path: root/src
diff options
authorYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-04-23 13:31:08 +0100
committerYann Herklotz <git@ymhg.org>2019-04-23 13:31:08 +0100
commit08277fe043ae29296ce4a32bab569f524f88b859 (patch)
treea8786ba4e05e5f142dcc2d51d5cfc27e3224c4dd /src
parent931b1a60643f50768eb33903e87a7471898835db (diff)
Add Report type
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 169 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Report.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Report.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aab318c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Report.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+Module : VeriFuzz.Report
+Description : Generate a report from a fuzz run.
+Copyright : (c) 2019, Yann Herklotz Grave
+License : GPL-3
+Maintainer : ymherklotz [at] gmail [dot] com
+Stability : experimental
+Portability : POSIX
+Generate a report from a fuzz run.
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+module VeriFuzz.Report
+ ( SynthTool(..)
+ , SynthStatus(..)
+ , SimTool(..)
+ , FuzzReport(..)
+ , synthResults
+ , simResults
+ , synthStatus
+ , defaultIcarusSim
+ , defaultVivadoSynth
+ , defaultYosysSynth
+ , defaultXSTSynth
+ , defaultQuartusSynth
+ , descriptionToSim
+ , descriptionToSynth
+ )
+import Control.Lens
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
+import Shelly.Lifted (MonadSh)
+import VeriFuzz.Config
+import VeriFuzz.Result
+import VeriFuzz.Sim.Icarus
+import VeriFuzz.Sim.Internal
+import VeriFuzz.Sim.Quartus
+import VeriFuzz.Sim.Vivado
+import VeriFuzz.Sim.XST
+import VeriFuzz.Sim.Yosys
+-- | Common type alias for synthesis results
+type UResult = Result Failed ()
+-- | Commont type alias for simulation results
+type BResult = Result Failed ByteString
+data SynthTool = XSTSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !XST
+ | VivadoSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !Vivado
+ | YosysSynth {-# UNPACK #-} !Yosys
+ | QuartusSynth !Quartus
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Show SynthTool where
+ show (XSTSynth xst) = show xst
+ show (VivadoSynth vivado) = show vivado
+ show (YosysSynth yosys) = show yosys
+ show (QuartusSynth quartus) = show quartus
+instance Tool SynthTool where
+ toText (XSTSynth xst) = toText xst
+ toText (VivadoSynth vivado) = toText vivado
+ toText (YosysSynth yosys) = toText yosys
+ toText (QuartusSynth quartus) = toText quartus
+instance Synthesiser SynthTool where
+ runSynth (XSTSynth xst) = runSynth xst
+ runSynth (VivadoSynth vivado) = runSynth vivado
+ runSynth (YosysSynth yosys) = runSynth yosys
+ runSynth (QuartusSynth quartus) = runSynth quartus
+ synthOutput (XSTSynth xst) = synthOutput xst
+ synthOutput (VivadoSynth vivado) = synthOutput vivado
+ synthOutput (YosysSynth yosys) = synthOutput yosys
+ synthOutput (QuartusSynth quartus) = synthOutput quartus
+ setSynthOutput (YosysSynth yosys) = YosysSynth . setSynthOutput yosys
+ setSynthOutput (XSTSynth xst) = XSTSynth . setSynthOutput xst
+ setSynthOutput (VivadoSynth vivado) = VivadoSynth . setSynthOutput vivado
+ setSynthOutput (QuartusSynth quartus) = QuartusSynth . setSynthOutput quartus
+defaultYosysSynth :: SynthTool
+defaultYosysSynth = YosysSynth defaultYosys
+defaultQuartusSynth :: SynthTool
+defaultQuartusSynth = QuartusSynth defaultQuartus
+defaultVivadoSynth :: SynthTool
+defaultVivadoSynth = VivadoSynth defaultVivado
+defaultXSTSynth :: SynthTool
+defaultXSTSynth = XSTSynth defaultXST
+newtype SimTool = IcarusSim Icarus
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Tool SimTool where
+ toText (IcarusSim icarus) = toText icarus
+instance Simulator SimTool where
+ runSim (IcarusSim icarus) = runSim icarus
+ runSimWithFile (IcarusSim icarus) = runSimWithFile icarus
+instance Show SimTool where
+ show (IcarusSim icarus) = show icarus
+defaultIcarusSim :: SimTool
+defaultIcarusSim = IcarusSim defaultIcarus
+-- | The results from running a tool through a simulator. It can either fail or
+-- return a result, which is most likely a 'ByteString'.
+data SimResult = SimResult !SynthTool !SimTool !(BResult)
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Show SimResult where
+ show (SimResult synth sim r) = show synth <> ", " <> show sim <> ": " <> show r
+-- | The results of comparing the synthesised outputs of two files using a
+-- formal equivalence checker. This will either return a failure or an output
+-- which is most likely '()'.
+data SynthResult = SynthResult !SynthTool !SynthTool !(UResult)
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Show SynthResult where
+ show (SynthResult synth synth2 r) = show synth <> ", " <> show synth2 <> ": " <> show r
+-- | The status of the synthesis using a simulator. This will be checked before
+-- attempting to run the equivalence checks on the simulator, as that would be
+-- unnecessary otherwise.
+data SynthStatus = SynthStatus !SynthTool !(UResult)
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Show SynthStatus where
+ show (SynthStatus synth r) = "synthesis " <> show synth <> ": " <> show r
+-- | The complete state that will be used during fuzzing, which contains the
+-- results from all the operations.
+data FuzzReport = FuzzReport { _synthResults :: ![SynthResult]
+ , _simResults :: ![SimResult]
+ , _synthStatus :: ![SynthStatus]
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+$(makeLenses ''FuzzReport)
+instance Semigroup FuzzReport where
+ FuzzReport a1 b1 c1 <> FuzzReport a2 b2 c2 = FuzzReport (a1 <> a2) (b1 <> b2) (c1 <> c2)
+instance Monoid FuzzReport where
+ mempty = FuzzReport [] [] []
+descriptionToSim :: SimDescription -> SimTool
+descriptionToSim (SimDescription "icarus") = defaultIcarusSim
+descriptionToSim s =
+ error $ "Could not find implementation for simulator '" <> show s <> "'"
+descriptionToSynth :: SynthDescription -> SynthTool
+descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "yosys" ) = defaultYosysSynth
+descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "vivado" ) = defaultVivadoSynth
+descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "xst" ) = defaultXSTSynth
+descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "quartus") = defaultQuartusSynth
+descriptionToSynth s =
+ error $ "Could not find implementation for synthesiser '" <> show s <> "'"