path: root/README.md
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authorm8pple <dt10@imperial.ac.uk>2014-10-16 13:44:26 +0100
committerm8pple <dt10@imperial.ac.uk>2014-10-16 13:44:26 +0100
commit39288a6d59759b1a57ba00b845a01c7973f37c09 (patch)
treefb83fd0e4acea7c9a1f7493b9251ce854e21b86e /README.md
parent904de2b44ee9ea9d38b71764d12fc6fe6546be3c (diff)
Initial push.
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ec3e8f1..b471771 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,379 @@
+Architecture II 2014, Coursework 1
-2014/2015 - EIE2 - Architecture 2, Coursework 1
+Goals of this coursework
+There are three central aims of this coursework:
+- Solidify your understanding of how an instruction
+ processor actually functions. The overall functionality
+ of how a processor works is relatively easy to grasp,
+ but there is lots of interesting detail which gives
+ you a lot of insight (both into CPUs, but also into
+ software and digital design).
+- Understand the importance of having good specifications,
+ in terms of functionality, APIs, and requirements. This
+ is fundamental to CPU design and implementation, but is
+ also true in the wider world (again) of software and
+ digital design.
+- Develop your skills in coding from scratch. There is
+ not much scaffolding here, I am genuinely asking you
+ to create your own CPU simulator from scratch.
+Coursework Deliverables
+There are two C/C++ components to this coursework:
+1 - Create a MIPS software simulator
+2 - Develop a test suite for your MIPs simulator
+The API for the simulator is given as a bare C header file,
+defining the functions and data-types involved, along
+with a functional specification of what a simulator
+should do. The API acts as the interface between your
+simulator and your test-suite, and indeed _any_ simulator
+and test-suite.
+Your submitted code will consist of a zip file (or .tar.gz, if
+you are that way inclined), containing the original directory
+structure and files, as well as the files that you have contributed.
+The two key things you will be adding are:
+ - src/<your_login>/mips_cpu.c or mips_cpu.cpp
+ - src/<your_login>/test_mips.c or test_mips.cpp
+The first part is the implementation of a mips simulator, and
+is essentially a library that implements the api found in
+include/mips_cpu.h. You can use C or C++, either is fine.
+If you want to split into multiple files, then feel free to do
+so - anything which matches the pattern src/<your_login>/mips_cpu_*.c
+or src/<your_login>/mips_cpu_*.cpp will also get compiled into
+your library.
+The second part is the test suite which will drive your
+simulator and make it do things. This is a C or C++ program
+(so it will have a main function), and should be either
+src/<your_login>/test_mips.c or src/<your_login>/test_mips.cpp.
+Again, if you want to split into multiple files, anything
+that matches the pattern src/<your_login>/test_mips_*.c or
+src/<your_login>/test_mips_*.cpp will get compiled into
+your program.
+You can also add your own private header files (generally
+a good idea), which should be part of the submitted zip file,
+but they don't need to follow any specific pattern. However,
+they should be completely located within the src/<your_login>
+directory or a sub-directory of it. Note that your simulator
+and your test suite are two different components, so do not
+rely on the specific behaviour of _your_ simulator, it should
+work with any simulator that follows the API.
+The directory structure should look like:
+ .
+ +-readme.md # This document
+ |
+ +-include
+ | |
+ | +-mips.h
+ | +-mips_*.h #Other mips headers
+ |
+ +-src
+ | |
+ | +-shared
+ | | |
+ | | +-mips_mem_ram.cpp
+ | | +-mips_test_framework.cpp
+ | |
+ | +-<your_login> # This is your private folder
+ | |
+ | +-mips_cpu.c or mips_cpu.cpp
+ | +-mips_cpu_*.c or mips_cpu_*.cpp (if you want them)
+ | |
+ | +-test_mips.c or test_mips.cpp
+ | +-test_mips_*.c or test_mips_*.cpp (if you want them)
+ | |
+ | +-(anything else you want, e.g. headers, docs)
+ |
+ +-doc
+ |
+ +-fragments # Some very simple examples of C, assembly, and binary code
+ |
+ +-(anything else you want, but it won't be available in the environment)
+I accept that it is a bit painful making sure you get exactly
+the right base directory in a zip, so during assesment I will
+go looking for mips.h, and will use that to anchor the rest
+of the directory tree.
+Your submitted code will need to work within the
+compilation environment specified later on (another
+part of the specification). The file names and
+structure _must_ match those mandated here.
+If you're wondering why I'm being so prescriptive about this,
+it is because I've already done all your marking, which required
+me to know what your submission looks like and what I can do
+with it. The given structure allows me to know exactly what
+your code needs in order to compile (I need to tell the compiler
+which source files to link together), and when I want to move
+implementations around I need to know what is important (so
+stuff in src/<your_login>.
