path: root/src/VeriFuzz
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1 files changed, 60 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
index 0de97ae..995931d 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,9 @@ module VeriFuzz.Reduce
, reduce_
, halveModules
, halveModItems
+ , halveStatements
, halveExpr
+ , halveAssigns
, findActiveWires
@@ -144,13 +146,6 @@ cleanMod m newm = modify . change <$> newm
$ l
^. modItems
--- halveStatements :: Statement -> Replacement Statement
--- halveStatements (SeqBlock l ) = SeqBlock <$> halve l
--- halveStatements (CondStmnt _ (Just a) b) = maybe (Single a) (Dual a) b
--- halveStatements (CondStmnt _ Nothing b) = maybe None Single b
--- halveStatements (ForLoop _ _ _ s ) = Single s
--- halveStatements _ = None
halveIndExpr :: Replace Expr
halveIndExpr (Concat l ) = Concat <$> halve l
halveIndExpr (BinOp e1 _ e2) = Dual e1 e2
@@ -186,20 +181,6 @@ validModInst _ _ = True
addMod :: ModDecl -> SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
addMod m srcInfo = srcInfo & infoSrc . _Wrapped %~ (m :)
--- | Returns true if the text matches the name of a module.
-matchesModName :: Text -> ModDecl -> Bool
-matchesModName top (ModDecl i _ _ _ _) = top == getIdentifier i
--- | Removes half the modules randomly, until it reaches a minimal amount of
--- modules. This is done by doing a binary search on the list of modules and
--- removing the instantiations from the main module body.
-halveModules :: Replace SourceInfo
-halveModules srcInfo@(SourceInfo top _) =
- cleanModInst . addMod main <$> combine (infoSrc . _Wrapped) repl srcInfo
- where
- repl = halve . filter (not . matchesModName top)
- main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
-- | Split a module declaration in half by trying to remove assign
-- statements. This is only done in the main module of the source.
halveAssigns :: Replace SourceInfo
@@ -207,9 +188,10 @@ halveAssigns = combine mainModule halveModAssign
-- | Checks if a module item is needed in the module declaration.
relevantModItem :: ModDecl -> ModItem -> Bool
-relevantModItem (ModDecl _ out _ _ _) (ModCA (ContAssign i _)) = i `elem` fmap _portName out
-relevantModItem _ Decl{} = True
-relevantModItem _ _ = False
+relevantModItem (ModDecl _ out _ _ _) (ModCA (ContAssign i _)) =
+ i `elem` fmap _portName out
+relevantModItem _ Decl{} = True
+relevantModItem _ _ = False
isAssign :: Statement -> Bool
isAssign (BlockAssign _) = True
@@ -232,19 +214,57 @@ paramToId :: Parameter -> Identifier
paramToId (Parameter i _) = i
findActiveWires :: ModDecl -> [Identifier]
-findActiveWires m@(ModDecl _ i o _ p) = nub $ assignWires <> assignStat <> fmap portToId i <> fmap portToId o <> fmap paramToId p
+findActiveWires m@(ModDecl _ i o _ p) =
+ nub $ assignWires
+ <> assignStat
+ <> fmap portToId i
+ <> fmap portToId o
+ <> fmap paramToId p
- assignWires = m ^.. modItems . traverse . modContAssign . contAssignNetLVal
- assignStat = concatMap lValName $ (allStat ^.. traverse . stmntBA . assignReg)
- <> (allStat ^.. traverse . stmntNBA . assignReg)
+ assignWires =
+ m ^.. modItems . traverse
+ . modContAssign . contAssignNetLVal
+ assignStat =
+ concatMap lValName
+ $ (allStat ^.. traverse . stmntBA . assignReg)
+ <> (allStat ^.. traverse . stmntNBA . assignReg)
allStat = filter isAssign . concat $ fmap universe stat
- stat = (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Initial) <> (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Always)
+ stat =
+ (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Initial)
+ <> (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Always)
cleanSourceInfo :: SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
cleanSourceInfo src = clean active src
active = findActiveWires (src ^. mainModule)
+-- | Returns true if the text matches the name of a module.
+matchesModName :: Text -> ModDecl -> Bool
+matchesModName top (ModDecl i _ _ _ _) = top == getIdentifier i
+halveStatement :: Replace Statement
+halveStatement (SeqBlock s) = SeqBlock <$> halve s
+halveStatement (CondStmnt _ (Just s1) (Just s2)) = Dual s1 s2
+halveStatement (CondStmnt _ (Just s1) Nothing) = Single s1
+halveStatement (CondStmnt _ Nothing (Just s1)) = Single s1
+halveStatement (EventCtrl e (Just s)) = EventCtrl e . Just <$> halveStatement s
+halveStatement (TimeCtrl e (Just s)) = TimeCtrl e . Just <$> halveStatement s
+halveStatement a = Single a
+halveAlways :: Replace ModItem
+halveAlways (Always s) = Always <$> halveStatement s
+halveAlways a = Single a
+-- | Removes half the modules randomly, until it reaches a minimal amount of
+-- modules. This is done by doing a binary search on the list of modules and
+-- removing the instantiations from the main module body.
+halveModules :: Replace SourceInfo
+halveModules srcInfo@(SourceInfo top _) =
+ cleanModInst . addMod main <$> combine (infoSrc . _Wrapped) repl srcInfo
+ where
+ repl = halve . filter (not . matchesModName top)
+ main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
-- | Reducer for module items. It does a binary search on all the module items,
-- except assignments to outputs and input-output declarations.
halveModItems :: Replace SourceInfo
@@ -256,6 +276,12 @@ halveModItems srcInfo = cleanSourceInfo . addRelevant <$> src
src = combine (mainModule . modItems) repl srcInfo
addRelevant = mainModule . modItems %~ (relevant ++)
+halveStatements :: Replace SourceInfo
+halveStatements m =
+ cleanSourceInfo <$> combine (mainModule . modItems) halves m
+ where
+ halves = traverse halveAlways
-- | Reduce expressions by splitting them in half and keeping the half that
-- succeeds.
halveExpr :: Replace SourceInfo
@@ -302,5 +328,9 @@ reduce
:: (SourceInfo -> IO Bool) -- ^ Failed or not.
-> SourceInfo -- ^ Input verilog source to be reduced.
-> IO SourceInfo -- ^ Reduced output.
-reduce eval src = red halveAssigns src >>= red halveExpr
+reduce eval src =
+ red halveModules src
+ >>= red halveModItems
+ >>= red halveStatements
+ >>= red halveExpr
where red a = reduce_ a eval