path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
11 files changed, 403 insertions, 361 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz.hs b/src/VeriFuzz.hs
index c448c0b..b7d46d1 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz.hs
@@ -180,11 +180,12 @@ reduceOpts =
<> showDefault
<> value "top"
- <*> (strOption
+ <*> ( strOption
$ long "script"
<> short 's'
<> metavar "SCRIPT"
- <> help "Script that determines if the current file is interesting, which is determined by the script returning 0."
+ <> help
+ "Script that determines if the current file is interesting, which is determined by the script returning 0."
configOpts :: Parser Opts
@@ -204,8 +205,11 @@ configOpts =
<> metavar "FILE"
<> help "Config file for the current fuzz run."
- <*> (switch $ long "randomise" <> short 'r' <> help
- "Randomise the given default config, or the default config by randomly switchin on and off options."
+ <*> ( switch
+ $ long "randomise"
+ <> short 'r'
+ <> help
+ "Randomise the given default config, or the default config by randomly switchin on and off options."
argparse :: Parser Opts
@@ -278,7 +282,8 @@ opts = info
getConfig :: Maybe FilePath -> IO Config
-getConfig s = maybe (return defaultConfig) parseConfigFile $ T.unpack . toTextIgnore <$> s
+getConfig s =
+ maybe (return defaultConfig) parseConfigFile $ T.unpack . toTextIgnore <$> s
-- | Randomly remove an option by setting it to 0.
randDelete :: Int -> IO Int
@@ -288,58 +293,65 @@ randDelete i = do
randomise :: Config -> IO Config
randomise config@(Config a _ c d e) = do
- mia <- randDelete $ cm ^. probModItemAssign
+ mia <- randDelete $ cm ^. probModItemAssign
misa <- return $ cm ^. probModItemSeqAlways
mica <- randDelete $ cm ^. probModItemCombAlways
- mii <- randDelete $ cm ^. probModItemInst
- ssb <- randDelete $ cs ^. probStmntBlock
+ mii <- randDelete $ cm ^. probModItemInst
+ ssb <- randDelete $ cs ^. probStmntBlock
ssnb <- randDelete $ cs ^. probStmntNonBlock
- ssc <- randDelete $ cs ^. probStmntCond
- ssf <- randDelete $ cs ^. probStmntFor
- en <- return $ ce ^. probExprNum
- ei <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprId
- ers <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprRangeSelect
- euo <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprUnOp
- ebo <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprBinOp
- ec <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprCond
- eco <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprConcat
+ ssc <- randDelete $ cs ^. probStmntCond
+ ssf <- randDelete $ cs ^. probStmntFor
+ en <- return $ ce ^. probExprNum
+ ei <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprId
+ ers <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprRangeSelect
+ euo <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprUnOp
+ ebo <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprBinOp
+ ec <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprCond
+ eco <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprConcat
estr <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprStr
esgn <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprSigned
- eus <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprUnsigned
- return $ Config a (Probability
- (ProbModItem mia misa mica mii)
- (ProbStatement ssb ssnb ssc ssf)
- (ProbExpr en ei ers euo ebo ec eco estr esgn eus)) c d e
- where
- cm = config ^. configProbability . probModItem
- cs = config ^. configProbability . probStmnt
- ce = config ^. configProbability . probExpr
+ eus <- randDelete $ ce ^. probExprUnsigned
+ return $ Config
+ a
+ (Probability (ProbModItem mia misa mica mii)
+ (ProbStatement ssb ssnb ssc ssf)
+ (ProbExpr en ei ers euo ebo ec eco estr esgn eus)
+ )
+ c
+ d
+ e
+ where
+ cm = config ^. configProbability . probModItem
+ cs = config ^. configProbability . probStmnt
+ ce = config ^. configProbability . probExpr
handleOpts :: Opts -> IO ()
handleOpts (Fuzz _ configF _ _ n) = do
config <- getConfig configF
- _ <- runFuzz config
- defaultYosys
- (fuzzMultiple n Nothing (proceduralSrc "top" config))
+ _ <- runFuzz config
+ defaultYosys
+ (fuzzMultiple n Nothing (proceduralSrc "top" config))
return ()
handleOpts (Generate f c) = do
config <- getConfig c
source <- proceduralIO "top" config
- maybe (T.putStrLn $ genSource source)
- (flip T.writeFile $ genSource source)
- $ T.unpack . toTextIgnore <$> f
+ maybe (T.putStrLn $ genSource source) (flip T.writeFile $ genSource source)
+ $ T.unpack
+ . toTextIgnore
+ <$> f
handleOpts (Parse f) = do
verilogSrc <- T.readFile file
case parseVerilog (T.pack file) verilogSrc of
Left l -> print l
Right v -> print $ GenVerilog v
where file = T.unpack . toTextIgnore $ f
-handleOpts (Reduce f t s) = shelly $ reduceWithScript t s f
+handleOpts (Reduce f t s) = shelly $ reduceWithScript t s f
handleOpts (ConfigOpt c conf r) = do
config <- if r then getConfig conf >>= randomise else getConfig conf
- maybe (T.putStrLn . encodeConfig $ config)
- (`encodeConfigFile` config)
- $ T.unpack . toTextIgnore <$> c
+ maybe (T.putStrLn . encodeConfig $ config) (`encodeConfigFile` config)
+ $ T.unpack
+ . toTextIgnore
+ <$> c
defaultMain :: IO ()
defaultMain = do
@@ -415,9 +427,7 @@ checkEquivalence src dir = shellyFailDir $ do
setenv "VERIFUZZ_ROOT" curr
cd (fromText dir)
- ( (runResultT $ runEquiv defaultYosys defaultVivado src)
- >> return True
- )
+ ((runResultT $ runEquiv defaultYosys defaultVivado src) >> return True)
((\_ -> return False) :: RunFailed -> Sh Bool)
-- | Run a fuzz run and check if all of the simulators passed by checking if the
@@ -459,4 +469,5 @@ runEquivalence seed gm t d k i = do
where n = t <> "_" <> T.pack (show i)
runReduce :: SourceInfo -> IO SourceInfo
-runReduce s = shelly $ reduce (\s' -> not <$> liftIO (checkEquivalence s' "reduce")) s
+runReduce s =
+ shelly $ reduce (\s' -> not <$> liftIO (checkEquivalence s' "reduce")) s
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Config.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Config.hs
index 04b2d78..9295f71 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Config.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Config.hs
@@ -237,48 +237,39 @@ defaultValue x = Toml.dimap Just (fromMaybe x) . Toml.dioptional
fromXST :: XST -> SynthDescription
fromXST (XST a b c) =
- SynthDescription
- "xst"
- (toTextIgnore <$> a)
- (Just b)
- (Just $ toTextIgnore c)
+ SynthDescription "xst" (toTextIgnore <$> a) (Just b) (Just $ toTextIgnore c)
