path: root/src/VeriFuzz
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authorYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-05-11 21:51:54 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-05-11 21:51:54 +0100
commit56fb22af3fb34ea9d9ae80afd0b03bd22b7b2dd0 (patch)
tree56c067bf5a6e04dd4708a1b5100e6de0797e32f9 /src/VeriFuzz
parent5691f81906b703e2b29be24091c5585b33cb9428 (diff)
Add new reduction techniques
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz')
1 files changed, 93 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
index df92d99..65b0e86 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
@@ -19,10 +19,15 @@ module VeriFuzz.Reduce
, reduce
, reduce_
, halveModules
+ , halveModItems
+ , halveExpr
+ , findActiveWires
import Control.Lens
+import Data.List (nub)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Data.Text (Text)
import VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST
import VeriFuzz.Verilog.CodeGen
@@ -54,12 +59,9 @@ import VeriFuzz.Verilog.Mutate
data Replacement a = Dual a a
| Single a
| None
- deriving (Eq)
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Show a => Show (Replacement a) where
- show None = "None"
- show (Single a) = "--- Only try:\n" <> show a
- show (Dual a b) = "--- Try:\n" <> show a <> "\n--- Then:\n" <> show b
+type Replace a = a -> Replacement a
instance Functor Replacement where
fmap f (Dual a b) = Dual (f a) $ f b
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ instance Traversable Replacement where
traverse f (Dual a b) = Dual <$> f a <*> f b
-- | Split a list in two halves.
-halve :: [a] -> Replacement [a]
+halve :: Replace [a]
halve [] = None
halve [_] = Single []
halve l = Dual a b where (a, b) = splitAt (length l `div` 2) l
@@ -94,13 +96,13 @@ halve l = Dual a b where (a, b) = splitAt (length l `div` 2) l
-- | When given a Lens and a function that works on a lower replacement, it will
-- go down, apply the replacement, and return a replacement of the original
-- module.
-combine :: Lens' a b -> (b -> Replacement b) -> a -> Replacement a
+combine :: Lens' a b -> Replace b -> Replace a
combine l f i = modify <$> f (i ^. l) where modify res = i & l .~ res
-- | Deletes Id 'Expr' if they are not part of the current scope, and replaces
-- these by 0.
filterExpr :: [Identifier] -> Expr -> Expr
-filterExpr ids (Id i) = if i `notElem` ids then Number 0 else Id i
+filterExpr ids (Id i) = if i `elem` ids then Id i else Number 0
filterExpr _ e = e
-- | Checks if a declaration is part of the current scope. If not, it returns
@@ -116,17 +118,15 @@ filterAssigns out (ModCA (ContAssign i _)) =
elem i $ out ^.. traverse . portName
filterAssigns _ _ = True
+clean :: (Mutate a) => [Identifier] -> a -> a
+clean ids a = mutExpr (transform $ filterExpr ids) a
cleanUndefined :: [Identifier] -> [ModItem] -> [ModItem]
-cleanUndefined ids mis =
- filter (filterDecl usedWires) mis
- & traverse
- . modContAssign
- . contAssignExpr
- %~ transform (filterExpr usedWires)
+cleanUndefined ids mis = clean usedWires mis
usedWires = mis ^.. traverse . modContAssign . contAssignNetLVal <> ids
-halveModAssign :: ModDecl -> Replacement ModDecl
+halveModAssign :: Replace ModDecl
halveModAssign m = cleanMod m $ modify <$> assigns (m ^. modItems)
assigns = halve . filter (filterAssigns $ m ^. modOutPorts)
@@ -151,11 +151,7 @@ cleanMod m newm = modify . change <$> newm
-- halveStatements (ForLoop _ _ _ s ) = Single s
-- halveStatements _ = None
--- | Split a module declaration in half by trying to remove assign statements.
