path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
7 files changed, 95 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
index 084caee..5372d94 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ import VeriFuzz.Sim.Vivado
import VeriFuzz.Sim.XST
import VeriFuzz.Sim.Yosys
import VeriFuzz.Verilog.AST
+import VeriFuzz.Verilog.CodeGen
-- | Common type alias for synthesis results
type UResult = Result Failed ()
@@ -171,11 +172,16 @@ instance Monoid FuzzResult where
-- read from and the current state of all the results.
type Fuzz m = StateT FuzzResult (ReaderT FuzzEnv m)
-runFuzz :: (Monad m) => [SynthTool] -> [SimTool] -> Yosys -> Fuzz m b -> m b
-runFuzz synth sim yos m =
+ :: MonadIO m =>
+ [SynthTool] -> [SimTool] -> Yosys -> Fuzz Sh a -> m a
+runFuzz synth sim yos m = shelly $ runFuzz' synth sim yos m
+runFuzz' :: Monad m => [SynthTool] -> [SimTool] -> Yosys -> Fuzz m b -> m b
+runFuzz' synth sim yos m =
runReaderT (evalStateT m (FuzzResult [] [] [])) (FuzzEnv synth sim yos)
-synthesisers :: (Monad m) => Fuzz m [SynthTool]
+synthesisers :: Monad m => Fuzz m [SynthTool]
synthesisers = lift $ asks getSynthesisers
--simulators :: (Monad m) => Fuzz () m [SimTool]
@@ -184,71 +190,80 @@ synthesisers = lift $ asks getSynthesisers
combinations :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)]
combinations l1 l2 = [ (x, y) | x <- l1, y <- l2 ]
-runInTmp :: (MonadSh m) => m a -> m a
-runInTmp a = liftSh (withTmpDir $ (\dir -> cd dir)) >> a
-mkAndRun :: (MonadSh m) => FilePath -> Sh a -> m a
-mkAndRun a = liftSh . chdir_p a
- :: (MonadIO m)
- => (Sh (Result a b) -> Sh (Result a b))
- -> ResultT a Sh b
- -> m (Result a b)
-liftWith' a = liftIO . shellyFailDir . a . runResultT
---lift' :: (MonadIO m) => ResultT a Sh b -> m (Result a b)
---lift' = liftWith' id
-logT :: (MonadIO m) => Text -> m ()
-logT = liftIO . shelly . echoP
+logT :: MonadSh m => Text -> m ()
+logT = liftSh . echoP
-timeit :: (MonadIO m) => m a -> m (NominalDiffTime, a)
+timeit :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m) => m a -> m (NominalDiffTime, a)
timeit a = do
start <- liftIO getCurrentTime
result <- a
end <- liftIO getCurrentTime
return (diffUTCTime end start, result)
-synthesis :: (MonadIO m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
+synthesis :: MonadSh m => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
synthesis src = do
synth <- synthesisers
- results <- mapM
- (\a -> liftWith' (mkAndRun . fromText $ showT a)
- $ runSynth a src (fromText $ "syn_" <> showT a <> ".v")
- )
- synth
+ results <- liftSh $ mapM exec synth
synthStatus .= zipWith SynthStatus synth results
- liftIO $ print results
+ liftSh $ inspect results
+ where
+ exec a = runResultT $ do
+ liftSh . mkdir_p . fromText $ toText a
+ pop (fromText $ toText a) $ runSynth a src
-generateSample :: (MonadIO m) => Gen SourceInfo -> Fuzz m SourceInfo
+generateSample :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m) => Gen SourceInfo -> Fuzz m SourceInfo
generateSample gen = do
logT "Sampling Verilog from generator"
(t, src) <- timeit $ Hog.sample gen
logT $ "Generated Verilog (" <> showT t <> ")"
return src
-passedSynthesis :: (MonadIO m) => Fuzz m [SynthTool]
+passedSynthesis :: MonadSh m => Fuzz m [SynthTool]
passedSynthesis = fmap toSynth . filter passed . _synthStatus <$> get
passed (SynthStatus _ (Pass _)) = True
+ passed _ = False
