diff options
4 files changed, 656 insertions, 343 deletions
diff --git a/src/Vivant.hs b/src/Vivant.hs
index 4a93b62..19548ce 100644
--- a/src/Vivant.hs
+++ b/src/Vivant.hs
@@ -14,137 +14,146 @@
module Main where
-import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.))
-import Control.Monad
-import Data.Fixed (mod')
-import Data.Function ((&))
-import Data.Int (Int32)
-import Data.Set (Set)
-import qualified Data.Set as Set
-import Data.Word (Word32)
-import Foreign.C.Types
-import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free, malloc)
-import Foreign.Ptr
-import Foreign.Storable (poke, sizeOf)
-import Linear
-import SDL (($=))
-import SDL.Raw.Enum as SDL
-import SDL.Raw.Video as SDL (glSetAttribute)
-import SDL.Time (ticks)
-import SDL.Vect
-import System.Exit (exitFailure)
-import System.IO
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
-import qualified Graphics.GL.Functions as GL (glUniformMatrix4fv)
-import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
+import Control.Lens ((.~), (^.))
+import Control.Monad
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Data.Fixed (mod')
+import Data.Function ((&))
+import Data.Int (Int32)
+import Data.Set (Set)
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
+import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
+import Data.Word (Word32)
+import Foreign.C.Types
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (free, malloc)
+import Foreign.Ptr
+import Foreign.Storable (poke, sizeOf)
+import qualified Graphics.GL.Functions as GL (glUniformMatrix4fv)
+import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL.Shaders.Uniform as GL (UniformLocation (..))
+import Linear
+import Paths_vivant (getDataDir)
+import SDL (($=))
import qualified SDL
-import Paths_vivant (getDataDir)
-import Vivant.Shader (createProgram)
+import SDL.Raw.Enum as SDL
+import SDL.Raw.Video as SDL (glSetAttribute)
+import SDL.Time (ticks)
+import SDL.Vect
+import System.Exit (exitFailure)
+import System.IO
+import Vivant.Shader (createProgram)
screenWidth, screenHeight :: CInt
(screenWidth, screenHeight) = (640, 480)
data Camera = Camera
- { cameraPos :: V3 Float
- , cameraUp :: V3 Float
- , cameraFront :: V3 Float
- , cameraSpeed :: Float
- , cameraPitch :: Float
- , cameraYaw :: Float
- } deriving (Show)
+ { cameraPos :: V3 Float,
+ cameraUp :: V3 Float,
+ cameraFront :: V3 Float,
+ cameraSpeed :: Float,
+ cameraPitch :: Float,
+ cameraYaw :: Float
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
initialCamera :: Camera
-initialCamera = Camera
- { cameraPos = V3 0 0 10
- , cameraUp = V3 0 1 0
- , cameraFront = V3 0 0 (-1)
- , cameraSpeed = 0.05
- , cameraPitch = 0
- , cameraYaw = (-90)
- }
+initialCamera =
+ Camera
+ { cameraPos = V3 0 0 10,
+ cameraUp = V3 0 1 0,
+ cameraFront = V3 0 0 (-1),
+ cameraSpeed = 0.05,
+ cameraPitch = 0,
+ cameraYaw = (-90)
+ }
data Game = Game
- { gameProgram :: Maybe (GL.Program)
- , gameVao :: Maybe (GL.VertexArrayObject)
- , gameModelP :: Ptr (M44 Float)
- , gameViewP :: Ptr (M44 Float)
- , gameProjectionP :: Ptr (M44 Float)
- , gameCamera :: Camera
- } deriving (Show)
+ { gameProgram :: Maybe (GL.Program),
+ gameVao :: Maybe (GL.VertexArrayObject),
+ gameModelP :: Ptr (M44 Float),
+ gameViewP :: Ptr (M44 Float),
+ gameProjectionP :: Ptr (M44 Float),
+ gameCamera :: Camera
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
initialGameState :: Game
-initialGameState = Game
- { gameProgram = Nothing
- , gameVao = Nothing
- , gameModelP = nullPtr
- , gameViewP = nullPtr
- , gameProjectionP = nullPtr
- , gameCamera = initialCamera
- }
+initialGameState =
+ Game
+ { gameProgram = Nothing,
+ gameVao = Nothing,
+ gameModelP = nullPtr,
+ gameViewP = nullPtr,
+ gameProjectionP = nullPtr,
+ gameCamera = initialCamera
+ }
data MouseInputs = MouseInputs
- { mousePosition :: Point V2 Int32
- , mouseRelative :: V2 Int32
- , mousePositionOld :: Maybe (V2 Int32)
- } deriving (Show)
+ { mousePosition :: Point V2 Int32,
+ mouseRelative :: V2 Int32,
+ mousePositionOld :: Maybe (V2 Int32)
+ }
+ deriving (Show)
initialMouse :: MouseInputs
-initialMouse = MouseInputs
- { mousePosition = P (V2 400 300)
- , mouseRelative = V2 0 0
- , mousePositionOld = Nothing
- }
+initialMouse =
+ MouseInputs
+ { mousePosition = P (V2 400 300),
+ mouseRelative = V2 0 0,
+ mousePositionOld = Nothing
+ }
main :: IO ()
main = do
- SDL.initialize [SDL.InitVideo]
- SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality $= SDL.ScaleLinear
- do renderQuality <- SDL.get SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality
- when (renderQuality /= SDL.ScaleLinear) $
- putStrLn "Warning: Linear texture filtering not enabled!"
