Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Mac specific changemacosYann Herklotz2023-07-281-0/+2
* Use use-package-vc for ox-contextmainYann Herklotz2023-07-283-14/+5
* Add more configuration to make defaults nicerYann Herklotz2023-07-271-18/+68
* Tweaks to latex modeYann Herklotz2023-07-081-11/+24
* Fix indentation on org-context lineYann Herklotz2023-06-291-1/+11
* Add docs file and tweaks to init fileuniYann Herklotz2023-06-292-43/+27
* Update modus-themesYann Herklotz2023-06-291-1/+5
* Add ox-context to submodulesYann Herklotz2023-06-084-1/+282
* Small changes to note takingYann Herklotz2023-06-021-5/+9
* Add new org cagture and fix diaryYann Herklotz2023-05-261-28/+39
* Use org mode instead of the diaryYann Herklotz2023-05-222-5/+38
* Call customisation function everytime the theme is changedYann Herklotz2023-05-122-6/+8
* Load tab-bar.el after project.elYann Herklotz2023-05-121-3/+9
* Update coq window creationYann Herklotz2023-05-112-21/+24
* Remove dark-room hookYann Herklotz2023-05-091-4/+2
* Move :init setq into :custom blockYann Herklotz2023-05-012-293/+340
* Fix auto-mode-alist manual additionsYann Herklotz2023-04-301-13/+8
* Fix some warnings in the emacs configurationYann Herklotz2023-04-301-10/+10
* Adding more packagesYann Herklotz2023-04-281-1/+16
* Update eglot configuration and add nnhackernewsYann Herklotz2023-04-262-10/+19
* Remove bufferlo submodule and bufferlo packageYann Herklotz2023-04-263-20/+0
* Update mappings to use ymh-tabs-switch-projectYann Herklotz2023-04-251-1/+3
* Add ymh-tabs-switch-project functionYann Herklotz2023-04-256-19/+61
* Fix diary schedule functionYann Herklotz2023-04-241-3/+11
* Remove configuration for org-zettelkasten-mappingYann Herklotz2023-04-241-7/+0
* Check the number of open frames for Coq window creationYann Herklotz2023-04-241-7/+19
* Add custom export to icsYann Herklotz2023-04-241-0/+14
* Add another comment on displaying timeYann Herklotz2023-04-221-0/+1
* Add commentsYann Herklotz2023-04-211-5/+58
* Dot not backup files that might contain secretsYann Herklotz2023-04-211-1/+4
* Add elpa to list of ignored filesYann Herklotz2023-04-201-1/+2
* Add current tab to the modelineYann Herklotz2023-04-201-0/+3
* Add a serverYann Herklotz2023-04-101-1/+5
* Remove outline-mode configurationYann Herklotz2023-04-091-26/+3
* Add tweaks to isearch and dafnyYann Herklotz2023-04-092-22/+43
* Add circe and small tweaksYann Herklotz2023-04-091-1/+27
* Add bufferlo and small tweaksYann Herklotz2023-03-193-9/+41
* Add Rust modeYann Herklotz2023-03-191-1/+3
* Add outline modeYann Herklotz2023-02-221-2/+28
* Add :demand t to tab-bar-modeYann Herklotz2023-02-191-0/+1
* Add :demand t instead of :defer nilYann Herklotz2023-02-191-1/+1
* Only enable sbt-mode when sbt is foundYann Herklotz2023-02-181-0/+1
* Fix fill-column indicatorYann Herklotz2023-02-181-1/+3
* Reformat some of the configurationYann Herklotz2023-02-181-22/+61
* Add defer nil to modusYann Herklotz2023-02-181-0/+1
* Fix compilationYann Herklotz2023-02-181-4/+5
* Add unfill-paragraph, darkroom and whitespace cleanupYann Herklotz2023-02-182-13/+100
* Add agda and zig modeYann Herklotz2023-02-181-2/+15
* Fix small issues and add darkroomYann Herklotz2023-02-181-3/+18
* Change dictionary and add key binding to toggle tab barYann Herklotz2023-01-281-1/+2