path: root/src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-10-29 12:06:05 +0000
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2019-10-29 12:06:05 +0000
commit4ee6646b8a78d4c20fe0b89d95f23d382e1c47fc (patch)
tree9b02e1b92f8abf0baf3dc108ab7f4fb8f33e753a /src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs
parent1aaff80235237507572e0fb4be86f34cb1829b68 (diff)
parent01c2ab3f6a58d416528efce3057e2cf2f1604489 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into HEADfeature/nondeterminism
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs')
1 files changed, 527 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs b/src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d14e74b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Verismith/Fuzz.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,527 @@
+Module : Verismith.Fuzz
+Description : Environment to run the simulator and synthesisers in a matrix.
+Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz
+License : GPL-3
+Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : POSIX
+Environment to run the simulator and synthesisers in a matrix.
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+module Verismith.Fuzz
+ ( Fuzz (..)
+ , FuzzOpts (..)
+ , fuzz
+ , fuzzInDir
+ , fuzzMultiple
+ , runFuzz
+ , sampleSeed
+ -- * Helpers
+ , make
+ , pop
+ )
+import Control.DeepSeq (force)
+import Control.Exception.Lifted (finally)
+import Control.Lens hiding ((<.>))
+import Control.Monad (forM, replicateM)
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
+import qualified Crypto.Random.DRBG as C
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.List (nubBy, sort)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Tuple (swap)
+import Hedgehog (Gen)
+import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Gen as Hog
+import Hedgehog.Internal.Seed (Seed)
+import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Seed as Hog
+import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Tree as Hog
+import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
+import Shelly hiding (get)
+import Shelly.Lifted (MonadSh, liftSh)
+import System.FilePath.Posix (takeBaseName)
+import Verismith.Config
+import Verismith.Internal
+import Verismith.Reduce
+import Verismith.Report
+import Verismith.Result
+import Verismith.Tool.Icarus
+import Verismith.Tool.Internal
+import Verismith.Tool.Yosys
+import Verismith.Verilog.AST
+import Verismith.Verilog.CodeGen
+data FuzzOpts = FuzzOpts { _fuzzOptsOutput :: !(Maybe FilePath)
+ , _fuzzOptsForced :: !Bool
+ , _fuzzOptsKeepAll :: !Bool
+ , _fuzzOptsIterations :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
+ , _fuzzOptsNoSim :: !Bool
+ , _fuzzOptsNoEquiv :: !Bool
+ , _fuzzOptsNoReduction :: !Bool
+ , _fuzzOptsConfig :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Config
+ , _fuzzDataDir :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FilePath
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+$(makeLenses ''FuzzOpts)
+defaultFuzzOpts :: FuzzOpts
+defaultFuzzOpts = FuzzOpts { _fuzzOptsOutput = Nothing
+ , _fuzzOptsForced = False
+ , _fuzzOptsKeepAll = False
+ , _fuzzOptsIterations = 1
+ , _fuzzOptsNoSim = False
+ , _fuzzOptsNoEquiv = False
+ , _fuzzOptsNoReduction = False
+ , _fuzzOptsConfig = defaultConfig
+ , _fuzzDataDir = fromText "."
+ }
+data FuzzEnv = FuzzEnv { _getSynthesisers :: ![SynthTool]
+ , _getSimulators :: ![SimTool]
+ , _yosysInstance :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Yosys
+ , _fuzzEnvOpts :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FuzzOpts
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+$(makeLenses ''FuzzEnv)
+data FuzzState = FuzzState { _fuzzSynthResults :: ![SynthResult]
+ , _fuzzSimResults :: ![SimResult]
+ , _fuzzSynthStatus :: ![SynthStatus]
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+$(makeLenses ''FuzzState)
+type Frequency a = [(Seed, a)] -> [(Int, Gen (Seed, a))]
+-- | The main type for the fuzzing, which contains an environment that can be
+-- read from and the current state of all the results.