+ SDL.initialize [SDL.InitVideo]
+ SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality $= SDL.ScaleLinear
+ do
+ renderQuality <- SDL.get SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality
+ when (renderQuality /= SDL.ScaleLinear) $
+ putStrLn "Warning: Linear texture filtering not enabled!"
- window <-
- SDL.createWindow
- "SDL / OpenGL Example"
- SDL.defaultWindow {SDL.windowInitialSize = V2 screenWidth screenHeight,
- SDL.windowGraphicsContext = SDL.OpenGLContext SDL.defaultOpenGL}
+ window <-
+ SDL.createWindow
+ "SDL / OpenGL Example"
+ SDL.defaultWindow
+ { SDL.windowInitialSize = V2 screenWidth screenHeight,
+ SDL.windowGraphicsContext = SDL.OpenGLContext SDL.defaultOpenGL
+ }
- SDL.glSetAttribute SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE 24
+ SDL.glSetAttribute SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE 24
- SDL.showWindow window
+ SDL.showWindow window
- _ <- SDL.glCreateContext window
+ _ <- SDL.glCreateContext window
- GL.viewport $= (GL.Position 0 0, GL.Size (fromIntegral screenWidth) (fromIntegral screenHeight))
+ GL.viewport $= (GL.Position 0 0, GL.Size (fromIntegral screenWidth) (fromIntegral screenHeight))
- game <- initResources
+ game <- initResources
- let loop key mouse = do
- (keys', mouse') <- parseEvents key mouse
+ let loop key mouse = do
+ (keys', mouse') <- parseEvents key mouse
- draw game
- SDL.glSwapWindow window
+ draw game
+ SDL.glSwapWindow window
- unless (Set.member escapeKey keys') (loop keys' mouse')
+ unless (Set.member escapeKey keys') (loop keys' mouse')
- loop Set.empty initialMouse
+ loop Set.empty initialMouse
- mapM_ free [ gameModelP game
- , gameViewP game
- , gameProjectionP game
- ]
+ mapM_
+ free
+ [ gameModelP game,
+ gameViewP game,
+ gameProjectionP game
+ ]
- SDL.destroyWindow window
- SDL.quit
+ SDL.destroyWindow window
+ SDL.quit
noKeyModifier :: SDL.KeyModifier
noKeyModifier = SDL.KeyModifier False False False False False False False False False False False
@@ -154,86 +163,100 @@ escapeKey = SDL.Keysym SDL.ScancodeEscape SDL.KeycodeEscape noKeyModifier
parseEvents :: Set SDL.Keysym -> MouseInputs -> IO (Set SDL.Keysym, MouseInputs)
parseEvents keys mouse = do
- events <- SDL.pollEvents
- return $ foldr handleEvents (keys, mouse) (fmap SDL.eventPayload events)
+ events <- SDL.pollEvents
+ return $ foldr handleEvents (keys, mouse) (fmap SDL.eventPayload events)
- :: SDL.EventPayload
- -> (Set SDL.Keysym, MouseInputs) -> (Set SDL.Keysym, MouseInputs)
+handleEvents ::
+ SDL.EventPayload ->
+ (Set SDL.Keysym, MouseInputs) ->
+ (Set SDL.Keysym, MouseInputs)
handleEvents event (k, m) =
- case event of
- SDL.KeyboardEvent (SDL.KeyboardEventData { SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion = e
- , SDL.keyboardEventKeysym = k'}) ->
+ case event of
+ SDL.KeyboardEvent
+ ( SDL.KeyboardEventData
+ { SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion = e,
+ SDL.keyboardEventKeysym = k'
+ }
+ ) ->
((if e == SDL.Released then Set.delete else Set.insert) k' k, m)
- SDL.MouseMotionEvent (SDL.MouseMotionEventData { SDL.mouseMotionEventPos = pos
- , SDL.mouseMotionEventRelMotion = vel
- }) ->
+ SDL.MouseMotionEvent
+ ( SDL.MouseMotionEventData
+ { SDL.mouseMotionEventPos = pos,
+ SDL.mouseMotionEventRelMotion = vel
+ }
+ ) ->
(k, MouseInputs pos vel Nothing)
- SDL.QuitEvent{} ->
- (Set.insert escapeKey k, m)
- _ -> (k, m)
+ SDL.QuitEvent {} ->
+ (Set.insert escapeKey k, m)
+ _ -> (k, m)
updateMouse :: MouseInputs -> Game -> Game
updateMouse mouse game =
- game { gameCamera = (gameCamera game)
