path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
6 files changed, 663 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/src/Main.hs b/src/Main.hs
index d0bb0e1..7db7885 100644
--- a/src/Main.hs
+++ b/src/Main.hs
@@ -1,127 +1,203 @@
module Main where
-import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isLetter, isNumber)
-import Data.Default (def)
-import Data.List (nub)
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
-import Numeric (readInt, showIntAtBase)
-import qualified Relude.Extra.Map as Map
-import Text.Pandoc.Class (runIOorExplode)
-import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block (..), Inline (..))
-import Text.Pandoc.Readers (readOrg)
-import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify)
-import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM)
+-- import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isLetter, isNumber)
+-- import Data.Default (def)
+-- import Data.List (nub)
+-- import qualified Data.Text as T
+-- import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
+-- import Numeric (readInt, showIntAtBase)
+-- import qualified Relude.Extra.Map as Map
+-- import Text.Pandoc.Class (runIOorExplode)
+-- import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block (..), Inline (..), Pandoc(..), MetaValue(..), Meta(..))
+-- import Text.Pandoc.Readers (readOrg)
+-- import Text.Pandoc.Templates (compileTemplate, WithDefaultPartials(..), Template(..))
+-- import Text.Pandoc.Writers (writeChunkedHTML, writeMarkdown)
+-- import Text.Pandoc.Options (WriterOptions(..))
+-- import Text.Pandoc.Chunks (splitIntoChunks, PathTemplate(..), ChunkedDoc(..), Chunk(..), toTOCTree, tocToList)
+-- import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify)
+-- import Text.Pandoc.Walk (walkM, walk)
+-- import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
+-- import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing)
import Zettel
-data HeaderState = HeaderState
- { headerStateMap :: Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]),
- headerStateCurrent :: Text
- }
-isLink :: Inline -> Bool
-isLink Link {} = True
-isLink _ = False
-parseIds :: Text -> Text
-parseIds t
- | T.null t = ""
- | T.head t == '#' && T.all isAlphaNum (T.tail t) = T.tail t
- | otherwise = ""
-addLinks :: [Inline] -> Block -> State HeaderState Block
-addLinks il b = do
- let f = filter isLink il
- s <- get
- let m' =
- Map.insertWith
- (\(_, y) (z, x) -> (z, x <> y))
- (headerStateCurrent s)
- ((mempty, mempty), filter (not . T.null) (parseIds . stringify <$> f))
- (headerStateMap s)
- put (HeaderState m' (headerStateCurrent s))
- return b
-getHeaders :: Block -> State HeaderState Block
-getHeaders h@(Header _ (a, _, _) t) = do
- s <- get
- let m' = Map.insert a ((ZettelId a, stringify t), []) (headerStateMap s)
- put (HeaderState m' a)
- return h
-getHeaders p@(Plain i) = addLinks i p
-getHeaders p@(Para i) = addLinks i p
-getHeaders p@(LineBlock i) = addLinks (concat i) p
-getHeaders p = addLinks [] p
-splitId :: ZettelId -> [Text]
-splitId (ZettelId zid)
- | T.null zid = []
- | isNumber (T.head zid) = T.takeWhile isNumber zid : (splitId . ZettelId $ T.dropWhile isNumber zid)
- | isLetter (T.head zid) = T.takeWhile isLetter zid : (splitId . ZettelId $ T.dropWhile isLetter zid)
- | otherwise = []
-combineId :: [Text] -> ZettelId
-combineId = ZettelId . fold
-intToDigit26 :: Int -> Char
-intToDigit26 i
- | i <= 25 && i >= 0 = toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i
- | otherwise = error "Integer out of range."