+type Fuzz m = StateT FuzzState (ReaderT FuzzEnv m)
+type MonadFuzz m = (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, MonadSh m)
+runFuzz :: MonadIO m => FuzzOpts -> Yosys -> Fuzz Sh a -> m a
+runFuzz fo yos m = shelly $ runFuzz' fo yos m
+runFuzz' :: Monad m => FuzzOpts -> Yosys -> Fuzz m b -> m b
+runFuzz' fo yos m = runReaderT
+ (evalStateT m (FuzzState [] [] []))
+ (FuzzEnv { _getSynthesisers = ( force
+ $ defaultIdentitySynth
+ : (descriptionToSynth <$> conf ^. configSynthesisers)
+ )
+ , _getSimulators = (force $ descriptionToSim <$> conf ^. configSimulators)
+ , _yosysInstance = yos
+ , _fuzzEnvOpts = fo
+ }
+ )
+ where
+ conf = _fuzzOptsConfig fo
+askConfig :: Monad m => Fuzz m Config
+askConfig = asks (_fuzzOptsConfig . _fuzzEnvOpts)
+askOpts :: Monad m => Fuzz m FuzzOpts
+askOpts = asks _fuzzEnvOpts
+genMethod conf seed gen =
+ case T.toLower $ conf ^. configProperty . propSampleMethod of
+ "hat" -> do
+ logT "Using the hat function"
+ sv hatFreqs
+ "mean" -> do
+ logT "Using the mean function"
+ sv meanFreqs
+ "median" -> do
+ logT "Using the median function"
+ sv medianFreqs
+ _ -> do
+ logT "Using first seed"
+ sampleSeed seed gen
+ where
+ sv a = sampleVerilog a (conf ^. configProperty . propSampleSize) seed gen
+relativeFuzzReport :: (MonadSh m) => FuzzReport -> m FuzzReport
+relativeFuzzReport fr@(FuzzReport dir _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = liftSh $ do
+ newPath <- relPath dir
+ return $ (fuzzDir .~ newPath) fr
+filterSynth :: SynthResult -> Bool
+filterSynth (SynthResult _ _ (Pass _) _) = True
+filterSynth _ = False
+filterSim :: SimResult -> Bool
+filterSim (SimResult _ _ (Pass _) _) = True
+filterSim _ = False
+filterSynthStat :: SynthStatus -> Bool
+filterSynthStat (SynthStatus _ (Pass _) _) = True
+filterSynthStat _ = False
+passedFuzz :: FuzzReport -> Bool
+passedFuzz (FuzzReport _ synth sim synthstat _ _ _ _) =
+ (passedSynth + passedSim + passedSynthStat) == 0
+ where
+ passedSynth = length $ filter (not . filterSynth) synth
+ passedSim = length $ filter (not . filterSim) sim
+ passedSynthStat = length $ filter (not . filterSynthStat) synthstat
+synthesisers :: Monad m => Fuzz m [SynthTool]
+synthesisers = lift $ asks _getSynthesisers
+--simulators :: (Monad m) => Fuzz () m [SimTool]
+--simulators = lift $ asks getSimulators
+--combinations :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
+--combinations l1 l2 = [ (x, y) | x <- l1, y <- l2 ]
+logT :: MonadSh m => Text -> m ()
+logT = liftSh . logger
+timeit :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m) => m a -> m (NominalDiffTime, a)
+timeit a = do
+ start <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ result <- a
+ end <- liftIO getCurrentTime
+ return (diffUTCTime end start, result)
+synthesis :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadSh m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
+synthesis src = do
+ synth <- synthesisers
+ resTimes <- liftSh $ mapM exec synth
+ fuzzSynthStatus
+ .= applyList (uncurry . SynthStatus <$> synth) (fmap swap resTimes)
+ liftSh $ inspect resTimes
+ where
+ exec a = toolRun ("synthesis with " <> toText a) . runResultT $ do
+ liftSh . mkdir_p . fromText $ toText a
+ pop (fromText $ toText a) $ runSynth a src
+passedSynthesis :: MonadSh m => Fuzz m [SynthTool]
+passedSynthesis = fmap toSynth . filter passed . _fuzzSynthStatus <$> get
+ where
+ passed (SynthStatus _ (Pass _) _) = True
+ passed _ = False
