path: root/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs')
1 files changed, 39 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
index 3a469de..00f1926 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
@@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ data FuzzState = FuzzState { _fuzzSynthResults :: ![SynthResult]
$(makeLenses ''FuzzState)
+type Frequency a = [(Seed, a)] -> [(Int, Gen (Seed, a))]
-- | The main type for the fuzzing, which contains an environment that can be
-- read from and the current state of all the results.
type Fuzz m = StateT FuzzState (ReaderT FuzzEnv m)
@@ -268,19 +270,39 @@ generateSample f = do
verilogSize :: (Source a) => a -> Int
verilogSize = length . lines . T.unpack . genSource
-sampleVerilogHat :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m) => Int -> Maybe Seed -> Gen SourceInfo -> Fuzz m (Seed, SourceInfo)
-sampleVerilogHat _ seed@(Just _) gen = sampleSeed seed gen
-sampleVerilogHat n Nothing gen = do
+ :: (MonadSh m, MonadIO m, Source a, Ord a) =>
+ Frequency a -> Int -> Maybe Seed -> Gen a -> m (Seed, a)
+sampleVerilog _ _ seed@(Just _) gen = sampleSeed seed gen
+sampleVerilog freq n Nothing gen = do
res <- replicateM n $ sampleSeed Nothing gen
let sizes = fmap getSize res
let samples = fmap snd . sort $ zip sizes res
- liftIO $ Hog.sample . Hog.frequency $ freqs samples
+ liftIO $ Hog.sample . Hog.frequency $ freq samples
getSize (_, s) = verilogSize s
- freqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
- where
- h = length l `div` 2
- hat = (+ h) . negate . abs . (h - ) <$> [1..length l]
+hatFreqs :: Frequency a
+hatFreqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
+ where
+ h = length l `div` 2
+ hat = (+ h) . negate . abs . (h - ) <$> [1..length l]
+meanFreqs :: Source a => Frequency a
+meanFreqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
+ where
+ hat = calc <$> sizes
+ calc i = if abs (mean - i) == min_ then 1 else 0
+ mean = sum sizes `div` length l
+ min_ = minimum $ abs . (mean -) <$> sizes
+ sizes = verilogSize . snd <$> l
+medianFreqs :: Frequency a
+medianFreqs l = zip hat (return <$> l)
+ where
+ h = length l `div` 2
+ hat = set_ <$> [1..length l]
+ set_ n = if n == h then 1 else 0
fuzz :: MonadFuzz m => Gen SourceInfo -> Config -> Fuzz m FuzzReport
fuzz gen conf = do
@@ -315,13 +337,20 @@ fuzz gen conf = do
seed = conf ^. configProperty . propSeed
bname = T.pack . takeBaseName . T.unpack . toTextIgnore
- genMethod = case conf ^. configProperty . propSampleMethod of
+ genMethod = case T.toLower $ conf ^. configProperty . propSampleMethod of
"hat" -> do
logT "Using the hat function"
- sampleVerilogHat (conf ^. configProperty . propSampleSize) seed gen
+ sv hatFreqs
+ "mean" -> do
+ logT "Using the mean function"
+ sv meanFreqs
+ "median" -> do
+ logT "Using the median function"
+ sv medianFreqs
_ -> do
logT "Using first seed"
sampleSeed seed gen
+ sv a = sampleVerilog a (conf ^. configProperty . propSampleSize) seed gen
relativeFuzzReport :: (MonadSh m) => FuzzReport -> m FuzzReport
relativeFuzzReport fr@(FuzzReport dir _ _ _ _ _ _ _) = liftSh $ do