toSynth (SynthStatus s _) = s
-fuzz :: (MonadIO m) => Gen SourceInfo -> Fuzz m FuzzResult
-fuzz gen = do
+make :: MonadSh m => FilePath -> m ()
+make f = liftSh $ do
+ mkdir_p f
+ cp_r "data" $ f </> fromText "data"
+pop :: MonadSh m => FilePath -> m a -> m a
+pop f a = do
+ dir <- liftSh pwd
+ liftSh $ cd f
+ ret <- a
+ liftSh $ cd dir
+ return ret
+equivalence :: MonadSh m => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
+equivalence src = do
yos <- lift $ asks yosysInstance
- src <- generateSample gen
- synthesis src
synth <- passedSynthesis
let synthComb =
nubBy tupEq . filter (uncurry (/=)) $ combinations synth synth
- results <- mapM (uncurry $ equivalence yos src) synthComb
- liftIO $ print results
+ results <- liftSh $ mapM (uncurry $ equiv yos) synthComb
+ liftSh $ inspect results
+ where
+ tupEq (a, b) (a', b') = (a == a' && b == b') || (a == b' && b == a')
+ equiv yos a b = runResultT $ do
+ make dir
+ pop dir $ do
+ liftSh $ do
+ cp (fromText ".." </> fromText (toText a) </> synthOutput a) $ synthOutput a
+ cp (fromText ".." </> fromText (toText b) </> synthOutput b) $ synthOutput b
+ writefile "rtl.v" $ genSource src
+ runEquiv yos a (Just b) src
+ where
+ dir = fromText $ "equiv_" <> toText a <> "_" <> toText b
+fuzz :: (MonadIO m, MonadSh m) => Gen SourceInfo -> Fuzz m FuzzResult
+fuzz gen = do
+ make "output"
+ pop "output" $ do
+ src <- generateSample gen
+ synthesis src
+ equivalence src
return mempty
- where
- tupEq (a, b) (a', b') = (a == a' && b == b') || (a == b' && b == a')
- equivalence yos src a b =
- liftIO . shellyFailDir . runInTmp . runResultT $ runEquiv yos
- a
- (Just b)
- src
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs
index 2d06819..6e02482 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Internal.hs
@@ -80,7 +80,6 @@ instance Monoid Failed where
class Tool a => Synthesiser a where
runSynth :: a -- ^ Synthesiser tool instance
-> SourceInfo -- ^ Run information
- -> FilePath -- ^ Output verilog file for the module
-> ResultSh () -- ^ does not return any values
synthOutput :: a -> FilePath
setSynthOutput :: a -> FilePath -> a
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Quartus.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Quartus.hs
index beb7f10..5bda0be 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Quartus.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Quartus.hs
@@ -37,13 +37,13 @@ instance Tool Quartus where
instance Synthesiser Quartus where
runSynth = runSynthQuartus
synthOutput = quartusOutput
- setSynthOutput (Quartus a _) f = Quartus a f
+ setSynthOutput (Quartus a _) = Quartus a
defaultQuartus :: Quartus
-defaultQuartus = Quartus Nothing "quartus/syn_quartus.v"
+defaultQuartus = Quartus Nothing "syn_quartus.v"
-runSynthQuartus :: Quartus -> SourceInfo -> FilePath -> ResultSh ()
-runSynthQuartus sim (SourceInfo top src) outf = do
+runSynthQuartus :: Quartus -> SourceInfo -> ResultSh ()
+runSynthQuartus sim (SourceInfo top src) = do
dir <- liftSh pwd
let ex = execute_ SynthFail dir "quartus"
liftSh $ do
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ runSynthQuartus sim (SourceInfo top src) outf = do
ex (exec "quartus_fit") [top, "--part=5CGXFC7D6F31C6"]
ex (exec "quartus_eda") [top, "--simulation", "--tool=vcs"]
liftSh $ do
- cp (fromText "simulation/vcs" </> fromText top <.> "vo") outf
+ cp (fromText "simulation/vcs" </> fromText top <.> "vo") $ synthOutput sim
