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diff --git a/src/hls/HTLgenspec.v b/src/hls/HTLgenspec.v
index bf18c8a..1dfd264 100644
--- a/src/hls/HTLgenspec.v
+++ b/src/hls/HTLgenspec.v
@@ -34,9 +34,114 @@ Require Import vericert.hls.AssocMap.
From Hammer Require Import Tactics.
+(** * Relational specification of the translation *)
+(** We now define inductive predicates that characterise the fact that the
+statemachine that is created by the translation contains the correct
+translations for each of the elements *)
+(** [tr_instr] describes the translation of instructions that are directly translated into a single state *)
+Inductive tr_instr (fin rtrn st stk : reg) : RTL.instruction -> datapath_stmnt -> control_stmnt -> Prop :=
+| tr_instr_Inop :
+ forall n,
+ Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Inop n) Vskip (state_goto st n)
+| tr_instr_Iop :
+ forall n op args dst s s' e i,
+ Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ translate_instr op args s = OK e s' i ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Iop op args dst n) (Vnonblock (Vvar dst) e) (state_goto st n)
+| tr_instr_Icond :
+ forall n1 n2 cond args s s' i c,
+ Z.pos n1 <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ Z.pos n2 <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ translate_condition cond args s = OK c s' i ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Icond cond args n1 n2) Vskip (state_cond st c n1 n2)
+| tr_instr_Iload :
+ forall mem addr args s s' i c dst n,
+ Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ translate_arr_access mem addr args stk s = OK c s' i ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Iload mem addr args dst n) (Vnonblock (Vvar dst) c) (state_goto st n)
+| tr_instr_Istore :
+ forall mem addr args s s' i c src n,
+ Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ translate_arr_access mem addr args stk s = OK c s' i ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Istore mem addr args src n) (Vnonblock c (Vvar src))
+ (state_goto st n).
+(*| tr_instr_Ijumptable :
+ forall cexpr tbl r,
+ cexpr = tbl_to_case_expr st tbl ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Ijumptable r tbl) (Vskip) (Vcase (Vvar r) cexpr (Some Vskip)).*)
+Hint Constructors tr_instr : htlspec.
+Inductive tr_code (c : RTL.code) (pc : RTL.node) (i : RTL.instruction) (stmnts : datapath) (trans : controllogic)
+ (externctrl : AssocMap.t (ident * controlsignal)) (fin rtrn st stk : reg) : Prop :=
+| tr_code_single :
+ forall s t,
+ c!pc = Some i ->
+ stmnts!pc = Some s ->
+ trans!pc = Some t ->
+ tr_instr fin rtrn st stk i s t ->
+ tr_code c pc i stmnts trans externctrl fin rtrn st stk
+| tr_code_call :
+ forall sig fn args dst n,
+ c!pc = Some (RTL.Icall sig (inr fn) args dst n) ->
+ Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
+ (exists pc2 fn_rst fn_return fn_finish fn_params,
+ externctrl ! fn_rst = Some (fn, ctrl_reset) /\
+ externctrl ! fn_return = Some (fn, ctrl_return) /\
+ externctrl ! fn_finish = Some (fn, ctrl_finish) /\
+ (forall n arg, List.nth_error args n = Some arg ->
+ exists r, In (r, arg) (List.combine fn_params args) /\
+ externctrl ! r = Some (fn, ctrl_param n)) /\
+ stmnts!pc = Some (fork fn_rst (List.combine fn_params args)) /\
+ trans!pc = Some (state_goto st pc2) /\
+ stmnts!pc2 = Some (join fn_return fn_rst dst) /\
+ trans!pc2 = Some (state_wait st fn_finish n)) ->
+ tr_code c pc i stmnts trans externctrl fin rtrn st stk
+| tr_code_return :
+ forall r,
+ c!pc = Some (RTL.Ireturn r) ->
+ (exists pc2,
+ stmnts!pc = Some (return_val fin rtrn r) /\
+ trans!pc = Some (state_goto st pc2) /\
+ stmnts!pc2 = Some (idle fin) /\
+ trans!pc2 = Some Vskip) ->
+ tr_code c pc i stmnts trans externctrl fin rtrn st stk.
+Hint Constructors tr_code : htlspec.
+Inductive tr_module (f : RTL.function) : module -> Prop :=
+ tr_module_intro :
+ forall data control fin rtrn st stk stk_len m start rst clk scldecls arrdecls externctrl wf,
+ m = (mkmodule f.(RTL.fn_params)
+ data
+ control
+ f.(RTL.fn_entrypoint)
+ st stk stk_len fin rtrn start rst clk scldecls arrdecls externctrl wf) ->
+ (forall pc i, Maps.PTree.get pc f.(RTL.fn_code) = Some i ->
+ tr_code f.(RTL.fn_code) pc i data control externctrl fin rtrn st stk) ->
+ stk_len = Z.to_nat (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) / 4) ->
+ Z.modulo (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) 4 = 0 ->
+ 0 <= f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) < Integers.Ptrofs.modulus ->
+ (st > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (fin > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (rtrn > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (stk > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (start > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (rst > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ (clk > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
+ tr_module f m.