-halveAssigns :: SourceInfo -> Replacement SourceInfo
-halveAssigns = combine mainModule halveModAssign
-halveIndExpr :: Expr -> Replacement Expr
+halveIndExpr :: Replace Expr
halveIndExpr (Concat l ) = Concat <$> halve l
halveIndExpr (BinOp e1 _ e2) = Dual e1 e2
halveIndExpr (Cond _ e1 e2) = Dual e1 e2
@@ -163,106 +159,10 @@ halveIndExpr (UnOp _ e ) = Single e
halveIndExpr (Appl _ e ) = Single e
halveIndExpr e = Single e
-halveModExpr :: ModItem -> Replacement ModItem
+halveModExpr :: Replace ModItem
halveModExpr (ModCA ca) = ModCA <$> combine contAssignExpr halveIndExpr ca
halveModExpr a = Single a
-halveExpr :: SourceInfo -> Replacement SourceInfo
-halveExpr = combine contexpr $ traverse halveModExpr
- where
- contexpr :: Lens' SourceInfo [ModItem]
- contexpr = mainModule . modItems
--- $setup
--- >>> import VeriFuzz.Verilog.CodeGen
--- >>> let m = initMod $ ModDecl (Identifier "m") [Port Wire False 5 (Identifier "y")] [Port Wire False 5 "x"] [] []
--- >>> let m2 = m & modId .~ "m2"
--- >>> let inst = ModInst "m" "m" [ModConn (Id "y"), ModConn (Id "x")]
--- >>> let inst2 = ModInst "m2" "m2" [ModConn (Id "y"), ModConn (Id "x")]
--- >>> let srcInfo = SourceInfo "top" (Verilog [(m & (modId .~ "top") . (modItems %~ (++[inst]))), m])
--- >>> let srcInfo2 = SourceInfo "top" (Verilog [(m & (modId .~ "top") . (modItems %~ (++[inst, inst2]))), m, m2])
--- | Removes half the modules randomly, until it reaches a minimal amount of
--- modules. This is done by doing a binary search on the list of modules and
--- removing the instantiations from the main module body.
--- >>> GenVerilog srcInfo
--- module top(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- m m(y, x);
--- endmodule
--- module m(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- endmodule
--- >>> GenVerilog <$> halveModules srcInfo
--- --- Only try:
--- module top(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- endmodule
--- >>> GenVerilog srcInfo2
--- module top(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- m m(y, x);
--- m2 m2(y, x);
--- endmodule
--- module m(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- endmodule
--- module m2(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- endmodule
--- >>> GenVerilog <$> halveModules srcInfo2
--- --- Try:
--- module top(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- m m(y, x);
--- endmodule
--- module m(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- endmodule
--- --- Then:
--- module top(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- m2 m2(y, x);
--- endmodule
--- module m2(y, x);
--- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
--- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
--- endmodule
-halveModules :: SourceInfo -> Replacement SourceInfo
-halveModules srcInfo@(SourceInfo top _) =
- cleanModInst . addMod main <$> combine (infoSrc . _Wrapped) repl srcInfo
- where
- repl = halve . filter (not . matchesModName top)
- main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
-- | Remove all the undefined mod instances.
cleanModInst :: SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
cleanModInst srcInfo = srcInfo & infoSrc . _Wrapped .~ cleaned
@@ -270,11 +170,14 @@ cleanModInst srcInfo = srcInfo & infoSrc . _Wrapped .~ cleaned
validInst = srcInfo ^.. infoSrc . _Wrapped . traverse . modId
cleaned = cleanModInst' validInst <$> srcInfo ^. infoSrc . _Wrapped
+-- | Clean all the undefined module instances in a specific module using a
+-- context.
cleanModInst' :: [Identifier] -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
cleanModInst' ids m = m & modItems .~ newModItem
newModItem = filter (validModInst ids) $ m ^.. modItems . traverse
+-- | Check if a mod instance is in the current context.
validModInst :: [Identifier] -> ModItem -> Bool
validModInst ids (ModInst i _ _) = i `elem` ids
validModInst _ _ = True
@@ -287,9 +190,78 @@ addMod m srcInfo = srcInfo & infoSrc . _Wrapped %~ (m :)
matchesModName :: Text -> ModDecl -> Bool
matchesModName top (ModDecl i _ _ _ _) = top == getIdentifier i
+-- | Removes half the modules randomly, until it reaches a minimal amount of
+-- modules. This is done by doing a binary search on the list of modules and
+-- removing the instantiations from the main module body.