- { cameraFront = front
- , cameraPitch = pitchDegrees
- , cameraYaw = yawDegrees
- }
- }
+ game
+ { gameCamera =
+ (gameCamera game)
+ { cameraFront = front,
+ cameraPitch = pitchDegrees,
+ cameraYaw = yawDegrees
+ }
+ }
camera = gameCamera game
front = normalize $ V3 (cos pitch * cos yaw) (sin pitch) (cos pitch * sin yaw)
pitch = toRadians pitchDegrees
- yaw = toRadians yawDegrees
+ yaw = toRadians yawDegrees
pitchDegrees = min 89 . max (-89) $ cameraPitch camera + negate dy
- yawDegrees = (`mod'` 360) $ cameraYaw camera + dx
+ yawDegrees = (`mod'` 360) $ cameraYaw camera + dx
sensitivity = 0.05
- V2 dx dy = (* sensitivity) . fromIntegral <$>
- if P (mouseRelative mouse) == mousePosition mouse
- then V2 0 0
- else mouseRelative mouse
+ V2 dx dy =
+ (* sensitivity) . fromIntegral
+ <$> if P (mouseRelative mouse) == mousePosition mouse
+ then V2 0 0
+ else mouseRelative mouse
setVertexAttribute :: GL.Program -> String -> Int -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
setVertexAttribute program name vertices stride offset = do
- let floatSize = sizeOf (1.0 :: Float)
- attrib <- GL.get $ GL.attribLocation program name
- GL.vertexAttribPointer attrib $= (GL.ToFloat, GL.VertexArrayDescriptor 2 GL.Float
- (fromIntegral $ stride * floatSize)
- (plusPtr nullPtr (offset * floatSize)))
- GL.vertexAttribArray attrib $= GL.Enabled
+ let floatSize = sizeOf (1.0 :: Float)
+ attrib <- GL.get $ GL.attribLocation program name
+ GL.vertexAttribPointer attrib
+ $= ( GL.ToFloat,
+ GL.VertexArrayDescriptor
+ 2
+ GL.Float
+ (fromIntegral $ stride * floatSize)
+ (plusPtr nullPtr (offset * floatSize))
+ )
+ GL.vertexAttribArray attrib $= GL.Enabled
getUniformLocation :: GL.UniformLocation -> GL.GLint
getUniformLocation (GL.UniformLocation i) = i
initResources :: IO Game
initResources = do
- vao <- GL.genObjectName
- GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Just vao
+ vao <- GL.genObjectName
+ GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Just vao
- vbo <- GL.genObjectName
- GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer $= Just vbo
- V.unsafeWith vertices $ \ptr ->
- GL.bufferData GL.ArrayBuffer $= (vectorSize vertices, castPtr ptr, GL.StaticDraw)
+ vbo <- GL.genObjectName
+ GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer $= Just vbo
+ V.unsafeWith vertices $ \ptr ->
+ GL.bufferData GL.ArrayBuffer $= (vectorSize vertices, castPtr ptr, GL.StaticDraw)
- prog <- createProgram
+ prog <- createProgram
- setVertexAttribute prog "position" 2 0 0
+ setVertexAttribute prog "position" 2 0 0
- modelP <- malloc
- viewP <- malloc
- projectionP <- malloc
+ modelP <- malloc
+ viewP <- malloc
+ projectionP <- malloc
- return $ initialGameState { gameProgram = Just prog
- , gameVao = Just vao
- , gameModelP = modelP
- , gameViewP = viewP
- , gameProjectionP = projectionP
- }
+ return $
+ initialGameState
+ { gameProgram = Just prog,
+ gameVao = Just vao,
+ gameModelP = modelP,
+ gameViewP = viewP,
+ gameProjectionP = projectionP
+ }
-- | Convert degrees to radians
toRadians :: Float -> Float
@@ -244,68 +267,82 @@ scaledMat n = ((n * identity) & _w . _w .~ 1)
draw :: Game -> IO ()
draw game@(Game {gameProgram = Just p, gameVao = Just v}) = do
- tick <- ticks
- GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 1 1 1 1
- GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
+ tick <- ticks
+ GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 1 1 1 1
+ GL.clear [GL.ColorBuffer, GL.DepthBuffer]
- GL.currentProgram $= gameProgram game
- GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= gameVao game
