path: root/README.md
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1459b72..582216e 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -37,19 +37,138 @@ at [CommonMark](http://spec.commonmark.org/0.27/).
A reference implementation of the simple markdown can be found [here](http://spec.commonmark.org/dingus/).
-## Markdown extensions (not included in standard Markdown)
+# Markdown extensions (not included in standard Markdown)
-- Math equation rendering (Mathjax)
-- Citation
-- Table of contents
-- Spreadsheet functionality
-- Macros
+## Macros
+### Supported Constructs
+These are the supported constructs in the preprocessor.
+|Simple Macro|`{% macro name value %}`| Sets the Macro `name` equal to the string `value`|Unit Test|
+|Function Macro|`{% macro name(arg1; arg2) value %}`|Sets the Macro `name` equal to the string `value` with two parameters.|Unit Test|
+|Simple Evaluation|`{{ macro_name }}`|Evaluates the macro `macro_name` and replaces the evaluation with the evaluated body of the macro.|Unit Test|
+|Function Evaluation|`{{ macro_name(arg 1; arg 2) }}`|Evaluates the macro `macro_name` with the arguments `arg 1` and `arg 2` and replaces the evaluation with the evaluated body of the macro.|Unit Test|
+### Supported Features
+These are the features that are currently supported by the preprocessor.
+| Simple whitespace control|`{% macro x y %}` evaluates to `y` and not ` ` `y` ` `.|Removes whitespace and newlines in macros where one wouldn't expect them to be added to the macro body.|Unit Test|
+|Shadowing of macros through|`{% macro x x %} {% macro y(x) {{ x }} %}` with `{{ y(z) }}` will evaluate to `z` but `{{ x }}` outside of the macro will always evaluate to `x`.|Macros can be shadowed by arguments of other macros.|Unit Test|
+|Nested macros|`{% macro x {% macro y %} %}`|Macro y is only defined inside macro x and cannot be seen outside of the scope of x.|Unit Test|
+|Shadowing of macros through|`{% macro x x %} {% macro y {% macro x z %} {{x}} %} y: {{ y }}, x: {{ x }}` will evaluate to `y: z, x: x`|Macros can be shadowed by other macros which will be used instead for evaluation.|Unit Test|
+|Evaluation of large strings|`{{ x(This is the first argument; This is the second argument) }}`|One can pass large strings as arguments to the macros.|Unit Test|
+|Escaping of characters inside argument|`{{ x(arg 1 with a \); arg 2 with a \;) }}`|One can esape all the special characters inside macros and substitutions|Unit Test|
+|Escaping macros|`\{% macro x y %}`|This will escape the whole macro and not evaluate it|Unit Test|
+|Escaping Subsitutions|`\{{ x }}`| will not evaluate the substitution but instead output it literally|Unit Test|
+|Outputting unmatched subsituttion|`{{ x }}` -> `{{ x }}` if not in scope|If the subsitution is not matched, it will output it as it got it|Unit Test|
+### Example
+In markdown using the preprocessor, one can then write the following:
+Text before macro
+{% macro Hello(arg1; arg2)
+This is text inside the macro, with semicolons;
+{% macro local(arg1; arg2)
+This is the second macro
+Now back in the first macro.
+{{ local(arg1; arg2) }}
+Outside both macros
+Should be printed as not in scope: {{ local(arg1; arg2) }}
+{{ Hello(arg1; arg2) }}
+which then evaluates to
+Text before macro
+Outside both macros
+Should be printed as not in scope: {{ local(arg1; arg2) }}
+This is text inside the macro, with semicolons;
+Now back in the first macro.
+This is the second macro
+## Spreadsheet functionality
+Spreadsheet functions will evaluate in-place in a table, if they are incorrectly formatted then Markalc will leave the cell unchanged as if it were normal text inside.
+To delineate an expression, start the cell with the `=` operator, e.g.
+### Supported Features
+#### Arithmetic
+|Modulo|`a%b`|a modulo b|Property based, all integer inputs.
+|Power|`a^b`|a to the power of b|Property based, all integer inputs.
+|Multiply|`a*b`|a times b|Property based, all integer inputs.
+|Division|`a/b`|a divided by b|Property based, all integer inputs.
+|Subtraction|`a-b`|a minus b|Property based, all integer inputs.
+|Addition|`a+b`|a plus b|Property based, all integer inputs.
+|Brackets|`a+(b-c)`|Specify order of operation.|Unit tested.
+|Cell References|`[0,2]`|Evaluates to contents of cell specified (row 0, col 2)|Unit tested|
+|Range Cell Ref|`[0,0]:[2,0]`|Evaluates to list of cell references.|Unit tested, not fully.|
+|Keyword Cell Ref|`[col=2,row=0]`|Alternative syntax, order doens't matter.|Unit tested|
+#### Functions
+Supported functions:
+|Function name| Effect| Tested|
+|`SUM`|Adds all arguments.|Unit tested.|
+|`AVG`|Calculates mean of all arguments.|Unit tested.|
+|`MIN`|Returns minimum of all arguments.|Unit tested.|
+|`MAX`|Returns maximum of all arguments.|Unit tested.|
+Functions support Range Cell References: `[0,0]:[2,0]` will evaluate to `[0,0],[1,0],[2,0]`. This can be used with other arguments, e.g. `SUM{[0,0]:[2,0],1,3+2,[0,0]}`
+### Unsupported
+|Negative numbers using unary operator|`=-a+b`|Subtract number from zero in brackets e.g. `=(0-a)+b`|
+|Integer operations|`=5+2`|All calculations done in floating point.|
+|Allow formatting around equation|`*=5+2*`|None|
+|String operations|e.g. Excel CONCAT|None|
+|Assume empty cells are zero|Summing over column with empty cells|Put `=0` in each cell|
+## Table of Contents
+To be written up.
+## Citations
+To be written up.
+## TODO
+- [ ] Write up formatting for Table of Contents and Citations
+- [ ] Math equation rendering (Mathjax)
### Potential extensions
-- References ()
-- Realtime rendering
- Diagrams (Graphviz)
- Autoformatting
-- Syntax/Error highlighting
+- Syntax highlighting
+- Error/Warning/Hints highlighting