+Assessment criterion
+This is an exercise in both implementing specifications,
+and in testing specifications, so the assessment
+is weighted as follows:
+- 20% Compilation and robustness: How much (manual) work
+ was needed to make the submission compile in the target
+ environment and run without crashing? The expectation
+ is that everyone can get full marks here.
+- 50% Functionality: What proportion of the CPU simulator's
+ functions operate correctly? It is unlikely that many submissions
+ will get all instructions working perfectly, but there is a core
+ subset that everyone will be able to get fully working, a larger
+ set that most people will be able to get partially working, and some
+ instructions that are really quite difficult to get right and many
+ people won't attempt. Some hints on that will apear later.
+- 30% Testing: What proportion of the CPU simulator is
+ exercised and tested by the submitted test suite? So _if_ an
+ instruction is implemented, is it a) exercised, and b) is
+ the result checked. You can still get a decent mark here
+ even if you have a small number of instructions implemented,
+ as long as they are tested well.
+- (10%) Bug reports: This specification will not be perfect, and
+ I welcome bug reports. Things like spelling mistakes are
+ welcome, but not especially valuable. What is important
+ are points of genuine ambiguity, or errors of implementation
+ in the code spec. Bug reports should identify both the
+ problem, and how to reproduce it, and particularly welcome are
+ bug reports with suggested fixes. Note that "I don't know
+ what to do" or "my program crashes" or "this is too hard" are
+ not bugs, they need to be errors in the specification.
+Except for the marks for compilation (where everyone
+should really get full marks, but is down to me assessing
+how much manual work I needed to put in) and bug reports
+(which are subjective and more rare) the assesment is
+entirely quantitative and metric based.
+There are two submission deadlines, one soft, one hard:
+- Friday 24th October: deadline for formative (ungraded)
+ assesment. If you submit a version by this deadline, it
+ will be put through a large subset of the assessment. The
+ results (but not a grade), will be returned on Monday 27th.
+ Submission is not required, but is obviously encouraged.
+- Friday 31st October: deadline for summative (graded)
+ assesment. Whether or not you submitted for the previous
+ deadline, everyone must submit for this deadline. This
+ will be the part which results in the grade for this
+ coursework.
+The idea of the first deadline is for you to test whatever
+you have working. You might only have one or two
+instructions working at that point, which is fine. Submit
+that, and it will give you some confidence that the
+way you are doing things is correct.
+Managing expectations
+You may think that it is always possible to get 90-100% in
+coursework if you just work hard enough. That is not
+true here, and will usually not be true in your future
+courseworks. The grade distribution for this coursework
+should be roughly the same as exam grade distributions,
+and certainly was last year. So 70% is a good mark, 80%+
+is a great mark, and anything above 60% shows that you're
+doing ok.
+Some students will have more programming experience,
+and so will find this exercise easier, and may well
+end up with a higher grade. That's life I'm afraid,
+just like some people turned up last year knowing more
+of the maths curriculum. This mark goes into Computing Lab,
+which is intended to encourage and recognise ability in the
+practical application of programming and computing concepts.
+For those students who are less experienced in programming
+this kind of exercise is much more valuable, and they
+will get more out of it. But everyone, no matter their
+programming ability, should find it helps clarify their
+current understanding of instruction processors, and supports
+their learning through the rest of this module.
+Guidance on instructions
+We are going to look at the MIPS-1 (or MIPS-I) instruction
+set, in big endian mode. There are 47 instructions eligible for implementation,
+as certain instructions such as SYSCALL are too complex to
+handle here. The following table gives the mnemonics, the description,
+and a rough guide to how complex they are. Note that the complexity is
+based on both how easy it is to implement the base functionality,
+but also how easy it is to deal with, and try to test, corner cases.
