diff options
authorYann Herklotz <ymherklotz@gmail.com>2019-01-19 12:29:39 +0000
committerYann Herklotz <ymherklotz@gmail.com>2019-01-19 12:29:39 +0000
commitd5605683a5e927393b89e171306e5d2027016594 (patch)
parent983669aa390c4cc1aaf6e4bee914d1a7de9a58e4 (diff)
Add data folder with extra modules
These modules are required for comparing modules that are generated by synthesising in different simulators, as they will each synthesise to specific hardware with assumptions on what is available
4 files changed, 418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/cells_cmos.v b/data/cells_cmos.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b33ffef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/cells_cmos.v
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+module NOT(A, Y);
+input A;
+output Y;
+assign Y = ~A;
+module NAND(A, B, Y);
+input A, B;
+output Y;
+assign Y = ~(A & B);
+module NOR(A, B, Y);
+input A, B;
+output Y;
+assign Y = ~(A | B);
+module DFF(C, D, Q);
+input C, D;
+output reg Q;
+always @(posedge C)
+ Q <= D;
+module DFFSR(C, D, Q, S, R);
+input C, D, S, R;
+output reg Q;
+always @(posedge C, posedge S, posedge R)
+ if (S)
+ Q <= 1'b1;
+ else if (R)
+ Q <= 1'b0;
+ else
+ Q <= D;
diff --git a/data/cells_cyclone_v.v b/data/cells_cyclone_v.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc70a27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/cells_cyclone_v.v
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+// Based on cyclonev_atoms.v from Quartus II 14.0.0 Build 200 06/17/2014
+// ==========================================================================================
+module cyclonev_lcell_comb (
+ dataa, datab, datac, datad, datae, dataf, datag, cin, sharein,
+ combout, sumout, cout, shareout
+input dataa, datab, datac, datad, datae, dataf, datag, cin, sharein;
+output reg combout, sumout, cout, shareout;
+parameter lut_mask = 64'hFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
+parameter shared_arith = "off";
+parameter extended_lut = "off";
+parameter dont_touch = "off";
+parameter lpm_type = "cyclonev_lcell_comb";
+localparam ishared_arith = shared_arith == "on";
+localparam iextended_lut = extended_lut == "on";
+localparam [15:0] f0_mask = lut_mask[15:0];
+localparam [15:0] f1_mask = lut_mask[31:16];
+localparam [15:0] f2_mask = lut_mask[47:32];
+localparam [15:0] f3_mask = lut_mask[63:48];
+reg f0_out, f1_out, f2_out, f3_out;
+reg g0_out, g1_out;
+reg f2_input3, f2_f;
+reg adder_input2;
+// 4-input LUT function
+function lut4;
+ input [15:0] mask;
+ input dataa;
+ input datab;
+ input datac;
+ input datad;
+ begin
+ lut4 = datad ? ( datac ? ( datab ? ( dataa ? mask[15] : mask[14])
+ : ( dataa ? mask[13] : mask[12]))
+ : ( datab ? ( dataa ? mask[11] : mask[10])
+ : ( dataa ? mask[ 9] : mask[ 8])))
+ : ( datac ? ( datab ? ( dataa ? mask[ 7] : mask[ 6])
+ : ( dataa ? mask[ 5] : mask[ 4]))
+ : ( datab ? ( dataa ? mask[ 3] : mask[ 2])
+ : ( dataa ? mask[ 1] : mask[ 0])));
+ end
+// 5-input LUT function
+function lut5;
+ input [31:0] mask;
+ input dataa;
+ input datab;
+ input datac;
+ input datad;
+ input datae;
+ reg e0_lut;
+ reg e1_lut;
+ reg [15:0] e0_mask;
+ reg [31:16] e1_mask;
+ begin
+ e0_mask = mask[15:0];
+ e1_mask = mask[31:16];
+ begin
+ e0_lut = lut4(e0_mask, dataa, datab, datac, datad);