+ GL.currentProgram $= gameProgram game
+ GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= gameVao game
- model <- getUniformLocation <$> GL.uniformLocation p "model"
- view <- getUniformLocation <$> GL.uniformLocation p "view"
- projection <- getUniformLocation <$> GL.uniformLocation p "projection"
+ model <- getUniformLocation <$> GL.uniformLocation p "model"
+ view <- getUniformLocation <$> GL.uniformLocation p "view"
+ projection <- getUniformLocation <$> GL.uniformLocation p "projection"
- let camera = gameCamera game
- cameraPosition = cameraPos camera
- targetPosition = cameraPosition ^+^ cameraFront camera
- viewMatrix = lookAt cameraPosition targetPosition (cameraUp camera)
- projectionMatrix = perspective (toRadians 45) (640/480) 0.1 100
+ let camera = gameCamera game
+ cameraPosition = cameraPos camera
+ targetPosition = cameraPosition ^+^ cameraFront camera
+ viewMatrix = lookAt cameraPosition targetPosition (cameraUp camera)
+ projectionMatrix = perspective (toRadians 45) (640 / 480) 0.1 100
- poke (gameViewP game) viewMatrix
- poke (gameProjectionP game) projectionMatrix
+ poke (gameViewP game) viewMatrix
+ poke (gameProjectionP game) projectionMatrix
- GL.glUniformMatrix4fv view 1 1 (castPtr (gameViewP game))
- GL.glUniformMatrix4fv projection 1 1 (castPtr (gameProjectionP game))
+ GL.glUniformMatrix4fv view 1 1 (castPtr (gameViewP game))
+ GL.glUniformMatrix4fv projection 1 1 (castPtr (gameProjectionP game))
- ourColorLoc <- GL.uniformLocation p "ourColour"
- GL.uniform ourColorLoc $= (GL.Vector4 (1::Float) (sin (fromIntegral tick / 500) / 2 + 0.5) 1 1)
+ ourColorLoc <- GL.uniformLocation p "ourColour"
+ GL.uniform ourColorLoc $= (GL.Vector4 (1 :: Float) (sin (fromIntegral tick / 500) / 2 + 0.5) 1 1)
- forM_ locs $ \l -> do
- let modelMatrix = mkTransformation (axisAngle (V3 1 0 0) 0) l
- poke (gameModelP game) modelMatrix
- GL.glUniformMatrix4fv model 1 1 (castPtr (gameModelP game))
- GL.drawArrays GL.Triangles 0 6
+ forM_ locs $ \l -> do
+ let modelMatrix = mkTransformation (axisAngle (V3 1 0 0) 0) l
+ poke (gameModelP game) modelMatrix
+ GL.glUniformMatrix4fv model 1 1 (castPtr (gameModelP game))
+ GL.drawArrays GL.Triangles 0 6
- GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Nothing
- return ()
+ GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Nothing
+ return ()
vectorSize :: (Num b, V.Storable a) => V.Vector a -> b
vectorSize array = fromIntegral $ V.length array * sizeOf (1.0 :: Float)
vertices :: V.Vector Float
-vertices = V.fromList [ 0.5, -0.5
- , -0.5, -0.5
- , 0.5, 0.5
- , -0.5, 0.5
- , -0.5, -0.5
- , 0.5, 0.5
- ]
+vertices =
+ V.fromList
+ [ 0.5,
+ -0.5,
+ -0.5,
+ -0.5,
+ 0.5,
+ 0.5,
+ -0.5,
+ 0.5,
+ -0.5,
+ -0.5,
+ 0.5,
+ 0.5
+ ]
locs :: [V3 Float]
-locs = [ V3 0 0 0
- , V3 1 0 0
- , V3 2 0 0
- , V3 3 0 0
- , V3 4 0 0
- , V3 0 1 0
- , V3 1 1 0
- , V3 2 1 0
- , V3 3 1 0
- , V3 4 1 0
- ]
+locs =
+ [ V3 0 0 0,
+ V3 1 0 0,
+ V3 2 0 0,
+ V3 3 0 0,
+ V3 4 0 0,
+ V3 0 1 0,
+ V3 1 1 0,
+ V3 2 1 0,
+ V3 3 1 0,
+ V3 4 1 0
+ ]
texCoords :: V.Vector Float
-texCoords = V.fromList [ 0, 0
- , 1, 0
- , 0.5, 1
- ]
+texCoords =
+ V.fromList
+ [ 0,
+ 0,
+ 1,
+ 0,
+ 0.5,
+ 1
+ ]
diff --git a/src/Vivant/Noise.hs b/src/Vivant/Noise.hs
index 131ffce..32cd08e 100644
--- a/src/Vivant/Noise.hs
+++ b/src/Vivant/Noise.hs
@@ -1,61 +1,69 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-module Vivant.Noise
- (Permutation(..), perlin3, permutation, mkPermutation)
-import Control.Arrow
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Vector.Unboxed ((!))
