path: root/src/VeriFuzz/Random.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz/Random.hs')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Random.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Random.hs
index e5d2c68..c471a04 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Random.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Random.hs
@@ -35,22 +35,22 @@ rDupsCirc = Circuit . rDups . getCircuit
-- `n` that is passed to it.
arbitraryEdge :: (Arbitrary e) => Int -> Gen (LEdge e)
arbitraryEdge n = do
- x <- with $ \a -> a < n && a > 0 && a /= n - 1
- y <- with $ \a -> x < a && a < n && a > 0
- z <- QC.arbitrary
- return (x, y, z)
- where with = QC.suchThat $ QC.resize n QC.arbitrary
+ x <- with $ \a -> a < n && a > 0 && a /= n - 1
+ y <- with $ \a -> x < a && a < n && a > 0
+ z <- QC.arbitrary
+ return (x, y, z)
+ where with = QC.suchThat $ QC.resize n QC.arbitrary
-- | Gen instance for a random acyclic DAG.
randomDAG :: (Arbitrary l, Arbitrary e, Eq l, Eq e) => Gen (Gr l e) -- ^ The generated graph. It uses Arbitrary to
-- generate random instances of each node
randomDAG = do
- list <- QC.infiniteListOf QC.arbitrary
- l <- QC.infiniteListOf aE
- QC.sized (\n -> return . G.mkGraph (nodes list n) $ take (10 * n) l)
- where
- nodes l n = zip [0 .. n] $ take n l
- aE = QC.sized arbitraryEdge
+ list <- QC.infiniteListOf QC.arbitrary
+ l <- QC.infiniteListOf aE
+ QC.sized (\n -> return . G.mkGraph (nodes list n) $ take (10 * n) l)
+ where
+ nodes l n = zip [0 .. n] $ take n l
+ aE = QC.sized arbitraryEdge
-- | Generate a random acyclic DAG with an IO instance.
genRandomDAG :: (Arbitrary l, Arbitrary e, Eq l, Eq e) => IO (Gr l e)