+ e1_lut = lut4(e1_mask, dataa, datab, datac, datad);
+ if (datae === 1'bX) // X propogation
+ begin
+ if (e0_lut == e1_lut)
+ begin
+ lut5 = e0_lut;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lut5 = 1'bX;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lut5 = (datae == 1'b1) ? e1_lut : e0_lut;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+// 6-input LUT function
+function lut6;
+ input [63:0] mask;
+ input dataa;
+ input datab;
+ input datac;
+ input datad;
+ input datae;
+ input dataf;
+ reg f0_lut;
+ reg f1_lut;
+ reg [31:0] f0_mask;
+ reg [63:32] f1_mask ;
+ begin
+ f0_mask = mask[31:0];
+ f1_mask = mask[63:32];
+ begin
+ lut6 = mask[{dataf, datae, datad, datac, datab, dataa}];
+ if (lut6 === 1'bX)
+ begin
+ f0_lut = lut5(f0_mask, dataa, datab, datac, datad, datae);
+ f1_lut = lut5(f1_mask, dataa, datab, datac, datad, datae);
+ if (dataf === 1'bX) // X propogation
+ begin
+ if (f0_lut == f1_lut)
+ begin
+ lut6 = f0_lut;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lut6 = 1'bX;
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ lut6 = (dataf == 1'b1) ? f1_lut : f0_lut;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+always @(datag or dataf or datae or datad or datac or
+ datab or dataa or cin or sharein)
+ // check for extended LUT mode
+ if (iextended_lut == 1)
+ f2_input3 = datag;
+ else
+ f2_input3 = datac;
+ f0_out = lut4(f0_mask, dataa, datab, datac, datad);
+ f1_out = lut4(f1_mask, dataa, datab, f2_input3, datad);
+ f2_out = lut4(f2_mask, dataa, datab, datac, datad);
+ f3_out = lut4(f3_mask, dataa, datab, f2_input3, datad);
+ // combout is the 6-input LUT
+ if (iextended_lut == 1)
+ begin
+ if (datae == 1'b0)
+ begin
+ g0_out = f0_out;
+ g1_out = f2_out;
+ end
+ else if (datae == 1'b1)
+ begin
+ g0_out = f1_out;
+ g1_out = f3_out;
+ end
+ else
+ begin
+ if (f0_out == f1_out)
+ g0_out = f0_out;
+ else
+ g0_out = 1'bX;
+ if (f2_out == f3_out)
+ g1_out = f2_out;
+ else
+ g1_out = 1'bX;
+ end
+ if (dataf == 1'b0)
+ combout = g0_out;
+ else if ((dataf == 1'b1) || (g0_out == g1_out))
+ combout = g1_out;
+ else
+ combout = 1'bX;
+ end
+ else
+ combout = lut6(lut_mask, dataa, datab, datac, datad, datae, dataf);
+ // check for shareed arithmetic mode
+ if (ishared_arith == 1)
+ adder_input2 = sharein;
+ else
+ begin
+ f2_f = lut4(f2_mask, dataa, datab, datac, dataf);
+ adder_input2 = !f2_f;
+ end
+ // sumout & cout
+ sumout = cin ^ f0_out ^ adder_input2;
+ cout = (cin & f0_out) | (cin & adder_input2) | (f0_out & adder_input2);
+ shareout = f2_out;
+// ==========================================================================================
+module cyclonev_io_ibuf (i, ibar, dynamicterminationcontrol, o);
+parameter differential_mode = 0;
+parameter bus_hold = 0;
+parameter simulate_z_as = 0;
+parameter lpm_type = 0;
+input i;
+input ibar;
+input dynamicterminationcontrol;
+output o;
+assign o = i;
+// ==========================================================================================
+module cyclonev_io_obuf (i, oe, dynamicterminationcontrol, seriesterminationcontrol, parallelterminationcontrol, devoe, o, obar);
+parameter open_drain_output = 0;
+parameter bus_hold = 0;
+parameter shift_series_termination_control = 0;
+parameter sim_dynamic_termination_control_is_connected = 0;
+parameter lpm_type = 0;
+input i;
+input oe;
+input devoe;
+input dynamicterminationcontrol;