-digitToInt26 :: Char -> Int
-digitToInt26 c = fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a'
-fromBase :: Int -> String -> Maybe Int
-fromBase base = fmap fst . viaNonEmpty head . readInt base ((< base) . digitToInt26) digitToInt26
-toBase :: Int -> Int -> String
-toBase base num = showIntAtBase base intToDigit26 num ""
-opOnBase26 :: (Int -> Int) -> Text -> Maybe Text
-opOnBase26 f t =
- fromString . toBase 26 . f <$> fromBase 26 (toString t)
-opOnIdPart :: (Int -> Int) -> Text -> Maybe Text
-opOnIdPart f t
- | T.null t = Nothing
- | isNumber $ T.head t =
- case decimal t of
- Right (a, _) -> Just . show $ f a
- _ -> Nothing
- | isLetter $ T.head t = opOnBase26 f t
- | otherwise = Nothing
-defPredId :: ZettelId -> Maybe ZettelId
-defPredId z =
- case nonEmpty (splitId z) of
- Just ne ->
- if last ne == "a" || last ne == "1"
- then Just (combineId (init ne))
- else combineId . (init ne <>) . (: []) <$> opOnIdPart (subtract 1) (last ne)
- Nothing -> Nothing
-quoted :: Text -> Text
-quoted t = "\"" <> t <> "\""
-toDot :: [Text] -> (Text, [Text]) -> Text
-toDot _ (t, l) = foldMap (\l' -> quoted l' <> " -> " <> quoted t <> ";\n") l
-toDotNodes :: ZettelId -> Text
-toDotNodes (ZettelId t)
- | T.null t = ""
- | isNumber $ T.head t = quoted t <> " [color=" <> T.singleton (T.head t) <> "];\n"
- | otherwise = ""
-addSelfLinks :: Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]) -> ZettelId -> Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text])
-addSelfLinks m z =
- Map.insertWith (\((_, _), l') ((z', t), l) -> ((z', t), l ++ l')) (unZettelId z) ((mempty, mempty), [unZettelId z]) m
-addSelfLinks2 :: ((ZettelId, b), [Text]) -> ((ZettelId, b), [Text])
-addSelfLinks2 ((t, b), l) =
- ((t, b), maybeToList (unZettelId <$> defPredId t) <> l)
-decode :: ByteString -> Text
-decode = decodeUtf8
+-- data HeaderState = HeaderState
+-- { headerStateMap :: Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]),
+-- headerStateCurrent :: Text
+-- }
+-- isLink :: Inline -> Bool
+-- isLink Link {} = True
+-- isLink _ = False
+-- parseIds :: Text -> Text
+-- parseIds t
+-- | T.null t = ""
+-- | T.head t == '#' && T.all isAlphaNum (T.tail t) = T.tail t
+-- | otherwise = ""
+-- addLinks :: [Inline] -> Block -> State HeaderState Block
+-- addLinks il b = do
+-- let f = filter isLink il
+-- s <- get
+-- let m' =
+-- Map.insertWith
+-- (\(_, y) (z, x) -> (z, x <> y))
+-- (headerStateCurrent s)
+-- ((mempty, mempty), filter (not . T.null) (parseIds . stringify <$> f))
+-- (headerStateMap s)
+-- put (HeaderState m' (headerStateCurrent s))
+-- return b
+-- getHeaders :: Block -> State HeaderState Block
+-- getHeaders h@(Header _ (a, _, _) t) = do
+-- s <- get
+-- let m' = Map.insert a ((ZettelId a, stringify t), []) (headerStateMap s)
+-- put (HeaderState m' a)
+-- return h
+-- getHeaders p@(Plain i) = addLinks i p
+-- getHeaders p@(Para i) = addLinks i p
+-- getHeaders p@(LineBlock i) = addLinks (concat i) p
+-- getHeaders p = addLinks [] p
+-- splitId :: ZettelId -> [Text]
+-- splitId (ZettelId zid)
+-- | T.null zid = []
+-- | isNumber (T.head zid) = T.takeWhile isNumber zid : (splitId . ZettelId $ T.dropWhile isNumber zid)
+-- | isLetter (T.head zid) = T.takeWhile isLetter zid : (splitId . ZettelId $ T.dropWhile isLetter zid)
+-- | otherwise = []
+-- combineId :: [Text] -> ZettelId
+-- combineId = ZettelId . fold
+-- intToDigit26 :: Int -> Char
+-- intToDigit26 i
+-- | i <= 25 && i >= 0 = toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i
+-- | otherwise = error "Integer out of range."
