path: root/src/Verismith
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-05-13 01:15:44 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@yannherklotz.com>2020-05-13 01:15:44 +0100
commit501cac8b2eda9e68c200231bdabca17ac48264d7 (patch)
tree9be8adf9c93e430dcb1c0c6d3b39b0aa33a2ea15 /src/Verismith
parentd79412813c44767df06bce0d33f7472b30814a30 (diff)
parentd50a0b5b57aae1c7558fa77c362ae2e36038b63c (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into dev/reducerdev/reducer
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Verismith')
2 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Verismith/OptParser.hs b/src/Verismith/OptParser.hs
index 108cf01..c2b31fe 100644
--- a/src/Verismith/OptParser.hs
+++ b/src/Verismith/OptParser.hs
@@ -68,6 +68,10 @@ data Opts
configOptConfigFile :: !(Maybe FilePath),
configOptDoRandomise :: !Bool
+ | DistanceOpt
+ { distanceOptVerilogA :: !FilePath,
+ distanceOptVerilogB :: !FilePath
+ }
textOption :: Mod OptionFields String -> Parser Text
textOption = fmap T.pack . Opt.strOption
@@ -283,6 +287,18 @@ configOpts =
"Randomise the given default config, or the default config by randomly switchin on and off options."
+distanceOpts :: Parser Opts
+distanceOpts =
+ DistanceOpt
+ <$> ( fromText . T.pack
+ <$> Opt.strArgument
+ (Opt.metavar "FILE" <> Opt.help "First verilog file.")
+ )
+ <*> ( fromText . T.pack
+ <$> Opt.strArgument
+ (Opt.metavar "FILE" <> Opt.help "Second verilog file.")
+ )
argparse :: Parser Opts
argparse =
@@ -338,6 +354,17 @@ argparse =
<> Opt.metavar "config"
+ <|> Opt.hsubparser
+ ( Opt.command
+ "distance"
+ ( Opt.info
+ distanceOpts
+ ( Opt.progDesc
+ "Calculate the distance between two different pieces of Verilog."
+ )
+ )
+ <> Opt.metavar "distance"
+ )
version :: Parser (a -> a)
version =
diff --git a/src/Verismith/Verilog/Distance.hs b/src/Verismith/Verilog/Distance.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edc24f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Verismith/Verilog/Distance.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+Module : Verismith.Verilog.Distance
+Description : Definition of the distance function for the abstract syntax tree.
+Copyright : (c) 2020, Yann Herklotz
+License : GPL-3
+Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
+Stability : experimental
+Poratbility : POSIX
+Define the distance function for the abstract syntax tree, so that different
+Verilog files can be compared. This allows us to define a metric on how
+different two pieces of Verilog are. Currently, differences in expressions are
+ignored, as these are not that interesting.
+module Verismith.Verilog.Distance where
+import Verismith.Verilog.AST
+import Verismith.Verilog.Eval
+import Data.Functor.Foldable (cata)
+import Data.Text (Text, unpack)
+data Pair a b = Pair a b
+ deriving Show
+instance Eq b => Eq (Pair a b) where
+ Pair _ a == Pair _ b = a == b
+instance Ord b => Ord (Pair a b) where
+ Pair _ a <= Pair _ b = a <= b
+eqDistance :: Eq a => a -> a -> Int
+eqDistance a b = if a == b then 0 else 1
+{-# INLINE eqDistance #-}
+emptyDistance :: a -> a -> Int
+emptyDistance _ _ = 0
+{-# INLINE emptyDistance #-}
+class Distance a where
+ distance :: a -> a -> Int
+ udistance :: a -> a -> Int
+ udistance = distance
+ dempty :: a -> Int
+ dempty _ = 1
+minimumloc :: Distance a => a -> [a] -> Pair Int Int
+minimumloc ah [] = Pair 0 $ dempty ah
+minimumloc ah b = minimum $ (\(loc, el) -> Pair loc (udistance ah el)) <$> zip [0..] b
+removeAt :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
+removeAt loc lst =
+ let (a, b) = splitAt loc lst in
+ if null b then a else a ++ tail b
+remdist :: Distance a => [a] -> [a] -> Int
+remdist [] a = distance [] a
+remdist a [] = distance [] a
+remdist (x:xs) b
+ | cost <= dx = udistance xs (removeAt loc b) + cost
+ | otherwise = udistance xs b + dx
+ where