+Hint Constructors tr_module : htlspec.
Hint Resolve Maps.PTree.elements_keys_norepet : htlspec.
Hint Resolve Maps.PTree.elements_correct : htlspec.
Hint Resolve Maps.PTree.gss : htlspec.
+Hint Resolve PTree.elements_complete : htlspec.
Hint Resolve -> Z.leb_le : htlspec.
Hint Unfold block : htlspec.
@@ -176,109 +281,20 @@ Ltac monad_crush :=
Ltac full_split := repeat match goal with [ |- _ /\ _ ] => split end.
-(** * Relational specification of the translation *)
-(** We now define inductive predicates that characterise the fact that the
-statemachine that is created by the translation contains the correct
-translations for each of the elements *)
-(** [tr_instr] describes the translation of instructions that are directly translated into a single state *)
-Inductive tr_instr (fin rtrn st stk : reg) : RTL.instruction -> datapath_stmnt -> control_stmnt -> Prop :=
-| tr_instr_Inop :
- forall n,
- Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
- tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Inop n) Vskip (state_goto st n)
-| tr_instr_Iop :
- forall n op args dst s s' e i,
- Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
- translate_instr op args s = OK e s' i ->
- tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Iop op args dst n) (Vnonblock (Vvar dst) e) (state_goto st n)
-| tr_instr_Icond :
- forall n1 n2 cond args s s' i c,
- Z.pos n1 <= Int.max_unsigned ->
- Z.pos n2 <= Int.max_unsigned ->
- translate_condition cond args s = OK c s' i ->
- tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Icond cond args n1 n2) Vskip (state_cond st c n1 n2)
-| tr_instr_Iload :
- forall mem addr args s s' i c dst n,
- Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
- translate_arr_access mem addr args stk s = OK c s' i ->
- tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Iload mem addr args dst n) (Vnonblock (Vvar dst) c) (state_goto st n)
-| tr_instr_Istore :
- forall mem addr args s s' i c src n,
- Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
- translate_arr_access mem addr args stk s = OK c s' i ->
- tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Istore mem addr args src n) (Vnonblock c (Vvar src))
- (state_goto st n).
-(*| tr_instr_Ijumptable :
- forall cexpr tbl r,
- cexpr = tbl_to_case_expr st tbl ->
- tr_instr fin rtrn st stk (RTL.Ijumptable r tbl) (Vskip) (Vcase (Vvar r) cexpr (Some Vskip)).*)
-Hint Constructors tr_instr : htlspec.
-Inductive tr_code (c : RTL.code) (pc : RTL.node) (i : RTL.instruction) (stmnts : datapath) (trans : controllogic)
- (externctrl : AssocMap.t (ident * controlsignal)) (fin rtrn st stk : reg) : Prop :=
-| tr_code_single :
- forall s t,
- c!pc = Some i ->
- stmnts!pc = Some s ->
- trans!pc = Some t ->
- tr_instr fin rtrn st stk i s t ->
- tr_code c pc i stmnts trans externctrl fin rtrn st stk
-| tr_code_call :
- forall sig fn args dst n,
- c!pc = Some (RTL.Icall sig (inr fn) args dst n) ->
- Z.pos n <= Int.max_unsigned ->
- (exists pc2 fn_rst fn_return fn_finish fn_params,
- externctrl ! fn_rst = Some (fn, ctrl_reset) /\
- externctrl ! fn_return = Some (fn, ctrl_return) /\
- externctrl ! fn_finish = Some (fn, ctrl_finish) /\
- (forall n arg, List.nth_error args n = Some arg ->
- exists r, In (r, arg) (List.combine fn_params args) /\
- externctrl ! r = Some (fn, ctrl_param n)) /\
- stmnts!pc = Some (fork fn_rst (List.combine fn_params args)) /\
- trans!pc = Some (state_goto st pc2) /\
- stmnts!pc2 = Some (join fn_return fn_rst dst) /\
- trans!pc2 = Some (state_wait st fn_finish n)) ->
- tr_code c pc i stmnts trans externctrl fin rtrn st stk
-| tr_code_return :
- forall r,
- c!pc = Some (RTL.Ireturn r) ->
+Ltac some_monad_inv :=
+ multimatch goal with
+ | [ EQ : _ ?s = OK ?x _ _ |- context[?x] ] => monadInv EQ
+ | [ EQ : _ ?s = OK (?x, _) _ _ |- context[?x] ] => monadInv EQ
+ | [ EQ : _ ?s = OK (_, ?x) _ _ |- context[?x] ] => monadInv EQ
+ | [ EQ : _ ?s = OK (_, ?x) _ _ |- context[?x] ] => monadInv EQ
+ end.
