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5 files changed, 166 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz.hs b/src/VeriFuzz.hs
index 495492f..6667827 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz.hs
@@ -166,4 +166,4 @@ runEquivalence seed gm t d k i = do
where n = t <> "_" <> T.pack (show i)
runReduce :: SourceInfo -> IO SourceInfo
-runReduce = reduce $ flip checkEquivalence "reduce"
+runReduce s = reduce (\s -> not <$> checkEquivalence s "reduce") s
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
index 8b3c9c5..48a3c78 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
@@ -14,21 +14,52 @@ Test case reducer implementation.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module VeriFuzz.Reduce
- ( reduce
+ ( -- $strategy
+ Replacement(..)
+ , reduce
+ , reduce_
+ , halveModules
import Control.Lens
+import Data.Text (Text)
import VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST
import VeriFuzz.Verilog.CodeGen
import VeriFuzz.Verilog.Mutate
+-- $strategy
+-- The reduction strategy has multiple different steps. 'reduce' will run these
+-- strategies one after another, starting at the most coarse grained one. The
+-- supported reduction strategies are the following:
+-- [Modules] First of all, the reducer will try and remove all the modules
+-- except the top module.
+-- [Module Items] Then, the module items will be reduced by using standard
+-- delta debugging. Half of the module items will be removed, and both
+-- versions will be tested. If both succeed, they will be divided further and
+-- tested further. Finally, the shortest version will be returned.
+-- [Statements] Once the module items have been reduced, the statements will
+-- be reduced as well. This is done using delta debugging, just like the
+-- module items.
+-- [Expressions] Finally, the expressions themselves will be reduced. This is
+-- done by splitting the top most binary expressions in half and testing each
+-- half.
-- | Replacement type that supports returning different kinds of reduced
-- replacements that could be tried.
data Replacement a = Dual a a
| Single a
| None
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+ deriving (Eq)
+instance Show a => Show (Replacement a) where
+ show None = "None"
+ show (Single a) = "--- Only try:\n" <> show a
+ show (Dual a b) = "--- Try:\n" <> show a <> "\n--- Then:\n" <> show b
instance Functor Replacement where
fmap f (Dual a b) = Dual (f a) $ f b
@@ -57,7 +88,7 @@ instance Traversable Replacement where
-- | Split a list in two halves.
halve :: [a] -> Replacement [a]
halve [] = None
-halve [a] = Single [a]
+halve [_] = Single []
halve l = Dual a b where (a, b) = splitAt (length l `div` 2) l
-- | When given a Lens and a function that works on a lower replacement, it will
@@ -142,6 +173,121 @@ halveExpr = combine contexpr $ traverse halveModExpr
contexpr :: Lens' SourceInfo [ModItem]
contexpr = mainModule . modItems
+-- $setup
+-- >>> import VeriFuzz.Verilog.CodeGen
+-- >>> let m = initMod $ ModDecl (Identifier "m") [Port Wire False 5 (Identifier "y")] [Port Wire False 5 "x"] [] []
+-- >>> let m2 = m & modId .~ "m2"
+-- >>> let inst = ModInst "m" "m" [ModConn (Id "y"), ModConn (Id "x")]
+-- >>> let inst2 = ModInst "m2" "m2" [ModConn (Id "y"), ModConn (Id "x")]
+-- >>> let srcInfo = SourceInfo "top" (Verilog [(m & (modId .~ "top") . (modItems %~ (++[inst]))), m])
+-- >>> let srcInfo2 = SourceInfo "top" (Verilog [(m & (modId .~ "top") . (modItems %~ (++[inst, inst2]))), m, m2])
+-- | Removes half the modules randomly, until it reaches a minimal amount of
+-- modules. This is done by doing a binary search on the list of modules and
+-- removing the instantiations from the main module body.
+-- >>> GenVerilog srcInfo
+-- module top(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- m m(y, x);
+-- endmodule
+-- module m(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- endmodule
+-- >>> GenVerilog <$> halveModules srcInfo
+-- --- Only try:
+-- module top(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- endmodule
+-- >>> GenVerilog srcInfo2
+-- module top(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- m m(y, x);
+-- m2 m2(y, x);
+-- endmodule
+-- module m(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- endmodule
+-- module m2(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- endmodule
+-- >>> GenVerilog <$> halveModules srcInfo2
+-- --- Try:
+-- module top(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- m m(y, x);
+-- endmodule
+-- module m(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- endmodule
+-- --- Then:
+-- module top(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- m2 m2(y, x);
+-- endmodule
+-- module m2(y, x);
+-- output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
+-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
+-- endmodule
+halveModules :: SourceInfo -> Replacement SourceInfo
+halveModules srcInfo@(SourceInfo top _) =
+ cleanModInst . addMod main <$> combine (infoSrc . _Wrapped) repl srcInfo
+ where
+ repl = halve . filter (not . matchesModName top)
+ main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
+-- | Remove all the undefined mod instances.