echoP "Quartus synthesis done"
inpf = "rtl.v"
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Template.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Template.hs
index f630ea6..93f24a3 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Template.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Template.hs
@@ -43,16 +43,18 @@ doubleName :: Text -> Text
doubleName n = n <> " " <> n
{-# INLINE doubleName #-}
+outputText :: Synthesiser a => a -> Text
+outputText = toTextIgnore . synthOutput
-- brittany-disable-next-binding
-yosysSatConfig :: (Tool a, Tool b) => a -> Maybe b -> SourceInfo -> Text
-yosysSatConfig sim1 sim2 (SourceInfo top src) = [st|read_verilog syn_#{toText sim1}.v
+yosysSatConfig :: (Synthesiser a, Synthesiser b) => a -> Maybe b -> SourceInfo -> Text
+yosysSatConfig sim1 sim2 (SourceInfo top src) = [st|read_verilog #{outputText sim1}
#{rename "_1" mis}
read_verilog syn_#{idSim2}.v
#{rename "_2" mis}
read_verilog #{top}.v
proc; opt_clean
flatten #{top}
-! touch test.#{toText sim1}.#{idSim2}.input_ok
sat -timeout 20 -show-all -verify-no-timeout -ignore_div_by_zero -prove y_1 y_2 #{top}
@@ -86,7 +88,7 @@ write_verilog -force #{outf}
-- brittany-disable-next-binding
-sbyConfig :: (Tool a, Tool b) => FilePath -> a -> Maybe b -> SourceInfo -> Text
+sbyConfig :: (Synthesiser a, Synthesiser b) => FilePath -> a -> Maybe b -> SourceInfo -> Text
sbyConfig bd sim1 sim2 (SourceInfo top src) = [st|[options]
mode prove
@@ -95,17 +97,17 @@ smtbmc z3
-read -formal syn_#{toText sim1}.v
+read -formal #{outputText sim1}
#{rename "_1" mis}
-read -formal syn_#{maybe "rtl" toText sim2}.v
+read -formal #{maybe "rtl.v" outputText sim2}
#{rename "_2" mis}
read -formal top.v
prep -top #{top}
-syn_#{maybe "rtl" toText sim2}.v
-syn_#{toText sim1}.v
+#{maybe "rtl.v" outputText sim2}
+#{outputText sim1}
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Vivado.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Vivado.hs
index 7cf6d4b..d213a12 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Vivado.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Vivado.hs
@@ -38,16 +38,16 @@ instance Tool Vivado where
instance Synthesiser Vivado where
runSynth = runSynthVivado
synthOutput = vivadoOutput
- setSynthOutput (Vivado a _) f = Vivado a f
+ setSynthOutput (Vivado a _) = Vivado a
defaultVivado :: Vivado
-defaultVivado = Vivado "vivado" "vivado/syn_vivado.v"
+defaultVivado = Vivado "vivado" "syn_vivado.v"
-runSynthVivado :: Vivado -> SourceInfo -> FilePath -> ResultSh ()
-runSynthVivado sim (SourceInfo top src) outf = do
+runSynthVivado :: Vivado -> SourceInfo -> ResultSh ()
+runSynthVivado sim (SourceInfo top src) = do
dir <- liftSh pwd
liftSh $ do
- writefile vivadoTcl . vivadoSynthConfig top $ toTextIgnore outf
+ writefile vivadoTcl . vivadoSynthConfig top . toTextIgnore $ synthOutput sim
writefile "rtl.v" $ genSource src
run_ "sed" ["s/^module/(* use_dsp48=\"no\" *) module/;", "-i", "rtl.v"]
echoP "Vivado: run"
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/XST.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/XST.hs
index b5b1b8b..e5e3e06 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/XST.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/XST.hs
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ instance Tool XST where
instance Synthesiser XST where
runSynth = runSynthXST
