path: root/src
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2 files changed, 35 insertions, 57 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index 04c234c..c09c4f9 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -1,55 +1,19 @@
module Main where
-import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isLetter, isNumber, intToDigit, digitToInt)
+import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isLetter, isNumber)
import Data.Default (def)
+import Data.List (nub)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
import Main.Utf8 (withUtf8)
import qualified Relude.Extra.Map as Map
import Text.Pandoc.Class (runIOorExplode)
-import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block (..), Inline (..), Pandoc (..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block (..), Inline (..))
import Text.Pandoc.Readers (readOrg)
-import Text.Pandoc.Writers (writeHtml5String, writeMarkdown)
import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify)
import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM)
import Numeric (showIntAtBase, readInt)
-newtype ZettelId = ZettelId
- { -- | The ZettelId is just Text, however, it should also be possible to convert
- -- it to a list of the ID split up into it's parts.
- unZettelId :: Text
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance IsString ZettelId where
- fromString = ZettelId . fromString
-instance ToString ZettelId where
- toString = toString . unZettelId
-instance Semigroup ZettelId where
- ZettelId a <> ZettelId b = ZettelId $ a <> b
-instance Monoid ZettelId where
- mempty = ZettelId mempty
-data Zettel = Zettel
- { -- | The ID that is assigned to the Zettel.
- zettelId :: !ZettelId,
- -- | The title of the Zettel, which should also be present in the body, however,
- -- this is useful to gather metadata about the Zettel.
- zettelTitle :: !Text,
- -- | The text body of the Zettel, which is stored as a Pandoc document to make it
- -- easy to export to other documents.
- zettelBody :: Pandoc
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Semigroup Zettel where
- Zettel a b c <> Zettel _ _ c' = Zettel a b $ c <> c'
-instance Monoid Zettel where
- mempty = Zettel mempty mempty mempty
+import Zettel
data HeaderState = HeaderState
{ headerStateMap :: Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]),
@@ -137,34 +101,41 @@ defPredId z =
else combineId . (init ne <>) . (: []) <$> opOnIdPart (subtract 1) (last ne)
Nothing -> Nothing
+quoted :: Text -> Text
+quoted t = "\"" <> t <> "\""
toDot :: [Text] -> (Text, [Text]) -> Text
-toDot _ (t, l) = foldMap (\l' -> "\"" <> l' <> "\"" <> " -> " <> "\"" <> t <> "\"" <> ";\n") l
+toDot _ (t, l) = foldMap (\l' -> quoted l' <> " -> " <> quoted t <> ";\n") l
-toDotNodes :: Text -> Text
-toDotNodes t
+toDotNodes :: ZettelId -> Text
+toDotNodes (ZettelId t)
| T.null t = ""
- | isNumber $ T.head t = "\"" <> t <> "\"" <> " [color=" <> T.singleton (T.head t) <> "];\n"
+ | isNumber $ T.head t = quoted t <> " [color=" <> T.singleton (T.head t) <> "];\n"
| otherwise = ""
-addSelfLinks :: ZettelId -> Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]) -> Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text])
-addSelfLinks z m =
- Map.insertWith (\((_, _), l') ((z', t), l) -> ((z', t), l ++ l')) (unZettelId z)
+addSelfLinks :: Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]) -> ZettelId -> Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text])
+addSelfLinks m z =
+ Map.insertWith (\((_, _), l') ((z', t), l) -> ((z', t), l ++ l')) (unZettelId z) ((mempty, mempty), [unZettelId z]) m
-addSelfLinks2 :: (a, ((ZettelId, b), [Text])) -> (a, ((ZettelId, b), [Text]))
-addSelfLinks2 (a, ((t, b), l)) =
- (a, ((t, b), maybeToList (unZettelId <$> defPredId t) <> l))
+addSelfLinks2 :: ((ZettelId, b), [Text]) -> ((ZettelId, b), [Text])
+addSelfLinks2 ((t, b), l) =
+ ((t, b), maybeToList (unZettelId <$> defPredId t) <> l)
main :: IO ()
main = withUtf8 $ do
- let fl = ["/Users/yannherklotz/Dropbox/zk/", "/Users/yannherklotz/Dropbox/zk/", "/Users/yannherklotz/Dropbox/zk/", "/Users/yannherklotz/Dropbox/zk/", "/Users/yannherklotz/Dropbox/zk/"]
- fs <- sequence $ readFileText <$> fl
- x <- sequence $ runIOorExplode . readOrg def <$> fs
+ let fl = ["/home/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/",
+ "/home/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/",
+ "/home/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/",
+ "/home/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/",
+ "/home/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/"]
+ fs <- mapM readFileText fl
+ x <- mapM (runIOorExplode . readOrg def) fs
let (_, s) = runState (forM x (walkM getHeaders)) (HeaderState mempty "toplevel")
- let allZettel = map addSelfLinks $ Map.toPairs (headerStateMap s)
+ let allZettel = second nub . addSelfLinks2 <$> headerStateMap s
writeFileText "" $ "digraph G {\nnode [colorscheme=pastel28,style=filled];\n"
- <> fold (toDotNodes . fst <$> allZettel)
- <> fold (toDot (foldMap (snd . snd) allZettel)
- . (\(a, (_, b)) -> (a, b)) <$> allZettel)
+ <> foldMap (toDotNodes . fst . fst) allZettel
+ <> foldMap (toDot (foldMap snd allZettel)
+ . (\((ZettelId a, _), b) -> (a, b))) allZettel
<> "}\n"
-- forM_ allZettel (\(_, ((a, _), _)) -> do
-- t <- runIOorExplode $ writeMarkdown def p
diff --git a/src/Zettel.hs b/src/Zettel.hs
index 5c07af9..a576143 100644
--- a/src/Zettel.hs
+++ b/src/Zettel.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
module Zettel where
+import Text.Pandoc.Class (runIOorExplode)
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block (..), Inline (..), Pandoc (..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers (readOrg)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers (writeHtml5String, writeMarkdown)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify)
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM)
newtype ZettelId = ZettelId
{ -- | The ZettelId is just Text, however, it should also be possible to convert
-- it to a list of the ID split up into it's parts.