path: root/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
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authorYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-05-13 20:50:01 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-05-13 20:50:01 +0100
commit76e9b994258d9af87868ba9f420db4ee1c29de67 (patch)
treef11b3729582a21ea31555a9106d2190e180e2ce9 /src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
parent3ddfc0111566113b3ec15725cb5ced6dea531a3a (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 51 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
index 3ff39d9..a0ec0cc 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ verilogSrc (Verilog modules) = vsep . punctuate line $ moduleDecl <$> modules
-- | Generate the 'ModDecl' for a module and convert it to 'Text'.
moduleDecl :: ModDecl -> Doc a
-moduleDecl (ModDecl i outP inP items ps) =
- vsep
+moduleDecl (ModDecl i outP inP items ps) = vsep
[ sep ["module" <+> identifier i, params ps, ports <> semi]
, indent 2 modI
, "endmodule"
- ports | null outP && null inP = ""
- | otherwise = parens . align . sep . punctuate comma $ modPort <$> outIn
+ ports
+ | null outP && null inP = ""
+ | otherwise = parens . align . sep . punctuate comma $ modPort <$> outIn
modI = vsep $ moduleItem <$> items
outIn = outP ++ inP
params [] = ""
@@ -73,11 +73,13 @@ localParamList ps = tupled . toList $ localParam <$> ps
-- | Generates the assignment for a 'Parameter'.
parameter :: Parameter -> Doc a
-parameter (Parameter name val) = hsep ["parameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
+parameter (Parameter name val) =
+ hsep ["parameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
-- | Generates the assignment for a 'LocalParam'.
localParam :: LocalParam -> Doc a
-localParam (LocalParam name val) = hsep ["localparameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
+localParam (LocalParam name val) =
+ hsep ["localparameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
identifier :: Identifier -> Doc a
identifier (Identifier i) = pretty i
@@ -109,13 +111,17 @@ portDir PortInOut = "inout"
-- | Generate a 'ModItem'.
moduleItem :: ModItem -> Doc a
-moduleItem (ModCA ca) = contAssign ca
-moduleItem (ModInst i name conn) =
- hsep [identifier i, identifier name, parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (mConn <$> conn), semi]
-moduleItem (Initial stat) = nest 2 $ vsep ["initial", statement stat]
-moduleItem (Always stat) = nest 2 $ vsep ["always", statement stat]
-moduleItem (Decl dir p ini) =
- hsep [maybe mempty makePort dir, port p, maybe mempty makeIni ini, semi]
+moduleItem (ModCA ca ) = contAssign ca
+moduleItem (ModInst i name conn) = hsep
+ [ identifier i
+ , identifier name
+ , parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (mConn <$> conn)
+ , semi
+ ]
+moduleItem (Initial stat ) = nest 2 $ vsep ["initial", statement stat]
+moduleItem (Always stat ) = nest 2 $ vsep ["always", statement stat]
+moduleItem (Decl dir p ini) = hsep
+ [maybe mempty makePort dir, port p, maybe mempty makeIni ini, semi]
makePort = portDir
makeIni = ("=" <+>) . constExpr
@@ -133,29 +139,30 @@ contAssign (ContAssign val e) =
-- | Generate 'Expr' to 'Text'.
