path: root/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs
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authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-10-29 12:06:05 +0000
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-10-29 12:06:05 +0000
commit4ee6646b8a78d4c20fe0b89d95f23d382e1c47fc (patch)
tree9b02e1b92f8abf0baf3dc108ab7f4fb8f33e753a /src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs
parent1aaff80235237507572e0fb4be86f34cb1829b68 (diff)
parent01c2ab3f6a58d416528efce3057e2cf2f1604489 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into HEADfeature/nondeterminism
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 511 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c08ebcd..0000000
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,511 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriFuzz.Verilog.Parser
-Description : Minimal Verilog parser to reconstruct the AST.
-Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz
-License : GPL-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-Minimal Verilog parser to reconstruct the AST. This parser does not support the
-whole Verilog syntax, as the AST does not support it either.
-module VeriFuzz.Verilog.Parser
- ( -- * Parser
- parseVerilog
- , parseVerilogFile
- , parseSourceInfoFile
- -- ** Internal parsers
- , parseEvent
- , parseStatement
- , parseModItem
- , parseModDecl
- , Parser
- )
-import Control.Lens
-import Control.Monad (void)
-import Data.Bifunctor (bimap)
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Functor (($>))
-import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
-import Data.List (isInfixOf, isPrefixOf, null)
-import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-import Text.Parsec hiding (satisfy)
-import Text.Parsec.Expr
-import VeriFuzz.Internal
-import VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST
-import VeriFuzz.Verilog.BitVec
-import VeriFuzz.Verilog.Internal
-import VeriFuzz.Verilog.Lex
-import VeriFuzz.Verilog.Preprocess
-import VeriFuzz.Verilog.Token
-type Parser = Parsec [Token] ()
-type ParseOperator = Operator [Token] () Identity
-data Decimal = Decimal Int Integer
-instance Num Decimal where
- (Decimal sa na) + (Decimal sb nb) = Decimal (max sa sb) (na + nb)
- (Decimal sa na) - (Decimal sb nb) = Decimal (max sa sb) (na - nb)
- (Decimal sa na) * (Decimal sb nb) = Decimal (max sa sb) (na * nb)
- negate (Decimal s n) = Decimal s $ negate n
- abs (Decimal s n) = Decimal s $ abs n
- signum (Decimal s n) = Decimal s $ signum n
- fromInteger = Decimal 32 . fromInteger
--- | This parser succeeds whenever the given predicate returns true when called
--- with parsed `Token`. Same as 'Text.Parsec.Char.satisfy'.
-satisfy :: (Token -> Bool) -> Parser TokenName
-satisfy f = tokenPrim show nextPos tokeq
- where
- tokeq :: Token -> Maybe TokenName
- tokeq t@(Token t' _ _) = if f t then Just t' else Nothing
-satisfy' :: (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
-satisfy' = tokenPrim show nextPos
-nextPos :: SourcePos -> Token -> [Token] -> SourcePos
-nextPos pos _ (Token _ _ (Position _ l c) : _) =
- setSourceColumn (setSourceLine pos l) c
-nextPos pos _ [] = pos
--- | Parses given `TokenName`.
-tok :: TokenName -> Parser TokenName
-tok t = satisfy (\(Token t' _ _) -> t' == t) <?> show t
--- | Parse without returning the `TokenName`.
-tok' :: TokenName -> Parser ()
-tok' p = void $ tok p
-parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
-parens = between (tok SymParenL) (tok SymParenR)
-brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
-brackets = between (tok SymBrackL) (tok SymBrackR)
-braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
-braces = between (tok SymBraceL) (tok SymBraceR)
-sBinOp :: BinaryOperator -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
-sBinOp = sOp BinOp where sOp f b a = f a b
-parseExpr' :: Parser Expr
-parseExpr' = buildExpressionParser parseTable parseTerm <?> "expr"
-decToExpr :: Decimal -> Expr
-decToExpr (Decimal s n) = Number $ bitVec s n
--- | Parse a Number depending on if it is in a hex or decimal form. Octal and
--- binary are not supported yet.
-parseNum :: Parser Expr
-parseNum = decToExpr <$> number
-parseVar :: Parser Expr
-parseVar = Id <$> identifier
-parseVecSelect :: Parser Expr
-parseVecSelect = do
- i <- identifier
- expr <- brackets parseExpr
- return $ VecSelect i expr
-parseRangeSelect :: Parser Expr
-parseRangeSelect = do
- i <- identifier
- range <- parseRange
- return $ RangeSelect i range
-systemFunc :: Parser String
-systemFunc = satisfy' matchId
- where
- matchId (Token IdSystem s _) = Just s
- matchId _ = Nothing
-parseFun :: Parser Expr
-parseFun = do
- f <- systemFunc
- expr <- parens parseExpr
- return $ Appl (Identifier $ T.pack f) expr
-parserNonEmpty :: [a] -> Parser (NonEmpty a)
-parserNonEmpty (a : b) = return $ a :| b
-parserNonEmpty [] = fail "Concatenation cannot be empty."