+-- digitToInt26 :: Char -> Int
+-- digitToInt26 c = fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a'
+-- fromBase :: Int -> String -> Maybe Int
+-- fromBase base = fmap fst . viaNonEmpty head . readInt base ((< base) . digitToInt26) digitToInt26
+-- toBase :: Int -> Int -> String
+-- toBase base num = showIntAtBase base intToDigit26 num ""
+-- opOnBase26 :: (Int -> Int) -> Text -> Maybe Text
+-- opOnBase26 f t =
+-- fromString . toBase 26 . f <$> fromBase 26 (toString t)
+-- opOnIdPart :: (Int -> Int) -> Text -> Maybe Text
+-- opOnIdPart f t
+-- | T.null t = Nothing
+-- | isNumber $ T.head t =
+-- case decimal t of
+-- Right (a, _) -> Just . show $ f a
+-- _ -> Nothing
+-- | isLetter $ T.head t = opOnBase26 f t
+-- | otherwise = Nothing
+-- defPredId :: ZettelId -> Maybe ZettelId
+-- defPredId z =
+-- case nonEmpty (splitId z) of
+-- Just ne ->
+-- if last ne == "a" || last ne == "1"
+-- then Just (combineId (init ne))
+-- else combineId . (init ne <>) . (: []) <$> opOnIdPart (subtract 1) (last ne)
+-- Nothing -> Nothing
+-- quoted :: Text -> Text
+-- quoted t = "\"" <> t <> "\""
+-- toDot :: [Text] -> (Text, [Text]) -> Text
+-- toDot _ (t, l) = foldMap (\l' -> quoted l' <> " -> " <> quoted t <> ";\n") l
+-- toDotNodes :: ZettelId -> Text
+-- toDotNodes (ZettelId t)
+-- | T.null t = ""
+-- | isNumber $ T.head t = quoted t <> " [color=" <> T.singleton (T.head t) <> "];\n"
+-- | otherwise = ""
+-- addSelfLinks :: Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text]) -> ZettelId -> Map Text ((ZettelId, Text), [Text])
+-- addSelfLinks m z =
+-- Map.insertWith (\((_, _), l') ((z', t), l) -> ((z', t), l ++ l')) (unZettelId z) ((mempty, mempty), [unZettelId z]) m
+-- addSelfLinks2 :: ((ZettelId, b), [Text]) -> ((ZettelId, b), [Text])
+-- addSelfLinks2 ((t, b), l) =
+-- ((t, b), maybeToList (unZettelId <$> defPredId t) <> l)
+-- decode :: ByteString -> Text
+-- decode = decodeUtf8
+-- normaliseHeadings :: Int -> Block -> Block
+-- normaliseHeadings i (Header _ a b) = Header i a b
+-- normaliseHeadings _ a = a
+-- subtractHeadings :: Int -> Block -> Block
+-- subtractHeadings i (Header current a b) = Header (current - i) a b
+-- subtractHeadings _ a = a
+-- removeHeadings :: Block -> Block
+-- removeHeadings (Header _ _ _) = Plain []
+-- removeHeadings a = a
+-- mkLongPath :: ZettelId -> Text
+-- mkLongPath i = fold . intersperse "/" $ splitId i
+-- splitZettel :: Chunk -> Pandoc
+-- splitZettel c =
+-- walk removeHeadings
+-- (Pandoc
+-- (Meta
+-- (fromList [("title", MetaInlines $ chunkHeading c)]))
+-- (chunkContents c))
+-- template :: Text
+-- template = unlines ["+++",
+-- "title = \"$title$\"",
+-- "$if(date)$",
+-- "date = \"$date$\"",
+-- "$endif$",
+-- "+++",
+-- "",
+-- "$body$"]
+-- main :: IO ()
+-- main = do
+-- let fl =
+-- [ "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/",
+-- "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/",
+-- "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/",
+-- "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/",
+-- "/Users/ymherklotz/Dropbox/zk/"
+-- ]
+-- fs <- mapM readFileBS fl
+-- x <- mapM (runIOorExplode . readOrg def . decode) fs
+-- let (_, s) = runState (forM x (walkM getHeaders)) (HeaderState mempty "toplevel")
+-- let allZettel = second nub . addSelfLinks2 <$> headerStateMap s
+-- writeFileText "" $
+-- "digraph G {\noverlap=false;\nnode [colorscheme=pastel28,style=filled];\n"
+-- <> foldMap (toDotNodes . fst . fst) allZettel
+-- <> foldMap
+-- ( toDot (foldMap snd allZettel)
+-- . (\((ZettelId a, _), b) -> (a, b))
+-- )
+-- allZettel
+-- <> "}\n"
+-- let Just(firstDoc) = viaNonEmpty head x
+---- print firstDoc
+-- let res = splitIntoChunks "" False Nothing 15 firstDoc
+-- Right templ <- runIOorExplode . runWithDefaultPartials $ compileTemplate "" template
+-- forM_ (chunkedChunks res) $ \c -> do
+-- print (chunkContents c)
+-- let toc = case Map.lookup (chunkId c) allZettel of
+-- Just toLinks ->
+-- [BulletList (map (\x -> [Para [Link mempty [Str ("#" <> x)] ("/" <> x, mempty)]]) (snd toLinks))]
+-- Nothing -> []
+-- text <- runIOorExplode $ writeMarkdown (def { writerTemplate = Just templ }) (splitZettel c)
+-- writeFileText ("test/content/" <> chunkPath c) text
main :: IO ()
main = do
@@ -132,21 +208,7 @@ main = do
- fs <- mapM readFileBS fl
- x <- mapM (runIOorExplode . readOrg def . decode) fs