synthOutput = xstOutput
- setSynthOutput (XST a b _) f = XST a b f
+ setSynthOutput (XST a b _) = XST a b
defaultXST :: XST
-defaultXST = XST "xst" "netgen" "xst/syn_xst.v"
+defaultXST = XST "xst" "netgen" "syn_xst.v"
-runSynthXST :: XST -> SourceInfo -> FilePath -> ResultSh ()
-runSynthXST sim (SourceInfo top src) outf = do
+runSynthXST :: XST -> SourceInfo -> ResultSh ()
+runSynthXST sim (SourceInfo top src) = do
dir <- liftSh pwd
let exec = execute_ SynthFail dir "xst"
liftSh $ do
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ runSynthXST sim (SourceInfo top src) outf = do
, "-ofmt"
, "verilog"
, toTextIgnore $ modFile <.> "ngc"
- , toTextIgnore outf
+ , toTextIgnore $ synthOutput sim
liftSh $ do
echoP "XST: clean"
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ runSynthXST sim (SourceInfo top src) outf = do
[ "-i"
, "/^`ifndef/,/^`endif/ d; s/ *Timestamp: .*//;"
- , toTextIgnore outf
+ , toTextIgnore $ synthOutput sim
echoP "XST: done"
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Yosys.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Yosys.hs
index 98244a6..f219e01 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Yosys.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Yosys.hs
@@ -42,16 +42,16 @@ instance Tool Yosys where
instance Synthesiser Yosys where
runSynth = runSynthYosys
synthOutput = yosysOutput
- setSynthOutput (Yosys a _) f = Yosys a f
+ setSynthOutput (Yosys a _) = Yosys a
instance Show Yosys where
show _ = "yosys"
defaultYosys :: Yosys
-defaultYosys = Yosys "yosys" "yosys/syn_yosys.v"
+defaultYosys = Yosys "yosys" "syn_yosys.v"
-runSynthYosys :: Yosys -> SourceInfo -> FilePath -> ResultSh ()
-runSynthYosys sim (SourceInfo _ src) outf = (<?> SynthFail) . liftSh $ do
+runSynthYosys :: Yosys -> SourceInfo -> ResultSh ()
+runSynthYosys sim (SourceInfo _ src) = (<?> SynthFail) . liftSh $ do
dir <- pwd
writefile inpf $ genSource src
echoP "Yosys: synthesis"
@@ -63,13 +63,13 @@ runSynthYosys sim (SourceInfo _ src) outf = (<?> SynthFail) . liftSh $ do
inpf = "rtl.v"
inp = toTextIgnore inpf
- out = toTextIgnore outf
+ out = toTextIgnore $ synthOutput sim
runMaybeSynth :: (Synthesiser a) => Maybe a -> SourceInfo -> ResultSh ()
runMaybeSynth (Just sim) srcInfo =
- runSynth sim srcInfo $ fromText [st|syn_#{toText sim}.v|]
+ runSynth sim srcInfo
runMaybeSynth Nothing (SourceInfo _ src) =
- liftSh . writefile "syn_rtl.v" $ genSource src
+ liftSh . writefile "rtl.v" $ genSource src
:: (Synthesiser a, Synthesiser b)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ runEquivYosys yosys sim1 sim2 srcInfo = do
$ srcInfo
^. mainModule
writefile checkFile $ yosysSatConfig sim1 sim2 srcInfo
- runSynth sim1 srcInfo $ fromText [st|syn_#{toText sim1}.v|]
+ runSynth sim1 srcInfo
runMaybeSynth sim2 srcInfo
liftSh $ do
echoP "Yosys: equivalence check"
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ runEquiv _ sim1 sim2 srcInfo = do
root <- liftSh rootPath
dir <- liftSh pwd
liftSh $ do
- echoP "SymbiYosys: setup"
writefile "top.v"
. genSource
. initMod
@@ -116,6 +115,6 @@ runEquiv _ sim1 sim2 srcInfo = do
$ srcInfo
^. mainModule
writefile "test.sby" $ sbyConfig root sim1 sim2 srcInfo
- liftSh $ echoP "SymbiYosys: run"
+ liftSh $ echoP "Running SymbiYosys"
execute_ EquivFail dir "symbiyosys" "sby" ["-f", "test.sby"]
- liftSh $ echoP "SymbiYosys: done"
+ liftSh $ echoP "SymbiYosys equivalence check passed"