- (exists pc2,
- stmnts!pc = Some (return_val fin rtrn r) /\
- trans!pc = Some (state_goto st pc2) /\
- stmnts!pc2 = Some (idle fin) /\
- trans!pc2 = Some Vskip) ->
+Ltac some_incr :=
+ saturate_incr;
+ multimatch goal with
+ | [ INCR : st_prop _ _ |- _ ] => inversion INCR
+ end.
- tr_code c pc i stmnts trans externctrl fin rtrn st stk.
-Hint Constructors tr_code : htlspec.
-Inductive tr_module (f : RTL.function) : module -> Prop :=
- tr_module_intro :
- forall data control fin rtrn st stk stk_len m start rst clk scldecls arrdecls externctrl wf,
- m = (mkmodule f.(RTL.fn_params)
- data
- control
- f.(RTL.fn_entrypoint)
- st stk stk_len fin rtrn start rst clk scldecls arrdecls externctrl wf) ->
- (forall pc i, Maps.PTree.get pc f.(RTL.fn_code) = Some i ->
- tr_code f.(RTL.fn_code) pc i data control externctrl fin rtrn st stk) ->
- stk_len = Z.to_nat (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) / 4) ->
- Z.modulo (f.(RTL.fn_stacksize)) 4 = 0 ->
- 0 <= f.(RTL.fn_stacksize) < Integers.Ptrofs.modulus ->
- (st > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
- (fin > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
- (rtrn > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
- (stk > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
- (start > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
- (rst > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
- (clk > (RTL.max_reg_function f))%positive ->
- tr_module f m.
-Hint Constructors tr_module : htlspec.
Lemma xmap_externctrl_params_combine : forall args k fn s param_pairs s' i,
xmap_externctrl_params k fn args s = OK param_pairs s' i ->
@@ -402,17 +418,15 @@ Proof.
insterU H4.
destruct H4 as [r [? ?]].
eexists. split; eauto with htlspec.
+ eapply tr_code_return; eauto with htlspec.
inversion Htrans.
simplify. eexists.
replace (st_st s').
repeat split; eauto with htlspec.
- Unshelve. eauto.
+ Unshelve. all: eauto.
Hint Resolve tr_code_trans : htlspec.
-Hint Resolve PTree.elements_complete : htlspec.
Theorem transl_module_correct :
forall i f m,
@@ -427,30 +441,19 @@ Proof.
unfold transf_module in *.
unfold stack_correct in *.
- unfold_match Heqr.
- destruct (0 <=? RTL.fn_stacksize f) eqn:STACK_BOUND_LOW;
- destruct (RTL.fn_stacksize f <? Integers.Ptrofs.modulus) eqn:STACK_BOUND_HIGH;
- destruct (RTL.fn_stacksize f mod 4 =? 0) eqn:STACK_ALIGN;
- crush.
+ destruct_match; simplify; crush.
monadInv Heqr.
- repeat unfold_match EQ9. monadInv EQ9.
+ repeat destruct_match; crush.
+ repeat match goal with
+ | [ EQ : ret _ _ = OK _ _ _ |- _ ] => monadInv EQ
+ | [ EQ : OK _ _ _ = OK _ _ _ |- _ ] => monadInv EQ
+ | [ EQ : get _ = OK _ _ _ |- _ ] => monadInv EQ
+ end.
- monadInv EQ7.
econstructor; eauto with htlspec; try lia;
- try (
- multimatch goal with
- | [ EQ : _ ?s = OK ?x _ _ |- context[?x] ] => monadInv EQ
- | [ EQ : _ ?s = OK (?x, _) _ _ |- context[?x] ] => monadInv EQ
- | [ EQ : _ ?s = OK (_, ?x) _ _ |- context[?x] ] => monadInv EQ
- end;
- saturate_incr;
- multimatch goal with
- | [ INCR : st_prop (max_state f) _ |- _ ] => inversion INCR
- end;
- simplify; unfold Ple in *; lia
- ).
- monadInv EQ6. simpl in EQ7.
- monadInv EQ7.
- simplify. unfold Ple in *. lia.
+ try solve [some_monad_inv; repeat ((simpl in *; some_monad_inv) + idtac);
+ some_incr; simplify;
+ unfold Ple in *; lia
+ ].