path: root/src/VeriFuzz/Parser/Parser.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz/Parser/Parser.hs')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 77 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Parser/Parser.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Parser/Parser.hs
index 084cfe2..d7dc4ee 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Parser/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Parser/Parser.hs
@@ -65,8 +65,9 @@ satisfy' :: (Token -> Maybe a) -> Parser a
satisfy' = tokenPrim show nextPos
nextPos :: SourcePos -> Token -> [Token] -> SourcePos
-nextPos pos _ (Token _ _ (Position _ l c):_) = setSourceColumn (setSourceLine pos l) c
-nextPos pos _ [] = pos
+nextPos pos _ (Token _ _ (Position _ l c) : _) =
+ setSourceColumn (setSourceLine pos l) c
+nextPos pos _ [] = pos
-- | Parses given `TokenName`.
tok :: TokenName -> Parser TokenName
@@ -101,15 +102,16 @@ parseVar = Id <$> identifier
systemFunc :: String -> Parser String
systemFunc s = satisfy' matchId
- where
- matchId (Token IdSystem s' _) =
- if s == s' then Just s else Nothing
- matchId _ = Nothing
+ where
+ matchId (Token IdSystem s' _) = if s == s' then Just s else Nothing
+ matchId _ = Nothing
parseFunction :: Parser Function
parseFunction =
- systemFunc "$unsigned" $> UnSignedFunc
- <|> systemFunc "$signed" $> SignedFunc
+ systemFunc "$unsigned"
+ $> UnSignedFunc
+ <|> systemFunc "$signed"
+ $> SignedFunc
parseFun :: Parser Expr
parseFun = do
@@ -143,51 +145,51 @@ parseExpr = do
-- | Table of binary and unary operators that encode the right precedence for
-- each.
parseTable :: [[ParseOperator Expr]]
- = [ [prefix SymBang (UnOp UnLNot), prefix SymTildy (UnOp UnNot)]
- , [ prefix SymAmp (UnOp UnAnd)
- , prefix SymBar (UnOp UnOr)
- , prefix SymTildyAmp (UnOp UnNand)
- , prefix SymTildyBar (UnOp UnNor)
- , prefix SymHat (UnOp UnXor)
- , prefix SymTildyHat (UnOp UnNxor)
- , prefix SymHatTildy (UnOp UnNxorInv)
- ]
- , [prefix SymPlus (UnOp UnPlus), prefix SymDash (UnOp UnMinus)]
- , [binary SymAsterAster (sBinOp BinPower) AssocRight]
- , [ binary SymAster (sBinOp BinTimes) AssocLeft
- , binary SymSlash (sBinOp BinDiv) AssocLeft
- , binary SymPercent (sBinOp BinMod) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymPlus (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft
- , binary SymDash (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymLtLt (sBinOp BinLSL) AssocLeft
- , binary SymGtGt (sBinOp BinLSR) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymLtLtLt (sBinOp BinASL) AssocLeft
- , binary SymGtGtGt (sBinOp BinASR) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [ binary SymLt (sBinOp BinLT) AssocNone
- , binary SymGt (sBinOp BinGT) AssocNone
- , binary SymLtEq (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone
- , binary SymGtEq (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone
- ]
- , [ binary SymEqEq (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone
- , binary SymBangEq (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone
- ]
- , [ binary SymEqEqEq (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone
- , binary SymBangEqEq (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone
- ]
- , [binary SymAmp (sBinOp BinAnd) AssocLeft]
- , [ binary SymHat (sBinOp BinXor) AssocLeft
- , binary SymHatTildy (sBinOp BinXNor) AssocLeft
- , binary SymTildyHat (sBinOp BinXNorInv) AssocLeft
- ]
- , [binary SymBar (sBinOp BinOr) AssocLeft]
- , [binary SymAmpAmp (sBinOp BinLAnd) AssocLeft]
- , [binary SymBarBar (sBinOp BinLOr) AssocLeft]
+parseTable =
+ [ [prefix SymBang (UnOp UnLNot), prefix SymTildy (UnOp UnNot)]
+ , [ prefix SymAmp (UnOp UnAnd)
+ , prefix SymBar (UnOp UnOr)
+ , prefix SymTildyAmp (UnOp UnNand)
+ , prefix SymTildyBar (UnOp UnNor)
+ , prefix SymHat (UnOp UnXor)
+ , prefix SymTildyHat (UnOp UnNxor)
+ , prefix SymHatTildy (UnOp UnNxorInv)
+ ]
+ , [prefix SymPlus (UnOp UnPlus), prefix SymDash (UnOp UnMinus)]
+ , [binary SymAsterAster (sBinOp BinPower) AssocRight]