+ Pair loc cost = minimumloc x b
+ dx = dempty x
+instance Distance a => Distance [a] where
+ distance [] [] = 0
+ distance [] l = sum $ dempty <$> l
+ distance l [] = sum $ dempty <$> l
+ distance a@(ah:at) b@(bh:bt) =
+ let cost = distance ah bh in
+ if cost == 0 then
+ distance at bt
+ else
+ minimum [ distance at b + dempty ah
+ , distance bt a + dempty bh
+ , distance at bt + cost
+ ]
+ udistance a b = minimum [ remdist a b
+ , remdist b a
+ ]
+ dempty [] = 0
+ dempty (a:b) = maximum [dempty a, dempty b]
+instance Distance a => Distance (Maybe a) where
+ distance Nothing a = dempty a
+ distance a Nothing = dempty a
+ distance (Just a) (Just b) = distance a b
+ udistance (Just a) (Just b) = udistance a b
+ udistance a b = distance a b
+ dempty Nothing = 0
+ dempty (Just a) = dempty a
+instance Distance Char where
+ distance = eqDistance
+instance Distance Bool where
+ distance = eqDistance
+instance Distance Integer where
+ distance = eqDistance
+instance Distance Text where
+ distance t1 t2 = distance (unpack t1) (unpack t2)
+instance Distance Identifier where
+ distance = eqDistance
+eval :: ConstExpr -> Integer
+eval c = toInteger (cata (evaluateConst []) c)
+instance Distance ConstExpr where
+ distance c1 c2 = distance (eval c1) $ eval c2
+ udistance c1 c2 = udistance (eval c1) $ eval c2
+instance Distance Parameter where
+ distance _ _ = 0
+instance Distance PortType where
+ distance = eqDistance
+instance Distance PortDir where
+ distance = eqDistance
+instance Distance (Statement a) where
+ distance (TimeCtrl _ s1) (TimeCtrl _ s2) = distance s1 s2
+ distance (EventCtrl _ s1) (EventCtrl _ s2) = distance s1 s2
+ distance (SeqBlock s1) (SeqBlock s2) = distance s1 s2
+ distance (CondStmnt _ st1 sf1) (CondStmnt _ st2 sf2) = distance st1 st2 + distance sf1 sf2
+ distance (ForLoop _ _ _ s1) (ForLoop _ _ _ s2) = distance s1 s2
+ distance (StmntAnn _ s1) s2 = distance s1 s2
+ distance (BlockAssign _) (BlockAssign _) = 0
+ distance (NonBlockAssign _) (NonBlockAssign _) = 0
+ distance (TaskEnable _) (TaskEnable _) = 0
+ distance (SysTaskEnable _) (SysTaskEnable _) = 0
+ distance (StmntCase _ _ _ _) (StmntCase _ _ _ _) = 0
+ distance _ _ = 1
+instance Distance (ModItem a) where
+ distance (ModCA _) (ModCA _) = 0
+ distance (ModInst _ _ _) (ModInst _ _ _) = 0
+ distance (Initial _) (Initial _) = 0
+ distance (Always s1) (Always s2) = distance s1 s2
+ distance (Decl _ _ _) (Decl _ _ _) = 0
+ distance (ParamDecl _) (ParamDecl _) = 0
+ distance (LocalParamDecl _) (LocalParamDecl _) = 0
+ distance _ _ = 1
+instance Distance Range where
+ distance (Range a1 b1) (Range a2 b2) =
+ distance a1 a2 + distance b1 b2
+ udistance (Range a1 b1) (Range a2 b2) =
+ udistance a1 a2 + udistance b1 b2
+instance Distance Port where
+ distance (Port t1 s1 r1 _) (Port t2 s2 r2 _) =
+ distance t1 t2 + distance s1 s2 + distance r1 r2
+ udistance (Port t1 s1 r1 _) (Port t2 s2 r2 _) =
+ udistance t1 t2 + udistance s1 s2 + udistance r1 r2
+ dempty (Port t1 s1 r1 _) = 1 + dempty t1 + dempty s1 + dempty r1
+instance Distance (ModDecl a) where
+ distance (ModDecl _ min1 mout1 mis1 mp1) (ModDecl _ min2 mout2 mis2 mp2) =
+ distance min1 min2 + distance mout1 mout2 + distance mis1 mis2 + distance mp1 mp2
+ udistance (ModDecl _ min1 mout1 mis1 mp1) (ModDecl _ min2 mout2 mis2 mp2) =
+ udistance min1 min2 + udistance mout1 mout2 + udistance mis1 mis2 + udistance mp1 mp2
+ dempty (ModDecl _ min mout mis mp) = 1 + dempty min + dempty mout + dempty mis + dempty mp
+instance Distance (Verilog a) where
+ distance (Verilog m1) (Verilog m2) = distance m1 m2
+ udistance (Verilog m1) (Verilog m2) = udistance m1 m2
+ dempty (Verilog m) = 1 + dempty m
+instance Distance (SourceInfo a) where
+ distance (SourceInfo _ v1) (SourceInfo _ v2) = distance v1 v2
+ udistance (SourceInfo _ v1) (SourceInfo _ v2) = udistance v1 v2
+ dempty (SourceInfo _ v) = 1 + dempty v