fromYosys :: Yosys -> SynthDescription
-fromYosys (Yosys a b c) =
- SynthDescription
- "yosys"
- (toTextIgnore <$> a)
- (Just b)
- (Just $ toTextIgnore c)
+fromYosys (Yosys a b c) = SynthDescription "yosys"
+ (toTextIgnore <$> a)
+ (Just b)
+ (Just $ toTextIgnore c)
fromVivado :: Vivado -> SynthDescription
-fromVivado (Vivado a b c) =
- SynthDescription
- "vivado"
- (toTextIgnore <$> a)
- (Just b)
- (Just $ toTextIgnore c)
+fromVivado (Vivado a b c) = SynthDescription "vivado"
+ (toTextIgnore <$> a)
+ (Just b)
+ (Just $ toTextIgnore c)
fromQuartus :: Quartus -> SynthDescription
-fromQuartus (Quartus a b c) =
- SynthDescription
- "quartus"
- (toTextIgnore <$> a)
- (Just b)
- (Just $ toTextIgnore c)
+fromQuartus (Quartus a b c) = SynthDescription "quartus"
+ (toTextIgnore <$> a)
+ (Just b)
+ (Just $ toTextIgnore c)
defaultConfig :: Config
-defaultConfig = Config (Info (pack $(gitHash)) (pack $ showVersion version))
- (Probability defModItem defStmnt defExpr)
- (ConfProperty 20 Nothing 3 2 5)
- []
- [fromYosys defaultYosys, fromVivado defaultVivado]
+defaultConfig = Config
+ (Info (pack $(gitHash)) (pack $ showVersion version))
+ (Probability defModItem defStmnt defExpr)
+ (ConfProperty 20 Nothing 3 2 5)
+ []
+ [fromYosys defaultYosys, fromVivado defaultVivado]
defModItem =
ProbModItem 5 -- Assign
- 1 -- Sequential Always
- 1 -- Combinational Always
- 1 -- Instantiation
+ 1 -- Sequential Always
+ 1 -- Combinational Always
+ 1 -- Instantiation
defStmnt =
ProbStatement 0 -- Blocking assignment
3 -- Non-blocking assignment
@@ -405,17 +396,21 @@ synthesiser =
.= synthOut
infoCodec :: TomlCodec Info
-infoCodec = Info
- <$> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configInfo . infoCommit) (Toml.text "commit")
- .= _infoCommit
- <*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configInfo . infoVersion) (Toml.text "version")
- .= _infoVersion
+infoCodec =
+ Info
+ <$> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configInfo . infoCommit)
+ (Toml.text "commit")
+ .= _infoCommit
+ <*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configInfo . infoVersion)
+ (Toml.text "version")
+ .= _infoVersion
configCodec :: TomlCodec Config
configCodec =
- <$> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configInfo) (Toml.table infoCodec "info")
- .= _configInfo
+ <$> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configInfo)
+ (Toml.table infoCodec "info")
+ .= _configInfo
<*> defaultValue (defaultConfig ^. configProbability)
(Toml.table probCodec "probability")
.= _configProbability
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
index 825017a..f9ac5e1 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Fuzz.hs
@@ -76,9 +76,13 @@ runFuzz conf yos m = shelly $ runFuzz' conf yos m
runFuzz' :: Monad m => Config -> Yosys -> (Config -> Fuzz m b) -> m b
runFuzz' conf yos m = runReaderT
(evalStateT (m conf) (FuzzReport [] [] []))
- (FuzzEnv (force $ defaultIdentitySynth : (descriptionToSynth <$> conf ^. configSynthesisers))
- (force $ descriptionToSim <$> conf ^. configSimulators)
- yos
+ (FuzzEnv
+ ( force
+ $ defaultIdentitySynth
+ : (descriptionToSynth <$> conf ^. configSynthesisers)
+ )
+ (force $ descriptionToSim <$> conf ^. configSimulators)
+ yos
synthesisers :: Monad m => Fuzz m [SynthTool]
@@ -140,8 +144,7 @@ pop f a = do
finally (liftSh (cd f) >> a) . liftSh $ cd dir
applyList :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
-applyList a b = apply' <$> zip a b
- where apply' (a', b') = a' b'
+applyList a b = apply' <$> zip a b where apply' (a', b') = a' b'
toSynthResult :: [(SynthTool, SynthTool)] -> [Result Failed ()] -> [SynthResult]
toSynthResult a b = flip applyList b $ uncurry SynthResult <$> a
@@ -170,26 +173,25 @@ equivalence src = do
failEquivWithIdentity :: (MonadSh m) => Fuzz m [SynthResult]
failEquivWithIdentity = filter withIdentity . _synthResults <$> get
- where
- withIdentity (SynthResult (IdentitySynth _) _ (Fail EquivFail)) = True
- withIdentity (SynthResult _ (IdentitySynth _) (Fail EquivFail)) = True
- withIdentity _ = False
+ where
+ withIdentity (SynthResult (IdentitySynth _) _ (Fail EquivFail)) = True
+ withIdentity (SynthResult _ (IdentitySynth _) (Fail EquivFail)) = True
+ withIdentity _ = False
-- | Always reduces with respect to 'Identity'.
reduction :: (MonadSh m) => SourceInfo -> Fuzz m ()
reduction src = do
fails <- failEquivWithIdentity
- _ <- liftSh $ mapM red fails
+ _ <- liftSh $ mapM red fails
return ()
- where
- red (SynthResult a b _) = do
- make dir
- pop dir $ do
- s <- reduceSynth a b src
- writefile (fromText ".." </> dir <.> "v") $ genSource s
- return s
- where
- dir = fromText $ "reduce_" <> toText a <> "_" <> toText b
+ where
+ red (SynthResult a b _) = do
+ make dir
+ pop dir $ do
+ s <- reduceSynth a b src
+ writefile (fromText ".." </> dir <.> "v") $ genSource s
+ return s
+ where dir = fromText $ "reduce_" <> toText a <> "_" <> toText b
fuzz :: MonadFuzz m => Gen SourceInfo -> Config -> Fuzz m FuzzReport
fuzz gen conf = do
@@ -204,12 +206,13 @@ fuzz gen conf = do
synthesis src
equivalence src
reduction src
- report <- get
+ report <- get
currdir <- liftSh pwd
liftSh . writefile "index.html" $ printResultReport (bname currdir) report
return report
- where seed = conf ^. configProperty . propSeed
- bname = T.pack . takeBaseName . T.unpack . toTextIgnore
+ where
+ seed = conf ^. configProperty . propSeed
+ bname = T.pack . takeBaseName . T.unpack . toTextIgnore
:: MonadFuzz m => FilePath -> Gen SourceInfo -> Config -> Fuzz m FuzzReport
@@ -260,8 +263,6 @@ sampleSeed s gen =
Nothing -> loop (n - 1)
Just x -> do
- liftSh
- . logT
- $ showT seed
+ liftSh . logT $ showT seed
return (seed, Hog.nodeValue x)
in loop (100 :: Int)
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
index 4c297b4..7fddf10 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ halve l = Dual a b where (a, b) = splitAt (length l `div` 2) l
halveNonEmpty :: Replace (NonEmpty a)
halveNonEmpty l = case NonEmpty.splitAt (length l `div` 2) l of
- ([], []) -> None
- ([], a:b) -> Single $ a :| b
- (a:b, []) -> Single $ a :| b
- (a:b, c:d) -> Dual (a :| b) $ c :| d
+ ([] , [] ) -> None
+ ([] , a : b) -> Single $ a :| b
+ (a : b, [] ) -> Single $ a :| b
+ (a : b, c : d) -> Dual (a :| b) $ c :| d
-- | When given a Lens and a function that works on a lower replacement, it will
-- go down, apply the replacement, and return a replacement of the original
@@ -182,21 +182,20 @@ halveModExpr a = Single a
-- | Remove all the undefined mod instances.