-import Data.Word
-import System.Environment (getArgs)
-import qualified Codec.Picture as P
-import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+module Vivant.Noise (Permutation (..), perlin3, permutation, mkPermutation) where
+import qualified Codec.Picture as P
+import Control.Arrow
+import Data.Bits
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import Data.Vector.Unboxed ((!))
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
+import Data.Word
+import System.Environment (getArgs)
perlin3 :: (Ord a, Num a, RealFrac a, V.Unbox a) => Permutation -> (a, a, a) -> a
-perlin3 p (!x', !y', !z')
- = let (!xX, !x) = actuallyProperFraction x'
- (!yY, !y) = actuallyProperFraction y'
- (!zZ, !z) = actuallyProperFraction z'
- !u = fade x
- !v = fade y
- !w = fade z
- !h = xX
- !a = next p h + yY
- !b = next p (h+1) + yY
- !aa = next p a + zZ
- !ab = next p (a+1) + zZ
- !ba = next p b + zZ
- !bb = next p (b+1) + zZ
- !aaa = next p aa
- !aab = next p (aa+1)
- !aba = next p ab
- !abb = next p (ab+1)
- !baa = next p ba
- !bab = next p (ba+1)
- !bba = next p bb
- !bbb = next p (bb+1)
- in
- lerp w
- (lerp v
- (lerp u
- (grad aaa (x, y, z))
- (grad baa (x-1, y, z)))
- (lerp u
- (grad aba (x, y-1, z))
- (grad bba (x-1, y-1, z))))
- (lerp v
- (lerp u
- (grad aab (x, y, z-1))
- (grad bab (x-1, y, z-1)))
- (lerp u
- (grad abb (x, y-1, z-1))
- (grad bbb (x-1, y-1, z-1))))
+perlin3 p (!x', !y', !z') =
+ let (!xX, !x) = actuallyProperFraction x'
+ (!yY, !y) = actuallyProperFraction y'
+ (!zZ, !z) = actuallyProperFraction z'
+ !u = fade x
+ !v = fade y
+ !w = fade z
+ !h = xX
+ !a = next p h + yY
+ !b = next p (h + 1) + yY
+ !aa = next p a + zZ
+ !ab = next p (a + 1) + zZ
+ !ba = next p b + zZ
+ !bb = next p (b + 1) + zZ
+ !aaa = next p aa
+ !aab = next p (aa + 1)
+ !aba = next p ab
+ !abb = next p (ab + 1)
+ !baa = next p ba
+ !bab = next p (ba + 1)
+ !bba = next p bb
+ !bbb = next p (bb + 1)
+ in lerp
+ w
+ ( lerp
+ v
+ ( lerp
+ u
+ (grad aaa (x, y, z))
+ (grad baa (x -1, y, z))
+ )
+ ( lerp
+ u
+ (grad aba (x, y -1, z))
+ (grad bba (x -1, y -1, z))
+ )
+ )
+ ( lerp
+ v
+ ( lerp
+ u
+ (grad aab (x, y, z -1))
+ (grad bab (x -1, y, z -1))
+ )
+ ( lerp
+ u
+ (grad abb (x, y -1, z -1))
+ (grad bbb (x -1, y -1, z -1))
+ )
+ )
fade :: (Ord a, Num a) => a -> a
fade !t | 0 <= t, t <= 1 = t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10)
@@ -66,11 +74,24 @@ lerp !t !a !b | 0 <= t, t <= 1 = a + t * (b - a)
grad :: (Bits hash, Integral hash, Num a, V.Unbox a) => hash -> (a, a, a) -> a
grad !hash (!x, !y, !z) = dot3 (vks `V.unsafeIndex` fromIntegral (hash .&. 15)) (x, y, z)
- vks = V.fromList
- [ (1,1,0), (-1,1,0), (1,-1,0), (-1,-1,0)
- , (1,0,1), (-1,0,1), (1,0,-1), (-1,0,-1)
- , (0,1,1), (0,-1,1), (0,1,-1), (0,-1,-1)
- , (1,1,0), (-1,1,0), (0,-1,1), (0,-1,-1)
+ vks =
+ V.fromList
+ [ (1, 1, 0),
+ (-1, 1, 0),
+ (1, -1, 0),
+ (-1, -1, 0),
+ (1, 0, 1),
+ (-1, 0, 1),
+ (1, 0, -1),
+ (-1, 0, -1),
+ (0, 1, 1),
+ (0, -1, 1),
+ (0, 1, -1),
+ (0, -1, -1),
+ (1, 1, 0),
+ (-1, 1, 0),
+ (0, -1, 1),
+ (0, -1, -1)
dot3 :: Num a => (a, a, a) -> (a, a, a) -> a
@@ -78,55 +99,311 @@ dot3 (!x0, !y0, !z0) (!x1, !y1, !z1) = x0 * x1 + y0 * y1 + z0 * z1
-- Unlike `properFraction`, `actuallyProperFraction` rounds as intended.
