. repeat (constructor; auto).
+ * exploit IHb; eauto; intros. inv H0. cbn in *. inv H6.
+ inv H3. inv H1. eapply sem_pexpr_det in H0; try eassumption. discriminate.
+ apply similar_refl. split; auto.
+ apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
+ - destruct x in *; cbn in *.
+ rewrite NE.app_NEmap in H0.
+ generalize dependent b; induction b; intros.
+ + cbn in *; repeat destr. inv Heqp0. inv H0.
+ * inv H6. inv H7. solve [repeat constructor; auto].
+ * inv H6. inv H1.
+ -- exploit IHa; eauto; intros. inv H1. split; auto.
+ apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
+ -- exploit IHa; eauto; intros. inv H1. inv H3.
+ eapply sem_pexpr_det in H0; try eassumption. discriminate.
+ apply similar_refl.
+ + Admitted.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_seq_app :
+ forall A B (f: predicated (A -> B)) ps l f_ l_,
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_ ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_ ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (seq_app f l) (f_ l_).
+ unfold seq_app; intros.
+ remember (fun x : (A -> B) * A => fst x (snd x)) as app.
+ replace (f_ l_) with (app (f_, l_)) by (rewrite Heqapp; auto).
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_map. eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod; auto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_seq_app2 :
+ forall A B (f: predicated (A -> B)) ps pr l x_,
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x ps) (pr !! x)) ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (seq_app f l) x_ ->
+ exists l_ f_,
+ x_ = f_ l_
+ /\ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_
+ /\ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_.
+ unfold seq_app; intros.
+ remember (fun x : (A -> B) * A => fst x (snd x)) as app.
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_predicated_map2; eauto; simplify.
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod2; eauto; simplify.
+ eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_map :
+ forall A B ps (f: A -> B) y v,
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx y v ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (NE.map (fun x => (fst x, f (snd x))) y) (f v).
+ induction y; crush. inv H. constructor; crush. inv H3. constructor.
+ inv H. inv H5. constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_flap :
+ forall A B C (f: predicated (A -> B -> C)) ps l f_,
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_ ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (flap f l) (f_ l).
+ induction f. unfold flap2; intros. inv H. inv H3.
+ constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ intros. inv H. cbn.
+ constructor; eauto. inv H5. constructor.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_flap2 :
+ forall A B C (f: predicated (A -> B -> C)) ps l1 l2 f_,
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_ ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (flap2 f l1 l2) (f_ l1 l2).
+ induction f. unfold flap2; intros. inv H. inv H3.
+ constructor; eauto. constructor.
+ intros. inv H. cbn.
+ constructor; eauto. inv H5. constructor.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_seq_app_val :
+ forall A B V (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> B -> V -> Prop)
+ (f: predicated (A -> B))
+ ps l v f_ l_,
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_ ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_ ->
+ s ctx (f_ l_) v ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps s ctx (seq_app f l) v.
+ intros. eapply sem_pred_expr_ident; [|eassumption].
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_seq_app; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_seq_app_val2 :
+ forall A B V (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> B -> V -> Prop)
+ (f: predicated (A -> B)) ps pr l v,
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x ps) (pr !! x)) ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps s ctx (seq_app f l) v ->
+ exists f_ l_,
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_
+ /\ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_
+ /\ s ctx (f_ l_) v.
+ intros; exploit sem_pred_expr_ident2; eauto; simplify.
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_seq_app2; eauto; simplify.
+ eauto.
+Fixpoint Eapp a b :=
+ match a with
+ | Enil => b
+ | Econs ax axs => Econs ax (Eapp axs b)
+ end.
+Lemma Eapp_right_nil :
+ forall a, Eapp a Enil = a.
+Proof. induction a; cbn; try rewrite IHa; auto. Qed.
+Lemma Eapp_left_nil :
+ forall a, Eapp Enil a = a.
+Proof. auto. Qed.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_cons_pred_expr :
+ forall pr s s' a e,
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx s s' ->
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx a e ->
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx (cons_pred_expr a s) (Econs e s').
+ intros. unfold cons_pred_expr.
+ replace (Econs e s') with ((uncurry Econs) (e, s')) by auto.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_map.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_fold_right :
+ forall pr s a a' s',
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx s s' ->
+ Forall2 (sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx) (NE.to_list a) (of_elist a') ->
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx (NE.fold_right cons_pred_expr s a) (Eapp a' s').
+ induction a; crush. inv H0. inv H5. destruct a'; crush. destruct a'; crush.
+ inv H3. eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_pred_expr; eauto.
+ inv H0. destruct a'; crush. inv H3.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_pred_expr; eauto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_fold_right2 :
+ forall A pr ctx s a a' s',
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx s s' ->
+ @sem_pred_expr A _ _ pr sem_ident ctx (NE.fold_right cons_pred_expr s a) (Eapp a' s') ->
+ Forall2 (sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx) (NE.to_list a) (of_elist a').
+ induction a. Admitted.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_merge :
+ forall G (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) ps l args,
+ Forall2 (sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx) args l ->
+ sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (merge args) (to_elist l).
+ induction l; intros.
+ - inv H. cbn; repeat constructor.
+ - inv H. cbn. unfold merge. Admitted.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_merge2 :
+ forall pr l l',
+ sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx (merge l) l' ->
+ Forall2 (sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx) l (of_elist l').
+ induction l; crush.
+ - unfold merge in *; cbn in *.
+ inv H. inv H5. constructor.
+ - unfold merge in H.
+ pose proof (NE.of_list_exists _ l a) as Y.
+ inversion_clear Y as [x HNE]. rewrite HNE in H.
+ erewrite <- (NE.of_list_to_list _ (a :: l)) by eassumption.
