path: root/src/VeriFuzz.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 553 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz.hs b/src/VeriFuzz.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f52108..0000000
--- a/src/VeriFuzz.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-Module : VeriFuzz
-Description : VeriFuzz
-Copyright : (c) 2018-2019, Yann Herklotz
-License : BSD-3
-Maintainer : yann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
-Stability : experimental
-Portability : POSIX
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-top-binds #-}
-module VeriFuzz
- ( defaultMain
- -- * Types
- , Opts(..)
- , SourceInfo(..)
- -- * Run functions
- , runEquivalence
- , runSimulation
- , runReduce
- , draw
- -- * Verilog generation functions
- , procedural
- , proceduralIO
- , proceduralSrc
- , proceduralSrcIO
- , randomMod
- -- * Extra modules
- , module VeriFuzz.Verilog
- , module VeriFuzz.Config
- , module VeriFuzz.Circuit
- , module VeriFuzz.Sim
- , module VeriFuzz.Fuzz
- , module VeriFuzz.Report
- )
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Lens hiding ((<.>))
-import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
-import qualified Crypto.Random.DRBG as C
-import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
-import Data.ByteString.Builder (byteStringHex, toLazyByteString)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
-import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as G
-import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Dot as G
-import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
-import Data.Text (Text)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8)
-import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
-import Hedgehog (Gen)
-import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Hog
-import Hedgehog.Internal.Seed (Seed)
-import Options.Applicative
-import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
-import Shelly hiding (command)
-import Shelly.Lifted (liftSh)
-import System.Random (randomIO)
-import VeriFuzz.Circuit
-import VeriFuzz.Config
-import VeriFuzz.Fuzz
-import VeriFuzz.Generate
-import VeriFuzz.Reduce
-import VeriFuzz.Report
-import VeriFuzz.Result
-import VeriFuzz.Sim
-import VeriFuzz.Sim.Internal
-import VeriFuzz.Verilog
-import VeriFuzz.Verilog.Parser (parseSourceInfoFile)
-data OptTool = TYosys
- | TXST
- | TIcarus
-instance Show OptTool where
- show TYosys = "yosys"
- show TXST = "xst"
- show TIcarus = "icarus"
-data Opts = Fuzz { fuzzOutput :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
- , configFile :: !(Maybe FilePath)
- , forced :: !Bool
- , keepAll :: !Bool
- , num :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
- }
- | Generate { mFileName :: !(Maybe FilePath)
- , configFile :: !(Maybe FilePath)
- }
- | Parse { fileName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FilePath
- }
- | Reduce { fileName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FilePath
- , top :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
- , reduceScript :: !(Maybe FilePath)
- , synthesiserDesc :: ![SynthDescription]
- , rerun :: Bool
- }
- | ConfigOpt { writeConfig :: !(Maybe FilePath)
- , configFile :: !(Maybe FilePath)
- , doRandomise :: !Bool
- }
-myForkIO :: IO () -> IO (MVar ())
-myForkIO io = do
- mvar <- newEmptyMVar
- _ <- forkFinally io (\_ -> putMVar mvar ())
- return mvar
-textOption :: Mod OptionFields String -> Parser Text
-textOption = fmap T.pack . strOption
-optReader :: (String -> Maybe a) -> ReadM a
-optReader f = eitherReader $ \arg -> case f arg of
- Just a -> Right a
- Nothing -> Left $ "Cannot parse option: " <> arg
-parseSynth :: String -> Maybe OptTool
-parseSynth val | val == "yosys" = Just TYosys
- | val == "xst" = Just TXST
- | otherwise = Nothing
-parseSynthDesc :: String -> Maybe SynthDescription
-parseSynthDesc val
- | val == "yosys" = Just $ SynthDescription "yosys" Nothing Nothing Nothing
- | val == "vivado" = Just $ SynthDescription "vivado" Nothing Nothing Nothing
- | val == "xst" = Just $ SynthDescription "xst" Nothing Nothing Nothing
- | val == "quartus" = Just
- $ SynthDescription "quartus" Nothing Nothing Nothing
- | val == "identity" = Just
- $ SynthDescription "identity" Nothing Nothing Nothing
- | otherwise = Nothing
-parseSim :: String -> Maybe OptTool
-parseSim val | val == "icarus" = Just TIcarus
- | otherwise = Nothing
-fuzzOpts :: Parser Opts
-fuzzOpts =
- Fuzz
- <$> textOption
- ( long "output"
- <> short 'o'
- <> metavar "DIR"
- <> help "Output directory that the fuzz run takes place in."