+ toSynth (SynthStatus s _ _) = s
+failedSynthesis :: MonadSh m => Fuzz m [SynthTool]
+failedSynthesis = fmap toSynth . filter failed . _fuzzSynthStatus <$> get
+ where
+ failed (SynthStatus _ (Fail SynthFail) _) = True
+ failed _ = False
+ toSynth (SynthStatus s _ _) = s
+make :: MonadSh m => FilePath -> m ()
+make f = liftSh $ mkdir_p f
+pop :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadSh m) => FilePath -> m a -> m a
+pop f a = do
+ dir <- liftSh pwd
+ finally (liftSh (cd f) >> a) . liftSh $ cd dir
+applyList :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
+applyList a b = apply' <$> zip a b where apply' (a', b') = a' b'
+applyLots :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e) -> [(a, b)] -> [(c, d)] -> [e]
+applyLots func a b = applyList (uncurry . uncurry func <$> a) b
+ :: [(SynthTool, SynthTool)]
+ -> [(NominalDiffTime, Result Failed ())]
+ -> [SynthResult]
+toSynthResult a b = applyLots SynthResult a $ fmap swap b
+toolRun :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m) => Text -> m a -> m (NominalDiffTime, a)
+toolRun t m = do
+ logT $ "Running " <> t
+ (diff, res) <- timeit m
+ logT $ "Finished " <> t <> " (" <> showT diff <> ")"
+ return (diff, res)
+equivalence :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadSh m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
+equivalence src = do
+ datadir <- fmap _fuzzDataDir askOpts
+ synth <- passedSynthesis
+-- let synthComb =
+-- nubBy tupEq . filter (uncurry (/=)) $ combinations synth synth
+ let synthComb =
+ nubBy tupEq
+ . filter (uncurry (/=))
+ $ (,) defaultIdentitySynth
+ <$> synth
+ resTimes <- liftSh $ mapM (uncurry (equiv datadir)) synthComb
+ fuzzSynthResults .= toSynthResult synthComb resTimes
+ liftSh $ inspect resTimes
+ where
+ tupEq (a, b) (a', b') = (a == a' && b == b') || (a == b' && b == a')
+ equiv datadir a b =
+ toolRun ("equivalence check for " <> toText a <> " and " <> toText b)
+ . runResultT
+ $ do make dir
+ pop dir $ do
+ liftSh $ do
+ cp ( fromText ".."
+ </> fromText (toText a)
+ </> synthOutput a
+ ) $ synthOutput a
+ cp ( fromText ".."
+ </> fromText (toText b)
+ </> synthOutput b
+ ) $ synthOutput b
+ writefile "rtl.v" $ genSource src
+ runEquiv datadir a b src
+ where dir = fromText $ "equiv_" <> toText a <> "_" <> toText b
+simulation :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
+simulation src = do
+ datadir <- fmap _fuzzDataDir askOpts
+ synth <- passedSynthesis
+ vals <- liftIO $ generateByteString 20
+ ident <- liftSh $ equiv datadir vals defaultIdentitySynth
+ resTimes <- liftSh $ mapM (equiv datadir vals) synth
+ liftSh
+ . inspect
+ $ (\(_, r) -> bimap show (T.unpack . T.take 10 . showBS) r)
+ <$> (ident : resTimes)
+ where
+ equiv datadir b a = toolRun ("simulation for " <> toText a) . runResultT $ do
+ make dir
+ pop dir $ do
+ liftSh $ do
+ cp (fromText ".." </> fromText (toText a) </> synthOutput a)
+ $ synthOutput a
+ writefile "rtl.v" $ genSource src
+ runSimIc datadir defaultIcarus a src b
+ where dir = fromText $ "simulation_" <> toText a
+-- | Generate a specific number of random bytestrings of size 256.
+randomByteString :: C.CtrDRBG -> Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
+randomByteString gen n bytes
+ | n == 0 = ranBytes : bytes
+ | otherwise = randomByteString newGen (n - 1) $ ranBytes : bytes
+ where Right (ranBytes, newGen) = C.genBytes 32 gen
+-- | generates the specific number of bytestring with a random seed.
