path: root/src
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1 files changed, 72 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
index 7fddf10..595ae2e 100644
--- a/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
+++ b/src/VeriFuzz/Reduce.hs
@@ -26,12 +26,15 @@ module VeriFuzz.Reduce
, halveExpr
, halveAssigns
, findActiveWires
+ , clean
+ , filterExpr
import Control.Lens hiding ((<.>))
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
+import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
@@ -126,7 +129,11 @@ combine l f i = modify <$> f (i ^. l) where modify res = i & l .~ res
-- these by 0.
filterExpr :: [Identifier] -> Expr -> Expr
filterExpr ids (Id i) = if i `elem` ids then Id i else Number 0
-filterExpr _ e = e
+filterExpr ids (VecSelect i e) =
+ if i `elem` ids then VecSelect i e else Number 0
+filterExpr ids (RangeSelect i r) =
+ if i `elem` ids then RangeSelect i r else Number 0
+filterExpr _ e = e
-- | Checks if a declaration is part of the current scope. If not, it returns
-- 'False', otherwise 'True', as it should be kept.
@@ -227,20 +234,44 @@ lValName (RegConcat e) = mapMaybe getId . concat $ universe <$> e
getId (Id i) = Just i
getId _ = Nothing
+exprName :: Expr -> [Identifier]
+exprName (Id i ) = [i]
+exprName (VecSelect i _) = [i]
+exprName (RangeSelect i _) = [i]
+exprName (Concat i ) = concat . NonEmpty.toList $ exprName <$> i
+exprName _ = []
portToId :: Port -> Identifier
portToId (Port _ _ _ i) = i
paramToId :: Parameter -> Identifier
paramToId (Parameter i _) = i
-findActiveWires :: ModDecl -> [Identifier]
-findActiveWires m@(ModDecl _ i o _ p) =
+isModule :: Identifier -> ModDecl -> Bool
+isModule i (ModDecl n _ _ _ _) = i == n
+modInstActive :: [ModDecl] -> ModItem -> [Identifier]
+modInstActive decl (ModInst n _ i) = case m of
+ Nothing -> []
+ Just m' -> concat $ calcActive m' <$> zip i [0 ..]
+ where
+ m = safe head $ filter (isModule n) decl
+ calcActive (ModDecl _ o _ _ _) (ModConn e, n') | n' < length o = exprName e
+ | otherwise = []
+ calcActive (ModDecl _ o _ _ _) (ModConnNamed i' e, _)
+ | i' `elem` fmap _portName o = exprName e
+ | otherwise = []
+modInstActive _ _ = []
+findActiveWires :: SourceInfo -> [Identifier]
+findActiveWires src =
$ assignWires
<> assignStat
<> fmap portToId i
<> fmap portToId o
<> fmap paramToId p
+ <> modinstwires
assignWires = m ^.. modItems . traverse . modContAssign . contAssignNetLVal
assignStat =
@@ -251,10 +282,12 @@ findActiveWires m@(ModDecl _ i o _ p) =
stat =
(m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Initial)
<> (m ^.. modItems . traverse . _Always)
+ modinstwires =
+ concat $ modInstActive (src ^. infoSrc . _Wrapped) <$> m ^. modItems
+ m@(ModDecl _ o i _ p) = src ^. mainModule
cleanSourceInfo :: SourceInfo -> SourceInfo
-cleanSourceInfo src = clean active src
- where active = findActiveWires (src ^. mainModule)
+cleanSourceInfo src = src & mainModule %~ clean (findActiveWires src)
-- | Returns true if the text matches the name of a module.
matchesModName :: Text -> ModDecl -> Bool
@@ -278,7 +311,10 @@ halveAlways a = Single a
-- removing the instantiations from the main module body.
halveModules :: Replace SourceInfo
halveModules srcInfo@(SourceInfo top _) =
- cleanModInst . addMod main <$> combine (infoSrc . _Wrapped) repl srcInfo
+ cleanSourceInfo
+ . cleanModInst
+ . addMod main
+ <$> combine (infoSrc . _Wrapped) repl srcInfo
repl = halve . filter (not . matchesModName top)
main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
@@ -290,36 +326,36 @@ moduleBot (SourceInfo _ (Verilog _ )) = False
-- | Reducer for module items. It does a binary search on all the module items,
-- except assignments to outputs and input-output declarations.