- <> showDefault
- <> value "output"
- )
- <*> ( optional
- . strOption
- $ long "config"
- <> short 'c'
- <> metavar "FILE"
- <> help "Config file for the current fuzz run."
- )
- <*> (switch $ long "force" <> short 'f' <> help
- "Overwrite the specified directory."
- )
- <*> (switch $ long "keep" <> short 'k' <> help
- "Keep all the directories."
- )
- <*> ( option auto
- $ long "num"
- <> short 'n'
- <> help "The number of fuzz runs that should be performed."
- <> showDefault
- <> value 1
- <> metavar "INT"
- )
-genOpts :: Parser Opts
-genOpts =
- Generate
- <$> ( optional
- . strOption
- $ long "output"
- <> short 'o'
- <> metavar "FILE"
- <> help "Output to a verilog file instead."
- )
- <*> ( optional
- . strOption
- $ long "config"
- <> short 'c'
- <> metavar "FILE"
- <> help "Config file for the generation run."
- )
-parseOpts :: Parser Opts
-parseOpts = Parse . fromText . T.pack <$> strArgument
- (metavar "FILE" <> help "Verilog input file.")
-reduceOpts :: Parser Opts
-reduceOpts =
- Reduce
- . fromText
- . T.pack
- <$> strArgument (metavar "FILE" <> help "Verilog input file.")
- <*> textOption
- ( short 't'
- <> long "top"
- <> metavar "TOP"
- <> help "Name of top level module."
- <> showDefault
- <> value "top"
- )
- <*> ( optional
- . strOption
- $ long "script"
- <> metavar "SCRIPT"
- <> help
- "Script that determines if the current file is interesting, which is determined by the script returning 0."
- )
- <*> ( many
- . option (optReader parseSynthDesc)
- $ short 's'
- <> long "synth"
- <> metavar "SYNTH"
- <> help "Specify synthesiser to use."
- )
- <*> ( switch
- $ short 'r'
- <> long "rerun"
- <> help
- "Only rerun the current synthesis file with all the synthesisers."
- )
-configOpts :: Parser Opts
-configOpts =
- ConfigOpt
- <$> ( optional
- . strOption
- $ long "output"
- <> short 'o'
- <> metavar "FILE"
- <> help "Output to a TOML Config file."
- )
- <*> ( optional
- . strOption
- $ long "config"
- <> short 'c'
- <> metavar "FILE"
- <> help "Config file for the current fuzz run."
- )
- <*> ( switch
- $ long "randomise"
- <> short 'r'
- <> help
- "Randomise the given default config, or the default config by randomly switchin on and off options."
- )
-argparse :: Parser Opts
-argparse =
- hsubparser
- ( command
- "fuzz"
- (info
- fuzzOpts
- (progDesc
- "Run fuzzing on the specified simulators and synthesisers."
- )
- )
- <> metavar "fuzz"
- )
- <|> hsubparser
- ( command
- "generate"
- (info
- genOpts
- (progDesc "Generate a random Verilog program.")
- )
- <> metavar "generate"
- )
- <|> hsubparser
- ( command
- "parse"
- (info
- parseOpts
- (progDesc
- "Parse a verilog file and output a pretty printed version."
- )
- )
- <> metavar "parse"
- )
- <|> hsubparser
- ( command
- "reduce"
- (info
- reduceOpts
- (progDesc
- "Reduce a Verilog file by rerunning the fuzzer on the file."
- )
- )
- <> metavar "reduce"
- )
- <|> hsubparser
- ( command
- "config"
- (info
- configOpts
- (progDesc
- "Print the current configuration of the fuzzer."
- )
- )
- <> metavar "config"
- )
-version :: Parser (a -> a)
-version = infoOption versionInfo $ mconcat
- [long "version", short 'v', help "Show version information.", hidden]
-opts :: ParserInfo Opts
-opts = info
- (argparse <**> helper <**> version)
- ( fullDesc
- <> progDesc "Fuzz different simulators and synthesisers."
- <> header
- "VeriFuzz - A hardware simulator and synthesiser Verilog fuzzer."
- )
-getConfig :: Maybe FilePath -> IO Config
-getConfig s =
- maybe (return defaultConfig) parseConfigFile $ T.unpack . toTextIgnore <$> s
--- | Randomly remove an option by setting it to 0.