cleanModInst :: SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
cleanModInst srcInfo = srcInfo & infoSrc . _Wrapped .~ cleaned
- where
- validInst = srcInfo ^.. infoSrc . _Wrapped . traverse . modId
- cleaned = cleanModInst' validInst <$> srcInfo ^. infoSrc . _Wrapped
+ where
+ validInst = srcInfo ^.. infoSrc . _Wrapped . traverse . modId
+ cleaned = cleanModInst' validInst <$> srcInfo ^. infoSrc . _Wrapped
-- | Clean all the undefined module instances in a specific module using a
-- context.
cleanModInst' :: [Identifier] -> ModDecl -> ModDecl
cleanModInst' ids m = m & modItems .~ newModItem
- where
- newModItem = filter (validModInst ids) $ m ^.. modItems . traverse
+ where newModItem = filter (validModInst ids) $ m ^.. modItems . traverse
-- | Check if a mod instance is in the current context.
validModInst :: [Identifier] -> ModItem -> Bool
validModInst ids (ModInst i _ _) = i `elem` ids
-validModInst _ _ = True
+validModInst _ _ = True
-- | Adds a 'ModDecl' to a 'SourceInfo'.
addMod :: ModDecl -> SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
@@ -212,21 +211,21 @@ relevantModItem :: ModDecl -> ModItem -> Bool
relevantModItem (ModDecl _ out _ _ _) (ModCA (ContAssign i _)) =
i `elem` fmap _portName out
relevantModItem _ Decl{} = True
-relevantModItem _ _ = False
+relevantModItem _ _ = False
isAssign :: Statement -> Bool
-isAssign (BlockAssign _) = True
+isAssign (BlockAssign _) = True
isAssign (NonBlockAssign _) = True
isAssign _ = False
lValName :: LVal -> [Identifier]
-lValName (RegId i) = [i]
+lValName (RegId i ) = [i]
lValName (RegExpr i _) = [i]
lValName (RegSize i _) = [i]
lValName (RegConcat e) = mapMaybe getId . concat $ universe <$> e
- where
- getId (Id i) = Just i
- getId _ = Nothing
+ where
+ getId (Id i) = Just i
+ getId _ = Nothing
portToId :: Port -> Identifier
portToId (Port _ _ _ i) = i
@@ -236,38 +235,36 @@ paramToId (Parameter i _) = i
findActiveWires :: ModDecl -> [Identifier]
findActiveWires m@(ModDecl _ i o _ p) =
- nub $ assignWires
- <> assignStat
- <> fmap portToId i
- <> fmap portToId o
- <> fmap paramToId p
- where
- assignWires =
- m ^.. modItems . traverse
- . modContAssign . contAssignNetLVal
- assignStat =
- concatMap lValName
- $ (allStat ^.. traverse . stmntBA . assignReg)
+ nub
+ $ assignWires
+ <> assignStat
+ <> fmap portToId i
+ <> fmap portToId o
+ <> fmap paramToId p
+ where
+ assignWires = m ^.. modItems . traverse . modContAssign . contAssignNetLVal
+ assignStat =
+ concatMap lValName
+ $ (allStat ^.. traverse . stmntBA . assignReg)
<> (allStat ^.. traverse . stmntNBA . assignReg)
- allStat = filter isAssign . concat $ fmap universe stat
- stat =
- (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Initial)
+ allStat = filter isAssign . concat $ fmap universe stat
+ stat =
+ (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Initial)
<> (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Always)
cleanSourceInfo :: SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
cleanSourceInfo src = clean active src
- where
- active = findActiveWires (src ^. mainModule)
+ where active = findActiveWires (src ^. mainModule)
-- | Returns true if the text matches the name of a module.
matchesModName :: Text -> ModDecl -> Bool
matchesModName top (ModDecl i _ _ _ _) = top == getIdentifier i
halveStatement :: Replace Statement
-halveStatement (SeqBlock s) = SeqBlock <$> halve s
+halveStatement (SeqBlock s) = SeqBlock <$> halve s
halveStatement (CondStmnt _ (Just s1) (Just s2)) = Dual s1 s2
-halveStatement (CondStmnt _ (Just s1) Nothing) = Single s1
-halveStatement (CondStmnt _ Nothing (Just s1)) = Single s1
+halveStatement (CondStmnt _ (Just s1) Nothing) = Single s1
+halveStatement (CondStmnt _ Nothing (Just s1)) = Single s1
halveStatement (EventCtrl e (Just s)) = EventCtrl e . Just <$> halveStatement s
halveStatement (TimeCtrl e (Just s)) = TimeCtrl e . Just <$> halveStatement s
halveStatement a = Single a
@@ -282,40 +279,39 @@ halveAlways a = Single a
halveModules :: Replace SourceInfo
halveModules srcInfo@(SourceInfo top _) =
cleanModInst . addMod main <$> combine (infoSrc . _Wrapped) repl srcInfo
- where
- repl = halve . filter (not . matchesModName top)
- main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
+ where
+ repl = halve . filter (not . matchesModName top)
+ main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
moduleBot :: SourceInfo -> Bool
-moduleBot (SourceInfo _ (Verilog [])) = True
+moduleBot (SourceInfo _ (Verilog [] )) = True
moduleBot (SourceInfo _ (Verilog [_])) = True
-moduleBot (SourceInfo _ (Verilog _)) = False
+moduleBot (SourceInfo _ (Verilog _ )) = False
-- | Reducer for module items. It does a binary search on all the module items,
-- except assignments to outputs and input-output declarations.
