path: root/src/hls
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/hls')
1 files changed, 42 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/Schedule.ml b/src/hls/Schedule.ml
index 6c6eaae..355e906 100644
--- a/src/hls/Schedule.ml
+++ b/src/hls/Schedule.ml
@@ -793,34 +793,46 @@ let combine_bb_schedule schedule s =
let compare_tuple (a, _) (b, _) = compare a b
+let subgraph dfg l =
+ let dfg' = List.fold_left (fun g v -> DFG.add_vertex g v) DFG.empty l in
+ List.fold_left (fun g v ->
+ List.fold_left (fun g' v' ->
+ let edges = DFG.find_all_edges dfg v v' in
+ List.fold_left (fun g'' e ->
+ DFG.add_edge_e g'' e
+ ) g' edges
+ ) g l
+ ) dfg' l
+let rec all_successors dfg v : DFG.V.t list =
+ List.concat (List.fold_left (fun l v ->
+ all_successors dfg v :: l
+ ) [] (DFG.succ dfg v))
+let order_instr dfg : instr list list =
+ DFG.fold_vertex (fun v li ->
+ if DFG.in_degree dfg v = 0
+ then (snd v :: List.map snd (all_successors dfg v)) :: li
+ else li
+ ) dfg []
(** Should generate the [RTLPar] code based on the input [RTLBlock] description. *)
-let transf_rtlpar c (schedule : (int * int) list IMap.t) =
+let transf_rtlpar c c' (schedule : (int * int) list IMap.t) =
let f i bb : RTLPar.bblock =
match bb with
- | { bb_body = []; bb_exit = c } ->
- { bb_body = [];
- bb_exit = c
- }
+ | { bb_body = []; bb_exit = c } -> { bb_body = []; bb_exit = c }
| { bb_body = bb_body'; bb_exit = ctrl_flow } ->
- let i_sched =
- try IMap.find (P.to_int i) schedule
- with Not_found -> (
- printf "Could not find %d\n" (P.to_int i);
- IMap.iter
- (fun d -> printf "%d: %a\n" d (print_list print_tuple))
- schedule;
- assert false
- )
- in
- let i_sched_tree =
- List.fold_left combine_bb_schedule IMap.empty i_sched
- in
- (*printf "--------------- curr: %d, max: %d, min: %d, next: %d\n" (P.to_int i) max_state min_state (P.to_int i - max_state + min_state - 1);
- printf "HIIIII: %d orig: %d\n" (P.to_int i - max_state + min_state - 1) (P.to_int i);*)
- { bb_body = (IMap.to_seq i_sched_tree |> List.of_seq |> List.sort compare_tuple |> List.map snd
- |> List.map (List.map (fun x -> List.nth bb_body' x)));
- bb_exit = ctrl_flow
- }
+ let dfg = match PTree.get i c' with None -> assert false | Some x -> x in
+ let i_sched = IMap.find (P.to_int i) schedule in
+ let i_sched_tree =
+ List.fold_left combine_bb_schedule IMap.empty i_sched
+ in
+ let body = IMap.to_seq i_sched_tree |> List.of_seq |> List.map snd
+ |> List.map (List.map (fun x -> (x, List.nth bb_body' x)))
+ in
+ { bb_body = List.map (fun x -> subgraph dfg x |> order_instr) body;
+ bb_exit = ctrl_flow
+ }
PTree.map f c
@@ -828,11 +840,12 @@ let second = function (_, a, _) -> a
let schedule entry (c : RTLBlock.bb RTLBlockInstr.code) =
let debug = true in
- let c' = PTree.map1 (gather_bb_constraints false) c in
+ let transf_graph (_, dfg, _) = dfg in
+ let c' = PTree.map1 (fun x -> gather_bb_constraints false x |> transf_graph) c in
(*let _ = if debug then PTree.map (fun r o -> printf "##### %d #####\n%a\n\n" (P.to_int r) print_dfg (second o)) c' else PTree.empty in*)
- let transf_graph (p, (_, dfg, _)) = (P.to_int p, dfg) in
- let cgraph = List.map transf_graph (PTree.elements c') |>
- List.fold_left (gather_cfg_constraints c) G.empty
+ let cgraph = PTree.elements c'
+ |> List.map (function (x, y) -> (P.to_int x, y))
+ |> List.fold_left (gather_cfg_constraints c) G.empty
let graph = open_out "constr_graph.dot" in
fprintf graph "%a\n" GDot.output_graph cgraph;
@@ -840,7 +853,7 @@ let schedule entry (c : RTLBlock.bb RTLBlockInstr.code) =
let schedule' = solve_constraints cgraph in
IMap.iter (fun a b -> printf "##### %d #####\n%a\n\n" a (print_list print_tuple) b) schedule';
(*printf "Schedule: %a\n" (fun a x -> IMap.iter (fun d -> fprintf a "%d: %a\n" d (print_list print_tuple)) x) schedule';*)
- transf_rtlpar c schedule'
+ transf_rtlpar c c' schedule'
let rec find_reachable_states c e =
match PTree.get e c with