-randDelete :: Int -> IO Int
-randDelete i = do
- r <- randomIO
- return $ if r then i else 0
-randomise :: Config -> IO Config
-randomise config@(Config a _ c d e) = do
- mia <- return $ cm ^. probModItemAssign
- misa <- return $ cm ^. probModItemSeqAlways
- mica <- return $ cm ^. probModItemCombAlways
- mii <- return $ cm ^. probModItemInst
- ssb <- return $ cs ^. probStmntBlock
- ssnb <- return $ cs ^. probStmntNonBlock
- ssc <- return $ cs ^. probStmntCond
- ssf <- return $ cs ^. probStmntFor
- en <- return $ ce ^. probExprNum
- ei <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprId
- ers <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprRangeSelect
- euo <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprUnOp
- ebo <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprBinOp
- ec <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprCond
- eco <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprConcat
- estr <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprStr
- esgn <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprSigned
- eus <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprUnsigned
- return $ Config
- a
- (Probability (ProbModItem mia misa mica mii)
- (ProbStatement ssb ssnb ssc ssf)
- (ProbExpr en ei ers euo ebo ec eco estr esgn eus)
- )
- c
- d
- e
- where
- cm = config ^. configProbability . probModItem
- cs = config ^. configProbability . probStmnt
- ce = config ^. configProbability . probExpr
-handleOpts :: Opts -> IO ()
-handleOpts (Fuzz o configF _ _ n) = do
- config <- getConfig configF
- _ <- runFuzz
- config
- defaultYosys
- (fuzzMultiple n (Just $ fromText o) (proceduralSrc "top" config))
- return ()
-handleOpts (Generate f c) = do
- config <- getConfig c
- source <- proceduralIO "top" config
- maybe (T.putStrLn $ genSource source) (flip T.writeFile $ genSource source)
- $ T.unpack
- . toTextIgnore
- <$> f
-handleOpts (Parse f) = do
- verilogSrc <- T.readFile file
- case parseVerilog (T.pack file) verilogSrc of
- Left l -> print l
- Right v -> print $ GenVerilog v
- where file = T.unpack . toTextIgnore $ f
-handleOpts (Reduce f t _ ls' False) = do
- src <- parseSourceInfoFile t (toTextIgnore f)
- case descriptionToSynth <$> ls' of
- a : b : _ -> do
- putStrLn "Reduce with equivalence check"
- shelly $ do
- make dir
- pop dir $ do
- src' <- reduceSynth a b src
- writefile (fromText ".." </> dir <.> "v") $ genSource src'
- a : _ -> do
- putStrLn "Reduce with synthesis failure"
- shelly $ do
- make dir
- pop dir $ do
- src' <- reduceSynthesis a src
- writefile (fromText ".." </> dir <.> "v") $ genSource src'
- _ -> do
- putStrLn "Not reducing because no synthesiser was specified"
- return ()
- where dir = fromText "reduce"
-handleOpts (Reduce f t _ ls' True) = do
- src <- parseSourceInfoFile t (toTextIgnore f)
- case descriptionToSynth <$> ls' of
- a : b : _ -> do
- putStrLn "Starting equivalence check"
- res <- shelly . runResultT $ do
- make dir
- pop dir $ do
- runSynth a src
- runSynth b src
- runEquiv a b src
- case res of
- Pass _ -> putStrLn "Equivalence check passed"
- Fail EquivFail -> putStrLn "Equivalence check failed"
- Fail TimeoutError -> putStrLn "Equivalence check timed out"
- Fail _ -> putStrLn "Equivalence check error"
- return ()
- as -> do
- putStrLn "Synthesis check"
- _ <- shelly . runResultT $ mapM (flip runSynth src) as
- return ()
- where dir = fromText "equiv"
-handleOpts (ConfigOpt c conf r) = do
- config <- if r then getConfig conf >>= randomise else getConfig conf
- maybe (T.putStrLn . encodeConfig $ config) (`encodeConfigFile` config)
- $ T.unpack
- . toTextIgnore
- <$> c
-defaultMain :: IO ()
-defaultMain = do
- optsparsed <- execParser opts
- handleOpts optsparsed
--- | Generate a specific number of random bytestrings of size 256.
-randomByteString :: C.CtrDRBG -> Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
-randomByteString gen n bytes
- | n == 0 = ranBytes : bytes
- | otherwise = randomByteString newGen (n - 1) $ ranBytes : bytes
- where Right (ranBytes, newGen) = C.genBytes 32 gen
--- | generates the specific number of bytestring with a random seed.
