path: root/FMark/FABLE_README.md
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-# Fable Simple Template
-This template can be used to generate a simple web app with [Fable](http://fable.io/).
-You can find more templates by searching `Fable.Template` packages in [Nuget](https://www.nuget.org).
-## Requirements
-* [dotnet SDK](https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/core) 2.0 or higher
-* [node.js](https://nodejs.org) 6.11 or higher
-* A JS package manager: [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) or [npm](http://npmjs.com/)
-> npm comes bundled with node.js, but we recommend to use at least npm 5. If you have npm installed, you can upgrade it by running `npm install -g npm`.
-Although is not a Fable requirement, on macOS and Linux you'll need [Mono](http://www.mono-project.com/) for other F# tooling like Paket or editor support.
-## Editor
-The project can be used by editors compatible with the new .fsproj format, like VS Code + [Ionide](http://ionide.io/), Emacs with [fsharp-mode](https://github.com/fsharp/emacs-fsharp-mode) or [Rider](https://www.jetbrains.com/rider/). **Visual Studio for Mac** is also compatible but in the current version the package auto-restore function conflicts with Paket so you need to disable it: `Preferences > Nuget > General`.
-## Installing the template
-In a terminal, run `dotnet new -i Fable.Template` to install or update the template to the latest version.
-## Creating a new project with the template
-In a terminal, run `dotnet new fable` to create a project in the current directory. Type `dotnet new fable -n MyApp` instead to create a subfolder named `MyApp` and put the new project there.
-> The project will have the name of the directory. You may get some issues if the directory name contains some special characters like hyphens
-## Building and running the app
-> In the commands below, yarn is the tool of choice. If you want to use npm, just replace `yarn` by `npm` in the commands.
-* Install JS dependencies: `yarn install`
-* **Move to `src` folder**: `cd src`
-* Install F# dependencies: `dotnet restore`
-* Start Fable daemon and [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org/) dev server: `dotnet fable yarn-start`
-* In your browser, open: http://localhost:8080/
-> `dotnet fable yarn-start` (or `npm-start`) is used to start the Fable daemon and run a script in package.json concurrently. It's a shortcut of `yarn-run [SCRIPT_NAME]`, e.g. `dotnet fable yarn-run start`.
-If you are using VS Code + [Ionide](http://ionide.io/), you can also use the key combination: Ctrl+Shift+B (Cmd+Shift+B on macOS) instead of typing the `dotnet fable yarn-start` command. This also has the advantage that Fable-specific errors will be highlighted in the editor along with other F# errors.
-Any modification you do to the F# code will be reflected in the web page after saving. When you want to output the JS code to disk, run `dotnet fable yarn-build` and you'll get a minified JS bundle in the `public` folder.
-## JS Output
-This template uses [babel-preset-env](http://babeljs.io/env) to output JS code whose syntax is compatible with a wide range of browsers. Currently it's set to support browsers with at least 1% of market share. To change this (for example, if you don't need to support IE), [replace this line](https://github.com/fable-compiler/fable-templates/blob/7b9352cdaeb77ecd600b45ed4eab2f41c73b85e4/simple/Content/webpack.config.js#L13) with a query understood by [browserl.ist](http://browserl.ist/?q=%3E+1%25).
-To replace objects and APIs that may be missing in old browsers, the `index.html` file [submits a request](https://github.com/fable-compiler/fable-templates/blob/7b9352cdaeb77ecd600b45ed4eab2f41c73b85e4/simple/Content/public/index.html#L8) to [cdn.polyfill.io](https://polyfill.io/v2/docs/) that tailors the polyfill according to the user's browser.
-## Project structure
-### Paket
-[Paket](https://fsprojects.github.io/Paket/) is the package manager used for F# dependencies. It doesn't need a global installation, the binary is included in the `.paket` folder. Other Paket related files are:
-- **paket.dependencies**: contains all the dependencies in the repository.
-- **paket.references**: there should be one such a file next to each `.fsproj` file.
-- **paket.lock**: automatically generated, but should be committed to source control, [see why](https://fsprojects.github.io/Paket/faq.html#Why-should-I-commit-the-lock-file).
-- **Nuget.Config**: prevents conflicts with Paket in machines with some Nuget configuration.
-> Paket dependencies will be installed in the `packages` directory. See [Paket website](https://fsprojects.github.io/Paket/) for more info.
-### yarn/npm
-- **package.json**: contains the JS dependencies together with other info, like development scripts.
-- **yarn.lock**: is the lock file created by yarn.
-- **package-lock.json**: is the lock file understood by npm 5, if you use it instead of yarn.
-> JS dependencies will be installed in `node_modules`. See [yarn](https://yarnpkg.com) and/or [npm](http://npmjs.com/) websites for more info.
-### Webpack
-[Webpack](https://webpack.js.org) is a bundler, which links different JS sources into a single file making deployment much easier. It also offers other features, like a static dev server that can automatically refresh the browser upon changes in your code or a minifier for production release. Fable interacts with Webpack through the `fable-loader`.
-- **webpack.config.js**: is the configuration file for Webpack. It allows you to set many things: like the path of the bundle, the port for the development server or [Babel](https://babeljs.io/) options. See [Webpack website](https://webpack.js.org) for more info.
-> Make sure to resolve all the paths [as well as Babel options](https://github.com/fable-compiler/fable-templates/blob/7b9352cdaeb77ecd600b45ed4eab2f41c73b85e4/simple/Content/webpack.config.js#L9) to make sure all the files referenced by Fable will be found by Babel/Webpack.
-### F# source files
-The template only contains two F# source files: the project (.fsproj) and a source file (.fs) in `src` folder.
-## Where to go from here
-Check more [Fable samples](https://github.com/fable-compiler/samples-browser), use another template like `Fable.Template.Elmish.React` or `SAFE.Template`, and check the [awesome-fable](https://github.com/kunjee17/awesome-fable#-awesome-fable) for a curated list of resources provided by the community. \ No newline at end of file