+cleanModInst :: SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
+cleanModInst srcInfo = srcInfo & infoSrc . _Wrapped .~ cleaned
+ where
+ validInst = srcInfo ^.. infoSrc . _Wrapped . traverse . modId
+ cleaned = cleanModInst' validInst <$> srcInfo ^. infoSrc . _Wrapped
+cleanModInst' :: [Identifier] -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
+cleanModInst' ids m = m & modItems .~ newModItem
+ where
+ newModItem = filter (validModInst ids) $ m ^.. modItems . traverse
+validModInst :: [Identifier] -> ModItem -> Bool
+validModInst ids (ModInst i _ _) = i `elem` ids
+validModInst _ _ = True
+-- | Adds a 'ModDecl' to a 'SourceInfo'.
+addMod :: ModDecl -> SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
+addMod m srcInfo = srcInfo & infoSrc . _Wrapped %~ (m :)
+-- | Returns true if the text matches the name of a module.
+matchesModName :: Text -> ModDecl -> Bool
+matchesModName top (ModDecl i _ _ _ _) = top == getIdentifier i
+-- | Reduction using custom reduction strategies.
:: (SourceInfo -> Replacement SourceInfo)
-> (SourceInfo -> IO Bool)
@@ -150,16 +296,15 @@ reduce_
reduce_ repl eval src = do
replAnswer <- sequenceA $ evalIfNotEmpty <$> replacement
case (replacement, replAnswer) of
- (Single s, Single False ) -> runIf s
- (Dual _ l, Dual True False ) -> runIf l
- (Dual r _, Dual False True ) -> runIf r
- (Dual r l, Dual False False) -> do
+ (Single s, Single True ) -> runIf s
+ (Dual _ l, Dual False True ) -> runIf l
+ (Dual r _, Dual True False ) -> runIf r
+ (Dual r l, Dual True True) -> do
lreduced <- runIf l
rreduced <- runIf r
- if runSource lreduced < runSource rreduced
+ if _infoSrc lreduced < _infoSrc rreduced
then return lreduced
else return rreduced
- (None, None) -> return src
_ -> return src
replacement = repl src
@@ -174,8 +319,8 @@ reduce_ repl eval src = do
. modContAssign
eval m
--- | Reduce an input to a minimal representation. It first reduces the always
--- blocks, then reduces
+-- | Reduce an input to a minimal representation. It follows the reduction
+-- strategy mentioned above.
:: (SourceInfo -> IO Bool) -- ^ Failed or not.
-> SourceInfo -- ^ Input verilog source to be reduced.
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/AST.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/AST.hs
index ea7ef1b..c4d889b 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/AST.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/AST.hs
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ Defines the types to build a Verilog AST.
module VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST
( -- * Top level types
+ , infoTop
+ , infoSrc
, Verilog(..)
-- * Primitives
-- ** Identifier
@@ -455,11 +457,11 @@ traverseModItem f (ModInst a b e) =
traverseModItem _ e = pure e
-- | The complete sourcetext for the Verilog module.
-newtype Verilog = Verilog { _getVerilog :: [ModDecl] }
+newtype Verilog = Verilog { getVerilog :: [ModDecl] }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data, Semigroup, Monoid)
-data SourceInfo = SourceInfo { runMainModule :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
- , runSource :: !Verilog
+data SourceInfo = SourceInfo { _infoTop :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
+ , _infoSrc :: !Verilog
deriving (Eq, Show)
@@ -477,6 +479,7 @@ $(makeLenses ''ModItem)
$(makeLenses ''Parameter)
$(makeLenses ''LocalParam)
$(makeLenses ''ModDecl)
+$(makeLenses ''SourceInfo)
$(makeWrapped ''Verilog)
$(makeWrapped ''Identifier)
$(makeWrapped ''Delay)
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
index f20d959..2531519 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ moduleDecl (ModDecl i outP inP items ps) =
<> ports
<> ";\n"
<> modI
- <> "endmodule\n"
+ <> "endmodule\n\n"
ports | null outP && null inP = ""
| otherwise = "(" <> comma (modPort <$> outIn) <> ")"
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Mutate.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Mutate.hs
index 7b93633..e7b4874 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Mutate.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Mutate.hs
@@ -123,6 +123,7 @@ allVars m =
-- m m1(y, x);
-- endmodule
instantiateMod :: ModDecl -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
instantiateMod m main = main & modItems %~ ((out ++ regIn ++ [inst]) ++)
@@ -184,6 +185,7 @@ filterChar t ids =
-- input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
-- endmodule
initMod :: ModDecl -> ModDecl
initMod m = m & modItems %~ ((out ++ inp) ++)