halveModItems :: Replace SourceInfo
halveModItems srcInfo = cleanSourceInfo . addRelevant <$> src
- where
- repl = halve . filter (not . relevantModItem main)
- relevant = filter (relevantModItem main) $ main ^. modItems
- main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
- src = combine (mainModule . modItems) repl srcInfo
- addRelevant = mainModule . modItems %~ (relevant ++)
+ where
+ repl = halve . filter (not . relevantModItem main)
+ relevant = filter (relevantModItem main) $ main ^. modItems
+ main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
+ src = combine (mainModule . modItems) repl srcInfo
+ addRelevant = mainModule . modItems %~ (relevant ++)
modItemBot :: SourceInfo -> Bool
-modItemBot srcInfo
- | length modItemsNoDecl > 2 = False
- | otherwise = True
- where
- modItemsNoDecl = filter noDecl $ srcInfo ^.. mainModule . modItems . traverse
- noDecl Decl{} = False
- noDecl _ = True
+modItemBot srcInfo | length modItemsNoDecl > 2 = False
+ | otherwise = True
+ where
+ modItemsNoDecl =
+ filter noDecl $ srcInfo ^.. mainModule . modItems . traverse
+ noDecl Decl{} = False
+ noDecl _ = True
halveStatements :: Replace SourceInfo
halveStatements m =
cleanSourceInfo <$> combine (mainModule . modItems) halves m
- where
- halves = traverse halveAlways
+ where halves = traverse halveAlways
-- | Reduce expressions by splitting them in half and keeping the half that
-- succeeds.
@@ -329,15 +325,18 @@ defaultBot :: SourceInfo -> Bool
defaultBot = const False
-- | Reduction using custom reduction strategies.
-reduce_ :: MonadSh m
- => Text
- -> Replace SourceInfo
- -> (SourceInfo -> Bool)
- -> (SourceInfo -> m Bool)
- -> SourceInfo
- -> m SourceInfo
+ :: MonadSh m
+ => Text
+ -> Replace SourceInfo
+ -> (SourceInfo -> Bool)
+ -> (SourceInfo -> m Bool)
+ -> SourceInfo
+ -> m SourceInfo
reduce_ title repl bot eval src = do
- liftSh . Shelly.echo $ "Reducing "
+ liftSh
+ . Shelly.echo
+ $ "Reducing "
<> title
<> " (Modules: "
<> showT (length . getVerilog $ _infoSrc src)
@@ -348,43 +347,43 @@ reduce_ title repl bot eval src = do
<> ")"
replAnswer <- sequenceA $ evalIfNotEmpty <$> replacement
case (replacement, replAnswer) of
- (Single s, Single True ) -> runIf s
- (Dual _ r, Dual False True ) -> runIf r
- (Dual l _, Dual True False ) -> runIf l
- (Dual l r, Dual True True) -> check l r
- _ -> return src
+ (Single s, Single True ) -> runIf s
+ (Dual _ r, Dual False True) -> runIf r
+ (Dual l _, Dual True False) -> runIf l
+ (Dual l r, Dual True True ) -> check l r
+ _ -> return src
replacement = repl src
- runIf s = if s /= src && not (bot s) then reduce_ title repl bot eval s else return s
+ runIf s = if s /= src && not (bot s)
+ then reduce_ title repl bot eval s
+ else return s
evalIfNotEmpty = eval
check l r
| bot l = return l
| bot r = return r
| otherwise = do
- lreduced <- runIf l
- rreduced <- runIf r
- if _infoSrc lreduced < _infoSrc rreduced
- then return lreduced
- else return rreduced
+ lreduced <- runIf l
+ rreduced <- runIf r
+ if _infoSrc lreduced < _infoSrc rreduced
+ then return lreduced
+ else return rreduced
-- | Reduce an input to a minimal representation. It follows the reduction
-- strategy mentioned above.
-reduce :: MonadSh m
- => (SourceInfo -> m Bool) -- ^ Failed or not.
- -> SourceInfo -- ^ Input verilog source to be reduced.
- -> m SourceInfo -- ^ Reduced output.
+ :: MonadSh m
+ => (SourceInfo -> m Bool) -- ^ Failed or not.
+ -> SourceInfo -- ^ Input verilog source to be reduced.
+ -> m SourceInfo -- ^ Reduced output.
reduce eval src =
red "Modules" moduleBot halveModules src
- >>= red "Module Items" modItemBot halveModItems
- >>= red "Statements" defaultBot halveStatements
- >>= red "Expressions" defaultBot halveExpr
+ >>= red "Module Items" modItemBot halveModItems
+ >>= red "Statements" defaultBot halveStatements
+ >>= red "Expressions" defaultBot halveExpr
where red s bot a = reduce_ s a bot eval
-runScript :: MonadSh m
- => Shelly.FilePath
- -> Shelly.FilePath
- -> SourceInfo
- -> m Bool
+ :: MonadSh m => Shelly.FilePath -> Shelly.FilePath -> SourceInfo -> m Bool
runScript fp file src = do
e <- liftSh $ do
Shelly.writefile file $ genSource src
@@ -393,30 +392,32 @@ runScript fp file src = do
return $ e == 0
-- | Reduce using a script that is passed to it
-reduceWithScript :: (MonadSh m, MonadIO m)
- => Text
- -> Shelly.FilePath
- -> Shelly.FilePath
- -> m ()
+ :: (MonadSh m, MonadIO m)
+ => Text
+ -> Shelly.FilePath
+ -> Shelly.FilePath
+ -> m ()
reduceWithScript top script file = do
liftSh . Shelly.cp file $ file <.> "original"
srcInfo <- liftIO . parseSourceInfoFile top $ Shelly.toTextIgnore file
void $ reduce (runScript script file) srcInfo
-- | Reduce a 'SourceInfo' using two 'Synthesiser' that are passed to it.