+ apply sem_pred_expr_fold_right2 with (s := (NE.singleton (T, Enil))) (s' := Enil).
+ repeat constructor.
+ rewrite Eapp_right_nil. auto.
+Lemma sem_merge_list : (* [[id:f307d227-d0e9-49a0-823f-2d7e0db76972]] *)
+ forall f rs ps m args,
+ sem ctx f ((mk_instr_state rs ps m), None) ->
+ sem_pred_expr (forest_preds f) sem_val_list ctx
+ (merge (list_translation args f)) (rs ## args).
+ induction args; crush. cbn. constructor; constructor.
+ unfold merge. specialize (IHargs H).
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_ident2 in IHargs.
+ inversion_clear IHargs as [l_ [HSEM HVAL]].
+ destruct_match; [|exfalso; eapply NE.of_list_contra; eauto].
+ destruct args; cbn -[NE.of_list] in *.
+ - unfold merge in *. simplify.
+ inv H. inv H6. specialize (H a).
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_ident2 in H.
+ inversion_clear H as [l_2 [HSEM2 HVAL2]].
+ unfold cons_pred_expr.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_ident.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_map.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod; [eassumption|repeat constructor].
+ repeat constructor; auto.
+ - pose proof (NE.of_list_exists2 _ (list_translation args f) (f #r (Reg r)) (f #r (Reg a))) as Y.
+ inversion_clear Y as [x [Y1 Y2]]. rewrite Heqo in Y1. inv Y1.
+ inversion_clear H as [? ? ? ? ? ? REG PRED MEM EXIT].
+ inversion_clear REG as [? ? ? REG'].
+ inversion_clear PRED as [? ? ? PRED'].
+ pose proof (REG' a) as REGa. pose proof (REG' r) as REGr.
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_ident2; [exact REGa|].
+ intro REGI'; inversion_clear REGI' as [a' [SEMa SEMa']].
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_ident2; [exact REGr|].
+ intro REGI'; inversion_clear REGI' as [r' [SEMr SEMr']].
+ apply sem_pred_expr_ident with (l_ := Econs a' l_); [|constructor; auto].
+ replace (Econs a' l_) with (Eapp (Econs a' l_) Enil) by (now apply Eapp_right_nil).
+ apply sem_pred_expr_fold_right; eauto.
+ repeat constructor.
+ constructor; eauto.
+ erewrite NE.of_list_to_list; eauto.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_merge2; auto.
+Lemma sem_pred_expr_list_translation :
+ forall args f i,
+ sem ctx f (i, None) ->
+ exists l,
+ Forall2 (sem_pred_expr (forest_preds f) sem_ident ctx) (list_translation args f) l
+ /\ sem_val_list ctx (to_elist l) ((is_rs i)##args).
+ induction args; intros.
+ - exists nil; cbn; split; auto; constructor.
+ - exploit IHargs; try eassumption; intro EX.
+ inversion_clear EX as [l [FOR SEM]].
+ destruct i as [rs' m' ps'].
+ inversion_clear H as [? ? ? ? ? ? REGSET PREDSET MEM EXIT].
+ inversion_clear REGSET as [? ? ? REG].
+ pose proof (REG a).
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_ident2; eauto; intro IDENT.
+ inversion_clear IDENT as [l_ [SEMP SV]].
+ exists (l_ :: l). split. constructor; auto.
+ cbn; constructor; auto.
diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofBackward.v b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofBackward.v
index 7b68475..718eb66 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofBackward.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofBackward.v
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Require Import vericert.hls.GiblePargenproofEquiv.
Require Import vericert.hls.GiblePargen.
Require Import vericert.hls.Predicate.
Require Import vericert.hls.Abstr.
+Require Import vericert.hls.AbstrSemIdent.
Require Import vericert.common.Monad.
Require Import Optionmonad.
@@ -49,6 +50,8 @@ Module Import OptionExtra := MonadExtra(Option).
Definition state_lessdef := GiblePargenproofEquiv.match_states.
+(* Set Nested Proofs Allowed. *)
GiblePar to Abstr Translation Proof
@@ -113,17 +116,46 @@ Definition evaluable_pred_list {G} ctx pr l :=
In p l ->
@evaluable_pred_expr G ctx pr p.
+(* Lemma evaluable_pred_expr_exists : *)
+(* forall sp pr f i0 exit_p exit_p' f' cf i ti p op args dst, *)
+(* update (exit_p, f) (RBop p op args dst) = Some (exit_p', f') -> *)
+(* sem (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f (i, cf) -> *)
+(* evaluable_pred_expr (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) pr (f' #r (Reg dst)) -> *)
+(* state_lessdef i ti -> *)
+(* exists i', sem (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f' (i', cf). *)
+(* Proof. *)
+(* intros. cbn in H. unfold Option.bind in H. destr. inv H. *)
+(* destruct ti. econstructor. econstructor. *)
+(* unfold evaluable_pred_expr in H1. Admitted. *)
Lemma evaluable_pred_expr_exists :
- forall sp pr f i0 exit_p exit_p' f' cf i ti p op args dst,
+ forall sp pr f i0 exit_p exit_p' f' i ti p op args dst,
+ (forall x, sem_pexpr (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) (get_forest_p' x f'.(forest_preds)) (pr !! x)) ->
+ eval_predf pr exit_p = true ->
update (exit_p, f) (RBop p op args dst) = Some (exit_p', f') ->
- sem (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f (i, cf) ->
- evaluable_pred_expr (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) pr (f' #r (Reg dst)) ->
+ sem (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f (i, None) ->
+ evaluable_pred_expr (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f'.(forest_preds) (f' #r (Reg dst)) ->
state_lessdef i ti ->
exists ti', step_instr ge sp (Iexec ti) (RBop p op args dst) (Iexec ti').