- let (_, s) = runState (forM x (walkM getHeaders)) (HeaderState mempty "toplevel")
- let allZettel = second nub . addSelfLinks2 <$> headerStateMap s
- writeFileText "" $
- "digraph G {\noverlap=false;\nnode [colorscheme=pastel28,style=filled];\n"
- <> foldMap (toDotNodes . fst . fst) allZettel
- <> foldMap
- ( toDot (foldMap snd allZettel)
- . (\((ZettelId a, _), b) -> (a, b))
- )
- allZettel
- <> "}\n"
--- forM_ allZettel (\(_, ((a, _), _)) -> do
--- t <- runIOorExplode $ writeMarkdown def p
--- writeFileText ("neuron/" <> toString a <> ".md") t
--- )
+ graph <- parseZettelKasten fl
+ let linkedGraph = linkAll graph
+ renderZettelGraphFile "test/content/tree" linkedGraph
+ return ()
diff --git a/src/Zettel.hs b/src/Zettel.hs
index 99c2dd3..c6fe936 100644
--- a/src/Zettel.hs
+++ b/src/Zettel.hs
@@ -1,69 +1,12 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
-module Zettel where
-import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Pandoc (..))
-class Combine a where
- cappend :: a -> a -> a
- cempty :: a
-newtype UseCombine a = UC a
-instance (Monoid a) => Combine (UseCombine a) where
- cappend (UC a) (UC b) = UC $ a <> b
- cempty = UC mempty
-deriving via (UseCombine Text) instance Combine Text
-deriving via (UseCombine Pandoc) instance Combine Pandoc
-newtype ZettelId = ZettelId
- { -- | The ZettelId is just Text, however, it should also be possible to convert
- -- it to a list of the ID split up into it's parts.
- unZettelId :: Text
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, IsString, ToString, Semigroup, Monoid)
- deriving (Combine) via (UseCombine ZettelId)
-data ZettelMetadata = ZettelMetadata
- { -- | Optional creation date of the Zettel.e
- zettelCreationDate :: Maybe Int,
- -- | Optional last modified date of the Zettel.
- zettelModifiedDate :: Maybe Int
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Combine (Maybe a) where
- cappend Nothing a = a
- cappend a _ = a
- cempty = Nothing
-instance Combine ZettelMetadata where
- cappend (ZettelMetadata c m) (ZettelMetadata c' m') =
- ZettelMetadata (cappend c c') (cappend m m')
- cempty = ZettelMetadata cempty cempty
-data Zettel = Zettel
- { -- | The ID that is assigned to the Zettel.
- zettelId :: !ZettelId,
- -- | The title of the Zettel, which should also be present in the body, however,
- -- this is useful to gather metadata about the Zettel.
- zettelTitle :: !Text,
- -- | The text body of the Zettel, which is stored as a Pandoc document to make it
- -- easy to export to other documents.
- zettelBody :: Pandoc,
- -- | Zettel metadata which is mostly optional.
- zettelMetadata :: ZettelMetadata
- }
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Combine Zettel where
- cappend (Zettel a b c d) (Zettel a' b' c' d') =
- Zettel (cappend a a') (cappend b b') (cappend c c') (cappend d d')
- cempty = Zettel cempty cempty cempty cempty
+module Zettel
+ ( module Zettel.Types,
+ module Zettel.Render,
+ module Zettel.Links,
+ module Zettel.Parse,
+ )
+import Zettel.Links
+import Zettel.Parse
+import Zettel.Render
+import Zettel.Types
diff --git a/src/Zettel/Links.hs b/src/Zettel/Links.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6857d45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Zettel/Links.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
+module Zettel.Links where
+import Data.Char (isAlphaNum, isLetter, isNumber)
+import Data.List (nub)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
+import Numeric (readInt, showIntAtBase)
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder (HasMeta (..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Inline (..), Pandoc (..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify)
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query, walk)
+import Zettel.Types
+parseIds :: Text -> Text
+parseIds t
+ | T.null t = ""
+ | T.head t == '#' && T.all isAlphaNum (T.tail t) = T.tail t
+ | otherwise = ""
+splitId :: ZettelId -> [Text]
+splitId (ZettelId zid)
+ | T.null zid = []
+ | isNumber (T.head zid) = T.takeWhile isNumber zid : (splitId . ZettelId $ T.dropWhile isNumber zid)
+ | isLetter (T.head zid) = T.takeWhile isLetter zid : (splitId . ZettelId $ T.dropWhile isLetter zid)
+ | otherwise = []
+combineId :: [Text] -> ZettelId
+combineId = ZettelId . fold
+intToDigit26 :: Int -> Char
+intToDigit26 i
+ | i <= 25 && i >= 0 = toEnum $ fromEnum 'a' + i
+ | otherwise = error "Integer out of range."