+halveModules :: Replace SourceInfo
+halveModules srcInfo@(SourceInfo top _) =
+ cleanModInst . addMod main <$> combine (infoSrc . _Wrapped) repl srcInfo
+ where
+ repl = halve . filter (not . matchesModName top)
+ main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
+-- | Split a module declaration in half by trying to remove assign
+-- statements. This is only done in the main module of the source.
+halveAssigns :: Replace SourceInfo
+halveAssigns = combine mainModule halveModAssign
+-- | Checks if a module item is needed in the module declaration.
+relevantModItem :: ModDecl -> ModItem -> Bool
+relevantModItem (ModDecl _ out _ _ _) (ModCA (ContAssign i _)) = i `elem` fmap _portName out
+relevantModItem _ (Decl _ _ _) = True
+relevantModItem _ _ = False
+isAssign :: Statement -> Bool
+isAssign (BlockAssign _) = True
+isAssign (NonBlockAssign _) = True
+isAssign _ = False
+lValName :: LVal -> [Identifier]
+lValName (RegId i) = [i]
+lValName (RegExpr i _) = [i]
+lValName (RegSize i _) = [i]
+lValName (RegConcat e) = catMaybes . fmap getId . concat $ universe <$> e
+ where
+ getId (Id i) = Just i
+ getId _ = Nothing
+portToId :: Port -> Identifier
+portToId (Port _ _ _ i) = i
+paramToId :: Parameter -> Identifier
+paramToId (Parameter i _) = i
+findActiveWires :: ModDecl -> [Identifier]
+findActiveWires m@(ModDecl _ i o _ p) = nub $ assignWires <> assignStat <> fmap portToId i <> fmap portToId o <> fmap paramToId p
+ where
+ assignWires = m ^.. modItems . traverse . modContAssign . contAssignNetLVal
+ assignStat = concat . fmap lValName $ (allStat ^.. traverse . stmntBA . assignReg)
+ <> (allStat ^.. traverse . stmntNBA . assignReg)
+ allStat = filter isAssign . concat $ fmap universe stat
+ stat = (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Initial) <> (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Always)
+-- | Reducer for module items. It does a binary search on all the module items,
+-- except assignments to outputs and input-output declarations.
+halveModItems :: Replace SourceInfo
+halveModItems srcInfo = fmap addRelevant src
+ where
+ repl = halve . filter (not . relevantModItem main)
+ relevant = filter (relevantModItem main) $ main ^. modItems
+ main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
+ src = combine (mainModule . modItems) repl srcInfo
+ addRelevant = mainModule . modItems %~ (relevant ++)
+-- | Reduce expressions by splitting them in half and keeping the half that
+-- succeeds.
+halveExpr :: Replace SourceInfo
+halveExpr = combine contexpr $ traverse halveModExpr
+ where
+ contexpr :: Lens' SourceInfo [ModItem]
+ contexpr = mainModule . modItems
-- | Reduction using custom reduction strategies.
- :: (SourceInfo -> Replacement SourceInfo)
+ :: Replace SourceInfo
-> (SourceInfo -> IO Bool)
-> SourceInfo
-> IO SourceInfo
@@ -297,9 +269,9 @@ reduce_ repl eval src = do
replAnswer <- sequenceA $ evalIfNotEmpty <$> replacement
case (replacement, replAnswer) of
(Single s, Single True ) -> runIf s
- (Dual _ l, Dual False True ) -> runIf l
- (Dual r _, Dual True False ) -> runIf r
- (Dual r l, Dual True True) -> do
+ (Dual _ r, Dual False True ) -> runIf r
+ (Dual l _, Dual True False ) -> runIf l
+ (Dual l r, Dual True True) -> do
lreduced <- runIf l
rreduced <- runIf r
if _infoSrc lreduced < _infoSrc rreduced