-reduceSynth :: (Synthesiser a, Synthesiser b, MonadSh m)
- => a
- -> b
- -> SourceInfo
- -> m SourceInfo
+ :: (Synthesiser a, Synthesiser b, MonadSh m)
+ => a
+ -> b
+ -> SourceInfo
+ -> m SourceInfo
reduceSynth a b = reduce synth
- where
- synth src' = liftSh $ do
- r <- runResultT $ do
- runSynth a src'
- runSynth b src'
- runEquiv a b src'
- return $ case r of
- Fail EquivFail -> True
- Fail _ -> False
- Pass _ -> False
+ where
+ synth src' = liftSh $ do
+ r <- runResultT $ do
+ runSynth a src'
+ runSynth b src'
+ runEquiv a b src'
+ return $ case r of
+ Fail EquivFail -> True
+ Fail _ -> False
+ Pass _ -> False
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Report.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Report.hs
index f2d5ce4..5882144 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Report.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Report.hs
@@ -199,7 +199,8 @@ descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "xst" bin desc out) =
$ maybe (xstOutput defaultXST) fromText out
descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "quartus" bin desc out) =
- . Quartus (fromText <$> bin) (fromMaybe (quartusDesc defaultQuartus) $ desc)
+ . Quartus (fromText <$> bin)
+ (fromMaybe (quartusDesc defaultQuartus) $ desc)
$ maybe (quartusOutput defaultQuartus) fromText out
descriptionToSynth (SynthDescription "identity" _ desc out) =
@@ -209,12 +210,12 @@ descriptionToSynth s =
error $ "Could not find implementation for synthesiser '" <> show s <> "'"
status :: Result Failed () -> Html
-status (Pass _) = "Passed"
-status (Fail EmptyFail) = "Failed"
-status (Fail EquivFail) = "Equivalence failed"
-status (Fail SimFail) = "Simulation failed"
-status (Fail SynthFail) = "Synthesis failed"
-status (Fail EquivError) = "Equivalence error"
+status (Pass _ ) = "Passed"
+status (Fail EmptyFail ) = "Failed"
+status (Fail EquivFail ) = "Equivalence failed"
+status (Fail SimFail ) = "Simulation failed"
+status (Fail SynthFail ) = "Synthesis failed"
+status (Fail EquivError ) = "Equivalence error"
status (Fail TimeoutError) = "Time out"
synthStatusHtml :: SynthStatus -> Html
@@ -234,14 +235,23 @@ resultReport name (FuzzReport synth _ stat) = H.docTypeHtml $ do
H.body $ do
H.h1 $ "Fuzz Report - " <> H.toHtml name
H.h2 "Synthesis Failure"
- H.table . H.toHtml $
- (H.tr . H.toHtml $
- [H.th "Synthesis tool", H.th "Synthesis Status"])
+ H.table
+ . H.toHtml
+ $ ( H.tr
+ . H.toHtml
+ $ [H.th "Synthesis tool", H.th "Synthesis Status"]
+ )
: fmap synthStatusHtml stat
H.h2 "Equivalence Check Status"
- H.table . H.toHtml $
- (H.tr . H.toHtml $
- [H.th "First tool", H.th "Second tool", H.th "Equivalence Status"])
+ H.table
+ . H.toHtml
+ $ ( H.tr
+ . H.toHtml
+ $ [ H.th "First tool"
+ , H.th "Second tool"
+ , H.th "Equivalence Status"
+ ]
+ )
: fmap synthResultHtml synth
printResultReport :: Text -> FuzzReport -> Text
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Yosys.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Yosys.hs
index 8552d89..3081a65 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Yosys.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Sim/Yosys.hs
@@ -99,15 +99,10 @@ runEquivYosys yosys sim1 sim2 srcInfo = do
logger "Yosys: equivalence check"
run_ (yosysPath yosys) [toTextIgnore checkFile]
logger "Yosys: equivalence done"
- where
- checkFile =
- fromText [st|test.#{toText sim1}.#{toText sim2}.ys|]
+ where checkFile = fromText [st|test.#{toText sim1}.#{toText sim2}.ys|]
-runEquiv :: (Synthesiser a, Synthesiser b)
- => a
- -> b
- -> SourceInfo
- -> ResultSh ()
+ :: (Synthesiser a, Synthesiser b) => a -> b -> SourceInfo -> ResultSh ()
runEquiv sim1 sim2 srcInfo = do
dir <- liftSh pwd
liftSh $ do
@@ -129,5 +124,5 @@ runEquiv sim1 sim2 srcInfo = do
2 -> ResultT . return $ Fail EquivFail
124 -> ResultT . return $ Fail TimeoutError
_ -> ResultT . return $ Fail EquivError
- where
- exe dir name e = void . errExit False . logCommand dir name . timeout e
+ where
+ exe dir name e = void . errExit False . logCommand dir name . timeout e
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/AST.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/AST.hs
index 1957cb5..52155db 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/AST.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/AST.hs
@@ -270,23 +270,25 @@ data ConstExpr = ConstNum { _constNum :: {-# UNPACK #-} !BitVec }
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Data)
constToExpr :: ConstExpr -> Expr
-constToExpr (ConstNum a) = Number a
-constToExpr (ParamId a) = Id a
-constToExpr (ConstConcat a) = Concat $ fmap constToExpr a
-constToExpr (ConstUnOp a b) = UnOp a $ constToExpr b
+constToExpr (ConstNum a ) = Number a
+constToExpr (ParamId a ) = Id a
+constToExpr (ConstConcat a ) = Concat $ fmap constToExpr a
+constToExpr (ConstUnOp a b ) = UnOp a $ constToExpr b
constToExpr (ConstBinOp a b c) = BinOp (constToExpr a) b $ constToExpr c
-constToExpr (ConstCond a b c) = Cond (constToExpr a) (constToExpr b) $ constToExpr c
+constToExpr (ConstCond a b c) =
+ Cond (constToExpr a) (constToExpr b) $ constToExpr c
constToExpr (ConstStr a) = Str a
exprToConst :: Expr -> ConstExpr
-exprToConst (Number a) = ConstNum a
-exprToConst (Id a) = ParamId a
-exprToConst (Concat a) = ConstConcat $ fmap exprToConst a
-exprToConst (UnOp a b) = ConstUnOp a $ exprToConst b
+exprToConst (Number a ) = ConstNum a
+exprToConst (Id a ) = ParamId a
+exprToConst (Concat a ) = ConstConcat $ fmap exprToConst a
+exprToConst (UnOp a b ) = ConstUnOp a $ exprToConst b
exprToConst (BinOp a b c) = ConstBinOp (exprToConst a) b $ exprToConst c
-exprToConst (Cond a b c) = ConstCond (exprToConst a) (exprToConst b) $ exprToConst c
+exprToConst (Cond a b c) =
+ ConstCond (exprToConst a) (exprToConst b) $ exprToConst c
exprToConst (Str a) = ConstStr a
-exprToConst _ = error "Not a constant expression"
+exprToConst _ = error "Not a constant expression"
instance Num ConstExpr where
a + b = ConstBinOp a BinPlus b
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
index 3ff39d9..a0ec0cc 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/CodeGen.hs
@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ verilogSrc (Verilog modules) = vsep . punctuate line $ moduleDecl <$> modules
-- | Generate the 'ModDecl' for a module and convert it to 'Text'.
moduleDecl :: ModDecl -> Doc a
-moduleDecl (ModDecl i outP inP items ps) =
- vsep
+moduleDecl (ModDecl i outP inP items ps) = vsep
[ sep ["module" <+> identifier i, params ps, ports <> semi]
, indent 2 modI
, "endmodule"
- ports | null outP && null inP = ""
- | otherwise = parens . align . sep . punctuate comma $ modPort <$> outIn
+ ports
+ | null outP && null inP = ""
+ | otherwise = parens . align . sep . punctuate comma $ modPort <$> outIn
modI = vsep $ moduleItem <$> items
outIn = outP ++ inP
params [] = ""
@@ -73,11 +73,13 @@ localParamList ps = tupled . toList $ localParam <$> ps
-- | Generates the assignment for a 'Parameter'.