-halveModItems :: Replace SourceInfo
-halveModItems srcInfo = cleanSourceInfo . addRelevant <$> src
+halveModItems :: Text -> Replace SourceInfo
+halveModItems t srcInfo = cleanSourceInfo . addRelevant <$> src
repl = halve . filter (not . relevantModItem main)
relevant = filter (relevantModItem main) $ main ^. modItems
- main = srcInfo ^. mainModule
- src = combine (mainModule . modItems) repl srcInfo
- addRelevant = mainModule . modItems %~ (relevant ++)
+ main = srcInfo ^. aModule t
+ src = combine (aModule t . modItems) repl srcInfo
+ addRelevant = aModule t . modItems %~ (relevant ++)
-modItemBot :: SourceInfo -> Bool
-modItemBot srcInfo | length modItemsNoDecl > 2 = False
- | otherwise = True
+modItemBot :: Text -> SourceInfo -> Bool
+modItemBot t srcInfo | length modItemsNoDecl > 2 = False
+ | otherwise = True
modItemsNoDecl =
- filter noDecl $ srcInfo ^.. mainModule . modItems . traverse
+ filter noDecl $ srcInfo ^.. aModule t . modItems . traverse
noDecl Decl{} = False
noDecl _ = True
-halveStatements :: Replace SourceInfo
-halveStatements m =
- cleanSourceInfo <$> combine (mainModule . modItems) halves m
+halveStatements :: Text -> Replace SourceInfo
+halveStatements t m =
+ cleanSourceInfo <$> combine (aModule t . modItems) halves m
where halves = traverse halveAlways
-- | Reduce expressions by splitting them in half and keeping the half that
-- succeeds.
-halveExpr :: Replace SourceInfo
-halveExpr = combine contexpr $ traverse halveModExpr
+halveExpr :: Text -> Replace SourceInfo
+halveExpr t = combine contexpr $ traverse halveModExpr
contexpr :: Lens' SourceInfo [ModItem]
- contexpr = mainModule . modItems
+ contexpr = aModule t . modItems
defaultBot :: SourceInfo -> Bool
defaultBot = const False
@@ -340,10 +376,11 @@ reduce_ title repl bot eval src = do
<> title
<> " (Modules: "
<> showT (length . getVerilog $ _infoSrc src)
- <> ", Module Items in "
- <> _infoTop src
- <> ": "
- <> showT (length (src ^. mainModule . modItems))
+ <> ", Module items: "
+ <> showT
+ (length
+ (src ^.. infoSrc . _Wrapped . traverse . modItems . traverse)
+ )
<> ")"
replAnswer <- sequenceA $ evalIfNotEmpty <$> replacement
case (replacement, replAnswer) of
@@ -377,10 +414,16 @@ reduce
-> m SourceInfo -- ^ Reduced output.
reduce eval src =
red "Modules" moduleBot halveModules src
- >>= red "Module Items" modItemBot halveModItems
- >>= red "Statements" defaultBot halveStatements
- >>= red "Expressions" defaultBot halveExpr
- where red s bot a = reduce_ s a bot eval
+ >>= redAll "Module Items" modItemBot halveModItems
+ >>= redAll "Statements" (const defaultBot) halveStatements
+ >>= redAll "Expressions" (const defaultBot) halveExpr
+ where
+ red s bot a = reduce_ s a bot eval
+ red' s bot a t = reduce_ s (a t) (bot t) eval
+ redAll s bot halve' src' = foldrM
+ (\t -> red' (s <> " (" <> t <> ")") bot halve' t)
+ src'
+ (src' ^.. infoSrc . _Wrapped . traverse . modId . _Wrapped)
:: MonadSh m => Shelly.FilePath -> Shelly.FilePath -> SourceInfo -> m Bool