actuallyProperFraction :: (RealFrac a, Integral b) => a -> (b, a)
-actuallyProperFraction x
- = let (ipart, fpart) = properFraction x
- r = if x >= 0 then (ipart, fpart)
- else (ipart-1, 1+fpart)
- in r
+actuallyProperFraction x =
+ let (ipart, fpart) = properFraction x
+ r =
+ if x >= 0
+ then (ipart, fpart)
+ else (ipart -1, 1 + fpart)
+ in r
newtype Permutation = Permutation (V.Vector Word8)
mkPermutation :: [Word8] -> Permutation
mkPermutation xs
- | length xs >= 256
- = Permutation . V.fromList $ xs
+ | length xs >= 256 =
+ Permutation . V.fromList $ xs
permutation :: Permutation
-permutation = mkPermutation
- [151,160,137,91,90,15,
- 131,13,201,95,96,53,194,233,7,225,140,36,103,30,69,142,8,99,37,240,21,10,23,
- 190, 6,148,247,120,234,75,0,26,197,62,94,252,219,203,117,35,11,32,57,177,33,
- 88,237,149,56,87,174,20,125,136,171,168, 68,175,74,165,71,134,139,48,27,166,
- 77,146,158,231,83,111,229,122,60,211,133,230,220,105,92,41,55,46,245,40,244,
- 102,143,54, 65,25,63,161, 1,216,80,73,209,76,132,187,208, 89,18,169,200,196,
- 135,130,116,188,159,86,164,100,109,198,173,186, 3,64,52,217,226,250,124,123,
- 5,202,38,147,118,126,255,82,85,212,207,206,59,227,47,16,58,17,182,189,28,42,
- 223,183,170,213,119,248,152, 2,44,154,163, 70,221,153,101,155,167, 43,172,9,
- 129,22,39,253, 19,98,108,110,79,113,224,232,178,185, 112,104,218,246,97,228,
- 251,34,242,193,238,210,144,12,191,179,162,241, 81,51,145,235,249,14,239,107,
- 49,192,214, 31,181,199,106,157,184, 84,204,176,115,121,50,45,127, 4,150,254,
- 138,236,205,93,222,114,67,29,24,72,243,141,128,195,78,66,215,61,156,180
- ]
+permutation =
+ mkPermutation
+ [ 151,
+ 160,
+ 137,
+ 91,
+ 90,
+ 15,
+ 131,
+ 13,
+ 201,
+ 95,
+ 96,
+ 53,
+ 194,
+ 233,
+ 7,
+ 225,
+ 140,
+ 36,
+ 103,
+ 30,
+ 69,
+ 142,
+ 8,
+ 99,
+ 37,
+ 240,
+ 21,
+ 10,
+ 23,
+ 190,
+ 6,
+ 148,
+ 247,
+ 120,
+ 234,
+ 75,
+ 0,
+ 26,
+ 197,
+ 62,
+ 94,
+ 252,
+ 219,
+ 203,
+ 117,
+ 35,
+ 11,
+ 32,
+ 57,
+ 177,
+ 33,
+ 88,
+ 237,
+ 149,
+ 56,
+ 87,
+ 174,
+ 20,
+ 125,
+ 136,
+ 171,
+ 168,
+ 68,
+ 175,
+ 74,
+ 165,
+ 71,
+ 134,
+ 139,
+ 48,
+ 27,
+ 166,
+ 77,
+ 146,
+ 158,
+ 231,
+ 83,
+ 111,
+ 229,
+ 122,
+ 60,
+ 211,
+ 133,
+ 230,
+ 220,
+ 105,
+ 92,
+ 41,
+ 55,
+ 46,
+ 245,
+ 40,
+ 244,
+ 102,
+ 143,
+ 54,
+ 65,
+ 25,
+ 63,
+ 161,
+ 1,
+ 216,
+ 80,
+ 73,
+ 209,
+ 76,
+ 132,
+ 187,
+ 208,
+ 89,
+ 18,
+ 169,
+ 200,
+ 196,
+ 135,
+ 130,
+ 116,
+ 188,
+ 159,
+ 86,
+ 164,
+ 100,
+ 109,
+ 198,
+ 173,
+ 186,
+ 3,
+ 64,
+ 52,
+ 217,
+ 226,
+ 250,
+ 124,
+ 123,
+ 5,
+ 202,
+ 38,
+ 147,
+ 118,
+ 126,
+ 255,
+ 82,
+ 85,
+ 212,
+ 207,
+ 206,
+ 59,
+ 227,
+ 47,
+ 16,
+ 58,
+ 17,
+ 182,
+ 189,
+ 28,
+ 42,
+ 223,
+ 183,
+ 170,
+ 213,
+ 119,
+ 248,
+ 152,
+ 2,
+ 44,
+ 154,
+ 163,
+ 70,
+ 221,
+ 153,
+ 101,
+ 155,
+ 167,
+ 43,
+ 172,
+ 9,
+ 129,
+ 22,
+ 39,
+ 253,
+ 19,
+ 98,
+ 108,
+ 110,
+ 79,
+ 113,
+ 224,
+ 232,
+ 178,
+ 185,
+ 112,
+ 104,
+ 218,
+ 246,
+ 97,
+ 228,
+ 251,
+ 34,
+ 242,
+ 193,
+ 238,
+ 210,
+ 144,
+ 12,
+ 191,
+ 179,
+ 162,
+ 241,
+ 81,
+ 51,
+ 145,
+ 235,
+ 249,
+ 14,
+ 239,
+ 107,
+ 49,
+ 192,
+ 214,