parameter :: Parameter -> Doc a
-parameter (Parameter name val) = hsep ["parameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
+parameter (Parameter name val) =
+ hsep ["parameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
-- | Generates the assignment for a 'LocalParam'.
localParam :: LocalParam -> Doc a
-localParam (LocalParam name val) = hsep ["localparameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
+localParam (LocalParam name val) =
+ hsep ["localparameter", identifier name, "=", constExpr val]
identifier :: Identifier -> Doc a
identifier (Identifier i) = pretty i
@@ -109,13 +111,17 @@ portDir PortInOut = "inout"
-- | Generate a 'ModItem'.
moduleItem :: ModItem -> Doc a
-moduleItem (ModCA ca) = contAssign ca
-moduleItem (ModInst i name conn) =
- hsep [identifier i, identifier name, parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (mConn <$> conn), semi]
-moduleItem (Initial stat) = nest 2 $ vsep ["initial", statement stat]
-moduleItem (Always stat) = nest 2 $ vsep ["always", statement stat]
-moduleItem (Decl dir p ini) =
- hsep [maybe mempty makePort dir, port p, maybe mempty makeIni ini, semi]
+moduleItem (ModCA ca ) = contAssign ca
+moduleItem (ModInst i name conn) = hsep
+ [ identifier i
+ , identifier name
+ , parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (mConn <$> conn)
+ , semi
+ ]
+moduleItem (Initial stat ) = nest 2 $ vsep ["initial", statement stat]
+moduleItem (Always stat ) = nest 2 $ vsep ["always", statement stat]
+moduleItem (Decl dir p ini) = hsep
+ [maybe mempty makePort dir, port p, maybe mempty makeIni ini, semi]
makePort = portDir
makeIni = ("=" <+>) . constExpr
@@ -133,29 +139,30 @@ contAssign (ContAssign val e) =
-- | Generate 'Expr' to 'Text'.
expr :: Expr -> Doc a
-expr (BinOp eRhs bin eLhs) =
- parens $ hsep [expr eRhs, binaryOp bin, expr eLhs]
-expr (Number b ) = showNum b
-expr (Id i ) = identifier i
-expr (VecSelect i e ) = hcat [identifier i, brackets $ expr e]
-expr (RangeSelect i r ) = hcat [identifier i, range r]
-expr (Concat c ) = braces . nest 4 . sep . punctuate comma $ toList (expr <$> c)
-expr (UnOp u e ) = parens $ hcat [unaryOp u, expr e]
-expr (Cond l t f) = parens . nest 4 $ sep [expr l <+> "?", hsep [expr t, colon, expr f]]
+expr (BinOp eRhs bin eLhs) = parens $ hsep [expr eRhs, binaryOp bin, expr eLhs]
+expr (Number b ) = showNum b
+expr (Id i ) = identifier i
+expr (VecSelect i e ) = hcat [identifier i, brackets $ expr e]
+expr (RangeSelect i r ) = hcat [identifier i, range r]
+expr (Concat c) = braces . nest 4 . sep . punctuate comma $ toList (expr <$> c)
+expr (UnOp u e ) = parens $ hcat [unaryOp u, expr e]
+expr (Cond l t f) =
+ parens . nest 4 $ sep [expr l <+> "?", hsep [expr t, colon, expr f]]
expr (Appl f e) = hcat [identifier f, parens $ expr e]
-expr (Str t ) = dquotes $ pretty t
+expr (Str t ) = dquotes $ pretty t
showNum :: BitVec -> Doc a
-showNum (BitVec s n) =
- parens $ hcat [minus, pretty $ showT s, "'h", pretty $ T.pack (showHex (abs n) "")]
+showNum (BitVec s n) = parens
+ $ hcat [minus, pretty $ showT s, "'h", pretty $ T.pack (showHex (abs n) "")]
minus | signum n >= 0 = mempty
| otherwise = "-"
constExpr :: ConstExpr -> Doc a
-constExpr (ConstNum b) = showNum b
-constExpr (ParamId i) = identifier i
-constExpr (ConstConcat c) = braces . hsep . punctuate comma $ toList (constExpr <$> c)
+constExpr (ConstNum b) = showNum b
+constExpr (ParamId i) = identifier i
+constExpr (ConstConcat c) =
+ braces . hsep . punctuate comma $ toList (constExpr <$> c)
constExpr (ConstUnOp u e) = parens $ hcat [unaryOp u, constExpr e]
constExpr (ConstBinOp eRhs bin eLhs) =
parens $ hsep [constExpr eRhs, binaryOp bin, constExpr eLhs]
@@ -234,33 +241,41 @@ pType Wire = "wire"
pType Reg = "reg"
genAssign :: Text -> Assign -> Doc a
-genAssign op (Assign r d e) = hsep [lVal r, pretty op, maybe mempty delay d, expr e]
+genAssign op (Assign r d e) =
+ hsep [lVal r, pretty op, maybe mempty delay d, expr e]
statement :: Statement -> Doc a
-statement (TimeCtrl d stat ) = hsep [delay d, defMap stat]
-statement (EventCtrl e stat ) = hsep [event e, defMap stat]
-statement (SeqBlock s) = vsep ["begin", indent 2 . vsep $ statement <$> s, "end"]
-statement (BlockAssign a ) = hcat [genAssign "=" a, semi]
-statement (NonBlockAssign a ) = hcat [genAssign "<=" a, semi]
-statement (TaskEnable t ) = hcat [task t, semi]
-statement (SysTaskEnable t ) = hcat ["$", task t, semi]
-statement (CondStmnt e t Nothing) = vsep [hsep ["if", parens $ expr e], indent 2 $ defMap t]
-statement (CondStmnt e t f) =
- vsep [hsep ["if", parens $ expr e], indent 2 $ defMap t, "else", indent 2 $ defMap f]
-statement (ForLoop a e incr stmnt) =
- vsep [ hsep
- [ "for"
- , parens . hsep $ punctuate semi
- [ genAssign "=" a
- , expr e
- , genAssign "=" incr
- ]
- ]
- , indent 2 $ statement stmnt]
+statement (TimeCtrl d stat) = hsep [delay d, defMap stat]
+statement (EventCtrl e stat) = hsep [event e, defMap stat]
+statement (SeqBlock s) =
+ vsep ["begin", indent 2 . vsep $ statement <$> s, "end"]
+statement (BlockAssign a) = hcat [genAssign "=" a, semi]
+statement (NonBlockAssign a) = hcat [genAssign "<=" a, semi]
+statement (TaskEnable t) = hcat [task t, semi]
+statement (SysTaskEnable t) = hcat ["$", task t, semi]
+statement (CondStmnt e t Nothing) =
+ vsep [hsep ["if", parens $ expr e], indent 2 $ defMap t]
+statement (CondStmnt e t f) = vsep
+ [ hsep ["if", parens $ expr e]
+ , indent 2 $ defMap t
+ , "else"
+ , indent 2 $ defMap f
+ ]
+statement (ForLoop a e incr stmnt) = vsep
+ [ hsep
+ [ "for"
+ , parens . hsep $ punctuate
+ semi
+ [genAssign "=" a, expr e, genAssign "=" incr]
+ ]
+ , indent 2 $ statement stmnt
+ ]
task :: Task -> Doc a
-task (Task i e) | null e = identifier i
- | otherwise = hsep [identifier i, parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (expr <$> e)]
+task (Task i e)
+ | null e = identifier i
+ | otherwise = hsep
+ [identifier i, parens . hsep $ punctuate comma (expr <$> e)]
-- | Render the 'Text' to 'IO'. This is equivalent to 'putStrLn'.