-parseTerm :: Parser Expr
-parseTerm =
- parens parseExpr
- <|> (Concat <$> (braces (commaSep parseExpr) >>= parserNonEmpty))
- <|> parseFun
- <|> parseNum
- <|> try parseVecSelect
- <|> try parseRangeSelect
- <|> parseVar
- <?> "simple expr"
--- | Parses the ternary conditional operator. It will behave in a right
--- associative way.
-parseCond :: Expr -> Parser Expr
-parseCond e = do
- tok' SymQuestion
- expr <- parseExpr
- tok' SymColon
- Cond e expr <$> parseExpr
-parseExpr :: Parser Expr
-parseExpr = do
- e <- parseExpr'
- option e . try $ parseCond e
-parseConstExpr :: Parser ConstExpr
-parseConstExpr = fmap exprToConst parseExpr
--- | Table of binary and unary operators that encode the right precedence for
--- each.
-parseTable :: [[ParseOperator Expr]]
-parseTable =
- [ [prefix SymBang (UnOp UnLNot), prefix SymTildy (UnOp UnNot)]
- , [ prefix SymAmp (UnOp UnAnd)
- , prefix SymBar (UnOp UnOr)
- , prefix SymTildyAmp (UnOp UnNand)
- , prefix SymTildyBar (UnOp UnNor)
- , prefix SymHat (UnOp UnXor)
- , prefix SymTildyHat (UnOp UnNxor)
- , prefix SymHatTildy (UnOp UnNxorInv)
- ]
- , [prefix SymPlus (UnOp UnPlus), prefix SymDash (UnOp UnMinus)]
- , [binary SymAsterAster (sBinOp BinPower) AssocRight]
- , [ binary SymAster (sBinOp BinTimes) AssocLeft
- , binary SymSlash (sBinOp BinDiv) AssocLeft
- , binary SymPercent (sBinOp BinMod) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymPlus (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft
- , binary SymDash (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymLtLt (sBinOp BinLSL) AssocLeft
- , binary SymGtGt (sBinOp BinLSR) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymLtLtLt (sBinOp BinASL) AssocLeft
- , binary SymGtGtGt (sBinOp BinASR) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymLt (sBinOp BinLT) AssocNone
- , binary SymGt (sBinOp BinGT) AssocNone
- , binary SymLtEq (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone
- , binary SymGtEq (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone
- ]
- , [ binary SymEqEq (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone
- , binary SymBangEq (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone
- ]
- , [ binary SymEqEqEq (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone
- , binary SymBangEqEq (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone
- ]
- , [binary SymAmp (sBinOp BinAnd) AssocLeft]
- , [ binary SymHat (sBinOp BinXor) AssocLeft
- , binary SymHatTildy (sBinOp BinXNor) AssocLeft
- , binary SymTildyHat (sBinOp BinXNorInv) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [binary SymBar (sBinOp BinOr) AssocLeft]
- , [binary SymAmpAmp (sBinOp BinLAnd) AssocLeft]
- , [binary SymBarBar (sBinOp BinLOr) AssocLeft]
- ]
-binary :: TokenName -> (a -> a -> a) -> Assoc -> ParseOperator a
-binary name fun = Infix ((tok name <?> "binary") >> return fun)
-prefix :: TokenName -> (a -> a) -> ParseOperator a
-prefix name fun = Prefix ((tok name <?> "prefix") >> return fun)
-commaSep :: Parser a -> Parser [a]
-commaSep = flip sepBy $ tok SymComma
-parseContAssign :: Parser ContAssign
-parseContAssign = do
- var <- tok KWAssign *> identifier
- expr <- tok SymEq *> parseExpr
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ ContAssign var expr
-numLit :: Parser String
-numLit = satisfy' matchId
- where
- matchId (Token LitNumber s _) = Just s
- matchId _ = Nothing
-number :: Parser Decimal
-number = number' <$> numLit
- where
- number' :: String -> Decimal
- number' a | all (`elem` ['0' .. '9']) a = fromInteger $ read a
- | head a == '\'' = fromInteger $ f a
- | "'" `isInfixOf` a = Decimal (read w) (f b)
- | otherwise = error $ "Invalid number format: " ++ a
- where
- w = takeWhile (/= '\'') a
- b = dropWhile (/= '\'') a
- f a'
- | "'d" `isPrefixOf` a' = read $ drop 2 a'
- | "'h" `isPrefixOf` a' = read $ "0x" ++ drop 2 a'
- | "'b" `isPrefixOf` a' = foldl
- (\n b' -> shiftL n 1 .|. (if b' == '1' then 1 else 0))
- 0
- (drop 2 a')
- | otherwise = error $ "Invalid number format: " ++ a'
--- toInteger' :: Decimal -> Integer
--- toInteger' (Decimal _ n) = n
-toInt' :: Decimal -> Int
-toInt' (Decimal _ n) = fromInteger n
--- | Parse a range and return the total size. As it is inclusive, 1 has to be
--- added to the difference.
