path: root/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 243 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz.hs b/src/VeriFuzz.hs
index f66e18c..8094af2 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz.hs
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ module VeriFuzz
( runEquivalence
, runSimulation
, runReduce
+ , defaultMain
, draw
, SourceInfo(..)
, module VeriFuzz.Verilog
@@ -25,6 +26,7 @@ module VeriFuzz
+import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Lens
import qualified Crypto.Random.DRBG as C
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
@@ -40,8 +42,9 @@ import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Hedgehog (Gen)
import qualified Hedgehog.Gen as Hog
import Hedgehog.Internal.Seed (Seed)
+import Options.Applicative
import Prelude hiding (FilePath)
-import Shelly
+import Shelly hiding (command)
import Shelly.Lifted (liftSh)
import VeriFuzz.Circuit
import VeriFuzz.Config
@@ -53,6 +56,31 @@ import VeriFuzz.Sim
import VeriFuzz.Sim.Internal
import VeriFuzz.Verilog
+data OptTool = TYosys
+ | TXST
+ | TIcarus
+instance Show OptTool where
+ show TYosys = "yosys"
+ show TXST = "xst"
+ show TIcarus = "icarus"
+data Opts = Fuzz { fuzzOutput :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
+ , configFile :: !(Maybe FilePath)
+ , forced :: !Bool
+ , keepAll :: !Bool
+ , num :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
+ }
+ | Generate { mFileName :: !(Maybe FilePath)
+ , configFile :: !(Maybe FilePath)
+ }
+ | Parse { fileName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FilePath
+ }
+ | Reduce { fileName :: {-# UNPACK #-} !FilePath
+ , top :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Text
+ }
+ | ConfigOpt { writeDefaultConfig :: !(Maybe FilePath) }
-- | Generate a specific number of random bytestrings of size 256.
randomByteString :: C.CtrDRBG -> Int -> [ByteString] -> [ByteString]
randomByteString gen n bytes
@@ -167,3 +195,217 @@ runEquivalence seed gm t d k i = do
runReduce :: SourceInfo -> IO SourceInfo
runReduce s = reduce (\s' -> not <$> checkEquivalence s' "reduce") s
+myForkIO :: IO () -> IO (MVar ())
+myForkIO io = do
+ mvar <- newEmptyMVar
+ _ <- forkFinally io (\_ -> putMVar mvar ())
+ return mvar
+textOption :: Mod OptionFields String -> Parser Text
+textOption = fmap T.pack . strOption
+optReader :: (String -> Maybe a) -> ReadM a
+optReader f = eitherReader $ \arg -> case f arg of
+ Just a -> Right a
+ Nothing -> Left $ "Cannot parse option: " <> arg
+parseSynth :: String -> Maybe OptTool
+parseSynth val | val == "yosys" = Just TYosys
+ | val == "xst" = Just TXST
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+parseSim :: String -> Maybe OptTool
+parseSim val | val == "icarus" = Just TIcarus
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+fuzzOpts :: Parser Opts
+fuzzOpts =
+ Fuzz
+ <$> textOption
+ ( long "output"
+ <> short 'o'
+ <> metavar "DIR"
+ <> help "Output directory that the fuzz run takes place in."
+ <> showDefault
+ <> value "output"
+ )
+ <*> ( optional
+ . strOption
+ $ long "config"
+ <> short 'c'
+ <> metavar "FILE"
+ <> help "Config file for the current fuzz run."
+ )
+ <*> (switch $ long "force" <> short 'f' <> help
+ "Overwrite the specified directory."
+ )
+ <*> (switch $ long "keep" <> short 'k' <> help
+ "Keep all the directories."
+ )
+ <*> ( option auto
+ $ long "num"
+ <> short 'n'
+ <> help "The number of fuzz runs that should be performed."
+ <> showDefault
+ <> value 1
+ <> metavar "INT"
+ )
+genOpts :: Parser Opts
+genOpts =
+ Generate
+ <$> ( optional
+ . strOption
+ $ long "output"
+ <> short 'o'
+ <> metavar "FILE"
+ <> help "Output to a verilog file instead."
+ )
+ <*> ( optional
+ . strOption
+ $ long "config"
+ <> short 'c'
+ <> metavar "FILE"
+ <> help "Config file for the generation run."