- intros. cbn in H. unfold Option.bind in H. destr. inv H.
- destruct ti. econstructor. econstructor.
- unfold evaluable_pred_expr in H1. Admitted.
+ intros * HPRED HEVAL **. cbn -[seq_app] in H. unfold Option.bind in H. destr. inv H.
+ destruct ti.
+ unfold evaluable_pred_expr in H1. destruct H1 as (r & Heval).
+ rewrite forest_reg_gss in Heval.
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_prune_predicated2; eauto; intros.
+ assert (eval_predf pr (dfltp p ∧ exit_p') = true) by admit.
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_app_predicated2; eauto; intros.
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_seq_app_val2; eauto; simplify.
+ unfold pred_ret in *. inv H4. inv H12.
+ destruct i. exploit sem_merge_list; eauto; intros.
+ instantiate (1 := args) in H4.
+ eapply sem_pred_expr_ident2 in H4. simplify.
+ exploit sem_pred_expr_ident_det. eapply H5. eapply H4.
+ intros. subst. exploit sem_pred_expr_ident. eapply H5. eapply H8.
+ intros.
+ econstructor. econstructor.
+ Admitted.
Lemma remember_expr_in :
forall x l f a,
@@ -148,6 +180,100 @@ Proof.
auto using remember_expr_in.
+Lemma not_remembered_in_forest :
+ forall a p f p_mid f_mid l x,
+ update (p, f) a = Some (p_mid, f_mid) ->
+ ~ In f #r (Reg x) (remember_expr f l a) ->
+ f #r (Reg x) = f_mid #r (Reg x).
+ intros; destruct a; cbn in *;
+ unfold Option.bind in H; repeat destr; inv H; try easy.
+ - assert (~ (f #r (Reg r) = f #r (Reg x)) /\ ~ (In f #r (Reg x) l)) by tauto.
+ inv H. destruct (resource_eq (Reg r) (Reg x));
+ try (rewrite e in *; contradiction).
+ now rewrite forest_reg_gso by auto.
+ - assert (~ (f #r (Reg r) = f #r (Reg x)) /\ ~ (In f #r (Reg x) l)) by tauto.
+ inv H. destruct (resource_eq (Reg r) (Reg x));
+ try (rewrite e in *; contradiction).
+ now rewrite forest_reg_gso by auto.
+ - destruct (resource_eq Mem (Reg x)); try discriminate.
+ now rewrite forest_reg_gso by auto.
+Lemma in_forest_or_remembered :
+ forall instrs p f l p' f' l',
+ mfold_left update' instrs (Some (p, f, l)) = Some (p', f', l') ->
+ forall x, In (f #r (Reg x)) l' \/ f #r (Reg x) = f' #r (Reg x).
+ induction instrs; try solve [crush]; []; intros.
+ cbn -[update] in H.
+ pose proof H as YX.
+ apply OptionExtra.mfold_left_Some in YX. inv YX.
+ rewrite H0 in H.
+ destruct x0 as ((p_mid & f_mid) & l_mid).
+ pose proof (IHinstrs _ _ _ _ _ _ H).
+ unfold Option.bind2, Option.ret in H0; cbn -[update] in H0; repeat destr.
+ inv H0. specialize (H1 x).
+ pose proof H as Y.
+ destruct (in_dec pred_expr_eqb (f #r (Reg x)) (remember_expr f l a));
+ eauto using in_mfold_left_abstr.
+ inv H1; eapply not_remembered_in_forest with (f_mid := f_mid) in n; eauto;
+ rewrite n in *; tauto.
+Lemma in_forest_evaluable :
+ forall G sp ge i' cf instrs p f l p' f' l' x i0,
+ mfold_left update' instrs (Some (p, f, l)) = Some (p', f', l') ->
+ sem (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f' (i', cf) ->
+ @evaluable_pred_list G (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f'.(forest_preds) l' ->
+ evaluable_pred_expr (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f'.(forest_preds) (f #r (Reg x)).
+ intros.
+ pose proof H as Y. apply in_forest_or_remembered with (x := x) in Y.
+ inv Y; eauto.
+ inv H0. inv H5. rewrite H2.
+ unfold evaluable_pred_expr. eauto.
+Definition gather_predicates (preds : PTree.t unit) (i : instr): option (PTree.t unit) :=
+ match i with
+ | RBop (Some p) _ _ _
+ | RBload (Some p) _ _ _ _
+ | RBstore (Some p) _ _ _ _
+ | RBexit (Some p) _ =>
+ Some (fold_right (fun x => PTree.set x tt) preds (predicate_use p))
+ | RBsetpred p' c args p =>
+ let preds' := match p' with
+ | Some p'' => fold_right (fun x => PTree.set x tt) preds (predicate_use p'')
+ | None => preds
+ end
+ in
+ match preds' ! p with
+ | Some _ => None
+ | None => Some preds'
+ end
+ | _ => Some preds
+ end.
+Lemma abstr_seq_revers_correct_fold_sem_pexpr :
+ forall instrs p f l p' f' l' preds preds',
+ mfold_left update' instrs (Some (p, f, l)) = Some (p', f', l') ->
+ mfold_left gather_predicates instrs (Some preds) = Some preds' ->
+ forall pred, preds ! pred = Some tt ->
+ f #p pred = f' #p pred.
+Proof. Admitted.