-parseRange :: Parser Range
-parseRange = do
- rangeH <- tok SymBrackL *> parseConstExpr
- rangeL <- tok SymColon *> parseConstExpr
- tok' SymBrackR
- return $ Range rangeH rangeL
-strId :: Parser String
-strId = satisfy' matchId
- where
- matchId (Token IdSimple s _) = Just s
- matchId (Token IdEscaped s _) = Just s
- matchId _ = Nothing
-identifier :: Parser Identifier
-identifier = Identifier . T.pack <$> strId
-parseNetDecl :: Maybe PortDir -> Parser ModItem
-parseNetDecl pd = do
- t <- option Wire type_
- sign <- option False (tok KWSigned $> True)
- range <- option 1 parseRange
- name <- identifier
- i <- option Nothing (fmap Just (tok' SymEq *> parseConstExpr))
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ Decl pd (Port t sign range name) i
- where type_ = tok KWWire $> Wire <|> tok KWReg $> Reg
-parsePortDir :: Parser PortDir
-parsePortDir =
- tok KWOutput
- $> PortOut
- <|> tok KWInput
- $> PortIn
- <|> tok KWInout
- $> PortInOut
-parseDecl :: Parser ModItem
-parseDecl = (Just <$> parsePortDir >>= parseNetDecl) <|> parseNetDecl Nothing
-parseConditional :: Parser Statement
-parseConditional = do
- expr <- tok' KWIf *> parens parseExpr
- true <- maybeEmptyStatement
- false <- option Nothing (tok' KWElse *> maybeEmptyStatement)
- return $ CondStmnt expr true false
-parseLVal :: Parser LVal
-parseLVal = fmap RegConcat (braces $ commaSep parseExpr) <|> ident
- where
- ident = do
- i <- identifier
- (try (ex i) <|> try (sz i) <|> return (RegId i))
- ex i = do
- e <- tok' SymBrackL *> parseExpr
- tok' SymBrackR
- return $ RegExpr i e
- sz i = RegSize i <$> parseRange
-parseDelay :: Parser Delay
-parseDelay = Delay . toInt' <$> (tok' SymPound *> number)
-parseAssign :: TokenName -> Parser Assign
-parseAssign t = do
- lval <- parseLVal
- tok' t
- delay <- option Nothing (fmap Just parseDelay)
- expr <- parseExpr
- return $ Assign lval delay expr
-parseLoop :: Parser Statement
-parseLoop = do
- a <- tok' KWFor *> tok' SymParenL *> parseAssign SymEq
- expr <- tok' SymSemi *> parseExpr
- incr <- tok' SymSemi *> parseAssign SymEq
- tok' SymParenR
- statement <- parseStatement
- return $ ForLoop a expr incr statement
-eventList :: TokenName -> Parser [Event]
-eventList t = do
- l <- sepBy parseEvent' (tok t)
- if null l then fail "Could not parse list" else return l
-parseEvent :: Parser Event
-parseEvent =
- tok' SymAtAster
- $> EAll
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> tok' SymParenLAsterParenR $> EAll)
- <|> try
- ( tok' SymAt
- *> tok' SymParenL
- *> tok' SymAster
- *> tok' SymParenR
- $> EAll
- )
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens parseEvent')
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens (foldr1 EOr <$> eventList KWOr))
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens (foldr1 EComb <$> eventList SymComma))
-parseEvent' :: Parser Event
-parseEvent' =
- try (tok' KWPosedge *> fmap EPosEdge identifier)
- <|> try (tok' KWNegedge *> fmap ENegEdge identifier)
- <|> try (fmap EId identifier)
- <|> try (fmap EExpr parseExpr)
-parseEventCtrl :: Parser Statement
-parseEventCtrl = do
- event <- parseEvent
- statement <- option Nothing maybeEmptyStatement
- return $ EventCtrl event statement
-parseDelayCtrl :: Parser Statement
-parseDelayCtrl = do
- delay <- parseDelay
- statement <- option Nothing maybeEmptyStatement
- return $ TimeCtrl delay statement
-parseBlocking :: Parser Statement