render :: (Source a) => a -> IO ()
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Gen.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Gen.hs
index 630e3c0..0cff33a 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Gen.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Gen.hs
@@ -174,7 +174,9 @@ constExprWithContext ps prob size
, ( prob ^. probExprCond
, ConstCond <$> subexpr 2 <*> subexpr 2 <*> subexpr 2
- , (prob ^. probExprConcat, ConstConcat <$> Hog.nonEmpty (Hog.linear 0 10) (subexpr 2))
+ , ( prob ^. probExprConcat
+ , ConstConcat <$> Hog.nonEmpty (Hog.linear 0 10) (subexpr 2)
+ )
| otherwise = constExprWithContext ps prob 0
where subexpr y = constExprWithContext ps prob $ size `div` y
@@ -184,8 +186,10 @@ exprSafeList prob = [(prob ^. probExprNum, Number <$> genBitVec)]
exprRecList :: ProbExpr -> (Hog.Size -> Gen Expr) -> [(Int, Gen Expr)]
exprRecList prob subexpr =
- [ (prob ^. probExprNum , Number <$> genBitVec)
- , (prob ^. probExprConcat , Concat <$> Hog.nonEmpty (Hog.linear 0 10) (subexpr 2))
+ [ (prob ^. probExprNum, Number <$> genBitVec)
+ , ( prob ^. probExprConcat
+ , Concat <$> Hog.nonEmpty (Hog.linear 0 10) (subexpr 2)
+ )
, (prob ^. probExprUnOp , UnOp <$> unOp <*> subexpr 2)
, (prob ^. probExprStr, Str <$> Hog.text (Hog.linear 0 100) Hog.alphaNum)
, (prob ^. probExprBinOp , BinOp <$> subexpr 2 <*> binOp <*> subexpr 2)
@@ -344,7 +348,7 @@ statement = do
alwaysSeq :: StateGen ModItem
alwaysSeq = do
- stat <- seqBlock
+ stat <- seqBlock
return $ Always (EventCtrl (EPosEdge "clk") (Just stat))
instantiate :: ModDecl -> StateGen ModItem
@@ -414,7 +418,7 @@ modItem = do
context <- get
let defProb i = prob ^. probModItem . i
- [ (defProb probModItemAssign, ModCA <$> contAssign)
+ [ (defProb probModItemAssign , ModCA <$> contAssign)
, (defProb probModItemSeqAlways, alwaysSeq)
, ( if context ^. modDepth > 0 then defProb probModItemInst else 0
, modInst
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs
index b7840ff..68d0ef3 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Parser.hs
@@ -113,13 +113,13 @@ parseVar = Id <$> identifier
parseVecSelect :: Parser Expr
parseVecSelect = do
- i <- identifier
+ i <- identifier
expr <- brackets parseExpr
return $ VecSelect i expr
parseRangeSelect :: Parser Expr
parseRangeSelect = do
- i <- identifier
+ i <- identifier
range <- parseRange
return $ RangeSelect i range
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ parseFun = do
return $ Appl (Identifier $ T.pack f) expr
parserNonEmpty :: [a] -> Parser (NonEmpty a)
-parserNonEmpty (a:b) = return $ a :| b
-parserNonEmpty [] = fail "Concatenation cannot be empty."
+parserNonEmpty (a : b) = return $ a :| b
+parserNonEmpty [] = fail "Concatenation cannot be empty."
parseTerm :: Parser Expr
parseTerm =
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ parseNetDecl pd = do
sign <- option False (tok KWSigned $> True)
range <- option 1 parseRange
name <- identifier
- i <- option Nothing (fmap Just (tok' SymEq *> parseConstExpr))
+ i <- option Nothing (fmap Just (tok' SymEq *> parseConstExpr))
tok' SymSemi
return $ Decl pd (Port t sign range name) i
where type_ = tok KWWire $> Wire <|> tok KWReg $> Reg
@@ -308,24 +308,22 @@ parseDecl = (Just <$> parsePortDir >>= parseNetDecl) <|> parseNetDecl Nothing
parseConditional :: Parser Statement
parseConditional = do
- expr <- tok' KWIf *> parens parseExpr
- true <- maybeEmptyStatement
+ expr <- tok' KWIf *> parens parseExpr
+ true <- maybeEmptyStatement
false <- option Nothing (tok' KWElse *> maybeEmptyStatement)
return $ CondStmnt expr true false
parseLVal :: Parser LVal
-parseLVal =
- fmap RegConcat (braces $ commaSep parseExpr)
- <|> ident
- where
- ident = do
- i <- identifier
- (try (ex i) <|> try (sz i) <|> return (RegId i))
- ex i = do
- e <- tok' SymBrackL *> parseExpr
- tok' SymBrackR
- return $ RegExpr i e
- sz i = RegSize i <$> parseRange
+parseLVal = fmap RegConcat (braces $ commaSep parseExpr) <|> ident
+ where
+ ident = do
+ i <- identifier
+ (try (ex i) <|> try (sz i) <|> return (RegId i))
+ ex i = do
+ e <- tok' SymBrackL *> parseExpr
+ tok' SymBrackR
+ return $ RegExpr i e
+ sz i = RegSize i <$> parseRange
parseDelay :: Parser Delay
parseDelay = Delay . toInt' <$> (tok' SymPound *> number)
@@ -335,12 +333,12 @@ parseAssign t = do
lval <- parseLVal
tok' t
delay <- option Nothing (fmap Just parseDelay)
- expr <- parseExpr
+ expr <- parseExpr
return $ Assign lval delay expr
parseLoop :: Parser Statement
parseLoop = do
- a <- tok' KWFor *> tok' SymParenL *> parseAssign SymEq
+ a <- tok' KWFor *> tok' SymParenL *> parseAssign SymEq
expr <- tok' SymSemi *> parseExpr
incr <- tok' SymSemi *> parseAssign SymEq
tok' SymParenR
@@ -353,29 +351,37 @@ eventList t = do
if null l then fail "Could not parse list" else return l
parseEvent :: Parser Event
-parseEvent = tok' SymAtAster $> EAll
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> tok' SymParenLAsterParenR $> EAll)
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> tok' SymParenL *> tok' SymAster *> tok' SymParenR $> EAll)
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens parseEvent')
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens (foldr1 EOr <$> eventList KWOr))