expr :: Expr -> Doc a
-expr (BinOp eRhs bin eLhs) =
- parens $ hsep [expr eRhs, binaryOp bin, expr eLhs]
-expr (Number b ) = showNum b
-expr (Id i ) = identifier i
-expr (VecSelect i e ) = hcat [identifier i, brackets $ expr e]
-expr (RangeSelect i r ) = hcat [identifier i, range r]
-expr (Concat c ) = braces . nest 4 . sep . punctuate comma $ toList (expr <$> c)
-expr (UnOp u e ) = parens $ hcat [unaryOp u, expr e]
-expr (Cond l t f) = parens . nest 4 $ sep [expr l <+> "?", hsep [expr t, colon, expr f]]
+expr (BinOp eRhs bin eLhs) = parens $ hsep [expr eRhs, binaryOp bin, expr eLhs]
+expr (Number b ) = showNum b
+expr (Id i ) = identifier i
+expr (VecSelect i e ) = hcat [identifier i, brackets $ expr e]
+expr (RangeSelect i r ) = hcat [identifier i, range r]
+expr (Concat c) = braces . nest 4 . sep . punctuate comma $ toList (expr <$> c)
+expr (UnOp u e ) = parens $ hcat [unaryOp u, expr e]
+expr (Cond l t f) =
+ parens . nest 4 $ sep [expr l <+> "?", hsep [expr t, colon, expr f]]
expr (Appl f e) = hcat [identifier f, parens $ expr e]
-expr (Str t ) = dquotes $ pretty t
+expr (Str t ) = dquotes $ pretty t
showNum :: BitVec -> Doc a
-showNum (BitVec s n) =
- parens $ hcat [minus, pretty $ showT s, "'h", pretty $ T.pack (showHex (abs n) "")]
+showNum (BitVec s n) = parens
+ $ hcat [minus, pretty $ showT s, "'h", pretty $ T.pack (showHex (abs n) "")]
minus | signum n >= 0 = mempty
| otherwise = "-"
constExpr :: ConstExpr -> Doc a
-constExpr (ConstNum b) = showNum b
-constExpr (ParamId i) = identifier i
-constExpr (ConstConcat c) = braces . hsep . punctuate comma $ toList (constExpr <$> c)
+constExpr (ConstNum b) = showNum b
+constExpr (ParamId i) = identifier i
+constExpr (ConstConcat c) =
+ braces . hsep . punctuate comma $ toList (constExpr <$> c)
constExpr (ConstUnOp u e) = parens $ hcat [unaryOp u, constExpr e]
constExpr (ConstBinOp eRhs bin eLhs) =
parens $ hsep [constExpr eRhs, binaryOp bin, constExpr eLhs]
@@ -234,33 +241,41 @@ pType Wire = "wire"
pType Reg = "reg"
genAssign :: Text -> Assign -> Doc a
-genAssign op (Assign r d e) = hsep [lVal r, pretty op, maybe mempty delay d, expr e]
+genAssign op (Assign r d e) =
+ hsep [lVal r, pretty op, maybe mempty delay d, expr e]
statement :: Statement -> Doc a
-statement (TimeCtrl d stat ) = hsep [delay d, defMap stat]
-statement (EventCtrl e stat ) = hsep [event e, defMap stat]
-statement (SeqBlock s) = vsep ["begin", indent 2 . vsep $ statement <$> s, "end"]
-statement (BlockAssign a ) = hcat [genAssign "=" a, semi]
-statement (NonBlockAssign a ) = hcat [genAssign "<=" a, semi]
-statement (TaskEnable t ) = hcat [task t, semi]
-statement (SysTaskEnable t ) = hcat ["$", task t, semi]
-statement (CondStmnt e t Nothing) = vsep [hsep ["if", parens $ expr e], indent 2 $ defMap t]
-statement (CondStmnt e t f) =
- vsep [hsep ["if", parens $ expr e], indent 2 $ defMap t, "else", indent 2 $ defMap f]
-statement (ForLoop a e incr stmnt) =
- vsep [ hsep
- [ "for"
- , parens . hsep $ punctuate semi
- [ genAssign "=" a
- , expr e
- , genAssign "=" incr
- ]
- ]
- , indent 2 $ statement stmnt]
+statement (TimeCtrl d stat) = hsep [delay d, defMap stat]
+statement (EventCtrl e stat) = hsep [event e, defMap stat]
+statement (SeqBlock s) =
+ vsep ["begin", indent 2 . vsep $ statement <$> s, "end"]
+statement (BlockAssign a) = hcat [genAssign "=" a, semi]
+statement (NonBlockAssign a) = hcat [genAssign "<=" a, semi]
+statement (TaskEnable t) = hcat [task t, semi]
+statement (SysTaskEnable t) = hcat ["$", task t, semi]
+statement (CondStmnt e t Nothing) =
+ vsep [hsep ["if", parens $ expr e], indent 2 $ defMap t]
+statement (CondStmnt e t f) = vsep
+ [ hsep ["if", parens $ expr e]
+ , indent 2 $ defMap t
+ , "else"
+ , indent 2 $ defMap f
+ ]
+statement (ForLoop a e incr stmnt) = vsep
+ [ hsep
+ [ "for"
+ , parens . hsep $ punctuate
+ semi
+ [genAssign "=" a, expr e, genAssign "=" incr]
+ ]
+ , indent 2 $ statement stmnt
+ ]
task :: Task -> Doc a
-task (Task i e) | null e = identifier i
- | otherwise = hsep [identifier i, parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (expr <$> e)]
+task (Task i e)
+ | null e = identifier i
+ | otherwise = hsep
+ [identifier i, parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (expr <$> e)]
-- | Render the 'Text' to 'IO'. This is equivalent to 'putStrLn'.
render :: (Source a) => a -> IO ()