-parseBlocking = do
- a <- parseAssign SymEq
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ BlockAssign a
-parseNonBlocking :: Parser Statement
-parseNonBlocking = do
- a <- parseAssign SymLtEq
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ NonBlockAssign a
-parseSeq :: Parser Statement
-parseSeq = do
- seq' <- tok' KWBegin *> many parseStatement
- tok' KWEnd
- return $ SeqBlock seq'
-parseStatement :: Parser Statement
-parseStatement =
- parseSeq
- <|> parseConditional
- <|> parseLoop
- <|> parseEventCtrl
- <|> parseDelayCtrl
- <|> try parseBlocking
- <|> parseNonBlocking
-maybeEmptyStatement :: Parser (Maybe Statement)
-maybeEmptyStatement =
- (tok' SymSemi >> return Nothing) <|> (Just <$> parseStatement)
-parseAlways :: Parser ModItem
-parseAlways = tok' KWAlways *> (Always <$> parseStatement)
-parseInitial :: Parser ModItem
-parseInitial = tok' KWInitial *> (Initial <$> parseStatement)
-namedModConn :: Parser ModConn
-namedModConn = do
- target <- tok' SymDot *> identifier
- expr <- parens parseExpr
- return $ ModConnNamed target expr
-parseModConn :: Parser ModConn
-parseModConn = try (fmap ModConn parseExpr) <|> namedModConn
-parseModInst :: Parser ModItem
-parseModInst = do
- m <- identifier
- name <- identifier
- modconns <- parens (commaSep parseModConn)
- tok' SymSemi
- return $ ModInst m name modconns
-parseModItem :: Parser ModItem
-parseModItem =
- try (ModCA <$> parseContAssign)
- <|> try parseDecl
- <|> parseAlways
- <|> parseInitial
- <|> parseModInst
-parseModList :: Parser [Identifier]
-parseModList = list <|> return [] where list = parens $ commaSep identifier
-filterDecl :: PortDir -> ModItem -> Bool
-filterDecl p (Decl (Just p') _ _) = p == p'
-filterDecl _ _ = False
-modPorts :: PortDir -> [ModItem] -> [Port]
-modPorts p mis = filter (filterDecl p) mis ^.. traverse . declPort
-parseParam :: Parser Parameter
-parseParam = do
- i <- tok' KWParameter *> identifier
- expr <- tok' SymEq *> parseConstExpr
- return $ Parameter i expr
-parseParams :: Parser [Parameter]
-parseParams = tok' SymPound *> parens (commaSep parseParam)
-parseModDecl :: Parser ModDecl
-parseModDecl = do
- name <- tok KWModule *> identifier
- paramList <- option [] $ try parseParams
- _ <- fmap defaultPort <$> parseModList
- tok' SymSemi
- modItem <- option [] . try $ many1 parseModItem
- tok' KWEndmodule
- return $ ModDecl name
- (modPorts PortOut modItem)
- (modPorts PortIn modItem)
- modItem
- paramList
--- | Parses a 'String' into 'Verilog' by skipping any beginning whitespace
--- and then parsing multiple Verilog source.
-parseVerilogSrc :: Parser Verilog
-parseVerilogSrc = Verilog <$> many parseModDecl
--- | Parse a 'String' containing verilog code. The parser currently only supports
--- the subset of Verilog that is being generated randomly.
- :: Text -- ^ Name of parsed object.
- -> Text -- ^ Content to be parsed.
- -> Either Text Verilog -- ^ Returns 'String' with error
- -- message if parse fails.
-parseVerilog s =
- bimap showT id
- . parse parseVerilogSrc (T.unpack s)
- . alexScanTokens
- . preprocess [] (T.unpack s)
- . T.unpack
-parseVerilogFile :: Text -> IO Verilog
-parseVerilogFile file = do
- src <- T.readFile $ T.unpack file
- case parseVerilog file src of
- Left s -> error $ T.unpack s
- Right r -> return r
-parseSourceInfoFile :: Text -> Text -> IO SourceInfo
-parseSourceInfoFile top = fmap (SourceInfo top) . parseVerilogFile