path: root/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
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authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-06-05 13:52:20 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-06-05 13:52:27 +0100
commit720fa7a822a077458cf0b29e9dcdc754a881e8bd (patch)
treefa00db795c17bba78b02de2823c1092fae1d81ec /src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
parentf3268d934a9a2b01633b5f7a3353d1a97c40a9df (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
index 00f1926..dadae90 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
@@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ failEquivWithIdentity = filter withIdentity . _fuzzSynthResults <$> get
-- | Always reduces with respect to 'Identity'.
reduction :: (MonadSh m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
reduction src = do
- fails <- failEquivWithIdentity
+ fails <- failEquivWithIdentity
synthFails <- failedSynthesis
- _ <- liftSh $ mapM red fails
- _ <- liftSh $ mapM redSynth synthFails
+ _ <- liftSh $ mapM red fails
+ _ <- liftSh $ mapM redSynth synthFails
return ()
red (SynthResult a b _ _) = do
@@ -271,38 +271,41 @@ verilogSize :: (Source a) => a -> Int
verilogSize = length . lines . T.unpack . genSource
- :: (MonadSh m, MonadIO m, Source a, Ord a) =>
- Frequency a -> Int -> Maybe Seed -> Gen a -> m (Seed, a)
-sampleVerilog _ _ seed@(Just _) gen = sampleSeed seed gen
-sampleVerilog freq n Nothing gen = do
+ :: (MonadSh m, MonadIO m, Source a, Ord a)
+ => Frequency a
+ -> Int
+ -> Maybe Seed
+ -> Gen a
+ -> m (Seed, a)
+sampleVerilog _ _ seed@(Just _) gen = sampleSeed seed gen
+sampleVerilog freq n Nothing gen = do
res <- replicateM n $ sampleSeed Nothing gen
- let sizes = fmap getSize res
+ let sizes = fmap getSize res
let samples = fmap snd . sort $ zip sizes res
liftIO $ Hog.sample . Hog.frequency $ freq samples
- where
- getSize (_, s) = verilogSize s
+ where getSize (_, s) = verilogSize s
hatFreqs :: Frequency a
hatFreqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
- where
- h = length l `div` 2
- hat = (+ h) . negate . abs . (h - ) <$> [1..length l]
+ where
+ h = length l `div` 2
+ hat = (+ h) . negate . abs . (h -) <$> [1 .. length l]
meanFreqs :: Source a => Frequency a
meanFreqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
- where
- hat = calc <$> sizes
- calc i = if abs (mean - i) == min_ then 1 else 0
- mean = sum sizes `div` length l
- min_ = minimum $ abs . (mean -) <$> sizes
- sizes = verilogSize . snd <$> l
+ where
+ hat = calc <$> sizes
+ calc i = if abs (mean - i) == min_ then 1 else 0
+ mean = sum sizes `div` length l
+ min_ = minimum $ abs . (mean -) <$> sizes
+ sizes = verilogSize . snd <$> l
medianFreqs :: Frequency a
medianFreqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
- where
- h = length l `div` 2
- hat = set_ <$> [1..length l]
- set_ n = if n == h then 1 else 0
+ where
+ h = length l `div` 2
+ hat = set_ <$> [1 .. length l]
+ set_ n = if n == h then 1 else 0
fuzz :: MonadFuzz m => Gen SourceInfo -> Config -> Fuzz m FuzzReport
fuzz gen conf = do
@@ -318,9 +321,11 @@ fuzz gen conf = do
(tsynth, _) <- titleRun "Synthesis" $ synthesis src
(tequiv, _) <- titleRun "Equivalence Check" $ equivalence src
fails <- failEquivWithIdentity
- synthFails <- failedSynthesis
- redResult <- whenMaybe (not $ null fails && null synthFails) . titleRun "Reduction" $ reduction
- src
+ synthFails <- failedSynthesis
+ redResult <-
+ whenMaybe (not $ null fails && null synthFails)
+ . titleRun "Reduction"
+ $ reduction src
state_ <- get
currdir <- liftSh pwd
let vi = flip view state_
@@ -335,21 +340,21 @@ fuzz gen conf = do
liftSh . writefile "index.html" $ printResultReport (bname currdir) report
return report
- seed = conf ^. configProperty . propSeed
- bname = T.pack . takeBaseName . T.unpack . toTextIgnore
+ seed = conf ^. configProperty . propSeed
+ bname = T.pack . takeBaseName . T.unpack . toTextIgnore
genMethod = case T.toLower $ conf ^. configProperty . propSampleMethod of
- "hat" -> do
- logT "Using the hat function"
- sv hatFreqs
- "mean" -> do
- logT "Using the mean function"
- sv meanFreqs
- "median" -> do
- logT "Using the median function"
- sv medianFreqs
- _ -> do
- logT "Using first seed"
- sampleSeed seed gen
+ "hat" -> do
+ logT "Using the hat function"
+ sv hatFreqs
+ "mean" -> do
+ logT "Using the mean function"
+ sv meanFreqs
+ "median" -> do
+ logT "Using the median function"
+ sv medianFreqs
+ _ -> do
+ logT "Using first seed"
+ sampleSeed seed gen
sv a = sampleVerilog a (conf ^. configProperty . propSampleSize) seed gen
relativeFuzzReport :: (MonadSh m) => FuzzReport -> m FuzzReport