path: root/src/hls
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/hls')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/src/hls/Schedule.ml b/src/hls/Schedule.ml
index efef1ef..37e6f42 100644
--- a/src/hls/Schedule.ml
+++ b/src/hls/Schedule.ml
@@ -287,11 +287,7 @@ let find_max = function
find_max' (snd l) ls
-type registers = {
- reg_finish : reg;
- reg_return : reg;
- reg_stk : reg;
+type registers = { reg_finish : reg; reg_return : reg; reg_stk : reg }
let ( >>= ) = bind
@@ -304,7 +300,8 @@ let translate_control_flow r curr_st instr =
state with
st_controllogic =
- PTree.set curr_st (state_goto state.st_st n) state.st_controllogic;
+ PTree.set curr_st (state_goto state.st_st n)
+ state.st_controllogic;
} )
| RBcond (c, rs, n1, n2) ->
translate_condition c rs >>= fun ce state ->
@@ -348,71 +345,140 @@ let translate_control_flow r curr_st instr =
state with
st_datapath = PTree.set curr_st fin state.st_datapath;
} ) )
- | _ -> error (Errors.msg (coqstring_of_camlstring "Control flow instructions not implemented."))
+ | _ ->
+ error
+ (Errors.msg
+ (coqstring_of_camlstring
+ "Control flow instructions not implemented."))
let translate_instr r curr_st instr =
let prev_instr state =
- match PTree.get curr_st state.st_datapath with
- | None -> Vskip
- | Some v -> v
+ match PTree.get curr_st state.st_datapath with None -> Vskip | Some v -> v
match instr with
| RBnop ->
- fun state ->
- OK ((), { state with st_datapath = PTree.set curr_st (prev_instr state) state.st_datapath })
+ fun state ->
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ {
+ state with
+ st_datapath =
+ PTree.set curr_st (prev_instr state) state.st_datapath;
+ } )
| RBop (op, rs, dst) ->
- translate_instr op rs >>=
- (fun instr ->
- declare_reg None dst (Nat.of_int 32) >>=
- (fun _ state ->
- let stmnt = Vseq (prev_instr state, nonblock dst instr) in
- OK ((), { state with st_datapath = PTree.set curr_st stmnt state.st_datapath })))
+ translate_instr op rs >>= fun instr ->
+ declare_reg None dst (Nat.of_int 32) >>= fun _ state ->
+ let stmnt = Vseq (prev_instr state, nonblock dst instr) in
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ { state with st_datapath = PTree.set curr_st stmnt state.st_datapath }
+ )
| RBload (mem, addr, rs, dst) ->
- translate_arr_access mem addr rs r.reg_stk >>=
- (fun src ->
- declare_reg None dst (Nat.of_int 32) >>=
- (fun _ state ->
- let stmnt = Vseq (prev_instr state, nonblock dst src) in
- OK ((), { state with st_datapath = PTree.set curr_st stmnt state.st_datapath })))
+ translate_arr_access mem addr rs r.reg_stk >>= fun src ->
+ declare_reg None dst (Nat.of_int 32) >>= fun _ state ->
+ let stmnt = Vseq (prev_instr state, nonblock dst src) in
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ { state with st_datapath = PTree.set curr_st stmnt state.st_datapath }
+ )
| RBstore (mem, addr, rs, src) ->
- translate_arr_access mem addr rs r.reg_stk >>=
- (fun dst state ->
- OK ((), { state with st_datapath = PTree.set curr_st (Vnonblock (dst, (Vvar src))) state.st_datapath }))
+ translate_arr_access mem addr rs r.reg_stk >>= fun dst state ->
+ OK
+ ( (),
+ {
+ state with
+ st_datapath =
+ PTree.set curr_st (Vnonblock (dst, Vvar src)) state.st_datapath;
+ } )
let combine_bb_schedule schedule s =
- let (i, st) = s in
+ let i, st = s in
IMap.update st (update_schedule i) schedule
-let add_schedules bb_body min_sched curr i state schedule =
- let (data, control) = state in
+let add_schedules r bb_body min_sched curr ischedule =
+ let i, schedule = ischedule in
let curr_state = curr - i + min_sched in
- List.fold_left (fun state' i -> )
+ let instrs = List.map (List.nth bb_body) schedule in