+ )
+parseOpts :: Parser Opts
+parseOpts = Parse . fromText . T.pack <$> strArgument
+ (metavar "FILE" <> help "Verilog input file.")
+reduceOpts :: Parser Opts
+reduceOpts =
+ Reduce
+ . fromText
+ . T.pack
+ <$> strArgument (metavar "FILE" <> help "Verilog input file.")
+ <*> textOption
+ ( short 't'
+ <> long "top"
+ <> metavar "TOP"
+ <> help "Name of top level module."
+ <> showDefault
+ <> value "main"
+ )
+configOpts :: Parser Opts
+configOpts =
+ ConfigOpt
+ <$> ( optional
+ . strOption
+ $ long "output"
+ <> short 'o'
+ <> metavar "FILE"
+ <> help "Output to a TOML Config file."
+ )
+argparse :: Parser Opts
+argparse =
+ hsubparser
+ ( command
+ "fuzz"
+ (info
+ fuzzOpts
+ (progDesc
+ "Run fuzzing on the specified simulators and synthesisers."
+ )
+ )
+ <> metavar "fuzz"
+ )
+ <|> hsubparser
+ ( command
+ "generate"
+ (info
+ genOpts
+ (progDesc "Generate a random Verilog program.")
+ )
+ <> metavar "generate"
+ )
+ <|> hsubparser
+ ( command
+ "parse"
+ (info
+ parseOpts
+ (progDesc
+ "Parse a verilog file and output a pretty printed version."
+ )
+ )
+ <> metavar "parse"
+ )
+ <|> hsubparser
+ ( command
+ "reduce"
+ (info
+ reduceOpts
+ (progDesc
+ "Reduce a Verilog file by rerunning the fuzzer on the file."
+ )
+ )
+ <> metavar "reduce"
+ )
+ <|> hsubparser
+ ( command
+ "config"
+ (info
+ configOpts
+ (progDesc
+ "Print the current configuration of the fuzzer."
+ )
+ )
+ <> metavar "config"
+ )
+version :: Parser (a -> a)
+version = infoOption versionInfo $ mconcat
+ [long "version", short 'v', help "Show version information.", hidden]
+opts :: ParserInfo Opts
+opts = info
+ (argparse <**> helper <**> version)
+ ( fullDesc
+ <> progDesc "Fuzz different simulators and synthesisers."
+ <> header
+ "VeriFuzz - A hardware simulator and synthesiser Verilog fuzzer."
+ )
+getConfig :: Maybe FilePath -> IO Config
+getConfig s = maybe (return defaultConfig) parseConfigFile $ T.unpack . toTextIgnore <$> s
+handleOpts :: Opts -> IO ()
+handleOpts (Fuzz _ configF _ _ n) = do
+ config <- getConfig configF
+ _ <- runFuzz config
+ defaultYosys
+ (fuzzMultiple n Nothing (proceduralSrc "top" config))
+ return ()
+handleOpts (Generate f c) = do
+ config <- getConfig c
+ source <- proceduralIO "top" config
+ maybe (T.putStrLn $ genSource source)
+ (flip T.writeFile $ genSource source)
+ $ T.unpack . toTextIgnore <$> f
+handleOpts (Parse f) = do
+ verilogSrc <- readFile file
+ case parseVerilog file verilogSrc of
+ Left l -> print l
+ Right v -> print $ GenVerilog v
+ where file = T.unpack . toTextIgnore $ f
+handleOpts (Reduce f t) = do
+ verilogSrc <- readFile file
+ case parseVerilog file verilogSrc of
+ Left l -> print l
+ Right v -> do
+ writeFile "main.v" . T.unpack $ genSource (SourceInfo t v)
+ vreduced <- runReduce (SourceInfo t v)
+ writeFile "reduced.v" . T.unpack $ genSource vreduced
+ where file = T.unpack $ toTextIgnore f
+handleOpts (ConfigOpt c) = maybe
+ (T.putStrLn . encodeConfig $ defaultConfig)
+ (`encodeConfigFile` defaultConfig)
+ $ T.unpack . toTextIgnore <$> c
+defaultMain :: IO ()
+defaultMain = do
+ optsparsed <- execParser opts
+ handleOpts optsparsed