+ 31,
+ 181,
+ 199,
+ 106,
+ 157,
+ 184,
+ 84,
+ 204,
+ 176,
+ 115,
+ 121,
+ 50,
+ 45,
+ 127,
+ 4,
+ 150,
+ 254,
+ 138,
+ 236,
+ 205,
+ 93,
+ 222,
+ 114,
+ 67,
+ 29,
+ 24,
+ 72,
+ 243,
+ 141,
+ 128,
+ 195,
+ 78,
+ 66,
+ 215,
+ 61,
+ 156,
+ 180
+ ]
doubleToByte :: Double -> Word8
doubleToByte f = fromIntegral (truncate f :: Int)
next :: Permutation -> Int -> Int
-next (Permutation !v) !idx'
- = fromIntegral $ v `V.unsafeIndex` (fromIntegral idx' .&. 0xFF)
+next (Permutation !v) !idx' =
+ fromIntegral $ v `V.unsafeIndex` (fromIntegral idx' .&. 0xFF)
main = do
- [target, n] <- getArgs
- let image = P.generateImage (pixelRenderer n) 64 64
- P.writePng target image
+ [target, n] <- getArgs
+ let image = P.generateImage (pixelRenderer n) 64 64
+ P.writePng target image
pixelRenderer, pixelRenderer' :: String -> Int -> Int -> Word8
- pixelRenderer !n !x !y
- = doubleToByte $ ((perlin3 permutation ((fromIntegral x - 32) / 4,
- (fromIntegral y - 32) / 4, read n :: Double))+1)/2 * 128
+ pixelRenderer !n !x !y =
+ doubleToByte $
+ ( ( perlin3
+ permutation
+ ( (fromIntegral x - 32) / 4,
+ (fromIntegral y - 32) / 4,
+ read n :: Double
+ )
+ )
+ + 1
+ )
+ / 2
+ * 128
- pixelRenderer' !n x y
- = (\w -> doubleToByte $ ((w+1)/2 * 128)) -- w should be in [-1,+1]
+ pixelRenderer' !n x y =
+ (\w -> doubleToByte $ ((w + 1) / 2 * 128)) -- w should be in [-1,+1]
. perlin3 permutation
- . (\(x,y,z) -> ((x-256)/32, (y-256)/32, (z-256)/32))
+ . (\(x, y, z) -> ((x -256) / 32, (y -256) / 32, (z -256) / 32))
$ (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y, 0 :: Double)
diff --git a/src/Vivant/Shader.hs b/src/Vivant/Shader.hs
index c2df314..aa884c6 100644
--- a/src/Vivant/Shader.hs
+++ b/src/Vivant/Shader.hs
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
module Vivant.Shader (createProgram) where
-import Control.Monad (unless)
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import Control.Monad (unless)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
-import Paths_vivant (getDataDir)
-import SDL (($=))
-import System.Exit (exitFailure)
-import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
+import Paths_vivant (getDataDir)
+import SDL (($=))
+import System.Exit (exitFailure)
+import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
createProgram :: IO GL.Program
createProgram = do
- datadir <- getDataDir
- -- compile vertex shader
- vs <- GL.createShader GL.VertexShader
- vsSource <- BS.readFile $ datadir <> "/shaders/triangle.vert"
- GL.shaderSourceBS vs $= vsSource
- GL.compileShader vs
- vsOK <- GL.get $ GL.compileStatus vs
- unless vsOK $ do
- log <- GL.shaderInfoLog vs
- hPutStrLn stderr ("Error in vertex shader\n" <> log)
- exitFailure
+ datadir <- getDataDir
+ -- compile vertex shader
+ vs <- GL.createShader GL.VertexShader
+ vsSource <- BS.readFile $ datadir <> "/shaders/triangle.vert"
+ GL.shaderSourceBS vs $= vsSource
+ GL.compileShader vs
+ vsOK <- GL.get $ GL.compileStatus vs
+ unless vsOK $ do
+ log <- GL.shaderInfoLog vs
+ hPutStrLn stderr ("Error in vertex shader\n" <> log)
+ exitFailure
