path: root/src/Main.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Main.hs')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index bc80b49..5eebc30 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -9,30 +9,16 @@ import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete
import Data.Text.Lazy
import Data.GraphViz.Commands
-import Data.Graph.Generators.Random.WattsStrogatz
import System.Random.MWC
-import Data.Graph.Generators.FGL
-import Data.Graph.Generators
-type Input = Bool
-data Gate = Nand
- | And
- | Or
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+import Test.VeriFuzz.Graph.Random
+import Test.VeriFuzz.Types
instance Labellable Gate where
toLabelValue gate = StrLabel . pack $ show gate
-instance Arbitrary Gate where
- arbitrary = elements [Nand, And, Or]
-randomTree :: Gr Gate String
-randomTree = mkGraph [(1, Nand), (2, Nand), (3, Or), (4, Nand), (5, Nand), (6, Nand), (7, Or)] [(3, 1, ""), (7, 1, ""), (5, 1, ""), (6, 2, ""), (7, 2, ""), (5, 2, ""), (1, 4, ""), (2, 4, ""), (3, 4, ""), (6, 4, "")]
main :: IO FilePath
--main = sample (arbitrary :: Gen (Circuit Input))
main = do
- gen <- withSystemRandom . asGenIO $ return
- gr <- wattsStrogatzGraph gen 100 2 0.6
- runGraphviz (graphToDot nonClusteredParams (graphInfoToUGr gr)) Png "output.png"
+ gr <- (randomDAG 100 :: IO (Gr Gate ()))
+ runGraphviz (graphToDot quickParams $ emap (\_ -> "") gr) Png "output.png"