+digitToInt26 :: Char -> Int
+digitToInt26 c = fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a'
+fromBase :: Int -> String -> Maybe Int
+fromBase base = fmap fst . viaNonEmpty head . readInt base ((< base) . digitToInt26) digitToInt26
+toBase :: Int -> Int -> String
+toBase base num = showIntAtBase base intToDigit26 num ""
+opOnBase26 :: (Int -> Int) -> Text -> Maybe Text
+opOnBase26 f t =
+ fromString . toBase 26 . f <$> fromBase 26 (toString t)
+opOnIdPart :: (Int -> Int) -> Text -> Maybe Text
+opOnIdPart f t
+ | T.null t = Nothing
+ | isNumber $ T.head t =
+ case decimal t of
+ Right (a, _) -> Just . show $ f a
+ _ -> Nothing
+ | isLetter $ T.head t = opOnBase26 f t
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+defPredId :: ZettelId -> Maybe ZettelId
+defPredId z =
+ case nonEmpty (splitId z) of
+ Just ne ->
+ if last ne == "a" || last ne == "1"
+ then Just (combineId (init ne))
+ else combineId . (init ne <>) . (: []) <$> opOnIdPart (subtract 1) (last ne)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+defNextId :: ZettelId -> Maybe ZettelId
+defNextId z =
+ case nonEmpty (splitId z) of
+ Just ne ->
+ combineId . (init ne <>) . (: []) <$> opOnIdPart (+ 1) (last ne)
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+defBranchId :: ZettelId -> Maybe ZettelId
+defBranchId (ZettelId t)
+ | T.null t = Nothing
+ | isNumber $ T.last t = Just (ZettelId (t <> "a"))
+ | isLetter $ T.last t = Just (ZettelId (t <> "1"))
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+gatherForwardIds :: Inline -> [ZettelId]
+gatherForwardIds (Link _ i _) = [ZettelId . parseIds $ stringify i]
+gatherForwardIds _ = []
+addIdPresent :: ZettelGraph -> Maybe ZettelId -> [ZettelId]
+addIdPresent zg (Just ident) =
+ [ident | ident `elem` Map.keys (unZettelGraph zg)]
+addIdPresent _ Nothing = []
+forwardLinkNode :: ZettelGraph -> ZettelId -> ZettelNode -> ZettelNode
+forwardLinkNode zg ident zn =
+ zn
+ { zettelNodeNext =
+ nub
+ ( query gatherForwardIds (zn.zettelNodeZettel.zettelBody)
+ <> addIdPresent zg (defNextId ident)
+ <> addIdPresent zg (defBranchId ident)
+ )
+ }
+forwardLink :: ZettelGraph -> ZettelGraph
+forwardLink zg = ZettelGraph . Map.mapWithKey (forwardLinkNode zg) $ unZettelGraph zg
+backwardLinkNode :: ZettelGraph -> ZettelId -> ZettelNode -> ZettelNode
+backwardLinkNode graph ident node = Map.foldlWithKey' f node (unZettelGraph graph)
+ where
+ f :: ZettelNode -> ZettelId -> ZettelNode -> ZettelNode
+ f l ident' zg
+ | ident `elem` zg.zettelNodeNext =
+ l {zettelNodePrev = ident' : l.zettelNodePrev}
+ | otherwise = l
+backwardLink :: ZettelGraph -> ZettelGraph
+backwardLink zg = ZettelGraph . Map.mapWithKey (backwardLinkNode zg) $ unZettelGraph zg
+updatePandocLinksInline :: Inline -> Inline
+updatePandocLinksInline l@(Link a i (_, t))
+ | not $ T.null ids = Link a i ("/tree/" <> ids, t)
+ | otherwise = l
+ where
+ ids = parseIds $ stringify i
+updatePandocLinksInline i = i
+updatePandocLinksPandoc :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
+updatePandocLinksPandoc = walk updatePandocLinksInline
+updatePandocLinksAttr :: [ZettelId] -> [ZettelId] -> Pandoc -> Pandoc
+updatePandocLinksAttr back forw =
+ setMeta "backlinks" back
+ . setMeta "forwardlinks" forw
+updatePandocLinksZettel :: Zettel -> Zettel
+updatePandocLinksZettel zg =
+ zg {zettelBody = updatePandocLinksPandoc (zettelBody zg)}
+updatePandocLinksZettelNode :: ZettelNode -> ZettelNode
+updatePandocLinksZettelNode zg =
+ zg {zettelNodeZettel = updatePandocLinksZettel (zettelNodeZettel zg)}
+updatePandocAttrZettel :: [ZettelId] -> [ZettelId] -> Zettel -> Zettel
+updatePandocAttrZettel back forw zg =
+ zg {zettelBody = updatePandocLinksAttr back forw (zettelBody zg)}