+generateByteString :: Int -> IO [ByteString]
+generateByteString n = do
+ gen <- C.newGenIO :: IO C.CtrDRBG
+ return $ randomByteString gen n []
+failEquivWithIdentity :: (MonadSh m) => Fuzz m [SynthResult]
+failEquivWithIdentity = filter withIdentity . _fuzzSynthResults <$> get
+ where
+ withIdentity (SynthResult (IdentitySynth _) _ (Fail EquivFail) _) = True
+ withIdentity (SynthResult _ (IdentitySynth _) (Fail EquivFail) _) = True
+ withIdentity _ = False
+passEquiv :: (MonadSh m) => Fuzz m [SynthResult]
+passEquiv = filter withIdentity . _fuzzSynthResults <$> get
+ where
+ withIdentity (SynthResult _ _ (Pass _) _) = True
+ withIdentity _ = False
+-- | Always reduces with respect to 'Identity'.
+reduction :: (MonadSh m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
+reduction src = do
+ datadir <- fmap _fuzzDataDir askOpts
+ fails <- failEquivWithIdentity
+ synthFails <- failedSynthesis
+ _ <- liftSh $ mapM (red datadir) fails
+ _ <- liftSh $ mapM redSynth synthFails
+ return ()
+ where
+ red datadir (SynthResult a b _ _) = do
+ make dir
+ pop dir $ do
+ s <- reduceSynth datadir a b src
+ writefile (fromText ".." </> dir <.> "v") $ genSource s
+ return s
+ where dir = fromText $ "reduce_" <> toText a <> "_" <> toText b
+ redSynth a = do
+ make dir
+ pop dir $ do
+ s <- reduceSynthesis a src
+ writefile (fromText ".." </> dir <.> "v") $ genSource s
+ return s
+ where dir = fromText $ "reduce_" <> toText a
+ :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m) => Text -> Fuzz m a -> Fuzz m (NominalDiffTime, a)
+titleRun t f = do
+ logT $ "### Starting " <> t <> " ###"
+ (diff, res) <- timeit f
+ logT $ "### Finished " <> t <> " (" <> showT diff <> ") ###"
+ return (diff, res)
+whenMaybe :: Applicative m => Bool -> m a -> m (Maybe a)
+whenMaybe b x = if b then Just <$> x else pure Nothing
+getTime :: (Num n) => Maybe (n, a) -> n
+getTime = maybe 0 fst
+ :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m)
+ => Fuzz m (Seed, SourceInfo)
+ -> Fuzz m (Seed, SourceInfo)
+generateSample f = do
+ logT "Sampling Verilog from generator"
+ (t, v@(s, _)) <- timeit f
+ logT $ "Chose " <> showT s
+ logT $ "Generated Verilog (" <> showT t <> ")"
+ return v
+verilogSize :: (Source a) => a -> Int
+verilogSize = length . lines . T.unpack . genSource
+ :: (MonadSh m, MonadIO m, Source a, Ord a)
+ => Frequency a
+ -> Int
+ -> Maybe Seed
+ -> Gen a
+ -> m (Seed, a)
+sampleVerilog _ _ seed@(Just _) gen = sampleSeed seed gen
+sampleVerilog freq n Nothing gen = do
+ res <- replicateM n $ sampleSeed Nothing gen
+ let sizes = fmap getSize res
+ let samples = fmap snd . sort $ zip sizes res
+ liftIO $ Hog.sample . Hog.frequency $ freq samples
+ where getSize (_, s) = verilogSize s
+hatFreqs :: Frequency a
+hatFreqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
+ where
+ h = length l `div` 2
+ hat = (+ h) . negate . abs . (h -) <$> [1 .. length l]
+meanFreqs :: Source a => Frequency a
+meanFreqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
+ where
+ hat = calc <$> sizes
+ calc i = if abs (mean - i) == min_ then 1 else 0
