path: root/bugs/vivado_1.md
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authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-11-14 16:27:19 +0000
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-11-14 16:27:19 +0000
commit798f54c05376ec3b4ebbe8326d0a91eec807df3d (patch)
tree29274e92b775d280238ea15e0b46fb545b55b559 /bugs/vivado_1.md
parent809d342084e39432615945edac7662e6f9968b7f (diff)
Add proper reports to bugs
Diffstat (limited to 'bugs/vivado_1.md')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bugs/vivado_1.md b/bugs/vivado_1.md
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index 0000000..ef43cdd
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+++ b/bugs/vivado_1.md
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+# Verilog If statement nesting crash
+[ [Vivado forum 981787](https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Synthesis/Vivado-2019-1-Verilog-If-statement-nesting-crash/td-p/981787) ]
+The following Verilog code crashes on Vivado 2019.1 and 2018.3. it has been reduced as much as possible to a minimal example from a larger design, which produces the crash. Removing any registers or removing the empty if-statements gets rid of the crash.
+module top (y, clk, wire0);
+ output [1:0] y;
+ input clk;
+ input [1:0] wire0;
+ reg [2:0] reg0 = 0, reg1 = 0;
+ reg [1:0] reg2 = 0, reg3 = 0, reg4 = 0, reg5 = 0;
+ assign y = reg2;
+ always
+ @(posedge clk) begin
+ reg0 <= 1;
+ reg5 <= 1;
+ if (reg5)
+ begin
+ if (reg0);
+ else
+ if (wire0);
+ else
+ if ($signed(reg3[0:0]))
+ begin
+ reg3 <= reg0;
+ reg1 <= reg3;
+ end
+ else
+ reg1 <= reg0;
+ reg2 <= reg1[0:0];
+ end
+ end
+This crash occurs in Vivado 2018.3 on a CentOS 6 server and Vivado 2019.1 on my personal Arch Linux machine. It crashes with the following stack trace, meaning the problem is probably occuring in the HOptDfg::mergeReconvergentPartitions function.
+/usr/lib/libc.so.6(+0x378b0) [0x7fbb3a1a88b0]
+/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/lib/lnx64.o/librdi_synth.so(+0x18a8008) [0x7fbaff38f008]
+/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1/lib/lnx64.o/librdi_synth.so(HOptDfg::mergeReconvergentPartitions(DFPin*, DFGraph*, UHashSet<DFPin*, DFPin*, UEKey<DFPin*>, UHashSetNode<DFPin*>, DFPin*, UEValue<DFPin*, UHashSetNode<DFPin*> > > const&, UHashMap<DFNode*, DFPin*, DFNode*, UEKey<DFNode*> >&, UHashMap<DFGraph*, DFGraphInfo, DFGraph*, UEKey<DFGraph*> >&, DFGraph::DFGraphType, UHashMapList<DFGraph*, UHashList<DFPin*, DFPin*, UEKey<DFPin*>, UHashListNode<DFPin*>, DFPin*>, DFGraph*, UEKey<DFGraph*> >&)+0x33b) [0x7fbaff39848b]
+The end of the log is posted below
+Finished Loading Part and Timing Information : Time (s): cpu = 00:00:04 ; elapsed = 00:00:05 . Memory (MB): peak = 1529.691 ; gain = 169.098 ; free physical = 900 ; free virtual = 4633
+Abnormal program termination (11)
+Please check '/home/yannherklotz/Projects/verifuzz/vivado_crash/hs_err_pid28124.log' for details
+I believe that this crash is different to https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Synthesis/Vivado-2018-3-synthesis-crash/td-p/981136, because the function in the stack trace is different, which is why I posted this as a new post. I have attached a zip file below containing the tcl file and Verilog file, so to reproduce the crash one should be able to just run:
+vivado -mode batch -source vivado_top.tcl