+Lemma abstr_seq_revers_correct_fold_sem_pexpr_eval :
+ forall G instrs p f l p' f' l' i0 sp ge ps preds preds' ps',
+ mfold_left update' instrs (Some (p, f, l)) = Some (p', f', l') ->
+ mfold_left gather_predicates instrs (Some preds) = Some preds' ->
+ forall pred, preds ! pred = Some tt ->
+ sem_predset (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f ps ->
+ sem_predset (@mk_ctx G i0 sp ge) f' ps' ->
+ ps !! pred = ps' !! pred.
+Proof. Admitted.
+(* [[id:5e6486bb-fda2-4558-aed8-243a9698de85]] *)
Lemma abstr_seq_reverse_correct_fold :
forall sp instrs i0 i i' ti cf f' l p p' l' f,
sem (mk_ctx i0 sp ge) f (i, None) ->
@@ -178,15 +304,13 @@ Proof.
by admit; destruct H as (pred & op & args & dst & EQ); subst a.
exploit evaluable_pred_expr_exists; eauto.
- unfold evaluable_pred_list in Y0.
- instantiate (1 := forest_preds f').
- apply Y0 in YI. auto.
- (* provable using evaluability in list *) intros [t step].
- assert (exists ti_mid, sem {| ctx_is := i0; ctx_sp := sp; ctx_ge := ge |}
- f_mid (ti_mid, None)) by admit.
+ (* I have the pred already from sem. *)
+ admit. admit. admit. intros [t step].
+ (* unfold evaluable_pred_list in Y0. *)
+ (* instantiate (1 := forest_preds f'). *)
+ (* eapply in_forest_evaluable; eauto. *)
+ (* (* provable using evaluability in list *) intros [t step]. *)
- destruct H as (ti_mid & Hsem2).
exploit IHinstrs. 2: { eapply Y. } eauto. auto. eauto. reflexivity.
intros (ti_mid' & Hseq & Hstate).
assert (state_lessdef ti_mid t) by admit.
diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofEvaluable.v b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofEvaluable.v
index 9013cd5..84e7200 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofEvaluable.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofEvaluable.v
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ Lemma all_evaluable_non_empty_prod :
induction a; intros.
- cbn in *. eapply all_evaluable_map_add; eauto. destruct a; cbn in *. eapply H; constructor.
- - cbn in *. eapply NE.NEin_NEapp5 in H1. inv H1. eapply all_evaluable_map_add; eauto.
+ - cbn in *. eapply NE.in_NEapp5 in H1. inv H1. eapply all_evaluable_map_add; eauto.
destruct a; cbn in *. eapply all_evaluable_cons2; eauto.
eapply all_evaluable_cons in H. eauto.
@@ -326,70 +326,70 @@ Qed.
eapply H. eauto.
- Lemma evaluable_impl :
- forall A (ctx: @ctx A) a b,
- p_evaluable ctx a ->
- p_evaluable ctx b ->
- p_evaluable ctx (a → b).
- Proof.
- unfold evaluable.
- inversion_clear 1 as [b1 SEM1].
- inversion_clear 1 as [b2 SEM2].
- unfold Pimplies.
- econstructor. apply sem_pexpr_Por;
- eauto using sem_pexpr_negate.
- Qed.
+Lemma evaluable_impl :
+ forall A (ctx: @ctx A) a b,
+ p_evaluable ctx a ->
+ p_evaluable ctx b ->
+ p_evaluable ctx (a → b).
+ unfold evaluable.
+ inversion_clear 1 as [b1 SEM1].
+ inversion_clear 1 as [b2 SEM2].
+ unfold Pimplies.
+ econstructor. apply sem_pexpr_Por;
+ eauto using sem_pexpr_negate.
- Lemma parts_evaluable :
- forall A (ctx: @ctx A) b p0,
- evaluable sem_pred ctx p0 ->
- evaluable sem_pexpr ctx (Plit (b, p0)).
- Proof.
- intros. unfold evaluable in *. inv H.
- destruct b. do 2 econstructor. eauto.
- exists (negb x). constructor. rewrite negb_involutive. auto.
- Qed.
+Lemma parts_evaluable :
+ forall A (ctx: @ctx A) b p0,
+ evaluable sem_pred ctx p0 ->
+ evaluable sem_pexpr ctx (Plit (b, p0)).
+ intros. unfold evaluable in *. inv H.
+ destruct b. do 2 econstructor. eauto.
+ exists (negb x). constructor. rewrite negb_involutive. auto.
- Lemma p_evaluable_Pand :
- forall A (ctx: @ctx A) a b,
- p_evaluable ctx a ->
- p_evaluable ctx b ->
- p_evaluable ctx (a ∧ b).
- Proof.
- intros. inv H. inv H0.
- econstructor. apply sem_pexpr_Pand; eauto.
- Qed.
+Lemma p_evaluable_Pand :
+ forall A (ctx: @ctx A) a b,
+ p_evaluable ctx a ->
+ p_evaluable ctx b ->
+ p_evaluable ctx (a ∧ b).
+ intros. inv H. inv H0.
+ econstructor. apply sem_pexpr_Pand; eauto.
- Lemma from_predicated_evaluable :
- forall A (ctx: @ctx A) f b a,
- pred_forest_evaluable ctx f ->
- all_evaluable2 ctx sem_pred a ->
- p_evaluable ctx (from_predicated b f a).
- Proof.
- induction a.
- cbn. destruct_match; intros.
- eapply evaluable_impl.
- eauto using predicated_evaluable.
- unfold all_evaluable2 in H0. unfold p_evaluable.
- eapply parts_evaluable. eapply H0. econstructor.
- intros. cbn. destruct_match.
- eapply p_evaluable_Pand.
- eapply all_evaluable2_cons2 in H0.
- eapply evaluable_impl.
- eauto using predicated_evaluable.