- -- Do it again for the fragment shader
- fs <- GL.createShader GL.FragmentShader
- fsSource <- BS.readFile $ datadir <> "/shaders/triangle.frag"
- GL.shaderSourceBS fs $= fsSource
- GL.compileShader fs
- fsOK <- GL.get $ GL.compileStatus fs
- unless fsOK $ do
- log <- GL.shaderInfoLog fs
- hPutStrLn stderr ("Error in fragment shader\n" <> log)
- exitFailure
+ -- Do it again for the fragment shader
+ fs <- GL.createShader GL.FragmentShader
+ fsSource <- BS.readFile $ datadir <> "/shaders/triangle.frag"
+ GL.shaderSourceBS fs $= fsSource
+ GL.compileShader fs
+ fsOK <- GL.get $ GL.compileStatus fs
+ unless fsOK $ do
+ log <- GL.shaderInfoLog fs
+ hPutStrLn stderr ("Error in fragment shader\n" <> log)
+ exitFailure
- program <- GL.createProgram
- GL.attachShader program vs
- GL.attachShader program fs
- GL.linkProgram program
- linkOK <- GL.get $ GL.linkStatus program
- GL.validateProgram program
- status <- GL.get $ GL.validateStatus program
- unless (linkOK && status) $ do
- hPutStrLn stderr "GL.linkProgram error"
- plog <- GL.get $ GL.programInfoLog program
- putStrLn plog
- exitFailure
- GL.currentProgram $= Just program
+ program <- GL.createProgram
+ GL.attachShader program vs
+ GL.attachShader program fs
+ GL.linkProgram program
+ linkOK <- GL.get $ GL.linkStatus program
+ GL.validateProgram program
+ status <- GL.get $ GL.validateStatus program
+ unless (linkOK && status) $ do
+ hPutStrLn stderr "GL.linkProgram error"
+ plog <- GL.get $ GL.programInfoLog program
+ putStrLn plog
+ exitFailure
+ GL.currentProgram $= Just program
- return program
+ return program
diff --git a/src/Vivant/Texture.hs b/src/Vivant/Texture.hs
index dceba80..d81a28a 100644
--- a/src/Vivant/Texture.hs
+++ b/src/Vivant/Texture.hs
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
module Vivant.Texture (initTexture, loadTexture) where
-import Codec.Picture.Jpg (decodeJpeg)
-import Codec.Picture.Types (convertImage)
-import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
-import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
+import Codec.Picture.Jpg (decodeJpeg)
+import Codec.Picture.Types (convertImage)
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.Vector.Storable as V
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
-import Paths_vivant (getDataDir)
+import Paths_vivant (getDataDir)
initTexture = do
- GL.textureWrapMode GL.Texture2D GL.S $= (GL.Mirrored, GL.Repeat)
- GL.textureWrapMode GL.Texture2D GL.T $= (GL.Mirrored, GL.Repeat)
- GL.textureBorderColor GL.Texture2D $= GL.Color4 1 1 1 1
- GL.textureFilter GL.Texture2D $= ((GL.Nearest, Nothing), GL.Linear')
+ GL.textureWrapMode GL.Texture2D GL.S $= (GL.Mirrored, GL.Repeat)
+ GL.textureWrapMode GL.Texture2D GL.T $= (GL.Mirrored, GL.Repeat)
+ GL.textureBorderColor GL.Texture2D $= GL.Color4 1 1 1 1
+ GL.textureFilter GL.Texture2D $= ((GL.Nearest, Nothing), GL.Linear')
loadTexture = do
- image <- BS.readFile $ datadir <> "/assets/wall.jpg"
- convertImage $ decodeJpeg image
+ image <- BS.readFile $ datadir <> "/assets/wall.jpg"
+ convertImage $ decodeJpeg image