+updatePandocAttrZettelNode :: ZettelNode -> ZettelNode
+updatePandocAttrZettelNode zg =
+ zg {zettelNodeZettel = updatePandocAttrZettel (zettelNodePrev zg) (zettelNodeNext zg) (zettelNodeZettel zg)}
+updatePandocLinks :: ZettelGraph -> ZettelGraph
+updatePandocLinks zg = ZettelGraph $ updatePandocLinksZettelNode <$> unZettelGraph zg
+updatePandocAttrL :: ZettelGraph -> ZettelGraph
+updatePandocAttrL zg = ZettelGraph $ updatePandocAttrZettelNode <$> unZettelGraph zg
+linkAll :: ZettelGraph -> ZettelGraph
+linkAll = updatePandocAttrL . backwardLink . forwardLink . updatePandocLinks
diff --git a/src/Zettel/Parse.hs b/src/Zettel/Parse.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6d8aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Zettel/Parse.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+module Zettel.Parse where
+import Data.Default (def)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder (toMetaValue)
+import Text.Pandoc.Chunks (Chunk (..), ChunkedDoc (..), splitIntoChunks)
+import Text.Pandoc.Class (runIOorExplode)
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block (..), Inline (..), Meta (..), MetaValue (..), Pandoc (..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Readers (readOrg)
+import Text.Pandoc.Shared (stringify)
+import Text.Pandoc.Walk (query, walk)
+import Zettel.Types
+decode :: ByteString -> Text
+decode = decodeUtf8
+removeHeadings :: Block -> Block
+removeHeadings Header {} = Plain []
+removeHeadings a = a
+removeDiv :: [Block] -> [Block]
+removeDiv = concatMap removeDiv'
+ where
+ removeDiv' (Div _ b') = b'
+ removeDiv' a = [a]
+queryHeaderMetaData :: [Block] -> [(Text, MetaValue)]
+queryHeaderMetaData = query headingAttr
+ where
+ headingAttr (Header _ (_, _, l) i) =
+ map (bimap exportDate MetaString) l
+ <> [ ("title", MetaInlines i),
+ ("author", MetaInlines [Str "Yann", Space, Str "Herklotz"])
+ ]
+ headingAttr _ = []
+ exportDate s
+ | s == "export_date" = "date"
+ | otherwise = s
+metaToString :: MetaValue -> Maybe Text
+metaToString (MetaString t) = Just t
+metaToString _ = Nothing
+metaToInlines :: MetaValue -> Maybe [Inline]
+metaToInlines (MetaInlines t) = Just t
+metaToInlines _ = Nothing
+lookupString :: Text -> Meta -> Maybe Text
+lookupString t m = Map.lookup t (unMeta m) >>= metaToString
+lookupInlines :: Text -> Meta -> Maybe [Inline]
+lookupInlines t m = Map.lookup t (unMeta m) >>= metaToInlines
+removeSpan :: [Inline] -> [Inline]
+removeSpan = concatMap removeSpan'
+ where
+ removeSpan' (Span _ _) = []
+ removeSpan' a = [a]
+removeMathNL :: Inline -> Inline
+removeMathNL (Math mt t) = Math mt . fold $ T.lines t
+removeMathNL a = a
+separateTitleTags :: [Inline] -> ([Inline], [ZettelTag])
+separateTitleTags title =
+ (walk removeSpan $ filter (not . isTagSpan) title, map (ZettelTag . stringify) $ filter isTagSpan title)
+ where
+ isTagSpan (Span (_, l, _) _) = "tag" `elem` l
+ isTagSpan _ = False
+parseDate :: Text -> Maybe Text
+parseDate t
+ | T.null t = Just t
+ | T.head t == '[' = viaNonEmpty head . T.words $ T.tail t
+ | otherwise = Just t
+parseDateVal :: MetaValue -> Maybe MetaValue
+parseDateVal v = MetaString <$> (metaToString v >>= parseDate)
+zettelMetaFromMeta :: [ZettelTag] -> Meta -> ZettelMetadata
+zettelMetaFromMeta t m =
+ ZettelMetadata
+ (lookupString "date" m)
+ (lookupString "modified" m)
+ t
+ []
+pandocFromChunk :: Chunk -> Pandoc
+pandocFromChunk c =
+ walk removeMathNL
+ . walk removeDiv
+ . walk removeHeadings
+ . Pandoc
+ (Meta (fromList (("custom_id", MetaString (chunkId c)) : headingMeta)))
+ $ chunkContents c
+ where
+ headingMeta = queryHeaderMetaData $ chunkContents c
+zettelFromPandoc :: Pandoc -> (ZettelId, Zettel)
