path: root/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
index 8408fbb..da59da1 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
@@ -47,8 +47,10 @@ import qualified Hedgehog.Internal.Tree as Hog
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
import Shelly hiding (get)
import Shelly.Lifted (MonadSh, liftSh)
+import System.FilePath.Posix (takeBaseName)
import VeriFuzz.Config
import VeriFuzz.Internal
+import VeriFuzz.Reduce
import VeriFuzz.Report
import VeriFuzz.Result
import VeriFuzz.Sim.Internal
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ runFuzz conf yos m = shelly $ runFuzz' conf yos m
runFuzz' :: Monad m => Config -> Yosys -> (Config -> Fuzz m b) -> m b
runFuzz' conf yos m = runReaderT
(evalStateT (m conf) (FuzzReport [] [] []))
- (FuzzEnv (force $ descriptionToSynth <$> conf ^. configSynthesisers)
+ (FuzzEnv (force $ defaultIdentitySynth : (descriptionToSynth <$> conf ^. configSynthesisers))
(force $ descriptionToSim <$> conf ^. configSimulators)
@@ -137,12 +139,16 @@ pop f a = do
dir <- liftSh pwd
finally (liftSh (cd f) >> a) . liftSh $ cd dir
+toSynthResult :: [(SynthTool, SynthTool)] -> [Result Failed ()] -> [SynthResult]
+toSynthResult a b = uncurry SynthResult <$> a <*> b
equivalence :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadSh m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
equivalence src = do
synth <- passedSynthesis
let synthComb =
nubBy tupEq . filter (uncurry (/=)) $ combinations synth synth
results <- liftSh $ mapM (uncurry equiv) synthComb
+ synthResults .= toSynthResult synthComb results
liftSh $ inspect results
tupEq (a, b) (a', b') = (a == a' && b == b') || (a == b' && b == a')
@@ -158,6 +164,26 @@ equivalence src = do
runEquiv a b src
where dir = fromText $ "equiv_" <> toText a <> "_" <> toText b
+failEquivWithIdentity :: (MonadSh m) => Fuzz m [SynthResult]
+failEquivWithIdentity = filter withIdentity . _synthResults <$> get
+ where
+ withIdentity (SynthResult (IdentitySynth _) _ (Fail EquivFail)) = True
+ withIdentity (SynthResult _ (IdentitySynth _) (Fail EquivFail)) = True
+ withIdentity _ = False
+-- | Always reduces with respect to 'Identity'.
+reduction :: (MonadSh m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
+reduction src = do
+ fails <- failEquivWithIdentity
+ _ <- liftSh $ mapM red fails
+ return ()
+ where
+ red (SynthResult a b _) = do
+ make dir
+ pop dir $ reduceSynth a b src
+ where
+ dir = fromText $ "reduce_" <> toText a <> "_" <> toText b
fuzz :: MonadFuzz m => Gen SourceInfo -> Config -> Fuzz m FuzzReport
fuzz gen conf = do
(seed', src) <- generateSample seed gen
@@ -170,8 +196,13 @@ fuzz gen conf = do
.~ Just seed'
synthesis src
equivalence src
- return mempty
+ reduction src
+ report <- get
+ currdir <- liftSh pwd
+ liftSh . writefile "index.html" $ printResultReport (bname currdir) report
+ return report
where seed = conf ^. configProperty . propSeed
+ bname = T.pack . takeBaseName . T.unpack . toTextIgnore
:: MonadFuzz m => FilePath -> Gen SourceInfo -> Config -> Fuzz m FuzzReport