path: root/src/VeriFuzz
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/VeriFuzz')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
index 3defe6b..d8a23ad 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module VeriFuzz.Reduce
, clean
, cleanSourceInfo
, cleanSourceInfoAll
+ , removeDecl
, filterExpr
@@ -236,6 +237,8 @@ lValName (RegConcat e) = mapMaybe getId . concat $ universe <$> e
getId (Id i) = Just i
getId _ = Nothing
+-- | Pretending that expr is an LVal for the case that it is in a module
+-- instantiation.
exprName :: Expr -> [Identifier]
exprName (Id i ) = [i]
exprName (VecSelect i _) = [i]
@@ -243,6 +246,14 @@ exprName (RangeSelect i _) = [i]
exprName (Concat i ) = concat . NonEmpty.toList $ exprName <$> i
exprName _ = []
+-- | Returns the only identifiers that are directly tied to an expression. This
+-- is useful if one does not have to recurse deeper into the expressions.
+exprId :: Expr -> Maybe Identifier
+exprId (Id i ) = Just i
+exprId (VecSelect i _) = Just i
+exprId (RangeSelect i _) = Just i
+exprId _ = Nothing
portToId :: Port -> Identifier
portToId (Port _ _ _ i) = i
@@ -265,6 +276,19 @@ modInstActive decl (ModInst n _ i) = case m of
| otherwise = []
modInstActive _ _ = []
+fixModInst :: SourceInfo -> ModItem -> ModItem
+fixModInst (SourceInfo _ (Verilog decl)) (ModInst n g i) = case m of
+ Nothing -> error "Moditem not found"
+ Just m' -> ModInst n g . mapMaybe (fixModInst' m') $ zip i [0 ..]
+ where
+ m = safe head $ filter (isModule n) decl
+ fixModInst' (ModDecl _ o i' _ _) (ModConn e, n') | n' < length o + length i' = Just $ ModConn e
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ fixModInst' (ModDecl _ o i'' _ _) (ModConnNamed i' e, _)
+ | i' `elem` fmap _portName (o <> i'') = Just $ ModConnNamed i' e
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+fixModInst _ a = a
findActiveWires :: Identifier -> SourceInfo -> [Identifier]
findActiveWires t src =
@@ -288,13 +312,14 @@ findActiveWires t src =
concat $ modInstActive (src ^. infoSrc . _Wrapped) <$> m ^. modItems
m@(ModDecl _ o i _ p) = src ^. aModule t
+-- | Clean a specific module. Have to be carful that the module is in the
+-- 'SourceInfo', otherwise it will crash.
cleanSourceInfo :: Identifier -> SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
cleanSourceInfo t src = src & aModule t %~ clean (findActiveWires t src)
cleanSourceInfoAll :: SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
cleanSourceInfoAll src = foldr cleanSourceInfo src allMods
- where
- allMods = src ^.. infoSrc . _Wrapped . traverse . modId
+ where allMods = src ^.. infoSrc . _Wrapped . traverse . modId
-- | Returns true if the text matches the name of a module.
matchesModName :: Identifier -> ModDecl -> Bool
@@ -364,6 +389,92 @@ halveExpr t = combine contexpr $ traverse halveModExpr
contexpr :: Lens' SourceInfo [ModItem]
contexpr = aModule t . modItems
+toIds :: [Expr] -> [Identifier]
+toIds = nub . mapMaybe exprId . concatMap universe
+toIdsConst :: [ConstExpr] -> [Identifier]
+toIdsConst = toIds . fmap constToExpr
+allStatIds' :: Statement -> [Identifier]
+allStatIds' s = nub $ assignIds <> otherExpr
+ where
+ assignIds =
+ toIds
+ $ (s ^.. stmntBA . assignExpr)
+ <> (s ^.. stmntNBA . assignExpr)
+ <> (s ^.. forAssign . assignExpr)
+ <> (s ^.. forIncr . assignExpr)
+ otherExpr = toIds $ (s ^.. forExpr) <> (s ^.. stmntCondExpr)
+allStatIds :: Statement -> [Identifier]
+allStatIds s = nub . concat $ allStatIds' <$> universe s
+fromRange :: Range -> [ConstExpr]
+fromRange r = [rangeMSB r, rangeLSB r]
+allExprIds :: ModDecl -> [Identifier]
+allExprIds m =
+ nub
+ $ contAssignIds
+ <> modInstIds
+ <> modInitialIds
+ <> modAlwaysIds
+ <> modPortIds
+ <> modDeclIds
+ <> paramIds
+ where
+ contAssignIds =
+ toIds $ m ^.. modItems . traverse . modContAssign . contAssignExpr
+ modInstIds =
+ toIds $ m ^.. modItems . traverse . modInstConns . traverse . modExpr
+ modInitialIds =
+ nub . concatMap allStatIds $ m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Initial
+ modAlwaysIds =
+ nub . concatMap allStatIds $ m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Always
+ modPortIds =
+ nub
+ . concatMap (toIdsConst . fromRange)
+ $ m
+ ^.. modItems
+ . traverse
+ . declPort
+ . portSize
+ modDeclIds = toIdsConst $ m ^.. modItems . traverse . declVal . _Just
+ paramIds =
+ toIdsConst
+ $ (m ^.. modItems . traverse . paramDecl . traverse . paramValue)
+ <> ( m
+ ^.. modItems
+ . traverse
+ . localParamDecl
+ . traverse
+ . localParamValue
+ )
+isUsedDecl :: [Identifier] -> ModItem -> Bool
+isUsedDecl ids (Decl _ (Port _ _ _ i) _) = i `elem` ids
+isUsedDecl _ _ = True
+isUsedParam :: [Identifier] -> Parameter -> Bool
+isUsedParam ids (Parameter i _) = i `elem` ids
+isUsedPort :: [Identifier] -> Port -> Bool
+isUsedPort ids (Port _ _ _ i) = i `elem` ids
+removeDecl :: SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
+removeDecl src = foldr fix removed allMods
+ where
+ removeDecl' t src' =
+ src'
+ & (\a -> a & aModule t . modItems %~ filter (isUsedDecl (used <> findActiveWires t a)))
+ . (aModule t . modParams %~ filter (isUsedParam used))
+ . (aModule t . modInPorts %~ filter (isUsedPort used))
+ where
+ used = nub $ allExprIds (src' ^. aModule t)
+ allMods = src ^.. infoSrc . _Wrapped . traverse . modId
+ fix t a = a & aModule t . modItems %~ fmap (fixModInst a)
+ removed = foldr removeDecl' src allMods
defaultBot :: SourceInfo -> Bool
defaultBot = const False
@@ -420,7 +531,8 @@ reduce
-> SourceInfo -- ^ Input verilog source to be reduced.
-> m SourceInfo -- ^ Reduced output.
reduce eval src =
- red "Modules" moduleBot halveModules src
+ fmap removeDecl
+ $ red "Modules" moduleBot halveModules src
>>= redAll "Module Items" modItemBot halveModItems
>>= redAll "Statements" (const defaultBot) halveStatements
>>= redAll "Expressions" (const defaultBot) halveExpr