+ , [ binary SymAster (sBinOp BinTimes) AssocLeft
+ , binary SymSlash (sBinOp BinDiv) AssocLeft
+ , binary SymPercent (sBinOp BinMod) AssocLeft
+ ]
+ , [ binary SymPlus (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft
+ , binary SymDash (sBinOp BinPlus) AssocLeft
+ ]
+ , [ binary SymLtLt (sBinOp BinLSL) AssocLeft
+ , binary SymGtGt (sBinOp BinLSR) AssocLeft
+ ]
+ , [ binary SymLtLtLt (sBinOp BinASL) AssocLeft
+ , binary SymGtGtGt (sBinOp BinASR) AssocLeft
+ ]
+ , [ binary SymLt (sBinOp BinLT) AssocNone
+ , binary SymGt (sBinOp BinGT) AssocNone
+ , binary SymLtEq (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone
+ , binary SymGtEq (sBinOp BinLEq) AssocNone
+ , [ binary SymEqEq (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone
+ , binary SymBangEq (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone
+ ]
+ , [ binary SymEqEqEq (sBinOp BinEq) AssocNone
+ , binary SymBangEqEq (sBinOp BinNEq) AssocNone
+ ]
+ , [binary SymAmp (sBinOp BinAnd) AssocLeft]
+ , [ binary SymHat (sBinOp BinXor) AssocLeft
+ , binary SymHatTildy (sBinOp BinXNor) AssocLeft
+ , binary SymTildyHat (sBinOp BinXNorInv) AssocLeft
+ ]
+ , [binary SymBar (sBinOp BinOr) AssocLeft]
+ , [binary SymAmpAmp (sBinOp BinLAnd) AssocLeft]
+ , [binary SymBarBar (sBinOp BinLOr) AssocLeft]
+ ]
binary :: TokenName -> (a -> a -> a) -> Assoc -> ParseOperator a
binary name fun = Infix ((tok name <?> "binary") >> return fun)
@@ -207,27 +209,29 @@ parseContAssign = do
numLit :: Parser String
numLit = satisfy' matchId
- where
- matchId (Token LitNumber s _) = Just s
- matchId _ = Nothing
+ where
+ matchId (Token LitNumber s _) = Just s
+ matchId _ = Nothing
number :: Parser Decimal
number = number' <$> numLit
- number' :: String -> Decimal
- number' a
- | all (flip elem ['0' .. '9']) a = fromInteger $ read a
- | head a == '\'' = fromInteger $ f a
- | isInfixOf "'" a = Decimal (read w) (f b)
- | otherwise = error $ "Invalid number format: " ++ a
- where
- w = takeWhile (/= '\'') a
- b = dropWhile (/= '\'') a
- f a'
- | isPrefixOf "'d" a' = read $ drop 2 a'
- | isPrefixOf "'h" a' = read $ "0x" ++ drop 2 a'
- | isPrefixOf "'b" a' = foldl (\ n b' -> shiftL n 1 .|. (if b' == '1' then 1 else 0)) 0 (drop 2 a')
- | otherwise = error $ "Invalid number format: " ++ a'
+ number' :: String -> Decimal
+ number' a | all (flip elem ['0' .. '9']) a = fromInteger $ read a
+ | head a == '\'' = fromInteger $ f a
+ | isInfixOf "'" a = Decimal (read w) (f b)
+ | otherwise = error $ "Invalid number format: " ++ a
+ where
+ w = takeWhile (/= '\'') a
+ b = dropWhile (/= '\'') a
+ f a'
+ | isPrefixOf "'d" a' = read $ drop 2 a'
+ | isPrefixOf "'h" a' = read $ "0x" ++ drop 2 a'
+ | isPrefixOf "'b" a' = foldl
+ (\n b' -> shiftL n 1 .|. (if b' == '1' then 1 else 0))
+ 0
+ (drop 2 a')
+ | otherwise = error $ "Invalid number format: " ++ a'
toInteger' :: Decimal -> Integer
toInteger' (Decimal _ n) = n
@@ -243,10 +247,10 @@ parseRange = do
strId :: Parser String
strId = satisfy' matchId
- where
- matchId (Token IdSimple s _) = Just s
- matchId (Token IdEscaped s _) = Just s
- matchId _ = Nothing
+ where
+ matchId (Token IdSimple s _) = Just s
+ matchId (Token IdEscaped s _) = Just s
+ matchId _ = Nothing
identifier :: Parser Identifier
identifier = Identifier . T.pack <$> strId
@@ -277,8 +281,7 @@ parseModItem :: Parser ModItem
parseModItem = (ModCA <$> parseContAssign) <|> parseDecl
parseModList :: Parser [Identifier]
-parseModList = list <|> return []
- where list = parens $ commaSep identifier
+parseModList = list <|> return [] where list = parens $ commaSep identifier
filterDecl :: PortDir -> ModItem -> Bool
filterDecl p (Decl (Just p') _) = p == p'
@@ -289,8 +292,8 @@ modPorts p mis = filter (filterDecl p) mis ^.. traverse . declPort
parseModDecl :: Parser ModDecl
parseModDecl = do
- name <- tok KWModule *> identifier
- _ <- fmap defaultPort <$> parseModList
+ name <- tok KWModule *> identifier
+ _ <- fmap defaultPort <$> parseModList
tok' SymSemi
modItem <- option [] . try $ many1 parseModItem
tok' KWEndmodule