-generateByteString :: Int -> IO [ByteString]
-generateByteString n = do
- gen <- C.newGenIO :: IO C.CtrDRBG
- return $ randomByteString gen n []
-makeSrcInfo :: ModDecl -> SourceInfo
-makeSrcInfo m = SourceInfo (getIdentifier $ m ^. modId) (Verilog [m])
--- | Draw a randomly generated DAG to a dot file and compile it to a png so it
--- can be seen.
-draw :: IO ()
-draw = do
- gr <- Hog.sample $ rDups . getCircuit <$> Hog.resize 10 randomDAG
- let dot = G.showDot . G.fglToDotString $ G.nemap show (const "") gr
- writeFile "file.dot" dot
- shelly $ run_ "dot" ["-Tpng", "-o", "file.png", "file.dot"]
--- | Function to show a bytestring in a hex format.
-showBS :: ByteString -> Text
-showBS = decodeUtf8 . L.toStrict . toLazyByteString . byteStringHex
--- | Run a simulation on a random DAG or a random module.
-runSimulation :: IO ()
-runSimulation = do
- -- gr <- Hog.generate $ rDups <$> Hog.resize 100 (randomDAG :: Gen (G.Gr Gate ()))
- -- let dot = G.showDot . G.fglToDotString $ G.nemap show (const "") gr
- -- writeFile "file.dot" dot
- -- shelly $ run_ "dot" ["-Tpng", "-o", "file.png", "file.dot"]
- -- let circ =
- -- head $ (nestUpTo 30 . generateAST $ Circuit gr) ^.. getVerilog . traverse . getDescription
- rand <- generateByteString 20
- rand2 <- Hog.sample (randomMod 10 100)
- val <- shelly . runResultT $ runSim defaultIcarus (makeSrcInfo rand2) rand
- case val of
- Pass a -> T.putStrLn $ showBS a
- _ -> T.putStrLn "Test failed"
--- | Code to be executed on a failure. Also checks if the failure was a timeout,
--- as the timeout command will return the 124 error code if that was the
--- case. In that case, the error will be moved to a different directory.
-onFailure :: Text -> RunFailed -> Sh (Result Failed ())
-onFailure t _ = do
- ex <- lastExitCode
- case ex of
- 124 -> do
- logger "Test TIMEOUT"
- chdir ".." $ cp_r (fromText t) $ fromText (t <> "_timeout")
- return $ Fail EmptyFail
- _ -> do
- logger "Test FAIL"
- chdir ".." $ cp_r (fromText t) $ fromText (t <> "_failed")
- return $ Fail EmptyFail
-checkEquivalence :: SourceInfo -> Text -> IO Bool
-checkEquivalence src dir = shellyFailDir $ do
- mkdir_p (fromText dir)
- curr <- toTextIgnore <$> pwd
- setenv "VERIFUZZ_ROOT" curr
- cd (fromText dir)
- catch_sh
- ((runResultT $ runEquiv defaultYosys defaultVivado src) >> return True)
- ((\_ -> return False) :: RunFailed -> Sh Bool)
--- | Run a fuzz run and check if all of the simulators passed by checking if the
--- generated Verilog files are equivalent.
- :: Maybe Seed
- -> Gen Verilog -- ^ Generator for the Verilog file.
- -> Text -- ^ Name of the folder on each thread.
- -> Text -- ^ Name of the general folder being used.
- -> Bool -- ^ Keep flag.
- -> Int -- ^ Used to track the recursion.
- -> IO ()
-runEquivalence seed gm t d k i = do
- (_, m) <- shelly $ sampleSeed seed gm
- let srcInfo = SourceInfo "top" m
- rand <- generateByteString 20
- shellyFailDir $ do
- mkdir_p (fromText d </> fromText n)
- curr <- toTextIgnore <$> pwd
- setenv "VERIFUZZ_ROOT" curr
- cd (fromText "output" </> fromText n)
- _ <-
- catch_sh
- ( runResultT
- $ runEquiv defaultYosys defaultVivado srcInfo
- >> liftSh (logger "Test OK")
- )
- $ onFailure n
- _ <-
- catch_sh
- ( runResultT
- $ runSim (Icarus "iverilog" "vvp") srcInfo rand
- >>= (\b -> liftSh $ logger ("RTL Sim: " <> showBS b))
- )
- $ onFailure n
- cd ".."
- unless k . rm_rf $ fromText n
- when (i < 5 && isNothing seed) (runEquivalence seed gm t d k $ i + 1)
- where n = t <> "_" <> T.pack (show i)
-runReduce :: SourceInfo -> IO SourceInfo
-runReduce s =
- shelly $ reduce (\s' -> not <$> liftIO (checkEquivalence s' "reduce")) s