- <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens (foldr1 EComb <$> eventList SymComma))
+parseEvent =
+ tok' SymAtAster
+ $> EAll
+ <|> try (tok' SymAt *> tok' SymParenLAsterParenR $> EAll)
+ <|> try
+ ( tok' SymAt
+ *> tok' SymParenL
+ *> tok' SymAster
+ *> tok' SymParenR
+ $> EAll
+ )
+ <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens parseEvent')
+ <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens (foldr1 EOr <$> eventList KWOr))
+ <|> try (tok' SymAt *> parens (foldr1 EComb <$> eventList SymComma))
parseEvent' :: Parser Event
parseEvent' =
try (tok' KWPosedge *> fmap EPosEdge identifier)
- <|> try (tok' KWNegedge *> fmap ENegEdge identifier)
- <|> try (fmap EId identifier)
- <|> try (fmap EExpr parseExpr)
+ <|> try (tok' KWNegedge *> fmap ENegEdge identifier)
+ <|> try (fmap EId identifier)
+ <|> try (fmap EExpr parseExpr)
parseEventCtrl :: Parser Statement
parseEventCtrl = do
- event <- parseEvent
+ event <- parseEvent
statement <- option Nothing maybeEmptyStatement
return $ EventCtrl event statement
parseDelayCtrl :: Parser Statement
parseDelayCtrl = do
- delay <- parseDelay
+ delay <- parseDelay
statement <- option Nothing maybeEmptyStatement
return $ TimeCtrl delay statement
@@ -400,17 +406,16 @@ parseSeq = do
parseStatement :: Parser Statement
parseStatement =
- <|> parseConditional
- <|> parseLoop
- <|> parseEventCtrl
- <|> parseDelayCtrl
- <|> try parseBlocking
- <|> parseNonBlocking
+ <|> parseConditional
+ <|> parseLoop
+ <|> parseEventCtrl
+ <|> parseDelayCtrl
+ <|> try parseBlocking
+ <|> parseNonBlocking
maybeEmptyStatement :: Parser (Maybe Statement)
maybeEmptyStatement =
- (tok' SymSemi >> return Nothing)
- <|> (Just <$> parseStatement)
+ (tok' SymSemi >> return Nothing) <|> (Just <$> parseStatement)
parseAlways :: Parser ModItem
parseAlways = tok' KWAlways *> (Always <$> parseStatement)
@@ -421,18 +426,16 @@ parseInitial = tok' KWInitial *> (Initial <$> parseStatement)
namedModConn :: Parser ModConn
namedModConn = do
target <- tok' SymDot *> identifier
- expr <- parens parseExpr
+ expr <- parens parseExpr
return $ ModConnNamed target expr
parseModConn :: Parser ModConn
-parseModConn =
- try (fmap ModConn parseExpr)
- <|> namedModConn
+parseModConn = try (fmap ModConn parseExpr) <|> namedModConn
parseModInst :: Parser ModItem
parseModInst = do
- m <- identifier
- name <- identifier
+ m <- identifier
+ name <- identifier
modconns <- parens (commaSep parseModConn)
tok' SymSemi
return $ ModInst m name modconns
@@ -440,10 +443,10 @@ parseModInst = do
parseModItem :: Parser ModItem
parseModItem =
try (ModCA <$> parseContAssign)
- <|> try parseDecl
- <|> parseAlways
- <|> parseInitial
- <|> parseModInst
+ <|> try parseDecl
+ <|> parseAlways
+ <|> parseInitial
+ <|> parseModInst
parseModList :: Parser [Identifier]
parseModList = list <|> return [] where list = parens $ commaSep identifier
@@ -457,7 +460,7 @@ modPorts p mis = filter (filterDecl p) mis ^.. traverse . declPort
parseParam :: Parser Parameter
parseParam = do
- i <- tok' KWParameter *> identifier
+ i <- tok' KWParameter *> identifier
expr <- tok' SymEq *> parseConstExpr
return $ Parameter i expr
@@ -466,9 +469,9 @@ parseParams = tok' SymPound *> parens (commaSep parseParam)
parseModDecl :: Parser ModDecl
parseModDecl = do
- name <- tok KWModule *> identifier
+ name <- tok KWModule *> identifier
paramList <- option [] $ try parseParams
- _ <- fmap defaultPort <$> parseModList
+ _ <- fmap defaultPort <$> parseModList
tok' SymSemi
modItem <- option [] . try $ many1 parseModItem
tok' KWEndmodule
@@ -491,13 +494,17 @@ parseVerilog
-> Either Text Verilog -- ^ Returns 'String' with error
-- message if parse fails.
parseVerilog s =
- bimap showT id . parse parseVerilogSrc (T.unpack s) . alexScanTokens . preprocess [] (T.unpack s) . T.unpack
+ bimap showT id
+ . parse parseVerilogSrc (T.unpack s)
+ . alexScanTokens
+ . preprocess [] (T.unpack s)
+ . T.unpack
parseVerilogFile :: Text -> IO Verilog
parseVerilogFile file = do
src <- T.readFile $ T.unpack file
case parseVerilog file src of
- Left s -> error $ T.unpack s
+ Left s -> error $ T.unpack s
Right r -> return r
parseSourceInfoFile :: Text -> Text -> IO SourceInfo
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Quote.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Quote.hs
index b252af2..362cf06 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Quote.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Verilog/Quote.hs
@@ -33,11 +33,12 @@ liftText txt = AppE (VarE 'T.pack) <$> lift (T.unpack txt)
-- | Quasiquoter for verilog, so that verilog can be written inline and be
-- parsed to an AST at compile time.
verilog :: QuasiQuoter
-verilog = QuasiQuoter { quoteExp = quoteVerilog
- , quotePat = undefined
- , quoteType = undefined
- , quoteDec = undefined
- }
+verilog = QuasiQuoter
+ { quoteExp = quoteVerilog
+ , quotePat = undefined
+ , quoteType = undefined
+ , quoteDec = undefined
+ }
quoteVerilog :: String -> TH.Q TH.Exp
quoteVerilog s = do
@@ -45,5 +46,5 @@ quoteVerilog s = do
let pos = T.pack $ TH.loc_filename loc
v <- case parseVerilog pos (T.pack s) of
Right e -> return e
- Left e -> fail $ show e
+ Left e -> fail $ show e
liftDataWithText v