- unfold all_evaluable2 in H0. unfold p_evaluable.
- eapply parts_evaluable. eapply H0.
- eapply all_evaluable2_cons in H0. eauto.
- Qed.
+Lemma from_predicated_evaluable :
+ forall A (ctx: @ctx A) f b a,
+ pred_forest_evaluable ctx f ->
+ all_evaluable2 ctx sem_pred a ->
+ p_evaluable ctx (from_predicated b f a).
+ induction a.
+ cbn. destruct_match; intros.
+ eapply evaluable_impl.
+ eauto using predicated_evaluable.
+ unfold all_evaluable2 in H0. unfold p_evaluable.
+ eapply parts_evaluable. eapply H0. econstructor.
+ intros. cbn. destruct_match.
+ eapply p_evaluable_Pand.
+ eapply all_evaluable2_cons2 in H0.
+ eapply evaluable_impl.
+ eauto using predicated_evaluable.
+ unfold all_evaluable2 in H0. unfold p_evaluable.
+ eapply parts_evaluable. eapply H0.
+ eapply all_evaluable2_cons in H0. eauto.
- Lemma p_evaluable_imp :
- forall A (ctx: @ctx A) a b,
- sem_pexpr ctx a false ->
- p_evaluable ctx (a → b).
- Proof.
- intros. unfold "→".
- unfold p_evaluable, evaluable. exists true.
- constructor. replace true with (negb false) by trivial. left.
- now apply sem_pexpr_negate.
- Qed.
+Lemma p_evaluable_imp :
+ forall A (ctx: @ctx A) a b,
+ sem_pexpr ctx a false ->
+ p_evaluable ctx (a → b).
+ intros. unfold "→".
+ unfold p_evaluable, evaluable. exists true.
+ constructor. replace true with (negb false) by trivial. left.
+ now apply sem_pexpr_negate.
diff --git a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
index 8222513..1d59216 100644
--- a/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
+++ b/src/hls/GiblePargenproofForward.v
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ Require Import vericert.hls.GiblePargenproofEquiv.
Require Import vericert.hls.GiblePargen.
Require Import vericert.hls.Predicate.
Require Import vericert.hls.Abstr.
+Require Import vericert.hls.AbstrSemIdent.
Require Import vericert.common.Monad.
Module Import OptionExtra := MonadExtra(Option).
@@ -102,527 +103,6 @@ Section CORRECTNESS.
Let ge : GibleSeq.genv := Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv prog.
Let tge : GiblePar.genv := Globalenvs.Genv.globalenv tprog.
- Lemma eval_predf_negate :
- forall ps p,
- eval_predf ps (negate p) = negb (eval_predf ps p).
- Proof.
- unfold eval_predf; intros. rewrite negate_correct. auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma is_truthy_negate :
- forall ps p pred,
- truthy ps p ->
- falsy ps (combine_pred (Some (negate (Option.default T p))) pred).
- Proof.
- inversion 1; subst; simplify.
- - destruct pred; constructor; auto.
- - destruct pred; constructor.
- rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite eval_predf_negate. rewrite H0. auto.
- rewrite eval_predf_negate. rewrite H0. auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_NEapp :
- forall A B C sem f_p ctx a b v,
- sem_pred_expr f_p sem ctx a v ->
- @sem_pred_expr A B C f_p sem ctx (NE.app a b) v.
- Proof.
- induction a; crush.
- - inv H. constructor; auto.
- - inv H. constructor; eauto.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_NEapp2 :
- forall A B C sem f_p ctx a b v ps,
- (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) (ps !! x)) ->
- (forall x, NE.In x a -> eval_predf ps (fst x) = false) ->
- sem_pred_expr f_p sem ctx b v ->
- @sem_pred_expr A B C f_p sem ctx (NE.app a b) v.
- Proof.
- induction a; crush.
- - assert (IN: NE.In a (NE.singleton a)) by constructor.
- specialize (H0 _ IN). destruct a.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto. cbn [fst] in *.
- eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto.
- - assert (NE.In a (NE.cons a a0)) by (constructor; tauto).
- apply H0 in H2.
- destruct a. cbn [fst] in *.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false.
- eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto. eapply IHa; eauto.
- intros. eapply H0. constructor; tauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_NEapp3 :
- forall A B C sem f_p ctx (a b: predicated B) v,
- (forall x, NE.In x a -> sem_pexpr ctx (from_pred_op f_p (fst x)) false) ->
- sem_pred_expr f_p sem ctx b v ->
- @sem_pred_expr A B C f_p sem ctx (NE.app a b) v.
- Proof.
- induction a; crush.
- - assert (IN: NE.In a (NE.singleton a)) by constructor.
- specialize (H _ IN). destruct a.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
- - assert (NE.In a (NE.cons a a0)) by (constructor; tauto).
- apply H in H1.
- destruct a. cbn [fst] in *.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
- eapply IHa; eauto.
- intros. eapply H. constructor; tauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_map_not :
- forall A p ps y x0,
- eval_predf ps p = false ->
- NE.In x0 (NE.map (fun x => (p ∧ fst x, snd x)) y) ->
- eval_predf ps (@fst _ A x0) = false.
- Proof.
- induction y; crush.
- - inv H0. simplify. rewrite eval_predf_Pand. rewrite H. auto.
- - inv H0. inv H2. cbn -[eval_predf]. rewrite eval_predf_Pand.
- rewrite H. auto. eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_map_Pand :
- forall A B C sem ctx f_p ps x v p,
- (forall x : positive, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) ps !! x) ->
- eval_predf ps p = true ->
- sem_pred_expr f_p sem ctx x v ->
- @sem_pred_expr A B C f_p sem ctx
- (NE.map (fun x0 => (p ∧ fst x0, snd x0)) x) v.