+zettelFromPandoc p@(Pandoc attr _) =
+ (ZettelId ident, Zettel title (zettelMetaFromMeta tags attr) p)
+ where
+ ident = fromMaybe "" $ lookupString "custom_id" attr
+ (title, tags) = maybe ([], []) separateTitleTags $ lookupInlines "title" attr
+initNode :: Zettel -> ZettelNode
+initNode zettel = ZettelNode zettel cempty cempty
+updatePandocAttr :: Pandoc -> Pandoc
+updatePandocAttr (Pandoc attr b) =
+ Pandoc
+ ( Meta
+ ( Map.insert
+ "tags"
+ tags
+ . Map.update
+ (fmap (MetaInlines . fst . separateTitleTags) . metaToInlines)
+ "title"
+ . Map.update
+ parseDateVal
+ "modified"
+ . Map.update parseDateVal "date"
+ $ unMeta attr
+ )
+ )
+ b
+ where
+ tags =
+ toMetaValue . map unZettelTag $
+ maybe [] (snd . separateTitleTags) $
+ lookupInlines "title" attr
+parseZettelKasten :: [FilePath] -> IO ZettelGraph
+parseZettelKasten fl = do
+ fs <- mapM readFileBS fl
+ orgFiles <- mapM (runIOorExplode . readOrg def . decode) fs
+ let splitChunks = map (splitIntoChunks "" False Nothing 15) orgFiles
+ let pandocList = map (updatePandocAttr . pandocFromChunk) $ concatMap chunkedChunks splitChunks
+ return . ZettelGraph . fromList $ map (second initNode . zettelFromPandoc) pandocList
diff --git a/src/Zettel/Render.hs b/src/Zettel/Render.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c64a910
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Zettel/Render.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
+module Zettel.Render where
+import Data.Default (def)
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Paths_org_zk (getDataFileName)
+import Text.Pandoc.Class (runIOorExplode)
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Block (..), Inline (..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Options (WriterOptions (..), multimarkdownExtensions)
+import Text.Pandoc.Templates (WithDefaultPartials (..), compileTemplate)
+import Text.Pandoc.Writers (writeMarkdown)
+import Zettel.Types
+zettelIdToLink :: ZettelId -> Inline
+zettelIdToLink ident = Link mempty [Str $ "#" <> unZettelId ident] ("/" <> unZettelId ident, "")
+renderZettelLinks :: [ZettelId] -> Block
+renderZettelLinks =
+ BulletList . map (\ident -> [Para [zettelIdToLink ident]])
+toInlines :: Text -> [Inline]
+toInlines t = intersperse Space . map Str $ T.words t
+renderTitleLinks :: Int -> Text -> [ZettelId] -> [Block]
+renderTitleLinks level title ids =
+ [Header level mempty (toInlines title), renderZettelLinks ids]
+renderZettel :: ZettelId -> ZettelNode -> IO Text
+renderZettel _ zettel = do
+ templateFile <- getDataFileName "data/markdown.template"
+ template <- decodeUtf8 <$> readFileBS templateFile
+ Right templ <- runIOorExplode . runWithDefaultPartials $ compileTemplate "" template
+ runIOorExplode $
+ writeMarkdown
+ (def {writerTemplate = Just templ, writerExtensions = multimarkdownExtensions})
+ (zettel.zettelNodeZettel.zettelBody)
+renderZettelFile :: FilePath -> ZettelId -> ZettelNode -> IO ()
+renderZettelFile dir ident zettel = do
+ t <- renderZettel ident zettel
+ writeFileText (dir <> "/" <> toString (unZettelId ident <> ".md")) t
+renderZettelGraphFile :: FilePath -> ZettelGraph -> IO ()
+renderZettelGraphFile fp zg =
+ forM_ (Map.assocs (unZettelGraph zg)) $ uncurry (renderZettelFile fp)
diff --git a/src/Zettel/Types.hs b/src/Zettel/Types.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26dee7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Zettel/Types.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
+module Zettel.Types
+ ( Combine (..),
+ UseCombine (..),
+ ZettelId (..),
+ ZettelCat (..),
+ ZettelTag (..),
+ ZettelMetadata (..),
+ Zettel (..),
+ ZettelNode (..),
+ ZettelGraph (..),
+ )
+import Text.Pandoc.Builder (ToMetaValue (..))
