path: root/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-04-02 19:47:32 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-04-02 19:47:32 +0100
commitfd4b0b5152f94cd406f2e5de86ce7ed0a4d2cbd0 (patch)
tree673439d49fa095bf3ae9b7bbbca5f30d7ff20838 /src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs
parentc0c799ab3f79c370e4c33b8f824489ce8b1c96ec (diff)
Large refactor with passing tests
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3082b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+Module : VeriFuzz.Sim.Internal
+Description : Class of the simulator.
+Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
+License : BSD-3
+Maintainer : ymherklotz [at] gmail [dot] com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : POSIX
+Class of the simulator and the synthesize tool.
+module VeriFuzz.Sim.Internal
+ ( Tool(..)
+ , Simulator(..)
+ , Synthesisor(..)
+ , SourceInfo(..)
+ , mainModule
+ , rootPath
+ , timeout
+ , timeout_
+ , bsToI
+ , noPrint
+ , echoP
+ , logger
+ )
+import Control.Lens
+import Data.Bits (shiftL)
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
+import Shelly
+import System.FilePath.Posix (takeBaseName)
+import VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST
+-- | Tool class.
+class Tool a where
+ toText :: a -> Text
+-- | Simulation type class.
+class (Tool a) => Simulator a where
+ runSim :: a -- ^ Simulator instance
+ -> SourceInfo -- ^ Run information
+ -> [ByteString] -- ^ Inputs to simulate
+ -> Sh ByteString -- ^ Returns the value of the hash at the output of the testbench.
+ runSimWithFile :: a
+ -> FilePath
+ -> [ByteString]
+ -> Sh ByteString
+-- | Synthesisor type class.
+class (Tool a) => Synthesisor a where
+ runSynth :: a -- ^ Synthesisor tool instance
+ -> SourceInfo -- ^ Run information
+ -> FilePath -- ^ Output verilog file for the module
+ -> Sh () -- ^ does not return any values
+data SourceInfo = SourceInfo { runMainModule :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
+ , runSource :: !Verilog
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+-- | May need to change this to Traversal to be safe. For now it will fail when
+-- the main has not been properly set with.
+mainModule :: Lens' SourceInfo ModDecl
+mainModule = lens get_ set_
+ where
+ set_ (SourceInfo top main) v =
+ SourceInfo top (main & getModule %~ update top v)
+ update top v m@(ModDecl (Identifier i) _ _ _) | i == top = v
+ | otherwise = m
+ get_ (SourceInfo top main) = head . filter (f top) $ main ^.. getModule
+ f top (ModDecl (Identifier i) _ _ _) = i == top
+rootPath :: Sh FilePath
+rootPath = do
+ current <- pwd
+ maybe current fromText <$> get_env "VERIFUZZ_ROOT"
+timeout :: FilePath -> [Text] -> Sh Text
+timeout = command1 "timeout" ["300"] . toTextIgnore
+{-# INLINE timeout #-}
+timeout_ :: FilePath -> [Text] -> Sh ()
+timeout_ = command1_ "timeout" ["300"] . toTextIgnore
+{-# INLINE timeout_ #-}
+-- | Helper function to convert bytestrings to integers
+bsToI :: ByteString -> Integer
+bsToI = B.foldl' (\i b -> (i `shiftL` 8) + fromIntegral b) 0
+{-# INLINE bsToI #-}
+noPrint :: Sh a -> Sh a
+noPrint = print_stdout False . print_stderr False
+{-# INLINE noPrint #-}
+echoP :: Text -> Sh ()
+echoP t = do
+ fn <- pwd
+ echo $ bname fn <> " - " <> t
+ where bname = T.pack . takeBaseName . T.unpack . toTextIgnore
+logger :: FilePath -> Text -> Sh a -> Sh a
+logger fp name = log_stderr_with (l "_log.stderr.txt")
+ . log_stdout_with (l "_log.txt")
+ where
+ l s t = appendFile (file s) (T.unpack t) >> appendFile (file s) "\n"
+ file s = T.unpack (toTextIgnore $ fp </> fromText name) <> s