- Proof.
- induction x; crush.
- inv H1. simplify. constructor; eauto.
- simplify. replace true with (true && true) by auto.
- constructor; auto.
- eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto.
- inv H1. simplify. constructor; eauto.
- simplify. replace true with (true && true) by auto.
- constructor; auto.
- eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false. cbn.
- replace false with (true && false) by auto. apply sem_pexpr_Pand; auto.
- eapply sem_pexpr_eval; eauto. eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_app_predicated :
- forall A B C sem ctx f_p y x v p ps,
- sem_pred_expr f_p sem ctx x v ->
- (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) (ps !! x)) ->
- eval_predf ps p = true ->
- @sem_pred_expr A B C f_p sem ctx (app_predicated p y x) v.
- Proof.
- intros * SEM PS EVAL. unfold app_predicated.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_NEapp2; eauto.
- intros. eapply sem_pred_expr_map_not; eauto.
- rewrite eval_predf_negate. rewrite EVAL. auto.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_map_Pand; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_app_predicated_false :
- forall A B C sem ctx f_p y x v p ps,
- sem_pred_expr f_p sem ctx y v ->
- (forall x, sem_pexpr ctx (get_forest_p' x f_p) (ps !! x)) ->
- eval_predf ps p = false ->
- @sem_pred_expr A B C f_p sem ctx (app_predicated p y x) v.
- Admitted.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_prune_predicated :
- forall A B C sem ctx f_p y x v,
- sem_pred_expr f_p sem ctx x v ->
- prune_predicated x = Some y ->
- @sem_pred_expr A B C f_p sem ctx y v.
- Proof.
- intros * SEM PRUNE. unfold prune_predicated in *.
- Admitted.
- Inductive sem_ident {B A: Type} (c: @ctx B) (a: A): A -> Prop :=
- | sem_ident_intro : sem_ident c a a.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_pred_ret :
- forall G A (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) (i: A) ps,
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (pred_ret i) i.
- Proof. intros; constructor; constructor. Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_ident :
- forall G A B ps (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) (l: predicated A) (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> A -> B -> Prop) l_,
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_ ->
- forall (v: B),
- s ctx l_ v ->
- sem_pred_expr ps s ctx l v.
- Proof.
- induction 1.
- - intros. constructor; auto. inv H0. auto.
- - intros. apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
- - intros. inv H0. constructor; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_ident2 :
- forall G A B ps (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) (l: predicated A) (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> A -> B -> Prop) (v: B),
- sem_pred_expr ps s ctx l v ->
- exists l_, sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_ /\ s ctx l_ v.
- Proof.
- induction 1.
- - exists e; split; auto. constructor; auto. constructor.
- - inversion_clear IHsem_pred_expr as [x IH].
- inversion_clear IH as [SEM EVALS].
- exists x; split; auto. apply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
- - exists e; split; auto; constructor; auto; constructor.
- Qed.
- Fixpoint of_elist (e: expression_list): list expression :=
- match e with
- | Econs a b => a :: of_elist b
- | Enil => nil
- end.
- Fixpoint to_elist (e: list expression): expression_list :=
- match e with
- | a :: b => Econs a (to_elist b)
- | nil => Enil
- end.
- Lemma sem_val_list_elist :
- forall G (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) l j,
- sem_val_list ctx (to_elist l) j ->
- Forall2 (sem_value ctx) l j.
- Proof. induction l; intros; cbn in *; inversion H; constructor; eauto. Qed.
- Lemma sem_val_list_elist2 :
- forall G (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) l j,
- Forall2 (sem_value ctx) l j ->
- sem_val_list ctx (to_elist l) j.
- Proof. induction l; intros; cbn in *; inversion H; constructor; eauto. Qed.
- Lemma sem_val_list_elist3 :
- forall G (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) l j,
- sem_val_list ctx l j ->
- Forall2 (sem_value ctx) (of_elist l) j.
- Proof. induction l; intros; cbn in *; inversion H; constructor; eauto. Qed.
- Lemma sem_val_list_elist4 :
- forall G (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) l j,
- Forall2 (sem_value ctx) (of_elist l) j ->
- sem_val_list ctx l j.
- Proof. induction l; intros; cbn in *; inversion H; constructor; eauto. Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_predicated_map :
- forall A B C pr (f: C -> B) ctx (pred: predicated C) (pred': C),
- sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx pred pred' ->
- @sem_pred_expr A _ _ pr sem_ident ctx (predicated_map f pred) (f pred').
- Proof.
- induction pred; unfold predicated_map; intros.
- - inv H. inv H3. constructor; eauto. constructor.
- - inv H. inv H5. constructor; eauto. constructor.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma NEapp_NEmap :
- forall A B (f: A -> B) a b,
- NE.map f (NE.app a b) = NE.app (NE.map f a) (NE.map f b).
- Proof. induction a; crush. Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod :
- forall A B C pr ctx (a: predicated C) (b: predicated B) a' b',
- sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx a a' ->
- sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx b b' ->
- @sem_pred_expr A _ _ pr sem_ident ctx (predicated_prod a b) (a', b').
- Proof.
- induction a; intros.
- - inv H. inv H4. unfold predicated_prod.
- generalize dependent b. induction b; intros.
- + cbn. destruct_match. inv Heqp. inv H0. inv H6.
- constructor. simplify. replace true with (true && true) by auto.
- eapply sem_pexpr_Pand; eauto. constructor.
- + inv H0. inv H6. cbn. constructor; cbn.
- replace true with (true && true) by auto.
- constructor; auto. constructor.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto. cbn.