+ mean = sum sizes `div` length l
+ min_ = minimum $ abs . (mean -) <$> sizes
+ sizes = verilogSize . snd <$> l
+medianFreqs :: Frequency a
+medianFreqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
+ where
+ h = length l `div` 2
+ hat = set_ <$> [1 .. length l]
+ set_ n = if n == h then 1 else 0
+fuzz :: MonadFuzz m => Gen SourceInfo -> Fuzz m FuzzReport
+fuzz gen = do
+ conf <- askConfig
+ opts <- askOpts
+ let seed = conf ^. configProperty . propSeed
+ (seed', src) <- generateSample $ genMethod conf seed gen
+ let size = length . lines . T.unpack $ genSource src
+ liftSh
+ . writefile "config.toml"
+ . encodeConfig
+ $ conf
+ & configProperty
+ . propSeed
+ ?~ seed'
+ (tsynth, _) <- titleRun "Synthesis" $ synthesis src
+ (tequiv, _) <- if (_fuzzOptsNoEquiv opts)
+ then return (0, mempty)
+ else titleRun "Equivalence Check" $ equivalence src
+ (_ , _) <- if (_fuzzOptsNoSim opts)
+ then return (0, mempty)
+ else titleRun "Simulation" $ simulation src
+ fails <- failEquivWithIdentity
+ synthFails <- failedSynthesis
+ redResult <-
+ whenMaybe (not (null fails && null synthFails)
+ && not (_fuzzOptsNoReduction opts))
+ . titleRun "Reduction"
+ $ reduction src
+ state_ <- get
+ currdir <- liftSh pwd
+ let vi = flip view state_
+ let report = FuzzReport currdir
+ (vi fuzzSynthResults)
+ (vi fuzzSimResults)
+ (vi fuzzSynthStatus)
+ size
+ tsynth
+ tequiv
+ (getTime redResult)
+ return report
+fuzzInDir :: MonadFuzz m => Gen SourceInfo -> Fuzz m FuzzReport
+fuzzInDir src = do
+ fuzzOpts <- askOpts
+ let fp = fromMaybe "fuzz" $ _fuzzOptsOutput fuzzOpts
+ make fp
+ res <- pop fp $ fuzz src
+ liftSh $ do
+ writefile (fp <.> "html") $ printResultReport (bname fp) res
+ when (passedFuzz res && not (_fuzzOptsKeepAll fuzzOpts)) $ rm_rf fp
+ relativeFuzzReport res
+ where
+ bname = T.pack . takeBaseName . T.unpack . toTextIgnore
+ :: MonadFuzz m
+ => Gen SourceInfo
+ -> Fuzz m [FuzzReport]
+fuzzMultiple src = do
+ fuzzOpts <- askOpts
+ let seed = (_fuzzOptsConfig fuzzOpts) ^. configProperty . propSeed
+ x <- case _fuzzOptsOutput fuzzOpts of
+ Nothing -> do
+ ct <- liftIO getZonedTime
+ return
+ . fromText
+ . T.pack
+ $ "output_"
+ <> formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S" ct
+ Just f -> return f
+ make x
+ pop x $ do
+ results <- if isNothing seed
+ then forM [1 .. (_fuzzOptsIterations fuzzOpts)] fuzzDir'
+ else (: []) <$> fuzzDir' (1 :: Int)
+ liftSh . writefile (fromText "index" <.> "html") $ printSummary
+ "Fuzz Summary"
+ results
+ return results
+ where
+ fuzzDir' :: (Show a, MonadFuzz m) => a -> Fuzz m FuzzReport
+ fuzzDir' n' = local (fuzzEnvOpts . fuzzOptsOutput .~
+ (Just . fromText $ "fuzz_" <> showT n'))
+ $ fuzzInDir src
+sampleSeed :: MonadSh m => Maybe Seed -> Gen a -> m (Seed, a)
+sampleSeed s gen =
+ liftSh
+ $ let loop n = if n <= 0
+ then
+ error
+ "Hedgehog.Gen.sample: too many discards, could not generate a sample"
+ else do
+ seed <- maybe Hog.random return s
+ case Hog.evalGen 30 seed gen of
+ Nothing ->
+ loop (n - 1)
+ Just x ->
+ pure (seed, Hog.treeValue x)
+ in loop (100 :: Int)