path: root/src
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2 files changed, 43 insertions, 42 deletions
diff --git a/src/common/Vericertlib.v b/src/common/Vericertlib.v
index 389a74f..5540f34 100644
--- a/src/common/Vericertlib.v
+++ b/src/common/Vericertlib.v
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
Require Export compcert.lib.Coqlib.
Require Import compcert.lib.Integers.
+Require Import compcert.lib.Maps.
Require Import vericert.common.Show.
@@ -243,3 +244,45 @@ Definition debug_show {A B : Type} `{Show A} (a : A) (b : B) : B :=
Definition debug_show_msg {A B : Type} `{Show A} (s : string) (a : A) (b : B) : B :=
let unused := debug_print (s ++ show a) in b.
+Definition forall_ptree {A:Type} (f:positive->A->bool) (m:Maps.PTree.t A) : bool :=
+ Maps.PTree.fold (fun (res: bool) (i: positive) (x: A) => res && f i x) m true.
+Ltac boolInv :=
+ match goal with
+ | [ H: _ && _ = true |- _ ] =>
+ destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H; boolInv
+ | [ H: proj_sumbool _ = true |- _ ] =>
+ generalize (proj_sumbool_true _ H); clear H;
+ let EQ := fresh in (intro EQ; try subst; boolInv)
+ | _ =>
+ idtac
+ end.
+Remark ptree_forall:
+ forall (A: Type) (f: positive -> A -> bool) (m: Maps.PTree.t A),
+ Maps.PTree.fold (fun (res: bool) (i: positive) (x: A) => res && f i x) m true = true ->
+ forall i x, Maps.PTree.get i m = Some x -> f i x = true.
+ intros.
+ set (f' := fun (res: bool) (i: positive) (x: A) => res && f i x).
+ set (P := fun (m: Maps.PTree.t A) (res: bool) =>
+ res = true -> Maps.PTree.get i m = Some x -> f i x = true).
+ assert (P m true).
+ rewrite <- H. fold f'. apply Maps.PTree_Properties.fold_rec.
+ unfold P; intros. rewrite <- H1 in H4. auto.
+ red; intros. now rewrite Maps.PTree.gempty in H2.
+ unfold P; intros. unfold f' in H4. boolInv.
+ rewrite Maps.PTree.gsspec in H5. destruct (peq i k).
+ subst. inv H5. auto.
+ apply H3; auto.
+ red in H1. auto.
+Lemma forall_ptree_true:
+ forall (A: Type) (f: positive -> A -> bool) (m: Maps.PTree.t A),
+ forall_ptree f m = true ->
+ forall i x, Maps.PTree.get i m = Some x -> f i x = true.
+ apply ptree_forall.
diff --git a/src/hls/Abstr.v b/src/hls/Abstr.v
index 8c77636..43d7783 100644
--- a/src/hls/Abstr.v
+++ b/src/hls/Abstr.v
@@ -692,48 +692,6 @@ Definition beq_pred_expr_once (pe1 pe2: pred_expr) : bool :=
equiv_check p1 p2
-Definition forall_ptree {A:Type} (f:positive->A->bool) (m:Maps.PTree.t A) : bool :=
- Maps.PTree.fold (fun (res: bool) (i: positive) (x: A) => res && f i x) m true.
-Ltac boolInv :=
- match goal with
- | [ H: _ && _ = true |- _ ] =>
- destruct (andb_prop _ _ H); clear H; boolInv
- | [ H: proj_sumbool _ = true |- _ ] =>
- generalize (proj_sumbool_true _ H); clear H;
- let EQ := fresh in (intro EQ; try subst; boolInv)
- | _ =>
- idtac
- end.
-Remark ptree_forall:
- forall (A: Type) (f: positive -> A -> bool) (m: Maps.PTree.t A),
- Maps.PTree.fold (fun (res: bool) (i: positive) (x: A) => res && f i x) m true = true ->
- forall i x, Maps.PTree.get i m = Some x -> f i x = true.
- intros.
- set (f' := fun (res: bool) (i: positive) (x: A) => res && f i x).
- set (P := fun (m: Maps.PTree.t A) (res: bool) =>
- res = true -> Maps.PTree.get i m = Some x -> f i x = true).
- assert (P m true).
- rewrite <- H. fold f'. apply Maps.PTree_Properties.fold_rec.
- unfold P; intros. rewrite <- H1 in H4. auto.
- red; intros. now rewrite Maps.PTree.gempty in H2.
- unfold P; intros. unfold f' in H4. boolInv.
- rewrite Maps.PTree.gsspec in H5. destruct (peq i k).
- subst. inv H5. auto.
- apply H3; auto.
- red in H1. auto.
-Lemma forall_ptree_true:
- forall (A: Type) (f: positive -> A -> bool) (m: Maps.PTree.t A),
- forall_ptree f m = true ->
- forall i x, Maps.PTree.get i m = Some x -> f i x = true.
- apply ptree_forall.
Definition tree_equiv_check_el (np2: PTree.t pred_op) (n: positive) (p: pred_op): bool :=
match np2 ! n with
| Some p' => equiv_check p p'