- replace false with (true && false) by auto.
- apply sem_pexpr_Pand; auto.
- - unfold predicated_prod. simplify.
- rewrite NEapp_NEmap.
- inv H. eapply sem_pred_expr_NEapp.
- { induction b; crush.
- destruct a. inv H0. constructor.
- replace true with (true && true) by auto.
- eapply sem_pexpr_Pand; auto. inv H6. inv H7.
- constructor.
- destruct a. inv H0. constructor.
- replace true with (true && true) by auto.
- constructor; auto. inv H8. inv H6. constructor.
- specialize (IHb H8). eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; auto.
- replace false with (true && false) by auto.
- apply sem_pexpr_Pand; auto.
- }
- { exploit IHa. eauto. eauto. intros.
- unfold predicated_prod in *.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_NEapp3; eauto; [].
- clear H. clear H0.
- induction b.
- { intros. inv H. destruct a. simpl.
- constructor; tauto. }
- { intros. inv H. inv H1. destruct a. simpl.
- constructor; tauto. eauto. } }
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_seq_app :
- forall G A B (f: predicated (A -> B))
- ps (ctx: @ctx G) l f_ l_,
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_ ->
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_ ->
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (seq_app f l) (f_ l_).
- Proof.
- unfold seq_app; intros.
- remember (fun x : (A -> B) * A => fst x (snd x)) as app.
- replace (f_ l_) with (app (f_, l_)) by (rewrite Heqapp; auto).
- eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_map. eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_map :
- forall A B C (ctx: @ctx A) ps (f: B -> C) y v,
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx y v ->
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (NE.map (fun x => (fst x, f (snd x))) y) (f v).
- Proof.
- induction y; crush. inv H. constructor; crush. inv H3. constructor.
- inv H. inv H5. constructor; eauto. constructor.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_flap :
- forall G A B C (f: predicated (A -> B -> C))
- ps (ctx: @ctx G) l f_,
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_ ->
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (flap f l) (f_ l).
- Proof.
- induction f. unfold flap2; intros. inv H. inv H3.
- constructor; eauto. constructor.
- intros. inv H. cbn.
- constructor; eauto. inv H5. constructor.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_flap2 :
- forall G A B C (f: predicated (A -> B -> C))
- ps (ctx: @ctx G) l1 l2 f_,
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_ ->
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (flap2 f l1 l2) (f_ l1 l2).
- Proof.
- induction f. unfold flap2; intros. inv H. inv H3.
- constructor; eauto. constructor.
- intros. inv H. cbn.
- constructor; eauto. inv H5. constructor.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_false; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_seq_app_val :
- forall G A B V (s: @Abstr.ctx G -> B -> V -> Prop)
- (f: predicated (A -> B))
- ps ctx l v f_ l_,
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx l l_ ->
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx f f_ ->
- s ctx (f_ l_) v ->
- sem_pred_expr ps s ctx (seq_app f l) v.
- Proof.
- intros. eapply sem_pred_expr_ident; [|eassumption].
- eapply sem_pred_expr_seq_app; eauto.
- Qed.
- Fixpoint Eapp a b :=
- match a with
- | Enil => b
- | Econs ax axs => Econs ax (Eapp axs b)
- end.
- Lemma Eapp_right_nil :
- forall a, Eapp a Enil = a.
- Proof. induction a; cbn; try rewrite IHa; auto. Qed.
- Lemma Eapp_left_nil :
- forall a, Eapp Enil a = a.
- Proof. auto. Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_cons_pred_expr :
- forall A (ctx: @ctx A) pr s s' a e,
- sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx s s' ->
- sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx a e ->
- sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx (cons_pred_expr a s) (Econs e s').
- Proof.
- intros. unfold cons_pred_expr.
- replace (Econs e s') with ((uncurry Econs) (e, s')) by auto.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_map.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_fold_right :
- forall A pr ctx s a a' s',
- sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx s s' ->
- Forall2 (sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx) (NE.to_list a) (of_elist a') ->
- @sem_pred_expr A _ _ pr sem_ident ctx (NE.fold_right cons_pred_expr s a) (Eapp a' s').
- Proof.
- induction a; crush. inv H0. inv H5. destruct a'; crush. destruct a'; crush.
- inv H3. eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_pred_expr; eauto.
- inv H0. destruct a'; crush. inv H3.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_cons_pred_expr; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_fold_right2 :
- forall A pr ctx s a a' s',
- sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx s s' ->
- @sem_pred_expr A _ _ pr sem_ident ctx (NE.fold_right cons_pred_expr s a) (Eapp a' s') ->
- Forall2 (sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx) (NE.to_list a) (of_elist a').
- Proof.
- induction a. Admitted.
- Lemma NEof_list_some :
- forall A a a' (e: A),
- NE.of_list a = Some a' ->
- NE.of_list (e :: a) = Some (NE.cons e a').
- Proof.
- induction a; [crush|].
- intros.
- cbn in H. destruct a0. inv H. auto.
- destruct_match; [|discriminate].
- inv H. specialize (IHa n a ltac:(trivial)).
- cbn. destruct_match. unfold NE.of_list in IHa.
- fold (@NE.of_list A) in IHa. rewrite IHa in Heqo0. inv Heqo0. auto.
- unfold NE.of_list in IHa. fold (@NE.of_list A) in IHa. rewrite IHa in Heqo0. inv Heqo0.
- Qed.
- Lemma NEof_list_contra :
- forall A b (a: A),
- ~ NE.of_list (a :: b) = None.
- Proof.
- induction b; try solve [crush].
- intros.
- specialize (IHb a).
- enough (X: exists x, NE.of_list (a :: b) = Some x).