+Code | Meaning | Complexity |
+ADD | Add (with overflow) | 2 XX |
+ADDI | Add immediate (with overflow) | 2 XX |
+ADDIU | Add immediate unsigned (no overflow) | 2 XX |
+ADDU | Add unsigned (no overflow) | 1 X |
+AND | Bitwise and | 1 X |
+ANDI | Bitwise and immediate | 2 XX |
+BEQ | Branch on equal | 3 XXX |
+BGEZ | Branch on greater than or equal to zero | 3 XXX |
+BGEZAL| Branch on greater >=0 zero and link | 4 XXXX |
+BGTZ | Branch on greater than zero | 3 XXX |
+BLEZ | Branch on less than or equal to zero | 3 XXX |
+BLTZ | Branch on less than zero | 3 XXX |
+BLTZAL| Branch on less than zero and link | 4 XXXX |
+BNE | Branch on not equal | 3 XXX |
+DIV | Divide | 4 XXXX |
+DIVU | Divide unsigned | 3 XXXX |
+J | Jump | 3 XXX |
+JAL | Jump and link | 3 XXXX |
+JR | Jump register | 3 XXX |
+LB | Load byte | 4 XXX |
+LBU | Load byte unsigned | 3 XXX |
+LUI | Load upper immediate | 2 XX |
+LW | Load word | 2 XX |
+LWL | Load word left | 5 XXXXX |
+LWR | Load word right | 5 XXXXX |
+MFHI | Move from HI | 3 XXXX |
+MFLO | Move from LO | 3 XXXX |
+MULT | Multiply | 4 XXXX |
+MULTU | Multiply unsigned | 3 XXXX |
+OR | Bitwise or | 1 X |
+ORI | Bitwise or immediate | 2 XX |
+SB | Store byte | 3 XXX |
+SH | Store half-word | 3 XXX |
+SLL | Shift left logical | 2 XX |
+SLLV | Shift left logical variable | 3 XX |
+SLT | Set on less than (signed) | 2 XX |
+SLTI | Set on less than immediate (signed) | 3 XXX |
+SLTIU | Set on less than immediate unsigned | 3 XXX |
+SLTU | Set on less than unsigned | 1 X |
+SRA | Shift right arithmetic | 2 XX |
+SRL | Shift right logical | 2 XX |
+SRLV | Shift right logical variable | 2 XX |
+SUB | Subtract | 2 XX |
+SUBU | Subtract unsigned | 1 X |
+SW | Store word | 2 XX |
+XOR | Bitwise exclusive or | 1 X |
+XORI | Bitwise exclusive or immediate | 2 XX |
+There are many instructions, but there is a lot of commonality
+between some instructions. Think about the underlying
+digital data-path in a real processor, and use that to identify
+where there are similarities.
+I would expect most people to be able to implement and test all
+the 1s and 2s fairly easily. Implementing the 3s is not so
+difficult, but testing them can be more complex. The 4s are doable,
+but have some complexity in implementation and testing. Implementing
+the 5s correctly is really quite challenging.
+Getting Started
+### Read this document
+You have got to this point already. If you skipped to here, go back
+and read the entire thing again.
+### Get the source code
+You can get the source code either by:
+ 1 - Downloading the zip file (see the link on the right hand side),
+ which gives you a snapshot of the files in the repository.
+ 2 - Cloning the source code to your local directory, keeping the
+ git information intact. You don't need a github account to do
+ this, and your repository will be private.
+ 3 - Fork the code into your own repository. This assumes that you
+ have your own account, and presumably the ability to keep
+ that repository private. See the [Student Pack](https://education.github.com/pack)
+ if you're interested in that direction.
+While it is not required, I would highly recommend that you try
+option 2 (I will use this route in class). It is good to get some
+experience of how source control works, and acting as a consumer is
+a good way of understanding what is going on. There are a number
+of GUI tools available which make things easier:
+ - The github GUI is available for [Windows](https://windows.github.com/),
+ [Mac](https://mac.github.com/).
+ - There are third party GUI tools like [TortoiseGIT](https://code.google.com/p/tortoisegit/)
+ - There is a default GUI called [git gui](https://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/git-gui.html)
+ from the main git people, that should be cross platform.
+ - Or you can just use the command line. If you are only using git
+ to get and update the code, then "git clone" and "git pull" are
+ easy to use.
+The submission itself is through blackboard as a zip, so there
+is no requirement to use git. Even if I update the repository,
+you can still just download the zip again and copy your current
+work in - it is deliberately designed so that copying your
+src/<login> directory into the updated source code will work.
+### Read the source code
+The source code is part of the specification, and is heavily
+documented (it is much more important to document APIs than
+it is to document implementation). Suggested reading order is:
+ - include/mips.h
+ - include/mips_mem.h
+ - include/mips_cpu.h
+ - include/mips_test.h
+*Optional* : The comments follow the format for a well-known tool
+called [doxygen](http://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/). If you
+apply doxygen to the file doc/mips.doygen, then it will generate
+some nice html formatted API documentation for you.
+### Check you understand MIPS
+The ISA we are using is a subset of the MIPS-1 (or MIPS-I)
+instruction set in big endian mode. There is a lot of
+discussion of MIPS in the course text book, and the MIPS
+specification itself is available online, for example:
+There are multiple revisions or extensions of the instruction set,
+so rememer that we are only considering MIPS-1.
+I think this is quite a nice break-down of the instructions,
+but be careful about the details:
+### Try to work out what you are supposed to do
+Try putting in the two source files that you know
+you need to create, and see how far you can get.
+### Come to the lecture on Monday
+We'll be talking a lot more about the coursework.
+*BUT* - if you haven't done these steps already, you may
+find it difficult to follow what is going on.