+ collectlist (translate_instr r (P.of_int curr_state)) instrs >>= fun _ ->
+ translate_control_flow r (P.of_int curr_state)
+ (RBgoto (curr_state - 1 |> P.of_int))
(** Should generate the [HTL] code based on the input [RTLBlock] description. *)
-let transf_htl r c schedule =
- let f state i bb =
+let transf_htl r c (schedule : (int * int) list IMap.t) =
+ let f bbs =
+ let i, bb = bbs in
match bb with
- | {bb_body = []; bb_exit = Some c} ->
- translate_control_flow r i state c
- | {bb_body = bb_body'; bb_exit = Some c} -> begin
- match IMap.find (P.to_int i) schedule with
- | None -> assert false
- | Some i_sched ->
- (* This means that we have a schedule for the current basic block, and the schedule is a
- mapping from instruction to state. If it is empty, that means we only have a control flow
- instruction which we have to schedule. *)
- let min_state = find_min i_sched in
- let i_sched_tree = List.fold_left combine_bb_schedule IMap.empty i_sched in
- IMap.fold ()
- end
+ | { bb_body = []; bb_exit = Some c } -> translate_control_flow r i c
+ | { bb_body = bb_body'; bb_exit = Some ctrl_flow } ->
+ let i_sched = IMap.find (P.to_int i) schedule in
+ let min_state = find_min i_sched in
+ let max_state = find_max i_sched in
+ let i_sched_tree =
+ List.fold_left combine_bb_schedule IMap.empty i_sched
+ in
+ collectlist
+ (add_schedules r bb_body' min_state (P.to_int i))
+ (IMap.to_seq i_sched_tree |> List.of_seq)
+ >>= fun _ ->
+ translate_control_flow r (P.of_int (P.to_int i - max_state)) ctrl_flow
+ | _ ->
+ coqstring_of_camlstring "Illegal state reached in scheduler"
+ |> Errors.msg |> error
- PTree.fold
+ collectlist f c
-let schedule entry (c : code) =
+let schedule entry r (c : code) =
let c' = PTree.map1 gather_bb_constraints c in
let _, (vars, constraints, types) =
gather_cfg_constraints ([], ([], "", "")) c' entry
let schedule = solve_constraints vars constraints types in
IMap.iter (fun d -> printf "%d: %a\n" d (print_list print_tuple)) schedule;
- c
+ transf_htl r (PTree.elements c) schedule
+let transl_module' (f : RTLBlock.coq_function) : HTL.coq_module mon =
+ create_reg (Some Voutput) (Nat.of_int 1) >>= fun fin ->
+ create_reg (Some Voutput) (Nat.of_int 32) >>= fun rtrn ->
+ create_arr None (Nat.of_int 32) (Nat.of_int (Z.to_int f.fn_stacksize / 4))
+ >>= fun stack_var ->
+ let stack, stack_len = stack_var in
+ schedule f.fn_entrypoint
+ { reg_finish = fin; reg_return = rtrn; reg_stk = stack }
+ f.fn_code
+ >>= fun _ ->
+ collectlist (fun r -> declare_reg (Some Vinput) r (Nat.of_int 32)) f.fn_params
+ >>= fun _ ->
+ create_reg (Some Vinput) (Nat.of_int 1) >>= fun start ->
+ create_reg (Some Vinput) (Nat.of_int 1) >>= fun rst ->
+ create_reg (Some Vinput) (Nat.of_int 1) >>= fun clk current_state ->
+ let m =
+ {
+ HTL.mod_params = f.fn_params;
+ HTL.mod_datapath = current_state.st_datapath;
+ HTL.mod_controllogic = current_state.st_controllogic;
+ HTL.mod_entrypoint = f.fn_entrypoint;
+ HTL.mod_st = current_state.st_st;
+ HTL.mod_stk = stack;
+ HTL.mod_stk_len = stack_len;
+ HTL.mod_finish = fin;
+ HTL.mod_return = rtrn;
+ HTL.mod_start = start;
+ HTL.mod_reset = rst;
+ HTL.mod_clk = clk;
+ HTL.mod_scldecls = current_state.st_scldecls;
+ HTL.mod_arrdecls = current_state.st_arrdecls;
+ }
+ in
+ OK (m, current_state)
+let max_state f =
+ let st = P.of_int 10000 in
+ { (init_state st) with
+ st_st = st;
+ st_freshreg = P.succ st;
+ st_freshstate = P.of_int 10000;
+ st_scldecls = AssocMap.AssocMap.set st (None, Nat.of_int 32) ((init_state st).st_scldecls);
+ }
+let transl_module (f : RTLBlock.coq_function) : HTL.coq_module Errors.res =
+ run_mon (max_state f) (transl_module' f)