- inversion_clear X as [x X'].
- erewrite NEof_list_some; eauto; discriminate.
- destruct (NE.of_list (a :: b)) eqn:?; [eauto|contradiction].
- Qed.
- Lemma NEof_list_exists :
- forall A b (a: A),
- exists x, NE.of_list (a :: b) = Some x.
- Proof.
- intros. pose proof (NEof_list_contra _ b a).
- destruct (NE.of_list (a :: b)); try contradiction.
- eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma NEof_list_exists2 :
- forall A b (a c: A),
- exists x,
- NE.of_list (c :: a :: b) = Some (NE.cons c x)
- /\ NE.of_list (a :: b) = Some x.
- Proof.
- intros. pose proof (NEof_list_exists _ b a).
- inversion_clear H as [x B].
- econstructor; split; eauto.
- eapply NEof_list_some; eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma NEof_list_to_list :
- forall A (x: list A) y,
- NE.of_list x = Some y ->
- NE.to_list y = x.
- Proof.
- induction x; [crush|].
- intros. destruct x; [crush|].
- pose proof (NEof_list_exists2 _ x a0 a).
- inversion_clear H0 as [x0 [HN1 HN2]]. rewrite HN1 in H. inv H.
- cbn. f_equal. eauto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_merge :
- forall G (ctx: @Abstr.ctx G) ps l args,
- Forall2 (sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx) args l ->
- sem_pred_expr ps sem_ident ctx (merge args) (to_elist l).
- Proof.
- induction l; intros.
- - inv H. cbn; repeat constructor.
- - inv H. cbn. unfold merge. Admitted.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_merge2 :
- forall A (ctx: @ctx A) pr l l',
- sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx (merge l) l' ->
- Forall2 (sem_pred_expr pr sem_ident ctx) l (of_elist l').
- Proof.
- induction l; crush.
- - unfold merge in *; cbn in *.
- inv H. inv H5. constructor.
- - unfold merge in H.
- pose proof (NEof_list_exists _ l a) as Y.
- inversion_clear Y as [x HNE]. rewrite HNE in H.
- erewrite <- (NEof_list_to_list _ (a :: l)) by eassumption.
- apply sem_pred_expr_fold_right2 with (s := (NE.singleton (T, Enil))) (s' := Enil).
- repeat constructor.
- rewrite Eapp_right_nil. auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_merge_list :
- forall A ctx f rs ps m args,
- sem ctx f ((mk_instr_state rs ps m), None) ->
- @sem_pred_expr A _ _ (forest_preds f) sem_val_list ctx
- (merge (list_translation args f)) (rs ## args).
- Proof.
- induction args; crush. cbn. constructor; constructor.
- unfold merge. specialize (IHargs H).
- eapply sem_pred_expr_ident2 in IHargs.
- inversion_clear IHargs as [l_ [HSEM HVAL]].
- destruct_match; [|exfalso; eapply NEof_list_contra; eauto].
- destruct args; cbn -[NE.of_list] in *.
- - unfold merge in *. simplify.
- inv H. inv H6. specialize (H a).
- eapply sem_pred_expr_ident2 in H.
- inversion_clear H as [l_2 [HSEM2 HVAL2]].
- unfold cons_pred_expr.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_ident.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_map.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_predicated_prod; [eassumption|repeat constructor].
- repeat constructor; auto.
- - pose proof (NEof_list_exists2 _ (list_translation args f) (f #r (Reg r)) (f #r (Reg a))) as Y.
- inversion_clear Y as [x [Y1 Y2]]. rewrite Heqo in Y1. inv Y1.
- inversion_clear H as [? ? ? ? ? ? REG PRED MEM EXIT].
- inversion_clear REG as [? ? ? REG'].
- inversion_clear PRED as [? ? ? PRED'].
- pose proof (REG' a) as REGa. pose proof (REG' r) as REGr.
- exploit sem_pred_expr_ident2; [exact REGa|].
- intro REGI'; inversion_clear REGI' as [a' [SEMa SEMa']].
- exploit sem_pred_expr_ident2; [exact REGr|].
- intro REGI'; inversion_clear REGI' as [r' [SEMr SEMr']].
- apply sem_pred_expr_ident with (l_ := Econs a' l_); [|constructor; auto].
- replace (Econs a' l_) with (Eapp (Econs a' l_) Enil) by (now apply Eapp_right_nil).
- apply sem_pred_expr_fold_right; eauto.
- repeat constructor.
- constructor; eauto.
- erewrite NEof_list_to_list; eauto.
- eapply sem_pred_expr_merge2; auto.
- Qed.
- Lemma sem_pred_expr_list_translation :
- forall G ctx args f i,
- @sem G ctx f (i, None) ->
- exists l,
- Forall2 (sem_pred_expr (forest_preds f) sem_ident ctx) (list_translation args f) l
- /\ sem_val_list ctx (to_elist l) ((is_rs i)##args).
- Proof.
- induction args; intros.
- - exists nil; cbn; split; auto; constructor.
- - exploit IHargs; try eassumption; intro EX.
- inversion_clear EX as [l [FOR SEM]].
- destruct i as [rs' m' ps'].
- inversion_clear H as [? ? ? ? ? ? REGSET PREDSET MEM EXIT].
- inversion_clear REGSET as [? ? ? REG].
- pose proof (REG a).
- exploit sem_pred_expr_ident2; eauto; intro IDENT.
- inversion_clear IDENT as [l_ [SEMP SV]].
- exists (l_ :: l). split. constructor; auto.
- cbn; constructor; auto.
- Qed.
Here we can finally assume that everything in the forest is evaluable, which
will allow us to prove that translating the list of register accesses will also