path: root/src/Vivant.hs
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Correct the scaledMat functionHEADmasterYann Herklotz2021-01-031-2/+2
* Format and hlintYann Herklotz2021-01-031-36/+30
* Format with ormoluYann Herklotz2021-01-031-85/+170
* Update colours and looksYann Herklotz2021-01-021-4/+6
* Render terrain with lightingYann Herklotz2021-01-021-16/+53
* Successfully render terrainYann Herklotz2021-01-021-28/+14
* Add cube to renderable itemsYann Herklotz2020-12-301-57/+106
* Format with ormoluYann Herklotz2020-12-291-199/+236
* Format with stylish-haskellYann Herklotz2020-12-291-30/+30
* Add input handlingYann Herklotz2020-12-291-11/+142
* Add proper VAO and VBOYann Herklotz2020-12-281-25/+107
* Add haskell filesYann Herklotz2020-12-271-72/+44
* Rename to Vivant.hsYann Herklotz2020-12-271-0/+126