+import Text.Pandoc.Definition (Inline (..), Pandoc (..))
+class Combine a where
+ cappend :: a -> a -> a
+ cempty :: a
+newtype UseCombine a = UC a
+instance (Monoid a) => Combine (UseCombine a) where
+ cappend (UC a) (UC b) = UC $ a <> b
+ cempty = UC mempty
+deriving via (UseCombine Text) instance Combine Text
+deriving via (UseCombine Pandoc) instance Combine Pandoc
+deriving via (UseCombine [a]) instance Combine [a]
+instance Combine (Maybe a) where
+ cappend Nothing a = a
+ cappend a _ = a
+ cempty = Nothing
+-- | The ZettelId is just Text, however, it should also be possible to convert
+-- it to a list of the ID split up into it's parts.
+newtype ZettelId = ZettelId {unZettelId :: Text}
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, IsString, ToString, Semigroup, Monoid, ToMetaValue)
+ deriving (Combine) via (UseCombine ZettelId)
+newtype ZettelTag = ZettelTag {unZettelTag :: Text}
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, IsString, ToString, Semigroup, Monoid, ToMetaValue)
+ deriving (Combine) via (UseCombine ZettelId)
+newtype ZettelCat = ZettelCat {unZettelCat :: Text}
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, IsString, ToString, Semigroup, Monoid, ToMetaValue)
+ deriving (Combine) via (UseCombine ZettelId)
+data ZettelMetadata = ZettelMetadata
+ { -- | Optional creation date of the Zettel.
+ zettelCreationDate :: Maybe Text,
+ -- | Optional last modified date of the Zettel.
+ zettelModifiedDate :: Maybe Text,
+ -- | Optional tags.
+ zettelTags :: [ZettelTag],
+ -- | Optional Category
+ zettelCategory :: [ZettelCat]
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Combine ZettelMetadata where
+ cappend (ZettelMetadata c m t a) (ZettelMetadata c' m' t' a') =
+ ZettelMetadata (cappend c c') (cappend m m') (cappend t t') (cappend a a')
+ cempty = ZettelMetadata cempty cempty cempty cempty
+data Zettel = Zettel
+ { -- | The title of the Zettel, which should also be present in the body,
+ -- however, this is useful to gather metadata about the Zettel.
+ zettelTitle :: ![Inline],
+ -- | Zettel metadata which is mostly optional.
+ zettelMetadata :: ZettelMetadata,
+ -- | The text body of the Zettel, which is stored as a Pandoc document to
+ -- make it easy to export to other documents.
+ zettelBody :: Pandoc
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Combine Zettel where
+ cappend (Zettel b c d) (Zettel b' c' d') =
+ Zettel (cappend b b') (cappend c c') (cappend d d')
+ cempty = Zettel cempty cempty cempty
+data ZettelNode = ZettelNode
+ { zettelNodeZettel :: Zettel,
+ zettelNodeNext :: [ZettelId],
+ zettelNodePrev :: [ZettelId]
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+instance Combine ZettelNode where
+ cappend (ZettelNode b c d) (ZettelNode b' c' d') =
+ ZettelNode (cappend b b') (cappend c c') (cappend d d')
+ cempty = ZettelNode cempty cempty cempty
+newtype ZettelGraph = ZettelGraph {unZettelGraph :: Map ZettelId ZettelNode}