+input [15:0] seriesterminationcontrol;
+input [15:0] parallelterminationcontrol;
+output o;
+output obar;
+assign o = i, obar = ~i;
+// ==========================================================================================
diff --git a/data/cells_verific.v b/data/cells_verific.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d0ad2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/cells_verific.v
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+module VERIFIC_FADD (cin, a, b, cout, o);
+ input cin, a, b;
+ output cout, o;
+ assign {cout, o} = cin + a + b;
+module VERIFIC_DFFRS (clk, s, r, d, q);
+ input clk, d, s, r;
+ output reg q ;
+ always @(posedge clk, posedge s, posedge r)
+ if (r) q <= 0;
+ else if (s) q <= 1;
+ else q <= d;
diff --git a/data/cells_xilinx_7.v b/data/cells_xilinx_7.v
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01522a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/cells_xilinx_7.v
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Based on the simulation models from /opt/Xilinx/14.5/ISE_DS/ISE/verilog/src/unisims/
+module IBUF(O, I);
+output O;
+input I;
+assign O = I;
+module OBUF(O, I);
+output O;
+input I;
+assign O = I;
+module OBUFT(O, I, T);
+output O;
+input I, T;
+assign O = T ? 1'bz : I;
+module GND(G);
+output G;
+assign G = 0;
+module INV(O, I);
+input I;
+output O;
+assign O = !I;
+module LUT1(O, I0);
+parameter INIT = 0;
+input I0;
+wire [1:0] lutdata = INIT;
+wire [0:0] idx = { I0 };
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
+module LUT2(O, I0, I1);
+parameter INIT = 0;
+input I0, I1;
+wire [3:0] lutdata = INIT;
+wire [1:0] idx = { I1, I0 };
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
+module LUT3(O, I0, I1, I2);
+parameter INIT = 0;
+input I0, I1, I2;
+wire [7:0] lutdata = INIT;
+wire [2:0] idx = { I2, I1, I0 };
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
+module LUT4(O, I0, I1, I2, I3);
+parameter INIT = 0;
+input I0, I1, I2, I3;
+wire [15:0] lutdata = INIT;
+wire [3:0] idx = { I3, I2, I1, I0 };
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
+module LUT5(O, I0, I1, I2, I3, I4);
+parameter INIT = 0;
+input I0, I1, I2, I3, I4;
+wire [31:0] lutdata = INIT;
+wire [4:0] idx = { I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 };
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
+module LUT6(O, I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5);
+parameter INIT = 0;
+input I0, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5;
+wire [63:0] lutdata = INIT;
+wire [5:0] idx = { I5, I4, I3, I2, I1, I0 };
+output O;
+assign O = lutdata[idx];
+module MUXCY(O, CI, DI, S);
+input CI, DI, S;
+output O;
+assign O = S ? CI : DI;
+module MUXF7(O, I0, I1, S);
+input I0, I1, S;
+output O;
+assign O = S ? I1 : I0;
+module MUXF8(O, I0, I1, S);
+input I0, I1, S;
+output O;
+assign O = S ? I1 : I0;
+module VCC(P);
+output P;
+assign P = 1;
+module XORCY(O, CI, LI);
+input CI, LI;
+output O;
+assign O = CI ^ LI;
+module CARRY4(CO, O, CI, CYINIT, DI, S);
+output [3:0] CO, O;
+input CI, CYINIT;
+input [3:0] DI, S;
+wire ci_or_cyinit;
+assign O = S ^ {CO[2:0], ci_or_cyinit};
+assign CO[0] = S[0] ? ci_or_cyinit : DI[0];
+assign CO[1] = S[1] ? CO[0] : DI[1];
+assign CO[2] = S[2] ? CO[1] : DI[2];
+assign CO[3] = S[3] ? CO[2] : DI[3];
+assign ci_or_cyinit = CI | CYINIT;